Episcopal Early Bird Invitational 2013

Alexandria, VA
Hosted by Episcopal

Complete Results

Licensed to ISL/MAC Track Championship HY-TEK's Meet Manager 12/7/2012 11:43 PM
                 Episcopal Early Bird Invitational - 12/7/2012                 
                     Episcopal High School- CathcartTrack                      
Event 1  Girls Shot Put
 6 Throws
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Nnaji, Cassandra             Paul VI               35-10.00  
  2 Tomdio, Shirley              Visitation            31-04.00  
  3 Esworthy, Sammy              Sssas                 21-01.00  
  4 Kiklis, Katherine            Sssas                 20-02.50  
Event 2  Boys Shot Put
 6 Throws
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Haus, Robert                 Mercersburg           40-03.00  
  2 Palmiotto, Chad              Mercersburg           37-06.00  
  3 Sanchez, Joe                 Mercersburg           35-11.00  
  4 Voeks, Grant                 Potomac               32-00.00  
  5 Layne, Bryce                 Gonzaga               31-00.00  
Event 3  Boys Long Jump
 4 Jumps   OPEN PIT  4:00 - 4:45
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Dennis, Marcus               Gonzaga               17-09.25  
  2 St. Pierre, Patrick          Gonzaga               17-08.50  
  3 Loughney, Matt               Potomac               17-07.00  
  4 Smith, Tiger                 Mercersburg           16-11.25  
  5 Yim, Tony                    Mercersburg           16-08.00  
  6 Dittmar, Christian           Mercersburg           16-02.00  
  7 Franklin, Jordan             Gonzaga               14-09.25  
  8 Durkin, Ian                  Sssas                 14-06.00  
  9 Frerichs, Ben                Sssas                 14-04.00  
Event 4  Girls Long Jump
 4 Jumps  OPEN PIT  5:00 - 5:45
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sharpe, Kayla                Paul VI               15-09.50  
  2 Griswold, Olivia             Episcopal             15-01.50  
  3 Bell, Connor                 Visitation            14-03.00  
  4 Omire-Mayor, Diane           Visitation            13-10.00  
  5 Harper, Abi                  Mercersburg           12-11.25  
  6 McNichols, Read              Episcopal             12-06.25  
  7 Dropulic, Adriana            Visitation            11-08.50  
  8 Holden, Delaney              Sssas                 10-00.50  
 -- Bean, Harleigh               Episcopal                  DNF  
Event 5  Girls High Jump
 Opening Height 3'4"
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Henderson, Caroline          Episcopal              4-10.00  
  2 Tijani, Lola                 Mercersburg            4-08.00  
  2 Davoudian, Lili              Potomac                4-08.00  
  2 Maves, Morgan                Sssas                  4-08.00  
  5 Hopkins, Madison             Episcopal              4-02.00  
  5 Zeiss, Morgan                Visitation             4-02.00  
  5 Goode, Presley               Episcopal              4-02.00  
  8 Nnaji, Cassandra             Paul VI                4-00.00  
  8 Hynds, Sarah                 Visitation             4-00.00  
  8 Harper, Abi                  Mercersburg            4-00.00  
 11 Lu, Natalie                  Paul VI                3-10.00  
 12 Massie, Olivia               Sssas                  3-08.00  
Event 6  Boys High Jump
 Opening Height 4'10"
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Holmes, Maurice              Gonzaga                6-02.00  
  2 Gage, Cooper                 Episcopal              5-04.00  
  2 Marincic, Nathan             Mercersburg            5-04.00  
  4 Hoffmann, Nate               Mercersburg            5-00.00  
Event 7  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Georgetown Visitation Prep  'A'                    10:00.70  
  2 Georgetown Visitation Prep  'B'                    10:21.63  
  3 St Stephens and St Agnes  'A'                      10:34.39  
  4 Potomac School  'A'                                10:55.44  
  5 Episcopal  'A'                                     11:00.20  
  6 Episcopal  'B'                                     11:12.16  
  7 The Mercersburg Academy  'A'                       12:03.70  
Event 8  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Paul VI  'A'                                        8:46.85  
  2 Potomac School  'A'                                 8:57.95  
  3 Episcopal  'A'                                      9:15.15  
  4 Gonzaga College  'A'                                9:30.00  
  5 Paul VI  'B'                                        9:46.32  
  6 Gonzaga College  'B'                               10:00.26  
  7 Episcopal  'B'                                     10:05.25  
  8 Potomac School  'B'                                12:23.38  
Event 9  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Burg, Brittany               Mercersburg               9.42   2 
  2 Nicholson, Helen             Sssas                    10.36   2 
