VHSL Group 5A Conference 10 Outdoor T&F Championships 2015

Newport News, VA
Hosted by Bethel
Timing/Results Xcelerating Time

Day 1 Results

Licensed to Atlantic Coast Timing Systems - Contractor License
                                       HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/22/2015 10:32 PM
                 Conference 2 and 10 - 5/22/2015 to 5/23/2015                  
                       Track  & Field Championships 2015                       
                        Todd Stadium  Newport News, VA                         
Event 3  Boys High Jump Conference 10
 Opening Height 4-8
      5A Reg: #  6-00                                                          
    5A State: %  6-00                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   117 Powell, Pryce          Warwick              6-00.00    5-10.00  
  2    88 Badman, Brandon        Hickory High         6-00.00    5-08.00  
  2    82 Ononiwu, Chiedozie     Great Bridge         5-08.00    5-08.00  
  4   200 Giardina, Tommaso      Hickory High         5-06.00    5-06.00  
  5   145 Howell, Niles          Warwick              5-10.00   J5-06.00  
  6    33 Patterson, John        Gloucester H         5-06.00   J5-06.00  
  7    84 Rosenthal, Chase       Great Bridge         5-06.00    5-04.00  
  8   203 Williams, Brandon      Menchville                     J5-04.00  
  9   201 Gonzalez, Marco        Hickory High         5-00.00    5-02.00  
 10   202 Edwards, Timarious     Menchville                      4-10.00  
Event 4  Boys High Jump Conference 2
 Opening Height 5-6
      6A Reg: @  6-00                                                          
    6A State: $  6-02                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    72 Jones, Bradley         Oscar Smith          6-09.00    6-10.00$ 
  2    58 Holloway, Grant        Grassfield           6-09.00    6-08.00$ 
  3    63 Williams, Anthony      Western Bran         6-02.00    6-02.00$ 
  4   158 Robinson, Jr., Bri     Grassfield           6-00.00    6-00.00@ 
  5   161 Elliott, Anthony       Oscar Smith          6-00.00   J6-00.00@ 
  6   157 Hunter, Tyler          Grassfield           5-10.00    5-10.00  
  7   160 Eadie, Jacquez         Oscar Smith          5-08.00    5-08.00  
  8    38 Blackley, Jahkwan      Western Bran         5-06.00   J5-08.00  
  9   159 Boykins, Meteo         Kecoughtan           5-06.00    5-06.00  
Event 5  Girls Pole Vault Conference 10
 Opening Height 5-0
      5A Reg: #  9-00                                                          
    5A State: %  9-05                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    67 Robinson, Mia          Gloucester H         9-05.00    9-00.00# 
  2   196 Guerra, Jillian        Hickory High         6-06.00    7-00.00  
  3   199 Pitney, Maeve          Hickory High         5-06.00    5-06.00  
Event 6  Girls Pole Vault Conference 2
 Opening Height 6-3
      6A Reg: @  8-00                                                          
    6A State: $  9-06                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   169 Harrell, Joy           Grassfield           9-00.00    7-09.00  
  2   170 Perez, Jenna           Grassfield           7-06.00    7-03.00  
  3    74 Rodgers, Kiana         Western Bran         7-06.00   J7-03.00  
  4   172 Bridget, Asia          Oscar Smith          7-00.00    6-09.00  
Event 13  Girls Triple Jump Conference 10
      5A Reg: # 35-05.75                                                       
    5A State: %    36-00                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    68 Adams, Kyra            Great Bridge                   34-09.00  
  2   206 Bellfield, Dashall     Indian River        30-08.50   32-11.00  
  3   204 Bosh, Kyla             Hickory High        29-10.50   32-05.00  
  4   101 Ward, Malia            Gloucester H        32-05.50   32-02.50  
  5   138 Hunter, Briana         Menchville          31-09.75   32-02.00  
  6   205 Gyuricsko, Brynna      Hickory High        31-03.00   31-10.00  
  7    71 Rials, Stacy           Hampton             29-00.00   31-07.00  
  8    75 Martin, Lauren         Hickory High        30-02.00   31-04.50  
  9    72 Anderson, Morgan       Hickory High        30-05.75   30-10.00  
