Central District Outdoor T&F Championships 2010

Prince George, VA

Performance List

Licensed to Dinwiddie Co. High School           HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/17/2010
            Central District Championships - 5/13/2009 to 5/14/2009            
                           Prince George High School                           
                               Performance List                                
Event 1  Girls Long Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Shanice Goode                 10 Meadowbrook        17-06.00 
  2  Katea* Jemmott                12 Thomas Dale        17-05.50 
  3  Tova Harris                   10 Matoaca            17-02.50 
  4  April Wilson                   9 Thomas Dale        16-09.00 
  5  Leah Richardson*              11 Dinwiddie          16-07.00 
  6  Morgan Perry                   9 Dinwiddie          16-05.50 
  7  Takia Williams                11 Hopewell           16-04.00 
  8  Sarah Fulgham                 11 Thomas Dale        16-04.00 
  9  Chantikqua Tanner             11 Meadowbrook        15-11.50 
 10  Courtney Hannon*              10 Dinwiddie          15-08.00 
 11  Kayla Medina                   9 Colonial Hei       15-02.00 
 12  Jazmine Miller                10 Meadowbrook        14-10.00 
 13  Eloria Bailey                 12 Matoaca            14-06.75 
 14  Courtney Johnson              -- Prince George      14-06.00 
 15  Zanya Umpierre                11 Prince George      14-04.75 
 16  Brittany Drumright            12 Colonial Hei       14-04.75 
 17  Chelsea Hall                  10 Prince George      14-03.00 
 18  Alexis Farrior                -- Matoaca            14-01.00 
 19  Tyra Bell                      9 Hopewell           13-01.00 
 20  Jasmine Harris                 9 Colonial Hei             ND 
 21  Cherdae Kirkland              12 Petersburg               ND 
Event 2  Girls Triple Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Sarah Fulgham                 11 Thomas Dale        37-02.75 
  2  Tova Harris                   10 Matoaca            35-05.00 
  3  Katea* Jemmott                12 Thomas Dale        34-02.00 
  4  Chantikqua Tanner             11 Meadowbrook        33-08.00 
  5  Suzenne Rawlins               12 Dinwiddie          32-06.75 
  6  Diyea Thompson                10 Meadowbrook        32-01.00 
  7  Courtney Lawson                9 Meadowbrook        31-07.50 
  8  Eloria Bailey                 12 Matoaca            31-04.00 
  9  Courtney Hannon*              10 Dinwiddie          31-02.50 
 10  Zakiya Saunders               -- Prince George      30-09.50 
 11  Brittany Drumright            12 Colonial Hei       29-07.50 
 12  Tyra Bell                      9 Hopewell           25-11.50 
 13  Teasia Prosise                 9 Dinwiddie          25-02.50 
 14  Cherdae Kirkland              12 Petersburg               ND 
 15  Chandrea Coleman              12 Petersburg               ND 
 16  Victoria Motley               11 Petersburg               ND 
Event 3  Girls High Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Sarah Fulgham                 11 Thomas Dale         5-00.00 
  2  Ciarra Morris*                12 Meadowbrook         5-00.00 
  3  Taylor Reynolds                9 Thomas Dale         5-00.00 
  4  Shanice Goode                 10 Meadowbrook         4-10.00 
  5  Amanda Tomlin                 12 Prince George       4-10.00 
  6  Takia Williams                11 Hopewell            4-10.00 
  7  Angela Harris                 11 Meadowbrook         4-08.00 
  8  April Wilson                   9 Thomas Dale         4-06.00 
  9  Cherdae Kirkland              12 Petersburg          4-06.00 
 10  Brianna Tillery               -- Matoaca             4-06.00 
 11  Teasia Prosise                 9 Dinwiddie           4-04.00 
 12  Serina Jones                   9 Matoaca             4-04.00 
 13  Tiye Ford                     11 Matoaca             4-04.00 
 14  Emily Marshall                11 Prince George       4-04.00 
 15  Rachelle Gholson               9 Dinwiddie           4-00.00 
 16  Sophie Guillot*               11 Dinwiddie           4-00.00 
Event 4  Girls Shot Put
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Kristen* Greene               12 Thomas Dale        43-11.50 
  2  Alyssa Isham                  11 Prince George      37-04.25 
  3  Briana Arrington              11 Meadowbrook        37-01.50 
  4  Catherine Tucker*             11 Dinwiddie          34-06.00 
  5  Kortney Williams              12 Thomas Dale        34-05.00 
  6  Aaron Goldston                12 Meadowbrook        33-06.50 
  7  Tyja Smith                    10 Prince George      32-07.75 
  8  Latticia Moore                12 Prince George      32-05.00 
  9  Danielle* Sconion             11 Thomas Dale        31-04.00 
 10  D'Kiyarha Pruitt              -- Prince George      30-11.50 
 11  Tanya Rodriguez               12 Matoaca            30-10.50 
 12  Brianca Washington            -- Prince George      29-11.50 
 13  Deanna Jones                  11 Dinwiddie          29-10.00 
 14  Brianna Thomas                12 Hopewell           29-09.00 
 15  Shakera Taylor                12 Matoaca            29-06.50 
 16  Kareesha Fitzgerald           12 Matoaca            29-05.00 
 17  Marina Marrow                 11 Colonial Hei       28-10.00 
 18  Ashlyn Gray                   11 Meadowbrook        28-05.25 
 19  Brandi Lee                     9 Dinwiddie          26-00.00 
 20  Kaylana Gates                 10 Colonial Hei       13-11.00 
 21  Demita Whitaker               11 Petersburg               ND 
Event 5  Girls Discus Throw
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Alyssa Isham                  11 Prince George        123-02 
  2  Latticia Moore                12 Prince George        109-10 
  3  Kristen* Greene               12 Thomas Dale          108-10 
  4  Briana Arrington              11 Meadowbrook          107-02 
