Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
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The Albemarle County Middle School Track Meet will be:
Thursday, May 1st at Monticello HS starting around 4:30 pm depending on when all buses arrive. This event is part of the Albemarle County Middle School Parks and Recs Sports Program
This Program is sponsored by Albemarle County Parks and Recreation. Events: 4x800 Mixed B/G), 100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter, 800 meter, 1600 meter, 4x100, 4x400, Softball Throw, Long Jump -Shot put (7th,8th Grade Only) . (Medals for 1st , 2nd and 3rd in Each Grade for all events) Note- Individual runners are limited to 2 individual events and 2 relays for a total of 4 events.
Relays are for 6/7/8 grade combined teams *(Coaches will enter one 4x800, 4 X 100 meter and 4x 400 relay teams for each school) (Medals for 1st and 2nd Teams in Relays) Trophies for 1st and 2nd Place Girls and Boys teams
*Students will be transported by School Bus to Monticello then parent's need to pick-up at Monticello High School.
Directions to Monticello HS: (1400 Independence Way, Charlottesville, VA 22902)
From 64, Take Exit 121 to Route 20.Go south on Route 20 for 1 mile. Then right on Independence Way School is on right in about 300 yards. at top of hill.
Awards in each event by Grade Level, even if grades run together except relays and Shot Put
4:30 Field Events Start
Long Jump, Softball throw -6/7 &8 scored by grade
4:30 Running Events Start- No Blocks are Used
4x800 relay One Heat -Mixed (2 Boys and 2 Girls on each team)
100 girls 6th grade
100 girls 7th grade
100 girls 8th grade
100 boys 6th grade
100 boys 7th grade
100 boys 8th grade
1600 Boys and Girls -(All grades run together in separate girls and boys heats)
200 girls (Same order of 6/7/8 grades as above)
200 boys (Same order of 6/7/8 grades as above)
800 girls, (6/7/8 grade heats-Rainbow start-Max of 15 entries in each heat )
800 boys, (6/7/8 grade heats-Rainbow start-Max of 15 entries in each heat )
400 girls ( full lap stagger - Same order of 6/7/8 grades100/200 heats as above=8 heats of 6 each)
400 boys (full lap stagger - Same order of 6/7/8 grades100/200 heats as above=8 heats of 6 each)
4 X 100 Relays = 1 Heat, 5 Teams for each of Girls and Boys
4 X 400 Relays = 1 Heat, 5 teams for each of Girls and Boys
Team scoring is 5-3-1 for individual events and 10-6-2 for relays
Team Awards for 1st and 2nd place team overall Girls and Boys combined.