  3 Hynds, Sarah                 Visitation               10.51   1 
  4 Donohue, Lindsey             Sssas                    11.27   2 
  5 Donohue, Kendall             Sssas                    11.33   2 
  6 Howard, Caroline             Paul VI                  11.59   2 
  7 Robbins, Elise               Mercersburg              11.59   1 
  8 Fink, Harriet                Visitation               11.95   1 
  9 Faust, Emily                 Mercersburg              12.10   1 
 10 O'Leary, Megan               Paul VI                  12.14   2 
 11 Hunter, Maggie               Paul VI                  12.22   1 
Event 10  Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Holmes, Maurice              Gonzaga                   8.37   1 
  2 Gray, Darien                 Gonzaga                   8.51   1 
  3 Billingslea, Jeffrey         Potomac                   9.39   1 
  4 Robinson, Maxwell            Gonzaga                  10.19   2 
  5 Singh, Raj                   Mercersburg              10.47   2 
  6 Kelly, Alex                  Paul VI                  11.57   2 
  7 Power, Ryan                  Paul VI                  11.73   2 
Event 11  Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Sharpe, Kayla                Paul VI                   7.66q  2 
  2 Miller, Katie                Mercersburg               7.97q  1 
  3 Waddell, Emily               Visitation                8.02q  3 
  4 Ukor, Ima                    Paul VI                   8.06q  3 
  5 Bell, Connor                 Visitation                8.10q  2 
  6 Clark, Courtney              Visitation                8.15q  3 
  7 Smith, Gabby                 Potomac                   8.30   3 
  8 Tangherlini, Cassie          Sssas                     8.31   3 
  9 Wilson, Kiamani              Episcopal                 8.33   1 
  9 Bean, Harleigh               Episcopal                 8.33   2 
 11 Urbany, Natasha              Potomac                   8.34   1 
 12 Stern-Green, Elizabeth       Mercersburg               8.55   1 
 13 Norman, Margaret             Paul VI                   8.85   2 
 14 Maloney, Alexis              Sssas                     9.02   1 
 15 Treml, Alexandra             Mercersburg               9.06   1 
 16 Williams, Katarina           Sssas                     9.07   2 
Event 11  Girls 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sharpe, Kayla                Paul VI                   7.50  
  2 Miller, Katie                Mercersburg               7.70  
  2 Waddell, Emily               Visitation                7.70  
 -- Ukor, Ima                    Paul VI                     NT  
 -- Clark, Courtney              Visitation                  NT  
 -- Bell, Connor                 Visitation                  NT  
Event 12  Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Reyes, Aires                 Sssas                     6.85q  3 
  2 Spence, Max                  Sssas                     6.86q  2 
  3 Simpson, Andrew              Episcopal                 6.87q  1 
  4 Barefoot, Blake              Episcopal                 6.97q  3 
  5 Page, Andrew                 Paul VI                   7.06q  3 
  6 Primeau, Scott               Paul VI                   7.12q  1 
  7 Dennis, Marcus               Gonzaga                   7.13   1 
  8 Lee, Daniel                  Paul VI                   7.16   2 
  9 LoPrimo, Ben                 Mercersburg               7.17   1 
 10 Franklin, Jordan             Gonzaga                   7.19   2 
 11 Watson, Hunter               Gonzaga                   7.21   3 
 12 Smith, Tiger                 Mercersburg               7.30   2 
 13 Loughney, Matt               Potomac                   7.41   3 
 14 Haus, Robert                 Mercersburg               7.51   1 
 15 Hunt, Ethan                  Potomac                   7.86   1 
 16 McAndrews, Ryan              Potomac                   8.19   2 
Event 12  Boys 55 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Spence, Max                  Sssas                     6.76  
  2 Reyes, Aires                 Sssas                     6.77  
  3 Simpson, Andrew              Episcopal                 6.81  
  4 Page, Andrew                 Paul VI                   6.94  
  5 Smith, Tiger                 Mercersburg               7.31  
Event 13  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Halm, Abby                   Episcopal              5:42.02  
  2 Marshall, Jubilee            Visitation             5:51.73  
  3 Aukward, Maria               Visitation             5:52.04  
  4 Turcol, Meghan               Paul VI                5:54.00  
  5 Torczon, Cassia              Visitation             5:54.58  
  6 Patrick, Alaina              Paul VI                5:57.00  
  7 Framstad, Catherine          Paul VI                6:02.52  
  8 Chesson, Joslyn              Episcopal              6:03.56  
  9 Keller, Julia                Potomac                6:19.11  
 10 Granovsky, Rachel            Potomac                6:25.23  