  5  Brianca Washington            -- Prince George        106-08 
  6  Catherine Tucker*             11 Dinwiddie            104-08 
  7  Kortney Williams              12 Thomas Dale          103-00 
  8  Aaron Goldston                12 Meadowbrook           89-06 
  9  Nekia* Sconion                11 Thomas Dale           86-09 
 10  Kareesha Fitzgerald           12 Matoaca               85-05 
 11  Deianira Jeffries             12 Matoaca               84-06 
 12  Brianna Thomas                12 Hopewell              84-02 
 13  Ashlyn Gray                   11 Meadowbrook           83-08 
 14  Tyja Smith                    10 Prince George         82-08 
 15  Angelina Fisher-Hewett        10 Matoaca               79-08 
 16  Joanne Clark                  10 Dinwiddie             74-00 
 17  Deanna Jones                  11 Dinwiddie             67-04 
 18  Marina Marrow                 11 Colonial Hei          59-09 
 19  Kaylana Gates                 10 Colonial Hei          37-11 
 20  Demita Whitaker               11 Petersburg               ND 
Event 6  Girls Pole Vault
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Emily Marshall                11 Prince George       7-00.00 
  2  Amanda Tomlin                 12 Prince George       7-00.00 
  3  Courtney Hannon*              10 Dinwiddie           6-00.00 
  4  Patricia Crance*              11 Dinwiddie           5-06.00 
  5  Melissa Tomlin                 9 Prince George       5-06.00 
  6  Malaysia Evans                11 Dinwiddie                NH 
Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Prince George                                       10:00.21 
     1) Amanda Tomlin 12                2) Diana Owens 11                 
     3) Emily Marshall 11               4) Kayla Hubert 10                
  2  Colonial Heights                                    11:23.34 
  3  Thomas Dale                                         11:32.00 
     1) Sarah* Oertel 11                2) Rachel Ellena 10               
     3) Taylor Jones 10                 4) Katie Crawford 10              
     5) Amanda Slate 9                  6) Michelle Hayes 9               
     7) Kylie Mccormick 9               8)                                
  4  Dinwiddie                                           12:41.44 
     1) Patricia Crance* 11             2) Sophie Guillot* 11             
     3) Aspen Brown* 11                 4) Candace Comer* 11              
     5) Porshe' Robinson 12             6)                                
  5  Matoaca                                             13:38.24 
     1) Emily Brock 12                  2) Amanda Whitt 11                
     3) Melanie Wyman 9                 4) Shannon Carroyll 10            
     5) Torie Walker --                 6) Aimee Hahn --                  
  6  Meadowbrook                                               NT 
     1) Akiera Whitehead 10             2) Chantikqua Tanner 11           
     3) Utica Brown 12                  4) Jazmine Miller 10              
     5) Armani Hall 9                   6)                                
Event 8  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Maya Morris                   12 Meadowbrook           16.07 
  2  Tyeshia Govans                12 Prince George         17.19 
  3  Eloria Bailey                 12 Matoaca               17.76 
  4  Cheryl Hairston*              11 Dinwiddie             17.99 
  5  Mariah* Taliaferro            10 Thomas Dale           18.25 
  6  Chelsea Carter                12 Thomas Dale           18.34 
  7  Shanice Goode                 10 Meadowbrook           18.44 
  8  Arielle Preston               11 Thomas Dale           18.64 
  9  chris Slaughter                9 Matoaca               19.20 
 10  Zhane Umpierre                10 Prince George         19.49 
 11  Sophie Guillot*               11 Dinwiddie             19.64 
 12  Akiera Whitehead              10 Meadowbrook              NT 
 13  Cherdae Kirkland              12 Petersburg               NT 
Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Torie Cunningham*             11 Meadowbrook           11.95 
  2  Katea* Jemmott                12 Thomas Dale           12.18 
  3  Sarah Fulgham                 11 Thomas Dale           12.44 
  4  Ciarra Morris*                12 Meadowbrook           12.60 
  5  Takia Williams                11 Hopewell              12.94 
  6  Morgan Perry                   9 Dinwiddie             13.06 
  7  Paris Cotman-Holmes           10 Meadowbrook           13.14 
  8  Suzenne Rawlins               12 Dinwiddie             13.34 
  9  Tova Harris                   10 Matoaca               13.44 
 10  Chelsea Hall                  10 Prince George         13.54 
 11  Courtney Johnson              -- Prince George         13.57 
 12  Taneisha Outlaw               -- Hopewell              13.64 
 13  Brittany Drumright            12 Colonial Hei          13.64 
 14  Kiara Ross                    12 Matoaca               13.64 
 15  Keondra Whitaker              11 Thomas Dale           13.84 
 16  Serina Jones                   9 Matoaca               13.89 
 17  Cameron Bonner*               10 Dinwiddie             14.04 
 18  Darrica Hardy                 -- Prince George         14.75 
 19  Destinee Taft                  9 Colonial Hei          15.94 
 20  Kayla Emerson                 -- Colonial Hei          16.24 
 21  Brittany Ridley                9 Petersburg               NT 
Event 10  Girls 1600 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Amanda Tomlin                 12 Prince George       5:20.92 
  2  Catherine Pulley              11 Colonial Hei        5:40.99 
  3  Emily Marshall                11 Prince George       5:41.86 
  4  Emily Brock                   12 Matoaca             6:03.54 
  5  Carrie Willis                 11 Colonial Hei        6:08.14 
  6  Diana Owens                   11 Prince George       6:11.24 
