Meet Information
Registration help:
6A North Regional Cross Country
Burke Lake Park
November 5, 2014
Where: Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
When: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Rain Date: The rain dates are November 6th and 7th . In case of inclement weather the 6A North
Region Cross Country Director and Fairfax County Parks and Recreation will make the
decision to postpone the race.
Time: Boys Varsity 3:15 p.m. Girls Varsity 4:00 p.m.
Pre-season: Coaches Meeting on August 25th at 6:30pm at Fairfax HS (field house lobby) classroom,
H106- enter through door 21
Entry forms: All entries should be received by Nancy Melnick, Director of Student Activities at Fairfax HS no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014 on VHSL entry form and must be entered in Entry forms can be found
Entries: The top 4 teams (Boys/Girls) from each Conference. In addition, the top 15 overall
finishers in each Conference race qualify.
Parking: All participants and patrons should park in parking lot "A" located near the small train.
Course: 2.98 miles, mostly on grass.
Numbers: All participants will wear numbers on the front of their singlet. The numbers along with pins and other official materials will be distributed to coaches at the scorers table at 2:15 p.m.
Finish: Each participant will wear chips on both shoes. As the runners cross the finish line,
numbers will be given to contestants at the end of chute. Coaches are instructed to
collect numbers, total lowest five (5) on tally sheet and return all cards and the tally
sheet to scorers table. The finish line will also be videotaped by course official.
Awards: Trophy to team champion and team runner-up will be presented. Patches will be given
to the winning team and medals will be given to the second place team. Individual
medals will be given to the first, second, and third place finishers.
Award Presentation of awards will take place as soon as official meet results are available.
Lockers &
Restrooms: There will be no locker room facilities available. Rest rooms are located at the Marina, one-half mile from the starting line. Team and managers are to clean their own areas in the park.
Qualification The top six teams in each race (boys and girls) will qualify for the State Meet, plus
For States: the top 10 individuals not in the top 6 teams from each race (boys and girls) will qualify
for the State Meet.
6A North Regional Cross Country
Burke Lake Park
November 5, 2014
Where: Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039
When: Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Rain Date: The rain dates are November 6th and 7th . In case of inclement weather the 6A North
Region Cross Country Director and Fairfax County Parks and Recreation will make the
decision to postpone the race.
Time: Boys Varsity 3:15 p.m. Girls Varsity 4:00 p.m.
Pre-season: Coaches Meeting on August 25th at 6:30pm at Fairfax HS (field house lobby) classroom,
H106- enter through door 21
Entry forms: All entries should be received by Nancy Melnick, Director of Student Activities at Fairfax HS no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014 on VHSL entry form and must be entered in Entry forms can be found
Entries: The top 4 teams (Boys/Girls) from each Conference. In addition, the top 15 overall
finishers in each Conference race qualify.
Parking: All participants and patrons should park in parking lot "A" located near the small train.
Course: 2.98 miles, mostly on grass.
Numbers: All participants will wear numbers on the front of their singlet. The numbers along with pins and other official materials will be distributed to coaches at the scorers table at 2:15 p.m.
Finish: Each participant will wear chips on both shoes. As the runners cross the finish line,
numbers will be given to contestants at the end of chute. Coaches are instructed to
collect numbers, total lowest five (5) on tally sheet and return all cards and the tally
sheet to scorers table. The finish line will also be videotaped by course official.
Awards: Trophy to team champion and team runner-up will be presented. Patches will be given
to the winning team and medals will be given to the second place team. Individual
medals will be given to the first, second, and third place finishers.
Award Presentation of awards will take place as soon as official meet results are available.
Lockers &
Restrooms: There will be no locker room facilities available. Rest rooms are located at the Marina, one-half mile from the starting line. Team and managers are to clean their own areas in the park.
Qualification The top six teams in each race (boys and girls) will qualify for the State Meet, plus
For States: the top 10 individuals not in the top 6 teams from each race (boys and girls) will qualify
for the State Meet.