James River Invitational 2016

Midlothian, VA

1-Complete Results

Licensed to Glen Allen High School     HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/16/2016 05:38 PM
                   2016 James River Invitational - 4/18/2015                   
                    James River High School, Midlothian, VA                    
Event 1  Girls Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Wynter, Hanna             10 Manchester H        17-05.50   18-01.00  
  2 Prosise, Taylor           11 Clover Hill         17-06.75   17-02.50  
  3 Davis, Kamryn             11 Thomas Dale         17-02.00   17-00.25  
  4 Newman, Aliyah            11 Thomas Dale         16-07.25   16-10.75  
  5 Groomes, Gevana           10 James River         15-05.25   16-08.75  
  6 Ablack*, Ananda           11 Manchester H        16-06.75   16-07.50  
  7 Greene, Rebekah           11 Mills Godwin        16-07.00   16-03.50  
  7 Jemmott, Amaya            11 Thomas Dale         17-00.00   16-03.50  
  9 Babashak, Erin             9 Midlothian H        15-06.00   15-02.50  
 10 Carlisle, Eryn            11 Saint Cather        15-11.50   15-01.50  
 11 Ballantyne, Emma          11 Saint Cather        15-09.75   15-01.00  
 11 Dozier, Taliyah           10 Glen Allen H        15-06.50   15-01.00  
 13 White, Symone             11 Lee-Davis           16-05.75   14-11.25  
 13 Becton, Danaje            11 Huguenot                       14-11.25  
 15 Accilien, Niahlie          9 Clover Hill                    14-10.50  
 16 Woods, Charlotte          12 Trinity Epis        14-04.00   14-10.00  
 17 Jones, Kirsten            11 Trinity Epis        14-02.75   14-07.25  
 18 Allen, Hunter             11 Lee-Davis           14-08.50   14-03.50  
 19 Horner, Reny              10 Saint Cather        13-08.50   14-00.25  
 20 Hinton, Faith             11 Trinity Epis        14-00.00   14-00.00  
 21 Yancey, Shannon            9 Mills Godwin        13-00.00   13-10.50  
 22 Williams, Morgan           9 Trinity Epis        14-02.00   13-10.00  
 23 Becker, Arielle            9 Deep Run            15-00.00   13-08.50  
 24 Dummars, Trinity          10 Clover Hill                    13-07.25  
 25 Hooker, Kacee             10 Cosby                          13-04.50  
 26 Smith, Kerrah             10 Manchester H        13-02.50   13-00.25  
 27 Grace, Hanna              10 Lee-Davis           12-01.00   13-00.00  
 28 Enz*, Xiomara             11 Deep Run            14-06.00   12-09.50  
 29 Lee, Shelbi               10 Clover Hill                    12-03.00  
 30 Manning, Akilah            9 Cosby                          12-02.50  
 31 Singleton, Mejia          10 Huguenot            13-11.50   11-08.00  
 32 McCoy-Armstead, Brittany  11 Elijah House                    9-02.25  
 -- Fedora, Christiana        10 Mills Godwin        13-09.00       FOUL  
 -- Bullock*, Tiffany         11 Manchester H        16-11.50       FOUL  
Event 2  Boys Long Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Coleman, Milton           11 Thomas Dale         20-02.50   22-00.50  
  2 Hamlin, Khalik            12 Monacan High        19-08.00   20-11.25  
  3 Jones, Treshawn           11 Thomas Dale         20-00.00   20-01.25  
  4 Gardner, Cason            10 Atlee               19-08.75   19-11.00  
  5 Thrower, Dylan            12 Manchester H        19-04.75   19-06.00  
  6 Wyatt, Bradley            10 Deep Run            18-00.00   19-03.50  
  6 Tofoi, Tailey              9 Huguenot                       19-03.50  
  8 Ward*, Paul Carter        12 Mills Godwin        18-06.00   19-00.50  
  9 Henry, Mason               9 Glen Allen H                   19-00.00  
 10 Acosta, Ben               11 James River         18-11.00   18-08.75  
 11 Claytor, Roland           11 Varina              18-04.75   18-07.50  
 11 Mengel, Nick              10 Deep Run            18-10.00   18-07.50  
 11 Stewart, Alex              9 Cosby               18-09.50   18-07.50  
 14 Bean, Jonathan            12 Huguenot            18-03.00   18-06.25  
 15 Elkins, Todd               9 Monacan High        17-01.75   18-06.00  
 16 Michel, Nicholas          11 James River         18-01.75   18-03.50  
 17 Gilliam, Christian        11 Lee-Davis           19-02.00   18-02.50  
 18 Nuffer, Kye               12 Manchester H        18-01.00   18-00.50  
 19 Shulleeta, Justin         10 Mills Godwin        16-04.50   17-10.00  
 20 Noble, William            11 James River         18-00.00   17-08.50  
 21 Pierce, Kian              10 Manchester H        17-00.00   17-07.50  
 22 Miller IV, Gordon         10 Deep Run            16-04.00   17-06.00  
 23 Houston, Christopher       9 Clover Hill         15-08.75   17-05.50  
 24 Jackson, Isaiah           10 Cosby               18-00.00   17-04.75  
 24 Davis, Isaiah             10 Varina              16-07.50   17-04.75  
 26 Ludwig, Simon             12 Midlothian H        18-00.00   17-03.00  
 27 Worden, Stephen           10 Veritas Scho        17-04.00   17-02.75  
 28 McFail, Deon              11 Monacan High                   17-01.25  
 29 Archer, Gavin             11 Huguenot            17-04.00   17-01.00  
 30 Slater, Jared             10 Clover Hill         16-11.00   17-00.75  
 31 Butler, Keshaun           12 James River         18-10.00   16-09.00  
 32 Hodge, Chris              11 Varina              16-11.50   16-05.50  
 33 Rosenfelder, Camden       11 Mills Godwin        17-05.75   16-03.50  
 34 Watson, Sam                8 Veritas Scho                   16-03.25  
 35 Sparrow, Ty'Keem           9 Monacan High                   16-01.50  