  7  Rachel Ellena                 10 Thomas Dale         6:14.24 
  8  Katy Crawford                 10 Thomas Dale         6:28.24 
  9  Sarah* Oertel                 11 Thomas Dale         6:31.02 
 10  Utica Brown                   12 Meadowbrook         6:41.15 
 11  Candace Comer*                11 Dinwiddie           7:51.69 
 12  Alyssia Robinson              11 Matoaca             8:13.24 
Event 11  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Thomas Dale                                            48.57 
     1) Katea* Jemmott 12               2) Sarah Fulgham 11               
     3) Keondra Whitaker 11             4) Chelsea Carter 12              
     5) Mariah* Taliaferro 10           6) April Wilson 9                 
     7) Nedrah Gray 10                  8) Taylor Reynolds 9              
  2  Meadowbrook                                            48.71 
     1) Ciarra Morris* 12               2) Angela Harris 11               
     3) Jasmaine Smith 11               4) Shanice Goode 10               
     5) Torie Cunningham* 11            6)                                
  3  Dinwiddie                                              51.53 
     1) Leah Richardson* 11             2) Suzenne Rawlins 12             
     3) Cameron Bonner* 10              4) Morgan Perry 9                 
     5) Courtney Hannon* 10             6)                                
  4  Prince George                                          53.28 
     1) Chelsea Hall 10                 2) Zanya Umpierre 11              
     3) Courtney Johnson --             4) Zakiya Saunders --             
  5  Matoaca                                                53.34 
     1) Tiye Ford 11                    2) Tiera Harrison 12              
     3) Kiara Ross 12                   4) Tova Harris 10                 
     5) Tiffany Harrison 12             6) Serina Jones 9                 
     7) Angelina Fisher-Hewett 10       8) Brianna Tillery --             
  6  Colonial Heights                                     1:04.34 
  7  Petersburg                                                NT 
     1) Victoria Motley 11              2) Cherdae Kirkland 12            
     3) J'Care Graves 9                 4) Brittany Ridley 9              
     5) Tianna Simpkins 10              6)                                
Event 12  Girls 400 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  April Wilson                   9 Thomas Dale           57.44 
  2  Desi Scott                    12 Prince George         57.47 
  3  Angela Harris                 11 Meadowbrook         1:00.03 
  4  Shawnee* Sweeney              11 Thomas Dale         1:02.22 
  5  Morgan Perry                   9 Dinwiddie           1:03.71 
  6  Jasmine Edwards               11 Matoaca             1:03.94 
  7  Diyea Thompson                10 Meadowbrook         1:04.84 
  8  Melody Thomasson*             10 Dinwiddie           1:05.34 
  9  Zakiya Saunders               -- Prince George       1:05.87 
 10  Kayla Medina                   9 Colonial Hei        1:06.55 
 11  Angelina Fisher-Hewett        10 Matoaca             1:06.74 
 12  Nedrah Gray                   10 Thomas Dale         1:08.04 
 13  Tiye Ford                     11 Matoaca             1:08.14 
 14  Jazmine Jefferson              9 Prince George       1:08.51 
 15  Briana* McWilliams            12 Thomas Dale         1:08.56 
 16  Tianna Simpkins               10 Petersburg          1:12.77 
 17  Alison Bowles                 11 Colonial Hei        1:13.84 
 18  Kamiran Shell                  9 Dinwiddie           1:25.14 
 19  Destinee Taft                  9 Colonial Hei             NT 
Event 13  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Tyeshia Govans                12 Prince George         47.65 
  2  Jasmaine Smith                11 Meadowbrook           50.74 
  3  Jazmine Miller                10 Meadowbrook           51.54 
  4  Cheryl Hairston*              11 Dinwiddie             51.98 
  5  Shanice Goode                 10 Meadowbrook           52.54 
  6  Dallas McElroy                 9 Thomas Dale           53.74 
  7  Zhane Brown                   10 Thomas Dale           54.74 
  8  Mariah* Taliaferro            10 Thomas Dale           56.10 
  9  Sophie Guillot*               11 Dinwiddie             56.75 
 10  Zhane Umpierre                10 Prince George         58.27 
 11  Jasmine Harris                 9 Colonial Hei        1:00.20 
 12  Chandrea Coleman              12 Petersburg               NT 
Event 14  Girls 800 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Desi Scott                    12 Prince George       2:21.78 
  2  Diana Owens                   11 Prince George       2:30.73 
  3  Melanie Wyman                  9 Matoaca             2:38.24 
  4  Kayla Hubert                  10 Prince George       2:42.48 
  5  Kylie Mccormick                9 Thomas Dale         2:49.94 
  6  Shannon Carroyll              10 Matoaca             2:51.14 
  7  Taylor Jones                  10 Thomas Dale         2:52.24 
  8  Abigail Rigby                 10 Colonial Hei        2:54.44 
  9  Aspen Brown*                  11 Dinwiddie           2:55.16 
 10  Amanda Slate                   9 Thomas Dale         2:57.24 
 11  Patricia Crance*              11 Dinwiddie           3:05.48 
 12  Priscilla Gibbs*              11 Dinwiddie           3:10.57 
 13  Utica Brown                   12 Meadowbrook              NT 
 14  Victoria Motley               11 Petersburg               NT 
Event 15  Girls 200 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Ciarra Morris*                12 Meadowbrook           24.94 
  2  Torie Cunningham*             11 Meadowbrook           25.01 
  3  Katea* Jemmott                12 Thomas Dale           25.71 
  4  April Wilson                   9 Thomas Dale           25.77 
  5  Paris Cotman-Holmes           10 Meadowbrook           25.84 
  6  Leah Richardson*              11 Dinwiddie             25.86 
