Josh Spiker of Wisconsin Spiker looks forward to another great season in cross country and track

1. As a redshirt freshman last season, you ran one of the best races of your life to take third in the NCAA 1500 meter final after having the 24th fastest time in the country entering the championships. Describe the race and the qualifying round leading up to it.

I barely even got into nationals and my training was embarassing from April 15th to nationals (due to a stress fracture in my pubic ramus, which I did not know at the time) so I was happy to go but disappointed I was in horrible shape. The qualifying race was crazy. All 10 guys were within 1/2 of a second of each other. The race went out slow and finished fast. I got caught sleeping and was last with 100 to go. I kicked and took 5th, claiming the last spot for the finals, so you can say I got a little lucky.

The finals were also interesting. Because of my lack luster fitness level, my coach and I decided to go straight to last and pick people off as they fell off. I was last with 400 to go and then passed a few people in the last 300 meters. With 100 to go I think I was sitting in 8th. I kicked and got 3rd. I was excited with 3rd, considering my awful and sissy training, but was disappointed that I had so much left in the end as I never tied up. My last 400 was 1/2 second faster than anyone elses and my last 100 was also 1/2 second faster than anyone elses. Overall I was happy and learned some important lessons.

2. This was also your second All-American honor of the track season as being a member of the second place NCAA indoor distance medley relay. Can we expect another title run with the relay while only losing Jabari Pride due to graduation?

We are definitely going for the title, as long as we stay healthy. Dan Murray ran 1:47 high last year outdoors and we have some 46-47 second 400 meter guys. Festa is back and hopefully I will be in better shape. By the time Murray and I graduate we want to set the national record.

3. Wisconsin was ranked 4th in the Mondo Preseason Cross Country poll after finishing 5th as a team last season. How strong will your team be heading into the Big 10 and regional championship meets?

Our team is in stellar shape. Everyone trained hard this summer (except me because I took 10 weeks off because of stress fracture) and we are ready to rock and roll. Adam Wallace is a machine and trained harder than anyone I have ever met. He did everything he possibly could have to be his best. If we are healthy I can't see anyone beating us at Big Ten meet, but you never know. We usually just run comfortably at regionals to qualify so we will probably lose. Last year we were 4th and just cruised. At nationals we were 5th and the top team from our region.

4. You've also been battling some injuries so far this cross country season after taking 8th overall in the NCAA Championship last season in 29:29. How is your training going along with your recovery from those injuries?

Not very good. I missed a total of 10 weeks this summer. My first day of running was September 2nd. Now little stuff keeps popping up and forcing me to take days off, so I am really pissed and in a bad mood on that. Eventually I will be ok though.

5. It must have been tough to trade in sunny California where you grew up for the snow in Wisconsin. What was the deciding factor in choosing the University of Wisconsin?

I liked the coach a lot and felt the team chemistry matched well. I also liked the city of Madison and the arboretum is awesome to train in. Overall everything just felt right and Im definitely glad I came here.

6. Will anyone be able to knock off Boaz Cheboiywo from Eastern Michigan at the NCAA Championships let alone anytime this season?

Honestly if Boaz is healthy I can't see anyone beating him. He wins with ease as it doesn't even look like he was ever pushed at cross country nationals last year or the 10,000 meters outdoors. The only way he can lose is if he beats himself, or if some other superstar Kenyan comes to the states.

7. What has been your favorite cross country course to run on during your collegiate career so far?

I would say Minnesota. It has a killer variety of hills, turns, and flats. It is hard, but not bad and you can still run fast times.

8. You are also into web design and production with two sites: and How much time are you able to dedicate to those sites and describe what they are about. is my personal site. I just try to have some comical running stuff on there as well as advice from elite athletes. It offers a slightly different view on running. Runner X is a runner who is untouchable and trains harder than anyone else. He is the ideal runner. We are not sure what we want to do with the site.

9. You defeated Alan Webb of Michigan at the NCAA Championships twice last season. Do we expect you to jump ship and sign a professional contract any time soon?

Well if someone gives me $20 I'll go pro. Not really. But I do agree with Webb's decision and would do the same thing if I got anywhere close to what he got. I love the team here, and wouldn't want to run for any other team, but I would love to run professionally and not have to deal with school or the other hassles of collegiate running.

10. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now after your time spent at Wisconsin and what type of goals have you set for yourself?

I want to run 3:30 and truly believe I can if I stay healthy and train smart. I want to make an olympic team and be a USA champion. I dont know where I'll be though.