 36 Moseley, D'Monte'          9 Cosby                          15-09.50  
 37 Muhammed, Antonio          9 Elijah House                   15-01.75  
 38 Chijioke, Prosper          9 Cosby                          11-01.00  
 39 Delacruz, Jaycee           9 Elijah House                    9-00.00  
Event 3  Girls Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Bullock*, Tiffany         11 Manchester H        38-04.00   37-07.00  
  2 Davis, Kamryn             11 Thomas Dale         35-02.00   36-06.75  
  3 Greene, Rebekah           11 Mills Godwin        37-08.00   36-03.50  
  4 Newman, Aliyah            11 Thomas Dale         38-00.50   36-01.75  
  5 Carlisle, Eryn            11 Saint Cather        35-04.75   35-00.25  
  6 Jemmott, Amaya            11 Thomas Dale         34-01.00   34-09.50  
  7 Penzer, Kimberly          10 Lee-Davis           32-09.75   34-02.00  
  8 Adeyola, Anaya            10 Manchester H        33-03.00   33-09.50  
  9 Williams, Morgan           9 Trinity Epis        30-02.50   31-08.75  
 10 Dummars, Trinity          10 Clover Hill         30-07.50   31-05.25  
 11 Allen, Hunter             11 Lee-Davis           31-05.00   31-04.50  
 12 Daniluk*, Katie           10 Midlothian H        32-03.50   31-04.25  
 13 Ablack*, Ananda           11 Manchester H        33-01.00   31-00.00  
 14 Channer, Jailah            8 Saint Cather        28-03.25   30-09.50  
 15 Pettus, Julia              9 Trinity Epis        29-04.50   30-00.50  
 16 Manning, Akilah            9 Cosby                          29-05.50  
 17 Hooker, Kacee             10 Cosby                          29-04.00  
 18 Horner, Reny              10 Saint Cather        30-10.75   29-01.00  
 19 Wright, Joule             10 Mills Godwin        28-10.50   28-09.50  
 20 Yancey, Shannon            9 Mills Godwin        28-06.50   26-10.00  
 21 Wilson, Yesenia           10 Varina              26-01.25   25-09.50  
 -- Prosise, Taylor           11 Clover Hill         36-09.25       FOUL  
Event 4  Boys Triple Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jones, Treshawn           11 Thomas Dale         42-08.00   45-06.50  
  2 Hamlin, Khalik            12 Monacan High        42-08.75   44-01.75  
  3 Lazaro, Abdul             11 Thomas Dale         37-05.50   41-03.00  
  4 Brown, Justin             11 Midlothian H        37-11.00   40-02.00  
  5 Gamble, Janaeki           12 Thomas Dale         35-11.00   39-04.50  
  6 Stewart, Alex              9 Cosby               38-05.25   39-00.50  
  7 Ward*, Paul Carter        12 Mills Godwin        38-10.50   38-09.50  
  8 Howard, William           11 Trinity Epis        38-05.25   38-07.00  
  9 Houston, Christopher       9 Clover Hill                    37-07.50  
 10 Christensen, Andrew        9 Mills Godwin        36-01.00   36-06.50  
 11 Michel, Nicholas          11 James River         38-05.00   36-04.00  
 12 Jones, Andrew             12 Manchester H        35-10.00   36-00.00  
 13 Bean, Jonathan            12 Huguenot                       35-11.00  
 14 Slater, Jared             10 Clover Hill         37-03.50   35-05.00  
 15 Moseley, D'Monte'          9 Cosby                          35-04.50  
 16 Brown, Austin             10 Lee-Davis           34-10.00   35-03.00  
 17 Butler, Keshaun           12 James River                    35-00.00  
 18 Pierce, Kian              10 Manchester H        35-09.00   34-04.00  
 19 Elkins, Todd               9 Monacan High                   34-03.00  
 20 Jackson, Isaiah           10 Cosby                          33-10.50  
 20 Walker, Jordan            12 Trinity Epis        35-07.25   33-10.50  
 20 Dearing, Paul              9 Mills Godwin        34-09.25   33-10.50  
 23 Babb, Jacob*              12 Midlothian H        33-00.00   32-09.50  
 -- Chijioke, Prosper          9 Cosby                              FOUL  
Event 5  Girls High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Pitchford*, Mallory       12 James River                     4-10.00  
  2 Daniluk*, Katie           10 Midlothian H         4-10.00    4-08.00  
  2 Bryan *, Christina        10 Glen Allen H         4-06.00    4-08.00  
  2 Newman, Aliyah            11 Thomas Dale          4-06.00    4-08.00  
  5 Coston, Premiere          12 Thomas Dale          4-04.00    4-06.00  
  6 Ablack*, Ananda           11 Manchester H         4-06.00    4-04.00  
  6 Greene, Rebekah           11 Mills Godwin         4-02.00    4-04.00  
  6 Adeyola, Anaya            10 Manchester H         4-07.00    4-04.00  
  9 Wright, Joule             10 Mills Godwin         4-04.00    4-02.00  
  9 Mitchell, Ferarri          9 Elijah House         3-10.00    4-02.00  
  9 Winterling, Claire        10 Deep Run             4-06.00    4-02.00  
  9 Li, Jessica                9 Glen Allen H         4-04.00    4-02.00  
 13 Duimstra, Sydney          10 Deep Run             4-02.00    4-00.00  
 13 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H         4-05.00    4-00.00  
 -- Washington, Tenae         12 Varina               4-10.00         NH  
 -- Feilds, Deshonna           8 Elijah House         4-00.00         NH  
 -- Puente, Madison            6 Elijah House                         NH  
 -- Channer, Jailah            8 Saint Cather         4-08.00         NH  
Event 6  Boys High Jump Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Coleman, Milton           11 Thomas Dale          6-02.00    6-06.00  
  2 Via, Lucas                11 Midlothian H         6-05.00    6-04.00  
  3 Ward*, Paul Carter        12 Mills Godwin         6-02.00    6-00.00  