  7  Jasmine Edwards               11 Matoaca               26.84 
  8  Angela Harris                 11 Meadowbrook           26.90 
  9  Takia Williams                11 Hopewell              27.34 
 10  Chelsea Hall                  10 Prince George         27.63 
 11  Sarah Fulgham                 11 Thomas Dale           28.44 
 12  Courtney Johnson              -- Prince George         28.67 
 13  Nedrah Gray                   10 Thomas Dale           28.94 
 14  Kayla Medina                   9 Colonial Hei          28.95 
 15  Kiara Ross                    12 Matoaca               29.04 
 16  Taneisha Outlaw               -- Hopewell              29.14 
 17  Sierra Smith                  10 Thomas Dale           29.24 
 18  Suzenne Rawlins               12 Dinwiddie             29.25 
 19  Keondra Whitaker              11 Thomas Dale           29.64 
 20  Brianna Tillery               -- Matoaca               29.84 
 21  Jazmine Jefferson              9 Prince George         30.34 
 22  Tyra Bell                      9 Hopewell              30.64 
 23  Brittni Jiggetts              12 Dinwiddie             32.84 
 24  Brittany Drumright            12 Colonial Hei          33.26 
 25  Alex Jolly                    -- Colonial Hei          39.64 
 26  J'Care Graves                  9 Petersburg               NT 
 27  Brittany Ridley                9 Petersburg               NT 
Event 16  Girls 3200 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Amanda Tomlin                 12 Prince George      11:21.38 
  2  Catherine Pulley              11 Colonial Hei       11:43.03 
  3  Emily Marshall                11 Prince George      11:49.46 
  4  Emily Brock                   12 Matoaca            13:00.24 
  5  Rachel Ellena                 10 Thomas Dale        13:30.24 
  6  Sarah* Oertel                 11 Thomas Dale        13:42.67 
  7  Amanda Whitt                  11 Matoaca            14:25.24 
  8  Elizabeth Nerdig              10 Prince George      15:14.31 
  9  Aimee Hahn                    -- Matoaca            15:36.24 
 10  Carrie Willis                 11 Colonial Hei             NT 
Event 17  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Prince George                                        4:10.07 
     1) Tyeshia Govans 12               2) Desi Scott 12                  
     3) Kayla Hubert 10                 4) Zakiya Saunders --             
  2  Meadowbrook                                          4:17.19 
     1) Jasmaine Smith 11               2) Shanice Goode 10               
     3) Akiera Whitehead 10             4) Diyea Thompson 10              
     5) Jazmine Miller 10               6) Paris Cotman-Holmes 10         
  3  Thomas Dale                                          4:22.74 
     1) Briana* McWilliams 12           2) Sierra Smith 10                
     3) Shawnee* Sweeney 11             4) Mariah* Taliaferro 10          
     5) April Wilson 9                  6) Nedrah Gray 10                 
     7) Paris Rashada 9                 8) Erica Keyes 10                 
  4  Dinwiddie                                            4:27.67 
     1) Sophie Guillot* 11              2) Cheryl Hairston* 11            
     3) Melody Thomasson* 10            4) Cameron Bonner* 10             
     5) Catherine Tucker* 11            6) Morgan Perry 9                 
  5  Matoaca                                              4:29.84 
     1) Tiye Ford 11                    2) Tiera Harrison 12              
     3) Tova Harris 10                  4) Melanie Wyman 9                
     5) Jasmine Edwards 11              6) Tiffany Harrison 12            
     7) Angelina Fisher-Hewett 10       8)                                
  6  Petersburg                                           4:52.40 
     1) Victoria Motley 11              2) Cherdae Kirkland 12            
     3) J'Care Graves 9                 4) Brittany Ridley 9              
     5) Tianna Simpkins 10              6)                                
  7  Colonial Heights                                     6:02.64 
Event 18  Boys Long Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Quintin Fulgham               12 Thomas Dale        24-05.75 
  2  Jamarian Bates                10 Matoaca            22-04.50 
  3  Domico Phillips               11 Meadowbrook        21-11.00 
  4  Garrett Tyler                 12 Meadowbrook        21-06.50 
  5  Sam Fort                      12 Prince George      20-10.00 
  6  Jacaurey Thomas               11 Meadowbrook        20-09.50 
  7  Tykwuan Weaver                10 Dinwiddie          20-08.50 
  8  Quintaze Jackson              12 Dinwiddie          20-08.25 
  9  Isaiah Cox                    12 Matoaca            20-08.00 
 10  Deon Lester                   10 Thomas Dale        20-00.00 
 11  Shakeel Weekes                12 Prince George      19-11.75 
 12  Kevin Carlie                  11 Prince George      19-07.00 
 13  Jacob Collier                  9 Matoaca            19-05.00 
 14  Taquarius Norwood             12 Thomas Dale        19-02.50 
 15  Tucker Westfall               10 Colonial Hei       18-11.75 
 16  Shelik Spencer                12 Hopewell           18-11.50 
 17  Christian Rodriguez           12 Colonial Hei       18-06.50 
 18  Quinton Batts                 11 Dinwiddie          18-04.00 
 19  Nicholas Ball                  9 Colonial Hei       17-04.00 
 20  Marlon Bell                   -- Hopewell           16-09.50 
 21  Deonta Key                    12 Petersburg               ND 
 22  Sharmari Rose                 11 Petersburg               ND 
Event 19  Boys Triple Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Quintin Fulgham               12 Thomas Dale        46-06.50 
  2  Garrett Tyler                 12 Meadowbrook        44-04.50 
  3  Quintaze Jackson              12 Dinwiddie          44-04.50 
  4  Jamarian Bates                10 Matoaca            44-00.50 
