Lolo Jones of LSU Jones will be one of the favorites in the hurdles this season (LSU sports info)

1. You really came through last season by claiming second in the 100 meter hurdles outdoors and taking fourth in the 60 meter hurdles indoors at the NCAA Championships. What would you like to accomplish this season and beyond?

This year what I want to acccomplish is to just improve upon last year's performance. If I can do that, there can be no complaints.

2. You broke 13 seconds in the 100 meter hurdles a couple times already. What are you working on the most to improve on your time and break that barrier again?

I broke 13 seconds with a wind aided time of 12.87 in Houston, but I "officially" broke the 13 second barrier again when I ran 12.86 against Danielle Carruthers of Indiana in the semi-finals at the 2002 NCAA Outdoor Championships.

3. As a part of the NCAA runner-up 4x100 meter relay last season, how much are you looking forward to the relay this season?

I'm really looking forward to the 4x100 meter relay team this year. Last year I really had fun on the team. I also think it helped my hurdle performance.

4. In 2001, you were the SEC runner-up in the 100-meter hurdles as you competed in the prelims of the event after spending the evening at the hospital. How did you manage to overcome everything and still compete that day?

Everybody told me not to eat ribs at a MEXICAN RESTAURANT! To tell you the truth, I owe that one to God. Right before I was about to run, it began to storm and lighting so there was a rain delay. That gave the doctors and trainers enough time to run a couple more I.V.'s through my arm and get me hydrated.

5. How much has coach Shaver and the rest of the coaching staff at LSU helped you to be where you are today?

Without out the help of the coaching staff at LSU, I would not be in my current state in any way, shape or form. Especially coach Shaver as for example, he will sit and watch a tape of you running thirty times -- just to find one little thing that will help drop your race time by a hundreth of a second.

6. The Trackwire 25 pre-season rankings had the Lady Tigers as the favorite to claim the NCAA indoor title. What will it take for yourself and your teammates to step up and pull together to score the most points at the NCAA indoor meet?

Since this interview and as recently as a couple days ago, LSU's ranking dropped to second (how dare they)! It's fine by me! Last year we were ranked second and we won. I like being the underdog as it prevents our team from getting a big head. Don't look for Jones to try the 400 meter hurdles anytime soon (LSU sports info)

7. Have you ever considered giving the 400 meter hurdles a try on a regular basis?

I would have to say no. Considering the fact that the first and last time I ran that race in high school, not only one or two -- but three paramedics had to carry me off the track. Don't get me wrong, I can run a fire quarter hurdle race and especially since I've been in college, but what's that saying, "don't mess with a good thing?"

8. What other sports were you involved in during high school and how did they help your abilities to compete in the spring for track?

I played a little basketball in high school and the only thing it helped me realize is that I needed to stay on the track! I also ran cross country as well. It's so easy to forget because after our coach said we had 6 a.m morning runs, I became the manager.

9. For all of the young hurdlers out there, what kind of advice can you give them to start in the right direction?

I would say the key to success is getting involved in a lot of school activities. In high school, I was involved in everything from the school's orchestra to the Art and Spanish club. Then I was also involved in sports year round.

10. What do you enjoy the most when you are away from the track?

If you interviewed a 100 college students and asked them this question, 99 of them would say sleeping and watching some TV.