  3 Gardner, Cason            10 Atlee                6-04.00    6-00.00  
  5 Houston, Reginald         11 Thomas Dale          5-10.00    5-10.00  
  5 Nedrick, Monte            12 Huguenot             5-10.00    5-10.00  
  5 Bullock, Brian            11 Thomas Dale          6-00.00    5-10.00  
  8 Corbin, Nicholas          11 Lee-Davis            5-10.00    5-08.00  
  8 Jones, Treshawn           11 Thomas Dale          6-00.00    5-08.00  
  8 Brooks*, Brandon          11 Lee-Davis            5-10.00    5-08.00  
 11 Allen, Daniel             10 Manchester H         5-06.00    5-06.00  
 11 Smith, Tyler               9 Clover Hill          5-04.00    5-06.00  
 13 Brown, Justin             11 Midlothian H         5-06.00    5-04.00  
 13 Bean, Jonathan            12 Huguenot             5-04.00    5-04.00  
 13 Jackson, Herman           11 Monacan High                    5-04.00  
 13 Cambric, Travis            9 Trinity Epis         5-04.00    5-04.00  
 13 Howard, William           11 Trinity Epis         5-06.00    5-04.00  
 18 Rosenfelder, Camden       11 Mills Godwin         5-04.00    5-02.00  
 18 Christensen, Andrew        9 Mills Godwin         5-00.00    5-02.00  
 18 Karabatek, Zaed            9 Collegiate           5-06.00    5-02.00  
 18 Nelson, Jordan            12 James River          5-08.00    5-02.00  
 18 Davis, Isaiah             10 Varina                          5-02.00  
 18 Butler, Cameron            9 Mills Godwin         5-00.00    5-02.00  
 24 Butler, Keshaun           12 James River          5-02.00    5-00.00  
 24 Worden, Stephen           10 Veritas Scho                    5-00.00  
 24 Claytor, Roland           11 Varina               5-04.00    5-00.00  
 24 Tofoi, Tailey              9 Huguenot                        5-00.00  
 -- V, Sathya                  9 Glen Allen H                         NH  
 -- Rodriguez, Michael         9 Glen Allen H                         NH  
 -- Westbrook, Rondell        10 James River          5-04.00         NH  
 -- Slater, Christian          9 Cosby                5-04.00         NH  
 -- Elias, James               9 Elijah House         4-06.00         NH  
Event 9  Girls Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Anderegg, Isabella        11 Trinity Epis        36-02.00   35-05.00  
  2 Henry, Andrea             11 James River         30-01.50   32-04.00  
  3 Hinton, Faith             11 Trinity Epis        33-05.00   32-01.00  
  4 Sanger, Victoria          12 James River         31-08.00   31-05.50  
  5 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H        29-09.25   30-09.00  
  6 McRae *, Jessica          10 Glen Allen H        29-05.00   30-01.00  
  7 Fludd, Jadesia            11 Monacan High        31-03.00   29-11.00  
  8 Blackman, Odessa          12 James River         28-06.00   29-04.00  
  9 Mustafa, Sakina           10 Thomas Dale         24-03.50   28-05.00  
 10 Daniel, Rachel            11 Saint Cather        28-08.50   28-01.00  
 11 Beverly, Angel            11 Mills Godwin        28-05.00   27-11.00  
 12 Creed, Darcy               9 Manchester H        27-01.50   27-05.00  
 13 Jordan *, Kasey           12 Glen Allen H        27-02.00   26-11.00  
 14 Bullock, Tamara           10 Varina              30-01.00   26-10.00  
 15 Gooding *, Jordan         10 Glen Allen H        28-02.50   26-05.50  
 16 Joel, Frazier             11 Saint Cather        27-03.75   26-05.00  
 17 Mead*, Emily              12 Deep Run            28-11.75   26-01.00  
 18 Kelly, Victoria           12 Deep Run            24-08.50   25-10.00  
 19 Burton, Laryn              9 Varina                         24-10.00  
 20 Reece, Evelyn             10 Midlothian H        27-01.50   24-05.50  
 21 Valentine, Jade           10 Varina              23-05.00   24-03.00  
 22 Pause, Lisa               10 Mills Godwin        23-04.50   23-09.50  
 23 Bryan *, Christina        10 Glen Allen H        21-02.75   23-09.00  
 24 Pierre-Louis, Katherine    9 Veritas Scho        24-06.00   23-08.00  
 25 Wright, Kendahl            9 Cosby               23-03.50   23-01.00  
 26 Payne, Sanora              9 Manchester H        21-03.00   22-07.00  
 27 Prekker, Caroline          9 Cosby                          21-08.00  
 28 Geier, Allie              11 Trinity Epis        21-01.00   20-11.00  
 28 Page, Olivia              11 Monacan High        20-01.50   20-11.00  
 30 Mitchell, Ferarri          9 Elijah House                   20-09.00  
Event 10  Boys Shot Put Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Jackson, Malik            11 Huguenot            48-03.00   45-03.00  
  2 Yancey, Glen              11 Manchester H        40-10.00   43-08.00  
  3 Taylor, Trevor            11 Trinity Epis        46-10.00   43-01.00  
  4 Marshall, Zack            12 Manchester H        47-03.50   42-03.00  
  5 Dugger, Wesley            11 Mills Godwin        38-09.00   41-10.50  
  6 Govan, Cosray             11 Clover Hill         43-02.50   41-02.00  
  7 Campbell, Colin           10 Monacan High        42-06.00   41-01.00  
  8 Sundra, Andrew            10 Clover Hill         39-05.00   40-09.00  
  9 Williams, Devin           11 Thomas Dale         37-07.50   40-08.00  
 10 Sherman, Daniel           10 Mills Godwin        35-00.00   40-06.00  
 11 Quach *, Henry            11 Glen Allen H        40-03.00   39-04.50  
 12 Houff*, Matthew           11 Deep Run            39-07.75   39-02.00  
 13 Kim, Mo                   12 Mills Godwin        37-08.50   38-10.50  
 14 Stafford, Justin           9 Varina              39-00.00   38-08.00  
