Central District XC Championships 2012 vs Central District XC Championships 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +13 138 125
Overall Average +0.28 23:23.20 23:22.92
1st-10th Place -9.10 17:56.30 18:05.40
1st-25th Place -2.52 18:45.12 18:47.64
1st-50th Place +0.38 19:42.96 19:42.58
1st-100th Place -13.80 21:30.04 21:43.84
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster 23 39 16
Ran Season Best -42 13 55
Average Time -30.25 21:49.09 22:19.35
Median Time +7.00 21:20.00 21:13.00
Middle 80% Times -26.36 21:38.00 22:04.36
Top 10% Times -50.00 17:48.17 18:38.17
Top 25% Times -43.79 18:22.79 19:06.57
Top 50% Times -37.32 19:14.89 19:52.21
Bottom 50% Times -22.11 23:36.54 23:58.64
Bottom 25% Times -41.64 26:10.14 26:51.79
Bottom 10% Times -42.50 27:49.33 28:31.83
Average Difference -30.25 -- --
Median Difference -1:09.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -30.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference -31.33 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.07 -- --
Top 25% Difference -43.29 -- --
Top 50% Difference -36.07 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -25.82 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -45.14 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -35.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joseph Alexander Smith* Prince George High School -1:43.00 17:35.00 19:18.00
Andrew Lanier Matoaca High School -1:25.00 17:41.00 19:06.00
Nathaniel King* Matoaca High School -51.00 17:43.00 18:34.00
Andrew Beehler Prince George High School -58.00 17:53.00 18:51.00
Austin Correia* Thomas Dale +6.00 18:01.00 17:55.00
Jacob Wardle* Dinwiddie -1:02.00 17:56.00 18:58.00
Harrison Wood* Thomas Dale -1:20.00 18:10.00 19:30.00
Tyler Spence* Prince George High School -1:24.00 18:24.00 19:48.00
Thompson Rowe* Colonial Heights -15.00 18:32.00 18:47.00
Christian Fox Matoaca High School -8.00 18:36.00 18:44.00
Matt Baucom Matoaca High School -19.00 19:05.00 19:24.00
Aaron Bryant Matoaca High School -39.00 19:06.00 19:45.00
Kaleb Stevens Prince George High School +4.00 19:15.00 19:11.00
Alex Beehler Prince George High School -1:18.00 19:22.00 20:40.00
Noah Engel Matoaca High School -1:30.00 19:23.00 20:53.00
Patrick Murphy* Thomas Dale -41.00 19:36.00 20:17.00
Dylan Landes* Matoaca High School -1:06.00 19:40.00 20:46.00
Logan Faughn* Thomas Dale -12.00 19:40.00 19:52.00
Coty Moore Thomas Dale +16.00 19:57.00 19:41.00
Logan Harrison* Dinwiddie -2:21.00 19:43.00 22:04.00
Kevin Elliott Thomas Dale -32.00 19:47.00 20:19.00
Bethany King* Matoaca High School -59.00 19:55.00 20:54.00
Tim O'connor Matoaca High School -23.00 19:58.00 20:21.00
Evan Mitchell Prince George High School +22.00 20:37.00 20:15.00
Chris Pierce Thomas Dale +21.00 20:43.00 20:22.00
Tommy Coburn* Dinwiddie -1:09.00 20:35.00 21:44.00
Dean Landes* Matoaca High School -29.00 20:44.00 21:13.00
Davis Tunnell Matoaca High School +1:27.00 22:24.00 20:57.00
Zachary Relford* Prince George High School +31.00 21:28.00 20:57.00
Melissa Tomlin* Prince George High School +1:14.00 22:18.00 21:04.00
Sam Higgins Thomas Dale -57.00 21:20.00 22:17.00
Nick Potter* Dinwiddie -7.00 21:26.00 21:33.00
Hailey Ryan Dinwiddie +1:27.00 23:15.00 21:48.00
Jacob Courington* Thomas Dale +42.00 22:52.00 22:10.00
Michael Burnett Prince George High School -12.00 22:12.00 22:24.00
Malik Vaughan Prince George High School -1:09.00 22:46.00 23:55.00
Hannah Green Matoaca High School -43.00 22:49.00 23:32.00
Nicholas Ball* Colonial Heights +22.00 23:15.00 22:53.00
Joy Arakelian* Prince George High School -1:57.00 23:08.00 25:05.00
Elizabeth Magnusson Colonial Heights +2:26.00 25:37.00 23:11.00
Shannon Coryell Matoaca High School -57.00 23:19.00 24:16.00
Chris Ellis Hopewell -2:01.00 23:29.00 25:30.00
Devan Kling Matoaca High School +1:01.00 24:31.00 23:30.00
Melanie Wyman Matoaca High School -16.00 24:37.00 24:53.00
Ryan Holt Matoaca High School -1:25.00 24:40.00 26:05.00
Makayla Diamond* Dinwiddie -1:28.00 24:45.00 26:13.00
James Garcia-Otero Colonial Heights -47.00 24:55.00 25:42.00
Kelly Malone* Thomas Dale -1:25.00 25:03.00 26:28.00
Rebecca Shumar* Prince George High School -25.00 25:27.00 25:52.00
Jasmine Lackey* Prince George High School -1:06.00 25:28.00 26:34.00
Jeana Boersma Thomas Dale +1:22.00 26:56.00 25:34.00
Robin Akers Colonial Heights -3:20.00 25:50.00 29:10.00
Ashley Alex Matoaca High School -1:27.00 26:30.00 27:57.00
Hannah Tuck* Thomas Dale +17.00 30:30.00 30:13.00
Heather Smart* Thomas Dale +44.00 31:33.00 30:49.00