Brentsville Relays: ER & Midlo girls put on national class duel, Witt & Midlo bounce back


Both course records went down in tonight's Brentsville Relays with some scorching individual splits and total team times as the cooler conditions must have been welcomed by the runners as shown by their race performances. The Eleanor Roosevelt girls from Maryland showed they are still a force to be reckoned with in the Southeast region and nationally despite graduation losses, as they were a minute and a half faster than their 2006 win at Brentsville to defeat a virtually identical Midlothian squad from last by a few seconds. Midlothian anchor Kathleen Lautzenheiser was able to make up quite a considerable deficit on Eleanor Roosevelt's Dominique Lockart for the fastest split ever at Brentsville Relays in 8:43, but not enough to pull Midlo ahead as the two outstanding programs gapped the field by quite a margin. Third place "A" race finishers from Lake Braddock won the combined team title as their depth was showcaed with the performances of their "B" and "C" teams earlier in the evening.

After the preseason Southeast region and Virginia #1 ranked Midlothian boys were dealt a humbling fourth place finish in their season opener at Great Meadow and great adversity with a major transfer loss as well as a few injuries, they rebounded nicely at Brentsville Relays thanks to a 7:27 anchor leg from Jason Witt (pictured above) to come from behind one of the teams which beat them last week in Mountain View. Mountain View had built an early lead after a great 7:26 second leg by Foot Locker finalist Thomas Porter. However, neither 2007 Foot Locker hopefuls Porter or Witt were distinguished with honors of the fastest split of the night as Turner Ashby junior Alex Ott opened up in a intense first leg battle with a 7:25 split. Mountain View showed why they still should be considered a better team than Midlothian until the Trojans can beat the Wildcats in a 5K race as their winning "B" and "C" teams earlier gave Coach Dave Davis' squad the overall title and second trophy to bring home.


Brentsville Relays Photo Gallery by Ted Plunkett - 648 photos total. More photos to come from Brandon Miles

Brentsville Relays Photo Galleries by Andy Paisley - B & C Girls (194 photos) - B & C Boys (87 photos)

Brentsville Relays Video: B & C Boys Legs #1-3 (additional video) - B & C Boys Legs #4-5 - B & C Girls Legs #1-2 (additional video)- B & C Girls Legs #3-5 - Championship A Boys Legs #1-3 - Championship A Boys Legs #4-5 - Championship A Girls Legs #1-3 - Championship A Girls Legs #4-5