 15 Wales, David              11 Deep Run            38-04.50   38-06.00  
 16 Geoghegan, Dylan          11 Midlothian H        34-01.00   38-00.50  
 17 Norfleet, Jason           10 Veritas Scho        35-02.75   37-11.00  
 18 Walls, Will               11 Deep Run            36-04.00   37-09.50  
 19 Wingfield, Johnathon      11 Monacan High        37-01.25   37-06.00  
 20 Cosby, Javon              11 Trinity Epis        36-05.00   37-05.00  
 21 Purvis, Justin            11 James River         39-02.50   37-03.00  
 22 Masta, Dan                10 Cosby               37-03.50   36-08.00  
 23 Moore, Joshua             10 Monacan High        36-11.00   36-05.00  
 23 Thomas, Brennan           10 Huguenot            35-08.00   36-05.00  
 25 Staib, Brayden             9 Midlothian H        33-04.00   35-05.50  
 26 Powell, Reed               9 Trinity Epis        35-02.00   35-00.00  
 27 Vardell, Aaron             9 Midlothian H        35-00.00   34-10.00  
 28 Fulk, Hunter              11 Glen Allen H        38-02.00   34-08.00  
 29 Armstrong, Matthew        11 James River         33-02.00   33-06.00  
 30 Pollard, Issac            11 Lee-Davis           29-10.00   32-11.00  
 31 Grossberg, Jacob          10 James River         34-06.00   32-04.00  
 32 Stephonavicious *, Nicho  10 Glen Allen H        32-02.50   32-00.00  
 33 Betterton, Jaired         11 Cosby               33-07.50   31-05.00  
 33 Mitchell, Elijha           9 Elijah House                   31-05.00  
 35 Lee, Ronzo                10 James River                    31-00.00  
 36 Smith, Will               11 Cosby               37-03.00   30-05.50  
 37 Thorton, Josh              9 Monacan High                   29-11.00  
 38 Robinson, Talvis          10 Thomas Dale         34-02.00   29-05.00  
 39 Spencer, Earle             9 Manchester H        25-00.00   28-04.50  
 40 Alfaro, Johan              9 Cosby                          26-05.00  
 40 Simkins, Luke              8 Veritas Scho        24-07.00   26-05.00  
 42 Turner, Brandon           12 Varina                         24-03.50  
 43 Pierce, Nathaniel         11 Lee-Davis           29-09.00   24-01.00  
 44 Brown, Tevin              11 Elijah House                   23-09.00  
 45 Peters, Micah              9 Elijah House                   23-07.00  
Event 11  Girls Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Witt, Logan               11 Clover Hill           115-03  109-10.50  
  2 Blackman, Odessa          12 James River            91-11      92-07  
  3 Mead*, Emily              12 Deep Run               91-11      90-11  
  4 Anderegg, Isabella        11 Trinity Epis          100-06      88-04  
  5 Sanger, Victoria          12 James River            72-02      85-07  
  6 Fanning, Tessa             9 Monacan High                      83-03  
  7 McRae *, Jessica          10 Glen Allen H           87-10   82-10.50  
  8 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H           94-07      81-01  
  9 Fedora, Christiana        10 Mills Godwin           79-00      79-03  
 10 Reece, Evelyn             10 Midlothian H           79-11      77-11  
 11 Beverly, Angel            11 Mills Godwin           81-02   75-10.50  
 12 Sample, Janelle            8 Elijah House           67-09      73-01  
 13 Pierre-Louis, Katherine    9 Veritas Scho           60-10      72-00  
 14 Fludd, Jadesia            11 Monacan High           81-07      71-02  
 15 Creed, Darcy               9 Manchester H           59-11   70-06.50  
 16 Wright, Joule             10 Mills Godwin           78-07      69-04  
 17 Joel, Frazier             11 Saint Cather           54-05      69-02  
 18 Daniel, Rachel            11 Saint Cather           55-10      68-07  
 19 Bryan *, Christina        10 Glen Allen H           67-01   68-06.50  
 20 Henry, Andrea             11 James River            64-06   67-04.50  
 21 Geier, Allie              11 Trinity Epis           63-10      64-03  
 22 Bullock, Tamara           10 Varina                 71-05      63-11  
 23 Kelly, Victoria           12 Deep Run               71-01      62-05  
 24 Jordan *, Kasey           12 Glen Allen H           68-01      62-00  
 25 Gooding *, Jordan         10 Glen Allen H           71-09   61-06.50  
 26 Loving, Sadie             11 Saint Cather           58-00      61-00  
 27 Phillips, Kaitlyn         11 Varina                 63-08   58-02.50  
 28 Payne, Sanora              9 Manchester H           55-00      57-06  
 29 Taylor, Nycole            10 Mills Godwin           65-02   56-08.50  
 30 Mustafa, Sakina           10 Thomas Dale            70-00      52-00  
 31 Prekker, Caroline          9 Cosby                  51-02   50-03.50  
 32 Page, Olivia              11 Monacan High           49-01      47-00  
 33 Wright, Kendahl            9 Cosby                          44-10.50  
 34 Ferguson, Skylyn          12 Huguenot                          44-07  
Event 12  Boys Discus Throw Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Sundra, Andrew            10 Clover Hill           134-03  142-06.50  
  2 Yancey, Glen              11 Manchester H          101-11     127-06  
  3 Williams, Devin           11 Thomas Dale           114-10     125-01  
  4 Taylor, Trevor            11 Trinity Epis          137-07  121-05.50  
  5 Moody, Traneil            10 Mills Godwin          105-00     118-01  
  6 Norfleet, Jason           10 Veritas Scho           93-01     113-11  
  7 Govan, Cosray             11 Clover Hill           110-00     113-05  
