Metro Run & Walk Northern Virginia Invitational Highlights: The Hyter twins and the Osbourn Park girls certainly got up for this weekend's invitational at Oakton. Osbourn Park was simply dominant on both days at the Northern Virginia Invitational and Bethany Hyter (pictured right by Ted Plunkett) had a large role with that dominance. Hyter won 400 on Friday in 58.69 and the 200 on Saturday in 25.61, which tied the meet record. Hyter also took second in the triple jump. Twin sister Brittany Hyter also posted a meet record time of 44.31 in the 300 meter hurdles and won the long jump in a PR mark of 17-10.25. Osbourn Park also had a meter record 4x100 meter relay (48.95). Westfield nearly had two girls under 5:10 in the 1600 with a 1-2 finish from Tasia Potasinski (5:09.17) and Kerry Hartman (5:10.23). Washington-Lee's John McGrail won a thrilling boys 1600 meter race over Friday night's 3200 winner Joe LoRusso of Oakton in 4:25.60 to LoRusso's 4:25.98. Complete resultsare now posted, while entered performances and a complete meet summary is on the way. Plenty of photos also being posted from the meet between a photo gallery by Ted Plunkett (814 photos now posted) and photo gallery by Mike Saunders (photos still being added).