MileStat Awards: Who Is Athlete of the Year!?

Sprinter of The Year

Noah Lyles 

T.C. Williams - 2016

Noah started and finished the year as the guy to beat in the sprints. Though it should go noting that little brother Josephus seemed to finally find a way to beat him and actually taught him something about starts on an indoor track. That help led to a national record in the 200 en route to his back-to-back title. His time of 20.63 ranks him 13th in the entire world this year. 

If that wasn't enough... he ran 33.18 (US #2 all-time) in the 300 and helped set the state record in the 4x200 with his 20.5 unofficial split. 

Distance Runner of The Year

Drew Hunter

Loudoun Valley - 2016

Drew once again was unstoppable. He set two national records and even broke his own in just a three week span. He anchored Loudoun Valley's team to a DMR national title and really put together the greatest distance season on record for VA. It was unfortunate to not see him run at all in the state of VA this year but he should win the person of the year award for just running relays at his final indoor nationals.

Jumper of The Year

Titiana Marsh

Thomas Dale - 2018

Leading the nation from start to finish in the triple jump and once again setting a class record on her final attempt at states was Titiana Marsh. She leaped to a 42-4 sophomore national record at states and coupled that with one of the best long jumps our state has ever seen as well!

Hurdler of The Year

Brandee' Johnson

Nansemond River - 2016

This season was all over the place for Brandee'. She tried to win nearly every event she could and she basically did just that. Being that she didn't race the hurdles much it was hard to know how fast she was but at Nationals she finally showed us. The answer to the question was the fastest ever. She blazed the track and in the finals finished as an All-American with a new state record time of 7.66.

Thrower of The Year

Benedict Draghi 

Washington-Lee - 2017

On his very first throw at states he launched a state meet record and never looked back. That throw was good enough for the win and his season best of 61-4.75 ranks him VA #7 all-time. 

Vaulter of The Year

Chris St. Helen

Highland Springs - 2017

From start to finish Chris has been vaulting on another level from his competition. He is also situated very well to have a huge season next year where he could potentially move into a very elite top five group all-time. 

Relay of The Year

Chantilly's Boys Sprint Medley Relay

Though the event is not run often in VA, apparently when VA teams run it it is significant. The team of Loh, Scopellite, Jeffries, and McGorty was just too good for the entire nation. Loh and Scopellite took care of business but Titus Jeffries went next level with his 48 split to hand off to Brandon McGorty who then went 1:49! This team crossed the line in 3:24.02 to set the national record in this event.