  8 Wingfield, Johnathon      11 Monacan High          107-07     112-00  
  9 Geoghegan, Dylan          11 Midlothian H           93-00     111-03  
 10 Robinson, Talvis          10 Thomas Dale           101-02     108-09  
 11 Cosby, Javon              11 Trinity Epis           98-01     107-09  
 12 Fulk, Hunter              11 Glen Allen H           94-02     106-00  
 13 Houff*, Matthew           11 Deep Run              104-00     105-10  
 14 Wales, David              11 Deep Run              107-09  103-10.50  
 15 Pollard, Issac            11 Lee-Davis              86-06      96-07  
 16 Stafford, Justin           9 Varina                 93-00      96-00  
 17 Smith, Will               11 Cosby                  94-09   95-10.50  
 18 Purvis, Justin            11 James River            92-01      95-10  
 19 Sherman, Daniel           10 Mills Godwin          100-09      95-04  
 20 vonKannewurff *, Cameron  12 Glen Allen H           90-07      95-00  
 21 Starr, Adam               12 Trinity Epis          100-02      90-05  
 22 Powell, Reed               9 Trinity Epis           83-09      90-04  
 23 Kim, Mo                   12 Mills Godwin          103-09      88-10  
 24 Lee, Ronzo                10 James River                    88-05.50  
 25 Masta, Dan                10 Cosby                          87-03.50  
 26 Walls, Will               11 Deep Run               84-06      86-09  
 27 Armstrong, Matthew        11 James River            94-09      85-08  
 28 Turner, Brandon           12 Varina                 56-01   85-04.50  
 29 McLaughlin, Lance          9 Midlothian H           83-00   84-08.50  
 30 Williams, Desmond         10 Manchester H           65-00      84-01  
 31 Campbell, Colin           10 Monacan High          122-09      83-03  
 32 Grossberg, Jacob          10 James River            82-06   80-03.50  
 33 Jackson, Malik            11 Huguenot                          80-03  
 34 Towley, Fredrick          11 Huguenot               66-09      77-11  
 35 Epps, Kevin               11 Cosby                  86-11   77-03.50  
 36 Simkins, Luke              8 Veritas Scho           59-07   74-10.50  
 37 Thomas, Brennan           10 Huguenot                          73-09  
 38 Pierce, Nathaniel         11 Lee-Davis              74-03   72-02.50  
 39 Stephonavicious *, Nicho  10 Glen Allen H           74-01      69-05  
 40 Clarke, Taylor            12 Midlothian H           70-00      68-08  
 41 Gendron, Elijah           10 Cosby                  71-03      67-05  
 42 Thorton, Josh              9 Monacan High                      63-04  
 43 Spencer, Earle             9 Manchester H           65-00   60-10.25  
Event 13  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Clover Hill  'A'                                 10:58.29   10:32.13  
  2 Saint Catherine's  'A'                            9:56.52   10:39.22  
  3 Mills Godwin  'A'                                11:00.00   10:52.46  
  4 Varina  'A'                                      11:57.06   11:22.64  
  5 Glen Allen High School  'A'                      12:13.01   11:45.17  
  6 Mills Godwin  'B'                                12:30.00  x11:56.47  
  7 Deep Run  'A'                                    12:05.00   12:00.16  
  8 Cosby  'A'                                                  12:46.52  
  9 James River (Midlothian)  'B'                    12:30.00  x12:56.60  
Event 14  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals 
  1 Varina  'A'                                       8:50.79    8:25.19  
  2 Deep Run  'A'                                     8:40.00    8:52.44  
  3 James River (Midlothian)  'A'                     8:40.00    8:55.71  
  4 Mills Godwin  'A'                                 9:35.00    9:01.93  
  5 Deep Run  'B'                                     9:15.00   x9:07.91  
  6 Glen Allen High School  'A'                       9:35.00    9:23.58  
  7 Monacan High School  'A'                                     9:42.86  
  8 Glen Allen High School  'B'                      10:03.48   x9:43.40  
  9 Clover Hill  'A'                                  9:09.30    9:44.98  
 10 James River (Midlothian)  'B'                    10:33.50  x10:00.17  
 11 Mills Godwin  'B'                                10:00.00  x10:21.04  
 12 Varina  'B'                                      10:50.79  x10:24.54  
 13 Cosby  'B'                                                 x10:49.51  
 14 Cosby  'A'                                                  10:54.96  
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H           14.93      16.41q  4 
  2 Gay*, Tian                12 Clover Hill            16.54      16.52q  1 
  3 Richie, Zanelle           10 Thomas Dale            16.17      16.56q  3 
  4 Bullock*, Tiffany         11 Manchester H           16.78      16.80q  2 
  5 Mangum, Maya              11 Thomas Dale            17.59      17.14q  4 
  6 White, Sharniece          10 Thomas Dale            16.62      17.23q  1 
  7 Drummond, Eryn            12 Manchester H           17.70      17.77q  3 
  8 Daniluk*, Katie           10 Midlothian H           17.14      17.91q  4 
  9 Babashak, Erin             9 Midlothian H           16.50      18.05   2 
 10 Bullock, Tamara           10 Varina                 19.24      18.63   4 
 11 Pettus, Julia              9 Trinity Epis           18.65      18.65   2 
 12 Ablack*, Ananda           11 Manchester H           16.87      18.71   3 
 13 Jemmott, Amaya            11 Thomas Dale            17.96      18.98   2 
 14 Hooker, Kacee             10 Cosby                             19.06   3 