 10    45 Hinson, Abigail        Hickory High        30-03.50   30-09.00  
 11    74 Johnson, Lauren        Hickory High        30-04.50   29-11.50  
 12    80 Hutchinson, Decemb     Menchville          27-10.50   29-10.00  
Event 14  Girls Triple Jump Conference 2
      6A Reg: @    35-08                                                       
    6A State: $ 36-04.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    37 Parks, Milan           Western Bran        38-08.25   37-11.25$ 
  2    32 Ward, Destiny          Oscar Smith         38-07.50   37-06.00$ 
  3    51 Woodley, Alexis        Oscar Smith         36-00.50   36-08.00$ 
  4    55 Warrior, Chaunise      Western Bran        33-09.50   36-07.00$ 
  5    21 Bines, Akoya           Grassfield          34-01.00   35-06.00  
  6    22 Blount, Kory-Madis     Grassfield          34-09.00   35-00.00  
  7    50 Skinner, Shaytorri     Oscar Smith         34-05.00   34-04.00  
  8    49 Labat, Ariana          Oscar Smith         33-00.00   33-07.00  
  9    83 Reeves, Cristen        Kecoughtan          33-09.50   33-05.00  
 10   193 Brumfield, Daidrin     Western Bran        33-00.50   30-06.50  
Event 15  Boys Triple Jump Conference 10
      5A Reg: # 42-00.75                                                       
    5A State: % 43-08.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    52 Campbell, Marcus       Indian River        41-08.75   43-06.00# 
  2    48 Ragudo, Michael        Hickory High        42-08.00   42-08.50# 
  3    84 Rosenthal, Chase       Great Bridge        41-06.00   42-03.00# 
  4   117 Powell, Pryce          Warwick             40-04.75   42-00.50  
  5    47 Martin, Thomas         Hickory High        41-00.00   40-11.75  
  6    85 Taylor, Marquise       Great Bridge        42-02.50   40-10.25  
  7    98 Good, Demonte          Warwick             39-02.00   40-01.00  
  8    95 Good, Keavin           Menchville          38-06.00   39-11.00  
  9   108 Morton, Zach           Hickory High        40-07.50   39-04.75  
 10   225 Smith, Collin          Great Bridge        36-06.00   37-08.50  
 11    32 Morales, Antonio       Gloucester H        38-02.50   37-07.00  
 --   102 Garcia, Justin         Gloucester H        38-07.00       FOUL  
Event 16  Boys Triple Jump Conference 2
      6A Reg: @ 43-06.75                                                       
    6A State: $    44-01                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1    41 Hill, Akinshe          Western Bran        44-04.75   46-05.25$ 
  2    33 Shirley III, Alfre     Oscar Smith         45-09.75   44-04.75$ 
  3    38 Blackley, Jahkwan      Western Bran        41-08.50   43-03.25  
  4   191 Goodman, ShaJuan       Grassfield          42-01.00   43-00.25  
  5    60 Arjoon, Stephan        Western Bran        42-02.00   41-10.00  
  6   165 Threet, Ryan           Grassfield          40-02.50   41-06.25  
  7   192 Simpson, Charles       Oscar Smith         40-08.50   40-06.00  
Event 21  Girls Shot Put Conference 10
      5A Reg: #    34-00                                                       
    5A State: % 34-11.25                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   171 Holloway, Tyler        Great Bridge        38-09.00   36-08.00% 
  2   184 Hunter, Naya           Indian River        37-05.00   34-07.50# 
  3   177 Murray, Rachel         Hickory High        34-07.50   32-08.00  
  4   178 Parrish, Megan         Hickory High        33-09.00   30-07.50  
  5   185 Wright, Jalecia        Indian River        29-07.50   30-06.00  
  6    35 Battle, Jessica        Great Bridge        28-05.75   30-00.00  
  7   175 Duff, Lauren           Hickory High        29-03.50   29-11.50  
  8    68 Adams, Kyra            Great Bridge        25-10.00   28-07.00  
  9   218 Montague, Jillian      Hickory High        26-09.00   27-05.00  
 10   174 Farris-Taylor, Tah     Hampton             26-06.00   26-07.50  
 11   180 Wise, Maddie           Hickory High        28-02.00   26-07.00  
 12   222 Wallace, Angel         Indian River        29-07.50   26-02.00  
 13    77 Webster, Addison       Hickory High        27-04.00   25-03.00  
 14   114 Plucinski, Kat         Warwick                        24-07.00  
