Colonial Relays 2014

Williamsburg, VA

HS Boys Long Jump

Half-Mile Timing - Contractor License 
                     49th Colonial Relays - 4/3/2014 to 4/5/2014                      
                     College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA                      
Event 20  Boys Long Jump High School
       HS CR:   24-03.75  1993        Thomas Thompson, St. John the Baptist           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind           Points
  1 Harris, Derrick           11 Lafayette             21-03.50   0.4     6.48m       
  2 Ridenour, Andrew          11 Centreville           20-03.50   0.9     6.18m       
  3 Cisneros-Harrison, Tarel  11 Douglas Freeman       19-11.00   0.4     6.07m       
  4 Jin, Young Bin            11 Centreville           19-06.50   1.6     5.95m       
  5 Chapel, Larry              8 Oscar Smith           19-06.00  -0.4     5.94m       
  6 Berry, Joseph             11 Gloucester H          19-05.50   2.3     5.93m       
  7 Stattelman, Blake         11 Lee-Davis             19-04.00   0.3     5.89m       
  8 Johnson, Miles            10 Lee-Davis             19-04.00   0.9     5.89m       
  9 Penna, Gabriele           11 Lee-Davis             19-02.50   0.8     5.85m       
 10 Mantis, Mikael            12 Centreville           18-11.00   0.7     5.76m       
 11 Morales, Antonio           9 Gloucester H          18-10.50   1.5     5.75m       
 12 Chapel, Lakwon            12 Oscar Smith           17-01.50  -0.6     5.21m