 15 Bullock *, Symone         10 Glen Allen H                      19.09   1 
 16 Hinton, Faith             11 Trinity Epis           18.40      19.35   1 
 17 Thompson, Talia            9 Varina                 22.99      19.80   2 
 18 Ferguson, Skylyn          12 Huguenot               20.44      20.13   1 
 19 Feilds, Deshonna           8 Elijah House           20.49      20.42   2 
 20 Bowen, Anna               11 Monacan High           21.67      20.43   4 
 21 Henderson, Lauren            Glen Allen H                      20.47   2 
 22 Stith, Auana              10 Glen Allen H           18.84      20.49   4 
 23 Carter*, Clare            12 Deep Run               19.31      20.50   3 
 24 Wright, Joule             10 Mills Godwin           21.34      20.50   4 
 25 Lee, Taylor               10 Varina                            21.02   1 
 26 Sample, Janelle            8 Elijah House           21.70      21.62   3 
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H           16.41      15.98  
  2 Gay*, Tian                12 Clover Hill            16.52      16.55  
  3 Richie, Zanelle           10 Thomas Dale            16.56      16.63  
  4 Bullock*, Tiffany         11 Manchester H           16.80      16.69  
  5 White, Sharniece          10 Thomas Dale            17.23      16.79  
  6 Mangum, Maya              11 Thomas Dale            17.14      17.00  
  7 Drummond, Eryn            12 Manchester H           17.77      17.07  
  8 Daniluk*, Katie           10 Midlothian H           17.91      17.49  
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Lazaro, Abdul             11 Thomas Dale            16.34      16.01q  3 
  2 Acosta, Ben               11 James River            16.47      16.08q  1 
  3 Gamble, Janaeki           12 Thomas Dale            16.81      16.94q  1 
  4 Jackson, Isaiah           10 Cosby                             17.27q  1 
  5 Bean, Jonathan            12 Huguenot               18.77      17.65q  2 
  6 Howard, William           11 Trinity Epis           17.41      17.87q  4 
  7 Frantel, Dj               12 James River            17.23      17.91q  3 
  8 Wood, Cameron             11 Lee-Davis              18.42      17.93q  3 
  9 Archer, Gavin             11 Huguenot               18.54      17.94   1 
 10 Daubenspeck, Nick         12 Manchester H           21.90      19.62   3 
 11 Rivero, Nico              11 Trinity Epis           20.10      19.85   3 
 12 Williams, Tyrese           9 Varina                 18.13      20.14   4 
 13 Jones, Andrew             12 Manchester H           19.90      20.55   4 
 14 Mayfield, Tony             9 Thomas Dale            18.91      20.82   3 
 15 Kinney, Braedon            9 Lee-Davis              21.51      20.99   2 
 16 Trapp, Micheal            12 Varina                 18.72      21.38   1 
 17 Fahim, Jean                9 Mills Godwin           21.92      21.41   4 
 18 Muhammed, Antonio          9 Elijah House           23.31      21.65   2 
 19 Elias, James               9 Elijah House           23.08      21.75   4 
Event 16  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Lazaro, Abdul             11 Thomas Dale            16.01      15.55  
  2 Acosta, Ben               11 James River            16.08      15.55  
  3 Jackson, Isaiah           10 Cosby                  17.27      16.53  
  4 Gamble, Janaeki           12 Thomas Dale            16.94      16.59  
  5 Wood, Cameron             11 Lee-Davis              17.93      17.09  
  6 Howard, William           11 Trinity Epis           17.87      17.32  
  7 Bean, Jonathan            12 Huguenot               17.65      17.33  
  8 Frantel, Dj               12 James River            17.91      17.35  
Event 17  Girls 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Lewis, Morgan             11 Veritas Scho         5:01.14    5:02.39   1 
  2 Robelen *, Caroline       11 Glen Allen H         5:10.99    5:10.90   1 
  3 Snow, Lily                 9 Deep Run             5:20.00    5:23.19   1 
  4 Baly, Hannah              11 James River          5:43.95    5:37.20   1 
  5 Dotter, Ryan              11 Saint Cather         5:35.76    5:44.29   1 
  6 Markiewicz, Teresa         8 Collegiate           5:44.32    5:47.24   1 
  7 Henneberger *, Ashley     10 Glen Allen H         5:25.97    5:48.71   1 
  8 Canning*, Aideen          10 Deep Run             5:53.00    5:50.90   1 
  9 Tyler *, Lindsay          11 Glen Allen H         6:13.70    5:51.07   2 
 10 Ferris, Cameron           11 Trinity Epis         5:55.35    5:51.08   1 
 11 Lupica*, Johanna          10 Mills Godwin         5:45.00    5:51.27   1 
 12 Purvis, Hannah            10 Lee-Davis            6:06.84    5:53.57   2 
 13 Goodpasture, Laurel       11 Trinity Epis         5:54.70    5:55.46   1 
 14 Kirkpatrick, Katie         9 Cosby                           5:56.68   2 
 15 Puleo, Emily              11 Clover Hill          6:03.82    5:59.23   2 
 16 Collier, Hannah            9 Trinity Epis         6:16.48    5:59.78   2 
 17 McEntire, Abigail          8 Veritas Scho         6:37.58    6:01.70   2 
 18 Kauders, Virginia          9 Collegiate           6:11.03    6:03.59   2 
 19 Kerns, Sophia             10 Veritas Scho         6:12.85    6:08.87   2 
 20 Drawdy, Katie             10 Lee-Davis            6:06.90    6:12.96   2 
 21 Hicks, Jazmin             12 James River          6:02.97    6:15.45   2 
 22 Davies, Denise            10 Clover Hill          6:19.20    6:17.51   2 
 23 Bell*, Brittany           11 Mills Godwin         6:18.55    6:18.04   2 