  5  Tykwuan Weaver                10 Dinwiddie          41-05.50 
  6  Tony Tyler                    10 Meadowbrook        41-03.75 
  7  Rodhem Roney                  10 Dinwiddie          40-06.50 
  8  Kevin Carlie                  11 Prince George      40-06.00 
  9  Isaiah Cox                    12 Matoaca            40-00.00 
 10  Christian Rodriguez           12 Colonial Hei       38-11.00 
 11  Anthony Edwards               10 Matoaca            38-09.00 
 12  Taquarius Norwood             12 Thomas Dale        38-06.00 
 13  Muqtadir Mustafa               9 Meadowbrook        38-05.00 
 14  Cody Bellamy                  10 Thomas Dale        37-10.50 
 15  Shakeel Weekes                12 Prince George      37-08.00 
 16  Gabriel Rosario               11 Prince George      37-04.00 
 17  Danny Stoneback               12 Colonial Hei       37-02.50 
 18  Jaxom Schiers                 10 Colonial Hei       36-01.00 
 19  Shelik Spencer                12 Hopewell           35-02.00 
 20  Sharmari Rose                 11 Petersburg               ND 
 21  Deonta Key                    12 Petersburg               ND 
Event 20  Boys High Jump
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Garrett Tyler                 12 Meadowbrook         6-08.00 
  2  Isaiah Cox                    12 Matoaca             6-03.00 
  3  Quintaze Jackson              12 Dinwiddie           5-10.00 
  4  Daquon Chapman                -- Prince George       5-08.00 
  5  Daniel Kelly                   9 Matoaca             5-07.00 
  6  Brandon Burton                12 Thomas Dale         5-06.00 
  7  Adontis Shelton               -- Prince George       5-06.00 
  8  Lamont Evans                  12 Matoaca             5-04.00 
  9  Tucker Westfall               10 Colonial Hei        5-04.00 
 10  Parnelle Shands               10 Dinwiddie           5-04.00 
 11  Michael Jones                 10 Dinwiddie           5-04.00 
 12  De'Quan Williams              -- Prince George       5-02.00 
 13  Shelik Spencer                12 Hopewell            5-00.00 
 14  Marlon Bell                   -- Hopewell            5-00.00 
 15  Christian Rodriguez           12 Colonial Hei             NH 
 16  Tyree Desmore                 -- Petersburg               NH 
 17  Deonta Key                    12 Petersburg               NH 
Event 21  Boys Shot Put
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Sam Hartman*                  11 Thomas Dale        51-09.50 
  2  Tevin Hanley                  12 Meadowbrook        47-08.25 
  3  Christopher Peck              12 Matoaca            45-10.00 
  4  Spencer Randolph              12 Thomas Dale        45-04.00 
  5  Dequan Chatman                12 Meadowbrook        44-06.50 
  6  Lindsey Ore                   12 Matoaca            43-11.50 
  7  Ronnie Ransome                11 Matoaca            43-05.00 
  8  J. Williams                   -- Hopewell           43-00.50 
  9  Dushaun Thompson              11 Meadowbrook        42-10.00 
 10  Nicholas Hawkes               12 Dinwiddie          42-08.00 
 11  Travis Barglof                10 Prince George      41-08.50 
 12  Evan Clay*                    11 Dinwiddie          40-08.50 
 13  Dominique Washington          10 Prince George      40-01.50 
 14  Caleb Johnson                  9 Prince George      39-03.50 
 15  Cavazie Blount                12 Dinwiddie          38-09.00 
 16  Alan Zhou                     -- Colonial Hei       37-01.50 
 17  Josh Childress                12 Thomas Dale        36-04.50 
 18  Brendan Hood                  11 Colonial Hei       32-10.00 
 19  Jacob Roark                   -- Hopewell           31-02.00 
 20  Logan Raburn                  12 Colonial Hei             ND 
 21  Levar Grant                   -- Petersburg               ND 
 22  DyQuan Hooper                 -- Petersburg               ND 
Event 22  Boys Discus Throw
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Dushaun Thompson              11 Meadowbrook          165-09 
  2  Sam Hartman*                  11 Thomas Dale          145-02 
  3  Dequan Chatman                12 Meadowbrook          139-06 
  4  Kyle Saunders                 12 Matoaca              120-10 
  5  Tevin Hanley                  12 Meadowbrook          120-08 
  6  Spencer Randolph              12 Thomas Dale       119-11.50 
  7  Evan Clay*                    11 Dinwiddie            118-04 
  8  Christopher Peck              12 Matoaca              117-11 
  9  Erik Greene                   11 Thomas Dale          115-10 
 10  Caleb Johnson                  9 Prince George        113-06 
 11  Raymond Coleman               12 Matoaca              113-02 
 12  Dominique Washington          10 Prince George        112-06 
 13  Nicholas Hawkes               12 Dinwiddie            110-00 
 14  Keith Pettaway*               12 Dinwiddie            104-06 
 15  J. Williams                   -- Hopewell              95-08 
 16  Travis Barglof                10 Prince George         87-07 
 17  Jacob Roark                   -- Hopewell           76-00.50 
 18  Brendan Hood                  11 Colonial Hei          64-00 
 19  Manuel Jimenez                -- Colonial Hei          58-02 
 20  Allen Rosas                   -- Colonial Hei             ND 
 21  DyQuan Hooper                 -- Petersburg               ND 
 22  Levar Grant                   -- Petersburg               ND 
Event 23  Boys Pole Vault
     Name                        Year School            Seed Mark           
  1  Shepley Burke                 11 Dinwiddie          10-06.00 
  2  Gerald Jackson                10 Prince George       9-00.00 
  3  Cody Wymer                    10 Prince George       9-00.00 
  4  Bailey Williams                9 Prince George       8-00.00 
  5  Joseph Taylor*                11 Dinwiddie                NH 
Event 24  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Thomas Dale                                          8:31.85 
