Reminder: Entry deadline for Clash is Monday, Jan 21st

Who can forget the great anchor leg by Manchester's Anthony Chesson at the 2007 Clash to help the Lancers to come from behind on Bethel for a US #2 flat track time of 3:22.44. There were a total of four US #2 flat track performances in the first annual event last February. (Photo by John Herzog)

A reminder that the entry deadline for the second annual St. Christopher's Mid-Atlantic Track Clash on Saturday, February is coming up on Monday, February 2nd at noon. All must enter their athletes via The purpose of the Clash is to provide a high quality event on one of the state's best indoor track facilities with a single section, running events only finals bringing in the best the state has to offer. Similar to the huge jump that the Elite Track Gala in quality and depth of competition from its first year to second, expect to see the same improvements seen in the second annual St. Christopher's MAD Clash.