 15   221 Clark, Diamond         Indian River        26-02.00   23-11.50  
 16   101 Ward, Malia            Gloucester H        26-00.00   23-10.00  
 17   189 Key, Alyxus            Menchville          23-09.00   23-07.00  
 18   192 Bermudez-Cairo, Yo     Warwick             20-06.00   22-02.50  
 19    67 Robinson, Mia          Gloucester H        27-11.00   21-10.00  
 20   193 Wandersee, Alyson      Warwick             21-11.50   21-07.00  
Event 22  Girls Shot Put Conference 2
      6A Reg: @    35-11                                                       
    6A State: $ 36-05.25                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   127 Gorum, Taylor          Grassfield          37-07.25   37-00.00$ 
  2   174 Saunders, Lexis        Grassfield          35-05.50   34-10.00  
  3   175 Wallace, Chelsea       Grassfield          32-07.50   34-05.00  
  4   153 Nichols, Tia           Woodside            34-00.00   34-00.50  
  5   126 Bunch, Tiara           Grassfield          33-10.25   33-10.00  
  6   143 Pierce, Cara           Western Bran        33-02.00   32-08.00  
  7   123 Whitley, Desiree       Bethel              31-07.00   30-10.50  
  8   146 Williams, Mia          Western Bran        28-10.50   30-03.00  
  9   140 Dixson, Chanell        Western Bran        29-00.50   29-05.00  
 10   186 Byrd, Elona            Western Bran        29-07.00   28-09.00  
 11   189 White, Channelle       Western Bran        28-06.00   28-06.00  
 12   188 Penn, Brianna          Western Bran        29-10.00   28-02.50  
 13    86 Futrell-Boothe, De     Oscar Smith         29-08.00   28-02.00  
 14   173 Roberts, Tatianna      Bethel              27-02.00   27-04.00  
 14   144 Saunder, Shania        Western Bran        30-04.00   27-04.00  
Event 23  Boys Shot Put Conference 10
      5A Reg: # 45-08.25                                                       
    5A State: % 45-08.25                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   181 Burney, Richard        Hickory High        53-10.00   53-02.00# 
  2   186 Cotton, Melvin         Indian River        42-08.50   45-03.25  
  3   219 Caldwell, Michael      Hickory High        38-02.00   42-10.00  
  4   182 Miller, Troy           Hickory High        41-02.75   41-04.00  
  5    83 Powell, Tyler          Great Bridge        45-02.50   41-02.00  
  6    91 Mallory, Brad          Hickory High        40-11.75   40-02.25  
  7   223 Leary, Brandon         Indian River        38-03.00   39-09.00  
  8   170 Haas, Jordan           Gloucester H        40-00.00   39-04.00  
  9   220 Evans, Mark            Hickory High        38-06.00   38-10.00  
 10   224 Scott, Travis          Indian River        37-01.00   37-05.75  
 11   217 Horton, Tariq          Great Bridge        37-02.00   36-00.00  
 12   173 Nash, Mochae'          Great Bridge        36-11.75   35-07.25  
 13   194 Rodriguez, Enrique     Warwick             36-03.00   35-02.00  
 14   146 Rowles, Caleb          Warwick                        34-05.50  
 15   169 Carneal, Peyton        Gloucester H        35-08.00   33-05.00  
Event 24  Boys Shot Put Conference 2
      6A Reg: @ 47-05.75                                                       
    6A State: $ 49-05.75                                                       
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1   130 Chappell, Owen         Grassfield          56-02.50   55-11.50$ 
  2   178 Harrell, Seth          Grassfield          51-09.00   50-08.00$ 
  3   150 Lanier, Donald         Western Bran        46-05.50   48-07.00@ 
  4   125 Slade, Brandon         Bethel              47-06.00   48-06.50@ 
  5   131 Garrett, Matthew       Grassfield          49-02.25   48-05.50@ 
  6   185 Hunt Jr, Antoine       Oscar Smith         44-00.00   46-09.00  
  7   148 Culberson, Josh        Western Bran        47-09.00   46-02.50  
  8   138 Turner, Davis          Oscar Smith         46-01.50   45-08.00  
  9   176 Anderson, Mickey       Grassfield          47-11.50   44-06.00  
 10   182 Artis, Keshon          Oscar Smith         41-09.25   44-01.00  
 11   132 Hardy, Joseph          Grassfield          43-06.50   44-00.00  
 12   183 Collins, James         Oscar Smith         44-04.50   42-07.50  