     1) Jonathan Fox* 11                2) Chris Martin* 11               
     3) Adam Boyer* 12                  4) Scott Garton* 11               
     5) Aaron McCray 11                 6) Harrison Fink* 10              
  2  Prince George                                        8:44.88 
     1) Amir Vera 12                    2) Sam Fort 12                    
     3) Kevin Carlie 11                 4) Bailey Williams 9              
  3  Matoaca                                              8:52.11 
     1) Thomas Hartka 11                2) Ryan Dickerson 11              
     3) Matthew Parker 12               4) Chris Hocutt 11                
     5) Noah Moore 10                   6) Andrew Bean 10                 
     7) Ben Amadeo 10                   8) Taylor Ramos 11                
  4  Dinwiddie                                            9:02.92 
     1) Nelson Crance 11                2) Dane King 11                   
     3) Everett West 11                 4) Joseph Taylor* 11              
     5) Wade Townsend 12                6)                                
  5  Meadowbrook                                          9:15.03 
     1) Brandon Mcshine 9               2) Quentin Canada 9               
     3) William Louis 9                 4) Anthony Norfleet 12            
  6  Hopewell                                            10:35.24 
     1) Javon Quarles 12                2) Jacaur Woods 9                 
     3) Jonevas Rhone 12                4) R. Easingwood --               
     5) J. Lloyd --                     6)                                
  7  Colonial Heights                                    10:39.94 
     1) Devin Tucker 9                  2) Jerrid Whaling 9               
     3) Thompson Rowe 9                 4) Timothy McDaniel 7             
Event 25  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Danny Stoneback               12 Colonial Hei          14.64 
  2  Jameal Harris                 12 Matoaca               15.34 
  3  Romane Dorrel*                12 Meadowbrook           15.49 
  4  Shepley Burke                 11 Dinwiddie             16.25 
  5  Thaddeus Conner               11 Prince George         16.32 
  6  Trey Cherry                   12 Thomas Dale           16.64 
  7  Mack Berry                    11 Dinwiddie             16.77 
  8  Trevaughan Compton            10 Thomas Dale           17.04 
  9  Gabriel Rosario               11 Prince George         17.62 
 10  Joshua Baylor                  9 Thomas Dale           18.74 
 11  Gray Gwaltney                 12 Colonial Hei          19.04 
 12  Ira Black                     11 Dinwiddie             19.24 
 13  Jesse Thomas                  -- Prince George         22.54 
 14  Keon Holliday                 12 Meadowbrook              NT 
 15  Tony Tyler                    10 Meadowbrook              NT 
Event 26  Boys 100 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Keith Johnson                 11 Petersburg            10.75 
  2  Eric Magruder                 -- Petersburg            10.85 
  3  Quintin Fulgham               12 Thomas Dale           10.94 
  4  Terrance Edwards              12 Petersburg            10.95 
  5  Lorenzo Fields*               10 Thomas Dale           11.01 
  6  Ralphael Wheat                11 Thomas Dale           11.14 
  7  Devondre Pollard              -- Petersburg            11.20 
  8  Christian Rodriguez           12 Colonial Hei          11.30 
  9  Akil Dorsey                   11 Meadowbrook           11.33 
 10  Domico Phillips               11 Meadowbrook           11.34 
 11  Ditray Murray                 -- Prince George         11.43 
 12  Jamarian Bates                10 Matoaca               11.44 
 13  Deonta Key                    12 Petersburg            11.45 
 14  Tykwuan Weaver                10 Dinwiddie             11.48 
 15  Jeremy Anthony                10 Dinwiddie             11.51 
 16  Devante Hanks                 10 Meadowbrook           11.54 
 17  Deon Lester                   10 Thomas Dale           11.60 
 18  Jacob Collier                  9 Matoaca               11.60 
 19  De'Quan Williams              -- Prince George         11.61 
 20  Michael Dixon                  9 Thomas Dale           11.64 
 21  Jerel Parker                  11 Meadowbrook           11.64 
 22  Jermaine Edwards              12 Matoaca               11.69 
 23  Mitra Cook                    12 Prince George         11.71 
 24  Rodhem Roney                  10 Dinwiddie             11.79 
 25  Steele Driskill               12 Matoaca               11.84 
 26  Jhalyn Davis                  12 Thomas Dale           11.84 
 27  Lawrence Taylor               11 Prince George         11.93 
 28  Shelik Spencer                12 Hopewell              12.04 
 29  Keith Jefferson               10 Prince George         12.14 
 30  Dukquan Turner                12 Matoaca               12.20 
 31  Calvin Holmes                 -- Prince George         12.34 
 32  Lorenzo Parham                10 Matoaca               12.36 
 33  Riley Morgan                  -- Colonial Hei          12.37 
 34  Marlon Bell                   -- Hopewell              12.78 
 35  Terrance Terry                 9 Hopewell              12.84 
Event 27  Boys 1600 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Scott Garton*                 11 Thomas Dale         4:43.50 
  2  Thompson Rowe                  9 Colonial Hei        4:56.55 
  3  Dane King                     11 Dinwiddie           4:57.72 
  4  Andrew Bean                   10 Matoaca             5:03.34 
  5  Chris Martin*                 11 Thomas Dale         5:04.04 
  6  Jacob* Peters                 11 Thomas Dale         5:04.66 
  7  Bailey Williams                9 Prince George       5:07.21 
  8  Javon Quarles                 12 Hopewell            5:17.00 
  9  Adam Roberson                 11 Prince George       5:19.49 
 10  Ryan Dickerson                11 Matoaca             5:24.24 