 11 Ferenbach, Charlotte         Potomac                6:25.74  
Event 14  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Danisewicz, Matt             Paul VI                4:58.44  
  2 Stepka, Andrew               Paul VI                5:01.03  
  3 Morgan, Greg                 Episcopal              5:04.44  
  4 Kempe, Stefan                Mercersburg            5:05.60  
  5 Smilek, Jan                  Mercersburg            5:07.98  
  6 Lawson, Henry                Episcopal              5:11.24  
  7 Kvartunas, Michael           Paul VI                5:17.46  
  8 Ray, Matthew                 Sssas                  5:57.07  
  9 Beck, Joe                    Gonzaga                6:03.52  
 10 Robinson, Toby               Potomac                6:09.58  
 11 Asher, Henry                 Mercersburg            6:11.53  
 12 Kim, Elliot                  Potomac                6:17.22  
Event 15  Girls 300 Meter Dash
 Waterfall Start
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Burg, Brittany               Mercersburg              43.38   5 
  2 Nnaji, Cassandra             Paul VI                  47.43   5 
  3 Russell, Camille             Episcopal                47.72   4 
  4 Omire-Mayor, Diane           Visitation               48.11   4 
  5 Kijewski, Jordan             Paul VI                  48.21   5 
  6 Lu, Natalie                  Paul VI                  49.72   4 
  7 Colon, Marisa                Potomac                  50.64   1 
  8 Bratton, Laura               Episcopal                50.75   2 
  9 Clark, Courtney              Visitation               51.81   1 
 10 Wood, Katie                  Sssas                    51.83   2 
 11 Bolding, Raven               Sssas                    53.42   3 
 12 Davila, Nina                 Episcopal                53.74   3 
 13 Alexis, Jessica              Sssas                    54.21   3 
 14 Schoenberger, Emily          Mercersburg              54.33   2 
 15 Lee, Hannah                  Potomac                  55.18   1 
 16 Savopoulos, Abigail          Mercersburg              55.74   2 
Event 16  Boys 300 Meter Dash
 Waterfall Start
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Bacon, Jeffery               Paul VI                  38.91   6 
  2 Spence, Max                  Sssas                    39.02   4 
  3 Walcott, Areke               Sssas                    39.39   3 
  4 Howard, Josh                 Episcopal                40.29   3 
  5 Jones, Tre                   Gonzaga                  40.93   4 
  6 Smith, Eric                  Episcopal                41.27   2 
  7 Haus, Robert                 Mercersburg              41.35   3 
  8 Franklin, Jordan             Gonzaga                  41.74   6 
  9 Powell, Sean                 Paul VI                  41.89   5 
 10 Hosseinian, Cameron          Paul VI                  41.90   5 
 11 Hall-Autrey, Daniel          Episcopal                42.87   4 
 12 Hackett, Chris               Mercersburg              43.26   2 
 13 Hunt, Ethan                  Potomac                  43.53   2 
 14 Turner, Kevon                Gonzaga                  44.31   5 
 15 Moorman, Christian           Mercersburg              45.25   1 
 16 McAndrews, Ryan              Potomac                  47.01   1 
 17 McKalip, Konrad              Potomac                  49.25   1 
Event 17  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 Waterfall Start
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Georgetown Visitation Prep  'A'                     4:15.07   2 
  2 Episcopal  'A'                                      4:19.19   2 
  3 Potomac School  'A'                                 4:22.60   2 
  4 Georgetown Visitation Prep  'B'                     4:29.09   1 
  5 The Mercersburg Academy  'A'                        4:35.22   2 
  6 Potomac School  'B'                                 4:38.29   1 
  7 Paul VI  'A'                                        4:42.51   2 
  8 St Stephens and St Agnes  'A'                       4:48.01   2 
  9 St Stephens and St Agnes  'B'                       4:56.70   1 
 10 Episcopal  'B'                                      5:04.77   1 
 11 The Mercersburg Academy  'B'                        5:12.31   1 
Event 18  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 Waterfall Start
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Paul VI  'A'                                        3:40.07   2 
  2 Potomac School  'A'                                 3:42.10   2 
  3 Gonzaga College  'A'                                3:42.62   2 
  4 Episcopal  'A'                                      3:47.59   2 
  5 Episcopal  'B'                                      3:58.50   1 
  6 Gonzaga College  'B'                                4:04.15   1 
  7 The Mercersburg Academy  'A'                        4:05.45   2 
  8 Paul VI  'B'                                        4:13.36   1 
  9 The Mercersburg Academy  'B'                        4:13.56   1 
 10 Potomac School  'B'                                 4:28.17   1