 13   180 Leake, Jeremy          Grassfield          43-02.75   42-06.50  
 14    63 Williams, Anthony      Western Bran        43-06.00   42-05.50  
 15   181 Williams, Stacy        Grassfield          41-05.00   41-05.00  
 16   184 Cuffee, Keshaan        Oscar Smith         43-00.00   40-06.50  
 17   177 Hanna, Stephen         Grassfield          42-08.00   40-01.75  
 18   155 Reed, Shamarr          Woodside            44-04.50   39-07.25  
 19   179 Jackson, Isaiah        Grassfield          41-08.50   38-10.00  
 20   124 Hall, Eric             Bethel              40-08.00   38-03.50  
 --   133 Jones, Patrick         Grassfield          40-08.00         ND  
Event 25  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 16.41                                                          
    5A State: % 15.75                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    69 Esprit, Lauren         Great Bridge           15.26    # 15.97Q  2 
  2    68 Adams, Kyra            Great Bridge           15.47      16.46Q  1 
  3    80 Hutchinson, Decemb     Menchville             17.66    # 16.05Q  2 
  4    76 Valle, Emily           Hickory High           17.17      16.59Q  1 
  5    78 Blunt, Taylynn         Menchville             20.39      17.81q  2 
  6    77 Webster, Addison       Hickory High           17.64      17.83q  2 
  7    73 Hooper, Mallory        Hickory High           18.70      18.53q  1 
  8    74 Johnson, Lauren        Hickory High           19.49      19.34q  2 
  9    79 Goodman, Amaya         Menchville             19.70      19.44   1 
 10    72 Anderson, Morgan       Hickory High           19.38      19.60   2 
 11    81 Trowers, Julie         Warwick                21.64      24.41   2 
Event 26  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Conference 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
      6A Reg: @ 15.49                                                          
    6A State: $ 15.34                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    51 Woodley, Alexis        Oscar Smith            14.42    $ 14.38Q  2 
  2    54 Terrell, Jada          Western Bran           15.11    $ 15.27Q  1 
  3    55 Warrior, Chaunise      Western Bran           15.83    $ 15.29Q  1 
  4    15 Thomas, Amanda         Western Bran           15.68    @ 15.46Q  2 
  5    53 Smith, Jewel           Western Bran           14.97    $ 15.31q  1 
  6    52 Eley, Crystal          Western Bran           15.72      15.61q  2 
  7    49 Labat, Ariana          Oscar Smith            16.24      16.02q  2 
  8    50 Skinner, Shaytorri     Oscar Smith            15.98      16.51q  1 
  9    48 Pearson, Trinitee      Grassfield             18.70      18.78   1 
 10    47 Caesar, Vivian-Ali     Grassfield             18.22      19.35   2 
 11    46 Stowes, Asiyah         Bethel                 20.74      21.17   1 
Event 27  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 20.65                                                          
    5A State: % 15.27                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    84 Rosenthal, Chase       Great Bridge           15.14    # 15.41Q  3 
  2    85 Taylor, Marquise       Great Bridge           15.31    # 15.58Q  2 
  3    99 Williams, Travis       Warwick                15.37    # 15.79Q  1 
  4    83 Powell, Tyler          Great Bridge           15.47    # 15.90Q  1 
  5    86 Ellis, Abdul           Hampton                16.00    # 15.92Q  3 
  6    82 Ononiwu, Chiedozie     Great Bridge           15.72    # 16.26Q  2 
  7    92 Panchana, Kody         Hickory High           16.44    # 16.47q  1 
  8    91 Mallory, Brad          Hickory High           16.31    # 16.52q  2 
  9    89 Gamboni, Eric          Hickory High           16.47    # 16.62   2 
 10    98 Good, Demonte          Warwick                16.29    # 17.12   3 
 11    95 Good, Keavin           Menchville             17.10    # 17.16   3 
 12    97 Burke, Ashonte         Warwick                16.35    # 17.49   1 
 13    90 Johnson, Dan           Hickory High           18.36    # 18.05   1 
 14    93 Sanguinet, C.J.        Hickory High           19.04    # 18.15   3 
 15    88 Badman, Brandon        Hickory High           17.47    # 18.22   2 
