These Season Opening Story Lines Are The Real Deal's indoor Track Preseason Series.

Story Line #4
Will William Flemings' Duo Be Unstoppable? 


Tajai Jackson (middle) and Azavier Kirtley (left) are going to be two scary fast individuals this season. Both return as the second and third fastest 200m runners in 4A and first and second fastest in the 400. 

That means it is going to be a huge year for the William Fleming duo. They are likely going to be the guys to beat in the 4x2, 4x4, 300 and 500 this year and could actually bring home the team title just based on their performances. You are talking about potentially 56 points between the two. 

This first meet is going to show everyone what they are made of and if they can add that extra 100m into their repertoire for the 500 this indoor season.