
That agonizing stretch of school after Thanksgiving and before Winter break has come to a close, so it\'s time for another Jois Report. Of course, we\'ll need to wait a few more weeks for Indoor to get serious, and we missed out on a few potentially high quality meets due to rough weather, including the Episcopal Relays and a FUMA meet. Nevertheless, some athletes have already put forth noteworthy performances this indoor season.
Christopher Newport University hosted its first of two high school indoor track meets this season at the Freeman Center and recently dedicated Vince Brown Track with the CNU Winter Frolic. There were some expected results as well as suprising finishes from the meet. The Lake Braddock girls are year in and year out one of the state\'s top track programs and did not disprove that fact to start off this season as they earned the team title at CNU with a team score of 97 points. Meanwhile, the boys\' team title was awarded to suprising squad in the Denbigh boys (77.50 pts) as they finished ahead of the state\'s premier track program over the years in Deep Creek (2nd, 63 pts).
Performance list for the 2005 CNU Winter Frolic to be held Friday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th at Christopher Newport University\'s Freeman Center in Newport News, Virginia.