Christian Cantwell of Missouri Cantwell holds the Big 12 record in the shot put (Missouri sports info)

1. Among your accolades, you are a 5-time All-American and hold the Big 12 record in the shot put with a mark of 70'04.50" which was in the top-five throws in the world in 2002. What sticks out in your mind as the top honor you have earned?

I don't really know of a top honor, but I believe my personal best performance ever was at the Drake relays this past year. For people who weren't there it was about 30 degrees and raining. With the ring covered in grass and water I managed my second best, to that point, throw ever of 69' (21.06). For that I was named The Drake Relays Athlete of the year.

2. Although you did not have your best showing at the 2002 NCAA Outdoor Championships, what do you think you can improve on heading into your next NCAA Championship meet?

Many people don't know that going into the NCAA meet last year I was seriously injured. I had hyper extended the middle two fingers on my hand 3 weeks before and until the day of the competition was contemplating not throwing. With that said I was still very disappointed because I felt I was the best thrower there, but was unable to perform up to my abilities. As far as this next year I am going into every meet with the same attitude I did last year and that is to just do as good as I can on that day and don't worry about anyone besides myself. I promise that I will do better at the NCAA's this year!

3. How did your off-season training go heading into this indoor season?

My training is in two parts. Obviously my last throw at NCAA's was the last time I picked up a shot and won't until late October. My lifting is going real well, I feel that we are addressing my weaknesses and building on my strengths. I feel as though I am in the best shape that I have ever been in and if my hand heels up then starting this indoor season there could be some magical things happen.

4. What are some of your personal best lifts such as the power clean, bench and squat?

My personal best bench press 610 lbs., power clean 480 lbs. ( also 400 lbs for 4 reps), and squatted 650 lbs. for 3 reps. Keep in mind these are personal bests. My squat is down as my coach and I determined that for me a faster squat is more effective than a big squat. But I still do respectable weight 450 lbs. for 5. Also we don't do any one rep maxes anymore so my best clean for reps is the 400 lbs. x 4 (I will do more soon).

5. What kind of advice can you give someone who wants to give the throwing events a try for the first time?

The throwing events are very frustrating at times so just don't give up. If you work hard and pay attention to the details then you will see improvement, but be aware sometimes the improvement doesn't mean distance either. It could come in the form of better technique and athletes that will eventually become into further throws. So just be patient.

6. The World Outdoor Championships are going to be hosted by Paris in 2003. Given the strength of the U.S. in the shot put, where do you see yourself among the best of them heading into the trials?

I don't really like to compare myself with others. The USA is the best in the shot put hands down. I would like to believe that I have a smart part in that. Obviously John Godina, Adam Nelson, and Kevin Toth see themselves on that World Championship team and they are going to work hard to get there. I will work to try to make that team and hopefully I will. I believe that if I continue to improve and work hard everyday then on the trials day I will have earned a spot on the World Championship team.

7. Who has influenced you the most for being where you are at in your athletic career right now?

There are so many people who have helped me get were I am and I am incredible indebted to these people. Since there are so many I will tell you two who have had a great impact on my career and they are my head coach Rick McGuire and throws coach Brett Halter. Without these two individual I would not be were I am today.

8. Who would win in a 4x100m relay between a top group of the Missouri throwers or distance runners?

In 4x100 race we would beat any distance team in the country, just kidding, but we would beat our Missouri runners. Don't read this wrong they are extremely talented and making waves in the distance events, but I think we would beat them in a 4x 100. Now they would kill us in a 4 x800.

9. How do you think we can improve our sport overall so more fans are interested in coming to a track & field meet?

I think that you have to create a tradition or rivalry that plays out a story of some sort. If you have the battle between two people were one of the individual wins every time then it is boring, but if you have a rivalry were no one knows who is going to win then it is entertaining to see who will win on that day. This is obviously something you cannot create. I know that it make the competition more exciting if you have competitors that are great and either of them could win. (ex. Nelson, Godina, and Toth this year creating so much excitement around the shot put, with all winning at some point)

10. What is one thing that most people don't know about you?

Something people don't always know about me is that I am just a nice person. A lot of people see a big guy with a goatee and assume they are mean, but that is not the case at all.