Meet Information
Registration help:
Meet Info Doc
MAY 21, 2014
MAY 22, 2014
Director: Derek Farrey, Tuscarora Athletic Director. 571-252-1910 PH 571-252-1912 Fax
Site: Tuscarora High School, Leesburg, VA
Date: Wednesday, May 21 & Thursday, May 22, 2014
Day One: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
5:30 3200 Meter Run-Girls (Finals)
5:50 3200 Meter Run-Boys (Finals)
Day Two: Thursday, May 22, 2014
2:00 Teams may arrive
2:30 Coaches Meeting
Certification of Weight Implements
3:00 Field Events
4:00 3200 Meter Relay Girls (Finals)
3200 Meter Relay Boys (Finals)
100 Meter Hurdles Girls (Trials)
110 Meter Hurdles Boys (Trials)
100 Meter Dash Girls (Trials)
100 Meter Dash Boys (Trials)
5:00 Running Events - Finals
Eligibility: Each school may enter two contestants in each event. Individual participation rule is in effect VHSL Handbook rule 84-3-1. Please read this rule. Also, please be aware of the uniform rule.
Supplementary Entries: An individual that has met the conference qualifying standard in a previous meet may also be entered in the district meet providing all entries in that event have met the qualifying standard. When entering supplementals please place name and date of meet in the appropriate box on milestat. The supplemental entry form is at the end of this information packet.
Entry Information: **ALL TRACK times should be entered as F.A.T.. If time is hand-timed ADD .24 (11.6 hand-timed 11.84 FAT)
ALL FIELD event performances should be entered in feet and inches
Entries Due: All entries must be entered on Milestat by 12:00PM, Thursday, May 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Entry Confirmation: You are confirming your entries as you enter them on Milestat. Pay close attention to your entries.
Scoring: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
Trophy/Medals: A trophy will be awarded to the winning team. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 place winners and the top four relay teams. Trophies and medals will be awarded at the end of the meet.
Admission: $6.00 per person. Athletes will be admitted in uniform only.
Passes: The following passes will be honored: VASSP, NASSP, VHSCA, VIAAA and District passes (bearer only). Pass holders will be asked to sign a guest register.
Concessions: The concession stand will be open with a wide variety of hot fresh food.
Hospitality Room: Open to coaches and meet personnel only. Located in storage building between baseball and softball field. (NO athletes, managers, parents, etc. allowed. Please tell your athletes)
Coaches Meeting: *Scratches only
*A field competitor may scratch without penalty.
*A track competitor scratching after May 16 -10:00AM or on the day of the meet will be ineligible to compete in all running events.
Miscellaneous: NO Changes after the deadline on May 15 at 10:00 am.
Track events: All runners are to report to the bull pen in the middle of the field on the SECOND CALL. Absence for the THIRD CALL, they will be scratched from that race and the remainder of the track events.
Field Events: Participants must report to the event area and report in by second call. Absence for the third call will result in a scratch for that event.
All runners in laned events must return to the finish line in their proper lanes after the completion of each race.
All members of a team, when not participating in an event, must stay outside the track area. Teams are asked to set up on the small grassy area on the home side or visitor bleachers. Please keep home bleachers open for spectators only.
We ask all coaches to remain away from the finish line and the F.A.T. tent at all times. NO coach will be allowed on the infield once the running events begin.
Results will be announced periodically and posted on the back of the ticket booth. The complete results will be available to each coach after the meet. DO NOT go to the press box for results.
REGION ADVANCEMENT: Top 4 individuals per event and top 4 relay teams from the district championship advances to the region championship meet. You may also advance to the region meet, if you have met the region standards in a region qualifying meet(i.e: 4 or more teams)
REGION ENTRIES: *All Region entries are to be done online through Milestat.
UNIFORM RULE: UNIFORM RULE: Meet management will follow the uniform rule as stated in the NFHS Track & Field Rule Book. It is the responsibility of the athletes and coaches to follow the rule.
District T-Shirts: There will be T-Shirts for sale.
Region 5A North
Track & Field
Verification of Region 5A North
Track & Field Qualifying Standards
Complete this form for each athlete or relay team who meets a REGION II qualifying performance in a sanctioned meet consisting of four (4) or more schools (2013-2014 VHSL Handbook page 144).
Keep a copy for your records.
