Enough Is Enough! Time For A NFHS Rule Change

When we sought out to write this article it originally was titled - "Did Great Bridge Get Robbed At States?" but this piece, like few before it, really changed over time. It is clear now that the issue was not the officials, or meet management, or even the VHSL. The issue is the NFHS' rules regarding video and photo evidence. 

Simply put, if you have proof of something, an official should be able to use it. It is crazy to think we have a sport where the official after the race cannot look at a photo or video to see if their call was the right one. In this instance, it literally took away a state title. 

So we are saying enough is enough, it is time for the NFHS to move in line with the USATF and allow "available evidence, including any available video evidence". That is for non-predesignated video and photo cameras. 

Tweet at us @Milestatdotcom to let us know how you feel as well!

Should the rule be changed?

Should the NFHS Allow Video/Photo Evidence To Make The Right Call?