Adam Shunk of North Carolina Shunk placed second in the NCAA high jump indoors last year (UNC sports info)

1. You had a standout season at North Carolina last year by taking second in the high jump indoors and fifth outdoors at the NCAA Championships. How high do you think it will take to win the title this season and how have things gone for you so far?

It is no secret that the NCAA high jump was definitely down last year and this year will probably be less than par as well. I feel that the title is wide open and there are 3 or 4 guys that could win. To summarize my season; I broke my foot the first month of school and missed some key training, but I feel like I am catching up fast and I am definitely planning on reaching new heights this season.

2. Your personal best leap of 7'04.50" was set last year at the Tar Heel Elite. What is your focus to achieve to get to and break that height?

Avoid injuries: Last year I was unable to train during outdoor season due to the stress fractures in my back. I was basically showing up to meets with little practice and trying to jump. If I am able to maintain my training throughout this season I am very confident that I wont have much trouble posting a personal best.

3. This will be your second and final year at UNC after transferring from Ball State. How has the move to the ACC school gone for you and what was the most difficult transition you had to make?

I love North Carolina and the ACC. The increase in the level of competition and of course those Carolina Blue Skies definitely facilitate both my training and competition results. The transition actually went very well for me, I feel very comfortable with the team here and Coach Craddock.

4. What has been the most rewarding experience so far for you in your collegiate career?

I feel very fortunate to be a Division I athlete. Looking back, the experiences of traveling, the friends I have made (what up Mark and Wood), and the success I have achieved are the most rewarding things to me.

5. After you graduate, have you thought about where you would like to train to continue your athletic career or is that something you wish not to pursue at this time?

Well, right now I am waiting to hear from the graduate schools I have applied to. If everything falls into place next year I would love to continue training wherever I am in school.

6. What are some of the best places to visit on the campus of North Carolina and within the city of Chapel Hill?

Chapel Hill is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. If I had to pinpoint my favorite place, it would probably be the "coffee shop" on Franklin street. I am a huge fan of live music and that is one of the best places to take it in.

7. Describe a typical week of practice that you have to endure during the competition season.

I am a big fan of dunking, Coach Craddock allows Tree (my training partner) and I to light up the basketball court on occasion. I also do a lot of plyometrics and lifting early in the week then recover on Thursday and Friday before I jump. I probably exemplify the myth of the lazy high jumper.

8. The ACC Outdoor Championships are usually held several weeks before the NCAA meet. Does this add any pressure on you to peak before many other athletes around the country?

This issue is the only negative thing about being in the Atlantic Coast Conference. It does create some problems for national qualifying athletes to have to peak at two different times. In my situation, I typically train through ACC's somewhat and try to place more of an emphasis on NCAA's.

9. Looking back upon your athletic career so far, is there anything that you wish you could change that could have possibly helped you perform better?

Like any track and field athlete prone to injury, I wish I would have had one completely injury free season. That is an abstraction though, and I am satisfied with my accomplishments thus far in my collegiate career.

10. Who are some of the people in your life who have influenced you the most?

My family has always been extremely supportive of me. Coach Craddock has played an integrate part of my development on and off the track. I contribute a lot of my success to my brother Aaron who paved the way for me in the high jump. I also got to give a shout out to my girlfriend Patricia.