 24 Mcintosh*, Kirsten        11 Monacan High         6:20.80    6:18.75   2 
 25 Murray, Katie             10 Cosby                6:29.09    6:21.37   2 
 26 Henderson, Brittany        9 Cosby                           6:27.08   2 
 27 Bump, Karis                9 Clover Hill                     6:43.91   2 
 28 Hunold*, Molly            11 Mills Godwin         7:26.94    7:17.31   2 
Event 18  Boys 1600 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Mosavel-Lo*, Bashir       11 Deep Run             4:25.13    4:20.57   1 
  2 Hahn*, Randy              12 Midlothian H         4:19.23    4:21.40   1 
  3 Witt *, Zack              12 Glen Allen H         4:22.71    4:24.13   1 
  4 Akright, Andrew           11 Manchester H         4:29.11    4:26.15   1 
  5 Jean, Nick                 9 Trinity Epis         4:32.00    4:27.49   1 
  6 Williams *, Eddie         11 Glen Allen H         4:42.16    4:33.53   1 
  7 Vohra, Hisham             10 Clover Hill          4:59.42    4:33.81   2 
  8 Dehetre *, Jake           11 Atlee                4:46.23    4:34.85   2 
  9 Kitson, Walt              11 Clover Hill          4:36.15    4:39.11   1 
 10 Hewitt, Joseph            12 Manchester H         4:32.85    4:39.14   1 
 11 Sanborn, David            12 Midlothian H         4:42.98    4:40.20   1 
 12 Etka*, Max                 9 Midlothian H         4:45.04    4:44.05   2 
 13 Francis, Jeremy           11 Manchester H         4:40.81    4:44.43   1 
 14 Galbraith, Max            10 Trinity Epis         4:41.00    4:44.62   1 
 15 Kaplan*, Josh             12 Deep Run             4:47.00    4:45.48   2 
 16 Schindel, Jake             9 Deep Run             4:43.35    4:47.68   1 
 17 Wachter*, Christian       10 Glen Allen H         5:05.00    4:50.03   2 
 18 Tivenan*, Stephen         12 Mills Godwin         4:44.24    4:50.89   2 
 19 Hester, Noah               9 James River          4:55.00    4:57.01   2 
 20 Morton, James             10 Cosby                4:58.24    4:57.58   2 
 21 White, Johnny              8 Collegiate           5:14.55    4:57.83   2 
 22 Johnson, Aaron             9 James River          5:06.00    5:02.71   2 
 23 Oconnell, Grant           10 Cosby                5:07.50    5:02.81   2 
 24 Gotay, Kevin              10 Thomas Dale          5:20.00    5:04.96   3 
 25 Mills, Ezekiel            12 Varina               5:09.54    5:05.09   2 
 26 Nash, Jonathan            11 Trinity Epis         5:16.00    5:06.58   3 
 27 Slater, Christian          9 Cosby                5:15.85    5:06.60   3 
 28 Goldman, Alex              9 James River          5:15.00    5:08.05   3 
 29 Calhoun, Mason            10 Mills Godwin         4:52.00    5:09.34   2 
 30 Kastelein, James           8 Veritas Scho                    5:15.07   3 
 31 Pruitt, Trevor            12 Mills Godwin         5:19.73    5:15.27   3 
 32 Billings, Michael         12 Thomas Dale          5:24.00    5:22.41   3 
 33 Williams*, Brandon        10 Monacan High         5:22.49    5:28.62   3 
 34 Patterson, Josh           10 Lee-Davis            5:40.24    5:31.54   3 
 35 Gomez, Eric                9 Thomas Dale          5:44.47    5:37.12   3 
 36 Harris, Jahlil             9 Varina                          5:38.48   3 
 37 Rogan, Daniel              9 Clover Hill                     5:40.62   3 
 38 Rivers, Duke              10 Monacan High                    5:43.77   3 
 39 Hoole, Judah               9 Lee-Davis            6:00.24    5:57.93   3 
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Thomas Dale  'A'                                    48.62      49.13   1 
  2 Mills Godwin  'A'                                   52.41      50.05   1 
  3 Cosby  'A'                                                     51.39   2 
  4 Glen Allen High School  'A'                         51.88      51.59   1 
  5 Trinity Episcopal School  'A'                       56.41      52.97   2 
  6 Saint Catherine's  'A'                              52.93      53.07   1 
  7 Mills Godwin  'B'                                   54.32     x54.32   1 
  8 Glen Allen High School  'B'                                   x54.73   2 
  9 Manchester High School  'B'                         55.00     x55.24   1 
 10 James River (Midlothian)  'A'                       55.02      55.85   1 
 11 Varina  'A'                                         58.74      55.90   2 
 12 Huguenot  'A'                                       58.08      56.96   2 
 13 Elijah House Academy  'A'                           58.87      59.29   2 
 14 Varina  'B'                                         59.74   x1:01.38   2 
Event 22  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Varina  'A'                                         45.34      44.12   1 
  2 Manchester High School  'A'                         44.19      44.13   1 
  3 James River (Midlothian)  'A'                       45.00      44.63   1 
  4 Glen Allen High School  'A'                         44.95      44.84   1 
  5 Mills Godwin  'A'                                   45.89      45.46   1 
  6 Varina  'B'                                         47.34     x45.66   2 
  7 Trinity Episcopal School  'B'                       47.26     x45.81   2 
  8 Huguenot  'A'                                       47.02      46.09   2 
  9 Monacan High School  'A'                            52.01      46.67   3 
 10 Clover Hill  'A'                                    48.79      47.23   2 
 11 Deep Run  'A'                                       47.50      47.51   2 
 12 Cosby  'A'                                                     49.44   3 