 11  Christian Fox                  9 Matoaca             5:31.24 
 12  Christopher Fenner            10 Dinwiddie           5:32.99 
 13  Nelson Crance                 11 Dinwiddie           5:35.83 
 14  Nelson Leary                  -- Prince George       5:41.56 
 15  Jacaur Woods                   9 Hopewell            5:51.00 
 16  J. Lloyd                      -- Hopewell            5:52.00 
Event 28  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Thomas Dale                                            42.65 
     1) Jhalyn Davis 12                 2) Quintin Fulgham 12             
     3) Lorenzo Fields* 10              4) Michael Dixon 9                
     5) Byron Robinson* 9               6) Travis Bailey 12               
     7) Deon Lester 10                  8) Ralphael Wheat 11              
  2  Petersburg                                             42.90 
     1) Sharmari Rose 11                2) Deonta Key 12                  
     3) Keith Johnson 11                4) Demonte Gregory --             
     5) Stanley Jordan --               6) Terrance Edwards 12            
     7) Devondre Pollard --             8) Eric Magruder --               
  3  Meadowbrook                                            43.29 
     1) Domico Phillips 11              2) Jerel Parker 11                
     3) Devin Woodley 10                4) Devante Hanks 10               
     5) Akil Dorsey 11                  6)                                
  4  Prince George                                          44.36 
     1) Mitra Cook 12                   2) Lawrence Taylor 11             
     3) De'Quan Williams --             4) Ditray Murray --               
  5  Matoaca                                                44.84 
     1) Jermaine Edwards 12             2) Jamarian Bates 10              
     3) Jacob Collier 9                 4) Anthony Edwards 10             
     5) Alec Bailey 9                   6) Lorenzo Parham 10              
     7) Steele Driskill 12              8) Dukquan Turner 12              
  6  Dinwiddie                                              45.21 
     1) Quintaze Jackson 12             2) Tykwuan Weaver 10              
     3) Rodhem Roney 10                 4) Jeremy Anthony 10              
     5) Quinton Batts 11                6)                                
  7  Hopewell                                               45.56 
     1) Shelik Spencer 12               2) Jacaur Woods 9                 
     3) Jonevas Rhone 12                4) Marlon Bell --                 
     5) Terrance Terry 9                6)                                
  8  Colonial Heights                                       48.04 
     1) Danny Stoneback 12              2) Christian Rodriguez 12         
     3) Nicholas Ball 9                 4) Tucker Westfall 10             
     5) Jaxom Schiers 10                6) Riley Morgan --                
Event 29  Boys 400 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Byron Robinson*                9 Thomas Dale           49.34 
  2  Sharmari Rose                 11 Petersburg            50.25 
  3  Stanley Jordan                -- Petersburg            51.25 
  4  marion harris                 -- Petersburg            51.25 
  5  Reggie Love                   11 Prince George         51.87 
  6  Samuel Gunther                10 Matoaca               52.01 
  7  Dawid Bethea                  -- Petersburg            52.45 
  8  Jerel Parker                  11 Meadowbrook           53.25 
  9  Gabe Harris                   10 Matoaca               53.84 
 10  Taquarius Norwood             12 Thomas Dale           53.93 
 11  Malachi* Nkosi                12 Thomas Dale           54.36 
 12  Tony Tyler                    10 Meadowbrook           54.53 
 13  Fred Coefield                 11 Matoaca               55.04 
 14  Kevin Carlie                  11 Prince George         55.22 
 15  Benjamin Jordan               -- Petersburg            56.85 
 16  Amir Vera                     12 Prince George         57.66 
 17  Josh Patrick                  12 Dinwiddie             58.06 
 18  Christopher Fenner            10 Dinwiddie             58.64 
 19  Cordell Gibbs                 11 Dinwiddie             58.75 
 20  Jaquan Taft                   10 Colonial Hei          58.94 
 21  Timothy McDaniel               7 Colonial Hei        1:09.89 
 22  Jerrid Whaling                 9 Colonial Hei        1:10.40 
 23  Teimon Phillips               12 Meadowbrook              NT 
Event 30  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Romane Dorrel*                12 Meadowbrook           41.15 
  2  Jameal Harris                 12 Matoaca               41.84 
  3  Keon Holliday                 12 Meadowbrook           42.67 
  4  Thaddeus Conner               11 Prince George         43.18 
  5  Danny Stoneback               12 Colonial Hei          44.12 
  6  Shepley Burke                 11 Dinwiddie             44.61 
  7  Brandon Baugh                 10 Matoaca               44.80 
  8  Gabriel Rosario               11 Prince George         44.95 
  9  Nicholas Ball                  9 Colonial Hei          45.09 
 10  Trey Cherry                   12 Thomas Dale           45.62 
 11  Trevaughan Compton            10 Thomas Dale           45.99 
 12  Ira Black                     11 Dinwiddie             47.78 
 13  Gray Gwaltney                 12 Colonial Hei          47.84 
 14  Anthony Edwards               10 Matoaca               48.24 
 15  Mack Berry                    11 Dinwiddie             50.04 
 16  Jesse Thomas                  -- Prince George         52.03 
Event 31  Boys 800 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Sam Fort                      12 Prince George       1:59.78 
  2  Adam Boyer*                   12 Thomas Dale         2:06.34 
  3  Scott Garton*                 11 Thomas Dale         2:08.24 