 16    96 Gray, Clyde            Menchville             18.64    # 19.16   2 
Event 29  Girls 100 Meter Dash Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 12.88                                                          
    5A State: % 12.73                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    43 Ray, Tori              Hampton                11.88    % 12.20Q  2 
  2    37 Tucker, Jessica        Great Bridge           11.85    % 12.48Q  3 
  3    45 Hinson, Abigail        Hickory High           12.82      13.10Q  1 
  4    51 Holmes, Deasia         Indian River           13.47      13.10Q  3 
  5    35 Battle, Jessica        Great Bridge           13.31      13.51Q  2 
  6    63 Grant-Oliver, Kiar     Warwick                14.14      13.68Q  1 
  7    42 Goldson, Makaia        Hampton                13.63      13.50q  3 
  8    62 Evans, Summer          Warwick                14.16      13.58q  2 
  9    46 Hoeft, Katie           Hickory High           13.68      13.66   2 
 10    61 Cleveland, Mychay      Warwick                14.40      14.02   3 
 11    50 Hatcher, Kieaja        Indian River           14.04      14.08   1 
 12    57 Thomas, Laryssa        Menchville             14.53      14.31   2 
 13    41 Edmond, Jae-Lyenn      Hampton                14.18      14.67   3 
 14    55 Jeter, Amya            Menchville             15.06      14.91   1 
 15    36 Goodrich, Taylor       Great Bridge           14.98      15.19   1 
Event 30  Girls 100 Meter Dash Conference 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
      6A Reg: @ 12.69                                                          
    6A State: $ 12.55                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    37 Parks, Milan           Western Bran           12.32    $ 12.15Q  1 
  2    32 Ward, Destiny          Oscar Smith            12.11    $ 12.16Q  2 
  3    36 Oluwole, Funlayo       Western Bran           12.64    $ 12.27Q  2 
  4    26 Harvin, Layla          Kecoughtan             12.27    $ 12.36Q  1 
  5    23 Hayes, Felicia         Grassfield             12.34    $ 12.38q  2 
  6    22 Blount, Kory-Madis     Grassfield             12.79    @ 12.58q  2 
  7    43 Nelson, Tasia          Woodside               12.49    @ 12.58q  2 
  8    21 Bines, Akoya           Grassfield             12.52      12.75q  1 
  9    29 Askew, Takiara         Oscar Smith            12.55      12.84   1 
 10    31 Duke, Kaylah           Oscar Smith            12.99      12.94   2 
 11    34 Gaines, Jadalyn        Western Bran           12.83      13.03   1 
 12    35 Hinton, Joyner         Western Bran           12.85      13.07   1 
 13    42 Neal, Damoni           Woodside               13.18      13.52   1 
 14    20 Williams, Nyra         Bethel                 13.98      13.78   1 
 15    19 Monroe, Mia            Bethel                 14.28      14.10   2 
Event 31  Boys 100 Meter Dash Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 11.44                                                          
    5A State: % 11.27                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    54 Hunter, Devon          Indian River           10.94    % 11.02Q  2 
  2    38 Crawford, Jaquez       Great Bridge           10.82    % 11.07Q  3 
  3    40 Jones, Brandon         Great Bridge           11.10    # 11.37Q  1 
  4    60 Dentu, Tory            Menchville             11.20    # 11.38Q  1 
  5    59 Carter, Jamaal         Menchville             11.64      11.56Q  3 
  6    58 Butts, Trenton         Menchville             11.95      11.74Q  2 
  7    47 Martin, Thomas         Hickory High           11.54      11.58q  3 
  8    33 Patterson, John        Gloucester H           11.97      11.72q  1 
  9    39 Holloway, Kelvin       Great Bridge           11.68      11.75   2 
 10    49 Wiggleton, Ryan        Hickory High           11.78      11.87   1 
 11    64 Anderson, Elijah       Warwick                11.82      12.01   2 
 12    32 Morales, Antonio       Gloucester H           11.89      12.03   3 
 13    34 Pryor, Jr., John       Gloucester H           12.20      12.04   2 
 14    66 Leray, Kalek           Warwick                11.89      12.07   3 
