Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
81st Annual Handley Track & Field Invitational
Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
Location: John Handley High School, Winchester, VA 22601
Director: Reed Prosser, DSA Head Coach: Lloyd Phillips
email -
phone # - 540 974-9817 540 662-3471
Time:7:45-8:15 amPole Vaulter & Implement Weigh-In
8:15 am Coaches Meeting in Team Room.
9:00 amTrack & Field Events Begin
Awards: Trophy: Team trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Medals: Top six (6) finishers in individual events
Medals: Top three (3) teams in relay events
MVP: Female and Male Field and Track
Entry Fee: $400 entry fee for both teams
Make checks payable to:
John Handley High School
c/o Reed Prosser, DSA
425 Handley Blvd.
Winchester, VA 22601
Admission: $7 all day. GoFan or credit card at the gate. No cash
VHSL/VHSCA/Admin Passes Only. No District/Region/Conference Passes
Trainer: Bart Stewart, JHHS Athletic Trainer
Invitational Mile: As part of the meet, we are going to host an invitational mile for the second year in a row. The race will be a full mile with a cap of 12 runners for the boys and girls mile. Our goal is to provide an opportunity to have as many boys race under 4:20 and girls under 5:05 as possible. Your entire team does NOT have to attend, but complete teams are welcome. We are going to make this as professional as possible with individual introductions and precise start time. Last year's athletes enjoyed the experience. There will be a gift for all athlete's who qualify.
Timing:FAT Timing will be used through Triad Timing. Submit FAT times only. If it is a hand time- ADD .24 seconds. In field events, please enter feet () and inches ().
Participation:As per the state limitations, athletes are permitted unlimited field entries and three running events, with the exception of athletes running in the 3200 meter run, who are restricted to two running events.
Entries:Entries are due by Monday, March 31, 2025 at 11:59 p.m through Milestat. Each team will have thirty four (34) entries plus one (1) relay team per school in each relay event. You may use those entries as you see fit. Only scratches will be allowed the day of the meet.
Jumps:Jumps Athletes in the Long Jump and Triple Jump will get four total jumps. There will be an open pit for at least 90 minutes to get in all four jumps.
Throws:Athletes in the Shot Put and Discus will get three throws and finals. We will start with the bottom flight and move to the top. Top 9 will make finals- 3 throws in finals. Minimum Distance Requirement TBD.
Note: In case of inclement weather, changes may be made by the games committee. Any changes will be announced at the coaches meeting.
All runners are to report to the bull pen (middle of the football field) or their field event on or before the SECOND CALL. Failure to report at this time will result in the athlete being scratched from that event.
All runners in lane events must return to the finish line in their proper lanes after the completion of each race.
All members of a team, when not participating in an event, must stay outside the track area.
Advise your athletes to use gate entranceways, and to NOT JUMP OVER THE FENCES surrounding our track.
We ask all coaches to remain away from the finish line and the F.A.T. tent at all times.
NO tents in the bleachers; tents only in grass areas.
Parking: Spectator parking areas are available on Handley Boulevard.
No bus parking in the student parking lot on Handley Boulevard.
Athlete drop off = Jefferson Street.
Bus Parking = lower end of Handley Blvd.
Food: Concessions are on site and a Hospitality Room is available for coaches, referees, and workers. No other personnel are allowed in the Hospitality Room.
81st Handley Invitational
Coaches Meeting 8:15 am
9:15 Running Events 9:00 Field Events
4x800m Relay Girls G Long Jump followed by B Long Jump
4x800m Relay Boys B Triple Jump followed by G Triple Jump
100m Hurdle Girls G High Jump followed by B High Jump
110m Hurdle Boys B Shot Put followed by G Shot Put
100m Dash Girls G Discus followed by B Discus
100m Dash Boys G Pole Vault followed by B Pole Vault
1600m Run Girls
1600m Run Boys
4x100m Relay Girls
4x100m Relay Boys
400m Dash Girls
400m Dash Boys
300m Hurdles Girls
300m Hurdles Boys
800m Run Girls
800m Run Boys
200m Dash Girls
200m Dash Boys
3200m Girls
3200m Boys
4x400m Relay Girls
4x400m Relay Boys