Meet Information
Athletes limited to a max of 3 individual events. Please be cognizant of the meet schedule when entering athletes -- races and flights will NOT be delayed for athletes entered in multiple events.
Meet information page:
HS--Blue (Large Schools-AAA-size VA Schools and non-VA schools -- all must be full members of their state associations);
HS--Silver (small schools- A- & AA-size VHSL, & Private VA)
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.
Meet information page:
HS--Blue (Large Schools-AAA-size VA Schools and non-VA schools -- all must be full members of their state associations);
HS--Silver (small schools- A- & AA-size VHSL, & Private VA)
Registration help:
Note that these instructions are on the US Portal and you will have to return to your state site to actually find your team and enter the meet.