5 Biggest State Team Matchups This Weekend

4. Maggie Walker vs Western Albemarle vs Hidden Valley

The fourth biggest matchup of the weekend is the three way battle for the the Class 3 title. Here we will get to see the third rematch of Hidden Valley versus Western Albemarle with the added in former Class 2 powerhouse Maggie Walker now in Class 3. 

Last year's title went to Hidden Valley by the score of 35 to 72 and the previous year went 55-56 in favor of Western. So needless to say we are in the midst of a nice rivalry between these two programs at states. 

This year we are luck that it is a reclassification year and that means the addition of a new school, Maggie Walker to the mix. 

Current Virtual Meet Standings:

1Maggie Walker521+8+11+14+18 (23+24)2:36.0019:21.36
2Western Albemarle572+4+6+19+26 (28+29)1:06.0019:46.40
3Hidden Valley High School777+9+15+16+30 (34+47)1:08.8019:58.36

Don't let those numbers fool you though. This is 100% a three team race. At multiple parts in the season one of these teams has held the virtual meet lead while the others raced on harder courses or rested their top runners. 

This race will be one of the few that will take five runner's perfect race to win. Get ready for a fast and close one down in Salem this year.