  4  Everett West                  11 Dinwiddie           2:11.03 
  5  Harrison Fink*                10 Thomas Dale         2:11.24 
  6  Brandon Mcshine                9 Meadowbrook         2:13.14 
  7  Wade Townsend                 12 Dinwiddie           2:15.74 
  8  Noah Moore                    10 Matoaca             2:16.04 
  9  Javon Quarles                 12 Hopewell            2:20.00 
 10  Taylor Ramos                  11 Matoaca             2:23.64 
 11  Thompson Rowe                  9 Colonial Hei        2:24.47 
 12  Gerald Jackson                10 Prince George       2:25.24 
 13  Bailey Williams                9 Prince George       2:26.24 
 14  Ben Amadeo                    10 Matoaca             2:26.29 
 15  Vincent Garrett               10 Dinwiddie           2:28.57 
 16  Jerrid Whaling                 9 Colonial Hei        2:40.78 
 17  Timothy McDaniel               7 Colonial Hei        3:00.10 
 18  Dawid Bethea                  -- Petersburg               NT 
 19  Larry Epps                    -- Petersburg               NT 
Event 32  Boys 200 Meter Dash Prelims
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Terrance Edwards              12 Petersburg            21.65 
  2  Keith Johnson                 11 Petersburg            21.75 
  3  Quintin Fulgham               12 Thomas Dale           21.93 
  4  Lorenzo Fields*               10 Thomas Dale           22.03 
  5  Stanley Jordan                -- Petersburg            22.25 
  6  marion harris                 -- Petersburg            22.40 
  7  Devondre Pollard              -- Petersburg            22.52 
  8  Ditray Murray                 -- Prince George         23.03 
  9  Domico Phillips               11 Meadowbrook           23.04 
 10  Byron Robinson*                9 Thomas Dale           23.04 
 11  Akil Dorsey                   11 Meadowbrook           23.24 
 12  Samuel Gunther                10 Matoaca               23.41 
 13  Jermaine Edwards              12 Matoaca               23.74 
 14  Jeremy Anthony                10 Dinwiddie             23.84 
 15  Travis Bailey                 12 Thomas Dale           23.84 
 16  Fred Coefield                 11 Matoaca               23.84 
 17  Jamarian Bates                10 Matoaca               23.84 
 18  Mitra Cook                    12 Prince George         23.94 
 19  Devante Hanks                 10 Meadowbrook           24.24 
 20  Shelik Spencer                12 Hopewell              24.74 
 21  Shakeel Weekes                12 Prince George         24.90 
 22  Nicholas Ball                  9 Colonial Hei          25.04 
 23  Tykwuan Weaver                10 Dinwiddie             25.12 
 24  Jaquan Taft                   10 Colonial Hei          25.90 
 25  Jeremiah Hines                10 Dinwiddie             26.77 
 26  Marlon Bell                   -- Hopewell              29.64 
 27  Christian Rodriguez           12 Colonial Hei             NT 
Event 33  Boys 3200 Meter Run
     Name                        Year School                 Seed           
  1  Jacob* Peters                 11 Thomas Dale        10:38.00 
  2  Chris Martin*                 11 Thomas Dale        10:55.82 
  3  Brandon Goodwyn               10 Thomas Dale        11:01.36 
  4  Dane King                     11 Dinwiddie          11:03.95 
  5  Jonathan Fox*                 11 Thomas Dale        11:04.24 
  6  Matthew Parker                12 Matoaca            11:09.53 
  7  Lucas Cerully*                11 Thomas Dale        11:14.24 
  8  Devin Tucker                   9 Colonial Hei       11:27.38 
  9  Johnatan Wilkey               11 Prince George      12:05.24 
 10  Dylan Landes                   9 Matoaca            12:17.55 
 11  Matt Baucom                    9 Matoaca            12:19.24 
 12  Adam Roberson                 11 Prince George      12:35.39 
 13  Brian Palomo                  -- Prince George      13:09.59 
 14  R. Easingwood                 -- Hopewell           13:29.00 
Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
     School                                                  Seed           
  1  Thomas Dale                                          3:33.24 
     1) Adam Boyer* 12                  2) Quintin Fulgham 12             
     3) Lorenzo Fields* 10              4) Malachi* Nkosi 12              
     5) Trey Cherry 12                  6) Byron Robinson* 9              
     7) Taquarius Norwood 12            8) Trevaughan Compton 10          
  2  Prince George                                        3:38.96 
     1) Amir Vera 12                    2) Sam Fort 12                    
     3) Kevin Carlie 11                 4) Reggie Love 11                 
  3  Meadowbrook                                          3:42.24 
     1) Romane Dorrel* 12               2) Teimon Phillips 12             
     3) Keon Holliday 12                4) Jerel Parker 11                
     5) Tony Tyler 10                   6)                                
  4  Dinwiddie                                            3:50.31 
  5  Hopewell                                             4:33.94 
     1) Jacaur Woods 9                  2) Jonevas Rhone 12               
     3) J. Lloyd --                     4) Terrance Terry 9               
  6  Matoaca                                                   NT 
     1) Jameal Harris 12                2) Fred Coefield 11               
     3) Raymond Coleman 12              4) Samuel Gunther 10              
     5) Brandon Baugh 10                6) Greg Bean 11                   
     7) Gabe Harris 10                  8) Alec Bailey 9                  
  7  Petersburg                                                NT 
     1) Sharmari Rose 11                2) Keith Johnson 11               
     3) Stanley Jordan --               4) Devondre Pollard --            
     5) Eric Magruder --                6) Benjamin Jordan --             
     7) Dawid Bethea --                 8) marion harris --