Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Blacksburg Bruins Quad Meet is a middle school meet and will take place at the Blacksburg High School Track, 3401 Bruin Ln, Blacksburg, VA 24060.
Enter at the middle school, go left and follow the road around to the high school. Buses can park in the top lot by the high school. Spectators should park in the lower lot.
There is a $5 spectator fee. Concessions will be available. Restrooms are located at the visitor side of the football field.
Teams can set up tents on the grass field above the track. The infield area of the track should remain clear.
Field events will begin at 4:00pm. Running events will begin at 4:30pm. There will be no 4 x 800m relay due to lack of time and no lights. Order of events and meet specifics will be emailed out to all coaches.
Each team can register 6 athletes per event and one relay team per relay event.
Entries should be entered into MileStat by Monday 3/17 at 9:00 PM.
Password required. Only small number of teams will be competing at our opener meet. Email for password, if interested in attending.