Back in 2010,'s Brandon Miles walked the entire 5K state meet course at Great Meadow with video camera in hand to provide a course tour. Hopefully this will be helpful to teams and runners unable to preview the course before race day as well as a refresher for those in future years returning back to compete. Broken up into 3 video segments (start to 1 mile mark, 1 mile mark to 2 mile mark, 2 mile mark to 5K finish).
From meet management: The same course at Great Meadow will be used both days (Friday & Saturday) for this year's VHSL State Cross Country Championships. The same course used last year and the past several years for the state meet. NO back-up or variation course will be used for day 2. Course map below.
Course Preview Times: The course will be open on Thursday from 11:00 AM until 4:30 PM. If there is inclement weather, the course will be closed. The course will reopen on Friday after the last race at 2:30 PM (for Saturday participants) and will close again at 4:30 PM. Please stay off the course you are not racing on.
Course Map:
State Meet Course Video Tour - Start to 1 Mile Mark
State Meet Course Video Tour - 1 Mile Mark to 2 Mile Mark
State Meet Course Video Tour - 2 Mile Mark to Finish