Meet Information
Registration help:
Times: Course Shown 1:00 pm
Mandatory Coaches Meeting 2:00 pm
Girls Race 3:00 pm
Boys Race 3:45 pm
Awards 4:15/4:30 pm
(Championship and runner-up team trophy; individual medals to top 15 finishers)
Meet Directors: Ron Proffitt, Bassett High School, Assistant Principal/Activities Director
Kevin Underwood, Bassett High School, Head Boys Cross Country Coach
Starter & Referee: Kenneth Harris, Starter
Joe LaRocco, Referee
Head Coaches: Annette Carter, Head Girls Coach
Kevin Underwood, Head Boys Coach
Athletic Trainer: Kyana Smith, Memorial Hospital Sports Medicine
Entry Information: The VHSL 4A West regional entries should be sent by the Conference directors via email or fax the day after their respective Conference meet.
School entries must be received no later than Monday, 11/2 11:59 PM on milestat.
Schools should submit the VHSL Region entry form as well as complete the entries on milestat (
Top 3 teams per conference advance to Regionals, including Top 15 individuals.
Meet Page: Go to milestat and go to Calendar and select November and scroll to Region 4A West Cross Country Championships.
State Meet: Top 6 teams per Region advance to State, including Top 10 individuals (not counting runners on Top 6 advancing teams).
State Meet page:
Awards Info: The top 6 teams and the first 10 finishers (not counting runners on the top 6 advancing teams) in the Regional meet qualify for the State Cross Country Meet.
The top 15 finishers will be recognized as All Regional and will receive a certificate.
Region 4A West Welcome
We welcome you and your team to the Region 4A West Cross Country Meet! We are looking forward to a terrific meet on what we believe is one of the best cross country courses in the state.
**In case of extreme weather we may postpone the meet per Region 4A West and VHSL policy**
We ask that you and your team respect the Smith River Sports Complex property and facilities (trash bags will be provided for tent city). Listed below are some procedural items and rules we request you follow.
All teams need to be dropped off at the Registration Area. Buses will need to park at the main parking lot located at the soccer fields.
Tent City will be located on the soccer field adjacent to the Cross Country Course.
Parents, fans, and attendees of the meet will need to park in main parking at the soccer fields as well.
Restroom facilities are located at the main soccer complex; however, we will have portable toilets for athletes at the Registration Area.
Do not allow any objects to be thrown; Frisbees, footballs etc. on the property EXCEPT for Tent City.
Stay on mowed paths while racing, viewing the race, or warming up to avoid possible injuries from hazards on the property, like overgrown brush, rocks, groundhog holes, poison ivy, ticks, bees or other unforeseen issues.
Please remove all trash prior to leaving the grounds.
Please treat all race volunteers and staff with respect.
Concessions & T-shirt sales (Fine Design) will be available at the Registration Area.
ALL uniform rules will be enforced as per VHSL/NFHS policies.
Please return all race chips at the conclusion of the race as Run Roanoke will charge $5.00 per lost chip to each school.
Failure to follow these rules may result in the offender's removal from the grounds. We reserve the right to not invite teams to future meets as the use of the property may be affected. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Times: Course Shown 1:00 pm
Mandatory Coaches Meeting 2:00 pm
Girls Race 3:00 pm
Boys Race 3:45 pm
Awards 4:15/4:30 pm
(Championship and runner-up team trophy; individual medals to top 15 finishers)
Meet Directors: Ron Proffitt, Bassett High School, Assistant Principal/Activities Director
Kevin Underwood, Bassett High School, Head Boys Cross Country Coach
Starter & Referee: Kenneth Harris, Starter
Joe LaRocco, Referee
Head Coaches: Annette Carter, Head Girls Coach
Kevin Underwood, Head Boys Coach
Athletic Trainer: Kyana Smith, Memorial Hospital Sports Medicine
Entry Information: The VHSL 4A West regional entries should be sent by the Conference directors via email or fax the day after their respective Conference meet.
School entries must be received no later than Monday, 11/2 11:59 PM on milestat.
Schools should submit the VHSL Region entry form as well as complete the entries on milestat (
Top 3 teams per conference advance to Regionals, including Top 15 individuals.
Meet Page: Go to milestat and go to Calendar and select November and scroll to Region 4A West Cross Country Championships.
State Meet: Top 6 teams per Region advance to State, including Top 10 individuals (not counting runners on Top 6 advancing teams).
State Meet page:
Awards Info: The top 6 teams and the first 10 finishers (not counting runners on the top 6 advancing teams) in the Regional meet qualify for the State Cross Country Meet.
The top 15 finishers will be recognized as All Regional and will receive a certificate.
Region 4A West Welcome
We welcome you and your team to the Region 4A West Cross Country Meet! We are looking forward to a terrific meet on what we believe is one of the best cross country courses in the state.
**In case of extreme weather we may postpone the meet per Region 4A West and VHSL policy**
We ask that you and your team respect the Smith River Sports Complex property and facilities (trash bags will be provided for tent city). Listed below are some procedural items and rules we request you follow.
All teams need to be dropped off at the Registration Area. Buses will need to park at the main parking lot located at the soccer fields.
Tent City will be located on the soccer field adjacent to the Cross Country Course.
Parents, fans, and attendees of the meet will need to park in main parking at the soccer fields as well.
Restroom facilities are located at the main soccer complex; however, we will have portable toilets for athletes at the Registration Area.
Do not allow any objects to be thrown; Frisbees, footballs etc. on the property EXCEPT for Tent City.
Stay on mowed paths while racing, viewing the race, or warming up to avoid possible injuries from hazards on the property, like overgrown brush, rocks, groundhog holes, poison ivy, ticks, bees or other unforeseen issues.
Please remove all trash prior to leaving the grounds.
Please treat all race volunteers and staff with respect.
Concessions & T-shirt sales (Fine Design) will be available at the Registration Area.
ALL uniform rules will be enforced as per VHSL/NFHS policies.
Please return all race chips at the conclusion of the race as Run Roanoke will charge $5.00 per lost chip to each school.
Failure to follow these rules may result in the offender's removal from the grounds. We reserve the right to not invite teams to future meets as the use of the property may be affected. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.