Meet Information
Please see Meet Info file for more Information:
Your entry fee is based on the number of events that you enter.
Tentative Time Schedule
Friday, May 7th: Girls then Boys with the exception of the Trials.
6:00 pm: Girls High Jump and Boys Triple Jump
6:00 pm: 100m Trials
6:30 pm: 110H / 100H Trials
7:00 pm: 800m
7:30 pm: Girls Triple Jump and Boys High Jump
7:45 pm: 100H / 110H Finals
100m Finals
8:00 pm: 3200m
9:00 pm: 300H
Saturday, May 8th: Running Events: Girls then Boys
4:00 pm: Boys Long Jump
Girls Pole Vault
Girls Shot Put
Boys Discus
5:30 pm: Girls Long Jump
Boys Pole Vault
Boys Shot
Girls Discus
4:00 pm: 4 x 800m
6:00 pm: 400m
6:45 pm: 4 x 100m
7:15 pm: 1600m
8:00 pm: 200m
8:30 pm: 4 x 400m
9:00 pm: Survivor Races*
Your entry fee is based on the number of events that you enter.
Tentative Time Schedule
Friday, May 7th: Girls then Boys with the exception of the Trials.
6:00 pm: Girls High Jump and Boys Triple Jump
6:00 pm: 100m Trials
6:30 pm: 110H / 100H Trials
7:00 pm: 800m
7:30 pm: Girls Triple Jump and Boys High Jump
7:45 pm: 100H / 110H Finals
100m Finals
8:00 pm: 3200m
9:00 pm: 300H
Saturday, May 8th: Running Events: Girls then Boys
4:00 pm: Boys Long Jump
Girls Pole Vault
Girls Shot Put
Boys Discus
5:30 pm: Girls Long Jump
Boys Pole Vault
Boys Shot
Girls Discus
4:00 pm: 4 x 800m
6:00 pm: 400m
6:45 pm: 4 x 100m
7:15 pm: 1600m
8:00 pm: 200m
8:30 pm: 4 x 400m
9:00 pm: Survivor Races*