This week MileStat was running seemingly as much as the entire state was with a huge slate of quality meets in all corners of the Commonwealth. This weekend, in a two day stretch, MileStat filmed over 150 videos of thousands of athletes racing, jumping, throwing, and vaulting. These include many interviews with some of the elite athletes our state has who competed and won at the Southern Track Classic.
Over 150 Videos! Coverage of Southern Track, Victor Cahoon, & Lee-Davis
May 13, 2014

Sunday MileStat Times (5/11)
May 11, 2014
Your one stop location for everything from the week including stories, photos, videos, and much more that can only be found in the Sunday MileStat Times.
Coverage Central: John Warren VA #1 24-1 LJ, Live From Lee Davis and Victor Cahoon
May 10, 2014
Your one stop location for all the meets around the Commonwealth this Saturday. This includes meet pages, performance lists, results, elite performances, live updates, and much more!
The Victor Cahoon Track Classic by rcurrie
May 10, 2014
Images of the Victor Cahoon Track Classic by Rob Currie Photography