 15    65 Johnson-Gregory, G     Warwick                11.98      12.34   1 
 16    53 Hughes-Brown, Marl     Indian River           12.28      12.34   3 
Event 32  Boys 100 Meter Dash Conference 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
      6A Reg: @ 11.23                                                          
    6A State: $ 11.20                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    40 Harris, Micaiah        Western Bran           11.39    $ 10.92Q  2 
  2    41 Hill, Akinshe          Western Bran           11.20    $ 11.18Q  1 
  3    33 Shirley III, Alfre     Oscar Smith            11.11    $ 11.12Q  2 
  4    38 Blackley, Jahkwan      Western Bran           11.20      11.25Q  1 
  5    24 Breece, Joshua         Grassfield             11.45      11.60q  2 
  6    39 Byrd, Triston          Western Bran           11.44      11.66q  2 
  7    25 Smith, Chase           Grassfield             11.45      11.70q  1 
  8    27 Barnes, Zopella        Kecoughtan             11.75      11.85q  1 
  9    44 Kelly, Aubrey          Woodside               12.42      12.17   1 
 10    45 Northern, Timothy      Woodside               12.29      12.40   2 
Event 33  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Conference 10
 Waterfall Start
      5A Reg: # 10:25.50                                                       
    5A State: % 10:05.40                                                       
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Hickory High School  'A'                          9:59.75   10:04.91% 
     1) 15 Tolarchyk, Jodi              2) 12 Eason, Maddie               
     3) 13 Gyuricsko, Kailyn            4) 157 Van Gorder, Madisyn        
  2 Menchville  'A'                                  10:27.26   10:17.29# 
     1) 161 Jones, Jermyriah            2) 162 Lyons, Cha-Qera            
     3) 23 Blowe, Sydney                4) 24 Cartaya, Aurora             
Event 34  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Conference 2
 Waterfall Start
      6A Reg: @ 10:10.71                                                       
    6A State: $  9:43.88                                                       
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Western Branch High School  'A'                   9:07.71    9:49.54@ 
     1) 53 Smith, Jewel                 2) 266 Goodman, Raven             
     3) 54 Terrell, Jada                4) 90 Ross, Faith                 
  2 Oscar Smith High School  'A'                     10:34.65   10:30.81  
     1) 115 Lester, Precious            2) 86 Futrell-Boothe, Dejhane     
     3)                                 4) 114 Johnson, Shakeria          
  3 Grassfield  'A'                                  10:26.16   10:37.60  
     1) 110 Motsko, Gabrielle           2) 5 Rodriguez, Lauren            
     3) 259 Tatum, Maia                 4) 111 Smith, Lindsey             
Event 35  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Conference 10
 Waterfall Start
      5A Reg: # 8:27.65                                                        
    5A State: % 8:16.52                                                        
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Hickory High School  'A'                          8:37.79    8:21.43# 
     1) 158 Brown, Chad                 2) 159 Clements, Drew             
     3) 16 Hibler, Jarrell              4) 17 Lefevre, Tyler              
  2 Warwick  'A'                                      8:31.77    8:35.01  
     1) 167 Overton, Darrien            2) 146 Rowles, Caleb              
     3) 168 Stevens, Isiah              4) 147 Williams, Lyndell          
  3 Menchville  'A'                                   8:30.32    8:42.74  
  4 Gloucester High School  'A'                       9:15.03   10:08.86  
     1) 284 Bondurant, Noah             2) 2 Drummond, Derek              
     3) 149 Gregory, Tariq              4) 3 Petty, Ryan                  
Event 36  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Conference 2
 Waterfall Start
      6A Reg: @ 8:24.02                                                        
    6A State: $ 8:10.51                                                        