Meet Info Doc
MAY 21, 2014
MAY 22, 2014
Director: Derek Farrey, Tuscarora Athletic Director. 571-252-1910 PH 571-252-1912 Fax
Site: Tuscarora High School, Leesburg, VA
Date: Wednesday, May 21 & Thursday, May 22, 2014
Day One: Wednesday, May 21, 2014
5:30 3200 Meter Run-Girls (Finals)
5:50 3200 Meter Run-Boys (Finals)
Day Two: Thursday, May 22, 2014
2:00 Teams may arrive
2:30 Coaches Meeting
Certification of Weight Implements
3:00 Field Events
4:00 3200 Meter Relay Girls (Finals)
3200 Meter Relay Boys (Finals)
100 Meter Hurdles Girls (Trials)
110 Meter Hurdles Boys (Trials)
100 Meter Dash Girls (Trials)
100 Meter Dash Boys (Trials)
5:00 Running Events - Finals
Eligibility: Each school may enter two contestants in each event. Individual participation rule is in effect VHSL Handbook rule 84-3-1. Please read this rule. Also, please be aware of the uniform rule.
Supplementary Entries: An individual that has met the conference qualifying standard in a previous meet may also be entered in the district meet providing all entries in that event have met the qualifying standard. When entering supplementals please place name and date of meet in the appropriate box on milestat. The supplemental entry form is at the end of this information packet.
Entry Information: **ALL TRACK times should be entered as F.A.T.. If time is hand-timed ADD .24 (11.6 hand-timed 11.84 FAT)
ALL FIELD event performances should be entered in feet and inches
Entries Due: All entries must be entered on Milestat by 12:00PM, Thursday, May 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Entry Confirmation: You are confirming your entries as you enter them on Milestat. Pay close attention to your entries.
Scoring: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1
Trophy/Medals: A trophy will be awarded to the winning team. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 place winners and the top four relay teams. Trophies and medals will be awarded at the end of the meet.
Admission: $6.00 per person. Athletes will be admitted in uniform only.
Passes: The following passes will be honored: VASSP, NASSP, VHSCA, VIAAA and District passes (bearer only). Pass holders will be asked to sign a guest register.
Concessions: The concession stand will be open with a wide variety of hot fresh food.
Hospitality Room: Open to coaches and meet personnel only. Located in storage building between baseball and softball field. (NO athletes, managers, parents, etc. allowed. Please tell your athletes)
Coaches Meeting: *Scratches only
*A field competitor may scratch without penalty.
*A track competitor scratching after May 16 -10:00AM or on the day of the meet will be ineligible to compete in all running events.
Miscellaneous: NO Changes after the deadline on May 15 at 10:00 am.
Track events: All runners are to report to the bull pen in the middle of the field on the SECOND CALL. Absence for the THIRD CALL, they will be scratched from that race and the remainder of the track events.
Field Events: Participants must report to the event area and report in by second call. Absence for the third call will result in a scratch for that event.
All runners in laned events must return to the finish line in their proper lanes after the completion of each race.
All members of a team, when not participating in an event, must stay outside the track area. Teams are asked to set up on the small grassy area on the home side or visitor bleachers. Please keep home bleachers open for spectators only.
We ask all coaches to remain away from the finish line and the F.A.T. tent at all times. NO coach will be allowed on the infield once the running events begin.
Results will be announced periodically and posted on the back of the ticket booth. The complete results will be available to each coach after the meet. DO NOT go to the press box for results.
REGION ADVANCEMENT: Top 4 individuals per event and top 4 relay teams from the district championship advances to the region championship meet. You may also advance to the region meet, if you have met the region standards in a region qualifying meet(i.e: 4 or more teams)
REGION ENTRIES: *All Region entries are to be done online through Milestat.
UNIFORM RULE: UNIFORM RULE: Meet management will follow the uniform rule as stated in the NFHS Track & Field Rule Book. It is the responsibility of the athletes and coaches to follow the rule.
* Coaches must return the Properly Equipped and Sportsmanship Certification Form (see attachment)
* Decorative hair ribbons, etc. are not acceptable.
District T-Shirts: There will be T-Shirts for sale.
Region 5A North
Track & Field
Verification of Region 5A North
Track & Field Qualifying Standards
Complete this form for each athlete or relay team who meets a REGION II qualifying performance in a sanctioned meet consisting of four (4) or more schools (2013-2014 VHSL Handbook page 144).
Keep a copy for your records.