VHSL Group 5A/6A State Outdoor T&F Championships 2015

Newport News, VA
Hosted by VHSL State
Timing/Results Xcelerating Time

Day 1 Team Scores

Licensed to Atlantic Coast Timing Systems - Contractor License
                                                 HY-TEK's Meet Manager 6/5/2015
             2015 State  Group 5A & 6A VHSL - 6/5/2015 to 6/6/2015             
                      Outdoor Track & Field Championship                       
                                 Todd Stadium                                  
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 36                        
                   Female Team Scores -  1 Group 5A Division                   
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Henrico                            HEN              15  
                2 Atlee                              ATLE             14  
                3 Manchester High School             MAN              13  
                3 Lee-Davis                          LD               13  
                5 Maury High School                  MAUR             12  
                6 Princess Anne High School          PA               11  
                7 George C. Marshall                 GCM              10  
                8 Mills Godwin                       MG                8  
                8 Kellam                             KEL               8  
                8 Thomas Edison                      TED               8  
                8 Douglas Freeman                    DF                8  
               12 Norview                            NORV              6  
               12 Hickory High School                HICK              6  
               14 Mount Vernon                       MTVE              4  
               14 Albemarle                          ALBE              4  
               16 Indian River High School           IR                3  
               16 Deep Run                           DEEP              3  
               18 Hermitage                          HERM              2  
               18 Mountain View                      MVIE              2  
               18 Gloucester High School             GLOU              2  
               21 North Stafford                     NS                1  
               21 Clover Hill                        CHIL              1  
               21 Menchville                         MEN               1  
                    Male Team Scores -  1 Group 5A Division                    
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Hickory High School                HICK             14  
                2 Kempsville High School             KEMP             12.5
                2 Atlee                              ATLE             12.5
                4 Tuscarora High School (Va)         TUSC             11  
                5 Manchester High School             MAN              10  
                5 Massaponax                         MAS              10  
                5 Deep Run                           DEEP             10  
                8 Highland Springs                   HS                9  
                9 Matoaca High School                MATO              8  
                9 George C. Marshall                 GCM               8  
               11 Potomac Senior High School         POTS              6  
               11 Clover Hill                        CHIL              6  
               11 Hermitage                          HERM              6  
               11 Lee-Davis                          LD                6  
               11 Douglas Freeman                    DF                6  
               16 Mills Godwin                       MG                4  
               16 Freedom (South Riding)             FRDO              4  
               18 Salem (Virginia Beach)             SALV              3  
               19 Green Run                          GR                2.5
               19 Meadowbrook                        MEAD              2.5
               21 Halifax County                     HC                2  
               21 Stone Bridge                       SB                2  
               23 Kellam                             KEL               1  
                   Female Team Scores -  2 Group 6A Division                   
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Western Branch High School         WBRA             25  
                2 First Colonial                     FCOL             16  
                2 T.C. Williams High School          TC               16  
                4 Thomas Dale                        TD               10  
                5 Forest Park                        FP                9  
                5 West Springfield                   WS                9  
                5 Battlefield                        BAT               9  
                8 Herndon                            HERN              8.5
                9 Patriot High School                PAT               8  
               10 James W. Robinson                  ROB               7  
               11 Oakton                             OAK               6  
               12 South County High School           SC                5.5
               13 Oscar Smith High School            OS                5  
               13 James Madison                      JMAD              5  
               15 Grassfield                         GRAS              4  
               16 Lake Braddock                      LB                3  
               17 Ocean Lakes                        OL                2  
               17 W.T. Woodson                       WTW               2  
               17 Annandale                          ANNA              2  
               17 Osbourn Park                       OP                2  
               21 Westfield                          WEST              1  
               21 Bayside High School                BAYS              1  
                    Male Team Scores -  2 Group 6A Division                    
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Grassfield                         GRAS             31  
                2 Landstown High School              LAND             22  
                3 Chantilly                          CHAN             12  
                4 Westfield                          WEST             10  
                5 McLean                             MCL               8  
                5 Lake Braddock                      LB                8  
                7 Woodbridge                         WB                6  
                7 Oakton                             OAK               6  
                7 Stafford High School               STAF              6  
               10 Battlefield                        BAT               5.5
               11 C.D. Hylton                        CD                5  
               11 Oscar Smith High School            OS                5  
               11 T.C. Williams High School          TC                5  
               11 West Springfield                   WS                5  
               11 Granby                             GRAN              5  
               16 Bethel                             BETH              4  
               17 Bayside High School                BAYS              3  
               17 South Lakes                        SL                3  
               19 Stonewall Jackson (Manassas)       SJM               2.5
               20 Washington-Lee High School         W-LE              2  
               21 South County High School           SC                1  
               21 Forest Park                        FP                1