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Oscar Smith High School  'A'                      8:15.13    8:14.76@ 
     1) 116 Corprew, Kameron            2) 117 Lacey, Blaine              
     3) 79 Smith, Daniel                4) 11 Smith, Peter                
  2 Western Branch High School  'A'                   8:14.20    8:25.14  
     1) 269 Deronne, Nick               2) 270 Godwin, Alex               
     3) 271 Huyghue, Zaire              4) 272 King, Josiah               
  3 Grassfield  'A'                                   8:22.42    9:09.92  
     1) 261 Bonner, Logan               2) 262 Cochran, Christian         
     3) 263 Cover, John                 4) 113 Heckman, Nic-Pascar        
  4 Bethel  'A'                                       9:12.66    9:12.16  
Event 37  Girls 200 Meter Dash Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 26.34                                                          
    5A State: % 25.97                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    56 Key, Jada              Menchville             24.86    % 25.57Q  2 
  2   112 Jones, Jermyiah        Menchville             26.01      26.48Q  1 
  3   113 Ruffin, Danyetta       Menchville             26.83      26.55Q  3 
  4   103 Maxwell, Sharde        Great Bridge           26.58      27.00Q  2 
  5   100 Scott, Jasmin          Gloucester H           27.24      27.01Q  3 
  6   106 Mitchell, Danielle     Hampton                26.55      27.37Q  1 
  7    45 Hinson, Abigail        Hickory High           27.35      27.01q  2 
  8    51 Holmes, Deasia         Indian River           27.57      27.73q  1 
  9    35 Battle, Jessica        Great Bridge           28.68      27.91   3 
 10    42 Goldson, Makaia        Hampton                27.96      28.35   1 
 11    62 Evans, Summer          Warwick                29.11      28.40   2 
 12   110 Johnson, Nnikiya       Indian River           28.15      28.88   2 
 13    46 Hoeft, Katie           Hickory High           28.79      29.23   3 
 14   101 Ward, Malia            Gloucester H           29.64      30.22   1 
 15   114 Plucinski, Kat         Warwick                           30.92   3 
 16   115 Robinson, Connie       Warwick                31.40      31.36   1 
Event 38  Girls 200 Meter Dash Conference 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      6A Reg: @ 26.03                                                          
    6A State: $ 25.72                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    68 Ghee, Lauryn           Grassfield             23.96    $ 24.21Q  3 
  2    32 Ward, Destiny          Oscar Smith            24.68    $ 24.89Q  2 
  3    37 Parks, Milan           Western Bran           26.07    $ 25.14Q  1 
  4    36 Oluwole, Funlayo       Western Bran           25.27    $ 25.16Q  1 
  5    43 Nelson, Tasia          Woodside               25.89    $ 25.65Q  3 
  6    26 Harvin, Layla          Kecoughtan             25.52    @ 25.81Q  2 
  7    23 Hayes, Felicia         Grassfield             25.31    $ 25.45q  1 
  8    21 Bines, Akoya           Grassfield             26.20      26.35q  1 
  9    67 Copeland, Destiny      Grassfield             26.39      26.39   3 
 10    64 Crippen, Sierra        Bethel                 26.59      26.46   1 
 11    74 Rodgers, Kiana         Western Bran           26.44      26.47   3 
 12    73 Jenkins, Jashella      Western Bran           25.94      26.50   2 
 13    31 Duke, Kaylah           Oscar Smith            26.71      26.69   2 
 14    34 Gaines, Jadalyn        Western Bran           26.64      26.89   3 
 15    75 Smalls, Martina        Western Bran           26.61      27.15   2 
 16    65 Massey, Destiny        Bethel                 26.61      27.16   3 
 17    71 Jones, Brenna          Oscar Smith            26.47      27.24   2 
 18    22 Blount, Kory-Madis     Grassfield             25.84      27.34   3 
 19    29 Askew, Takiara         Oscar Smith            26.26      27.41   2 
 20    42 Neal, Damoni           Woodside               27.38      27.90   1 
Event 39  Boys 200 Meter Dash Conference 10
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
      5A Reg: # 23.05                                                          
    5A State: % 22.68                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    38 Crawford, Jaquez       Great Bridge           22.78    % 22.63Q  1 
  2    54 Hunter, Devon          Indian River           22.18    # 22.84Q  3 
  3   107 Middlebrooks, John     Hickory High           22.39    # 22.91Q  2 
  4   102 Garcia, Justin         Gloucester H           23.62    # 22.96Q  1 
  5   109 Muratore, Chris        Hickory High           23.04      23.32Q  2 
  6    59 Carter, Jamaal         Menchville             23.38      23.52Q  3 
  7    60 Dentu, Tory            Menchville             22.72    # 23.03q  1 
  8   111 Smith, Alexander       Indian River           23.42      23.45q  2 
  9    82 Ononiwu, Chiedozie     Great Bridge           23.37      23.82   3 
 10   105 Atkins, Mykalee        Great Bridge           23.72      24.26   1 
 11    64 Anderson, Elijah       Warwick                24.44      24.28   3 
 12    58 Butts, Trenton         Menchville             24.24      24.35   3 
 13   108 Morton, Zach           Hickory High           23.81      24.38   2 
 14   117 Powell, Pryce          Warwick                25.17      24.44   1 
 15    33 Patterson, John        Gloucester H           24.46      24.52   2 
 16    34 Pryor, Jr., John       Gloucester H           25.35      25.71   1 
Event 40  Boys 200 Meter Dash Conference 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
      6A Reg: @ 22.58                                                          
    6A State: $ 22.51                                                          
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1    40 Harris, Micaiah        Western Bran           22.05    $ 21.91Q  1 
  2    58 Holloway, Grant        Grassfield             21.54    $ 22.16Q  2 
  3    33 Shirley III, Alfre     Oscar Smith            22.44    $ 22.41Q  2 
  4    38 Blackley, Jahkwan      Western Bran           22.34      22.65Q  1 
  5    41 Hill, Akinshe          Western Bran           22.58      22.83q  1 
  6    76 Deloatch, Breon        Western Bran           22.37      22.97q  2 
  7    39 Byrd, Triston          Western Bran           22.95      23.36q  2 
  8    72 Jones, Bradley         Oscar Smith            23.10      23.95q  2 
  9    66 Meredith, Tyler        Bethel                 25.62      24.96   1 
 10    45 Northern, Timothy      Woodside               26.72      26.16   2 
            Women - Conference 2 - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Grassfield                  59        2) Western Branch High Schoo  35   
    3) Oscar Smith High School     30        4) Woodside                    5   
    5) Bethel                       2                                           
            Women - Conference 10 - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Hickory High School         47        2) Great Bridge High School   24   
    3) Indian River High School    20        4) Gloucester High School     15   
    5) Menchville                  12        6) Hampton                     2   
              Men - Conference 2 - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Grassfield                  52        2) Western Branch High Schoo  43   
    3) Oscar Smith High School     40        4) Bethel                     10   
             Men - Conference 10 - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Hickory High School         58        2) Warwick                    29   
    3) Great Bridge High School    22        4) Indian River High School   20   
    5) Gloucester High School       9        6) Menchville                  8   
             Combined Team Scores - Conference 2 - 8 Events Scored
    1) Grassfield                 111        2) Western Branch High Schoo  78   
    3) Oscar Smith High School     70        4) Bethel                     12   
    5) Woodside                     5                                           
            Combined Team Scores - Conference 10 - 8 Events Scored
    1) Hickory High School        105        2) Great Bridge High School   46   
    3) Indian River High School    40        4) Warwick                    29   
    5) Gloucester High School      24        6) Menchville                 20   
    7) Hampton                      2