 13 Elijah House Academy  'A'                           52.45      51.21   3 
 14 Mills Godwin  'B'                                   46.34     x51.31   1 
 15 James River (Midlothian)  'B'                       46.67     x56.22   1 
 -- Midlothian High School  'A'                         46.36        DNF   1  3rd exchange outside
Event 23  Girls 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Wilson, Britton            9 Mills Godwin           56.35      55.71   1 
  2 Washington, Tenae         12 Varina                 57.51      58.78   1 
  3 Barnes, Bahiyyah           9 Cosby                  59.54      59.10   1 
  4 Stafford, Alexis          11 Varina                 59.11    1:00.19   1 
  5 Francis, Faith            10 James River          1:01.56    1:01.08   2 
  6 Groomes, Gevana           10 James River            58.17    1:01.25   1 
  7 Carlisle, Eryn            11 Saint Cather         1:02.27    1:01.83   2 
  8 Alcorta, Caroline         12 James River          1:04.00    1:02.37   2 
  9 Jackson, Trinity          10 Cosby                           1:03.01   5 
 10 Hicks, Aulexis            10 Manchester H         1:03.98    1:03.18   2 
 11 Grant*, Allahna           12 Manchester H         1:01.22    1:03.65   1 
 12 Royal, Erica              12 Saint Cather         1:03.51    1:03.78   2 
 13 Smith, Kerrah             10 Manchester H         1:06.52    1:03.83   3 
 14 Roseberry, Mikah          10 Thomas Dale          1:00.84    1:04.15   1 
 15 Joyner, Tyanne             9 Monacan High         1:08.53    1:06.08   3 
 16 James, Monay              10 Thomas Dale          1:06.10    1:06.29   2 
 17 Whitty, Emily             11 Mills Godwin         1:07.83    1:06.59   3 
 18 Miller, Rajanae           10 Mills Godwin         1:07.37    1:07.30   3 
 19 Story *, Olivia           11 Glen Allen H         1:08.10    1:07.47   3 
 20 Manning, Akilah            9 Cosby                           1:07.51   5 
 21 Gross, Alexa              10 Glen Allen H         1:08.26    1:07.57   3 
 22 Borum, Chaley             12 Manchester H         1:05.11    1:08.31   2 
 23 Rogers, Cameron           12 Trinity Epis         1:09.60    1:08.63   4 
 24 Duimstra, Sydney          10 Deep Run             1:08.01    1:08.94   3 
 25 Gross, Sage               10 Glen Allen H         1:12.16    1:09.26   4 
 26 Moton, Bre'kiya           10 Huguenot                        1:09.61   5 
 27 Kastelein, Ellie          10 Veritas Scho         1:06.01    1:09.81   2 
 28 Feilds, Deshonna           8 Elijah House         1:15.18    1:10.82   4 
 29 Murray, Alexis             9 Deep Run             1:12.31    1:11.97   4 
 30 Kerns, Julia              11 Veritas Scho         1:13.84    1:12.58   4 
 31 Chase, Becca               9 Monacan High                    1:13.67   5 
 32 Rong, Anneda              10 James River          1:15.00    1:14.04   4 
 33 Harrison, Camden           9 Deep Run             1:12.56    1:16.88   4 
 34 McCoy-Armstead, Brittany  11 Elijah House                    1:21.18   5 
 35 Mitchell, Ferarri          9 Elijah House         1:22.02    1:23.66   5 
Event 24  Boys 400 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Coleman, Milton           11 Thomas Dale            50.63      49.70   1 
  2 Goode*, Maurice           12 Glen Allen H           51.17      50.46   1 
  3 Rominger, Josh            11 Midlothian H           52.00      51.06   1 
  4 Poindexter, Taj           11 Manchester H           50.78      51.16   1 
  5 Hopkins, D'Onj            11 Manchester H           51.12      51.37   1 
  6 Hill, Jeremiah             9 James River            53.00      51.41   2 
  7 Rodgers, Kirahn           10 James River            52.36      51.86   1 
  8 McKnight, Jabari          12 Clover Hill            51.91      52.13   1 
  9 Seaton, Garrett           11 Monacan High           53.47      52.30   2 
 10 Bullock, Brian            11 Thomas Dale            53.74      53.15   2 
 11 Brooks*, Brandon          11 Lee-Davis              53.04      53.45   2 
 12 Pierce, Kian              10 Manchester H           52.50      54.07   2 
 13 Lomax, Jaylyn             10 Trinity Epis           54.65      54.10   3 
 14 Lowers, Seth              10 Deep Run               58.19      54.19   5 
 15 Swatek, Svatoslav         12 James River            54.74      54.42   3 
 16 Walker *, Dexter          10 Glen Allen H           56.33      54.76   4 
 17 Nedrick, Monte            12 Huguenot               55.74      55.10   3 
 18 Griner, Mario             12 Varina                 55.00      55.16   3 
 19 Alleyne, Myles             9 Glen Allen H           56.32      55.34   4 
 20 Ward*, Paul Carter        12 Mills Godwin           55.31      55.36   3 
 21 Grant, Josh               12 Lee-Davis              54.34      55.45   3 
 22 Gentry, Stephen           11 James River            53.98      55.56   2 
 23 Miller IV, Gordon         10 Deep Run               55.82      55.81   3 
 24 Scott, Trey               10 Varina                 57.14      55.94   4 
 25 Cone, Mitchell            12 Midlothian H           55.78      56.03   3 
 26 Williams, Ryan            10 Monacan High           56.86      56.24   4 
 27 Witmer, Brandon           11 Deep Run               57.29      56.37   4 
 28 Halbruner, Max            11 Trinity Epis           57.48      56.43   4 
 29 Thompson, Aaron           11 Clover Hill                       56.61   7 
 30 Walker, Jordan            12 Trinity Epis           56.40      56.65   4 
 31 Watson, Sam                8 Veritas Scho           59.66      56.72   5 
 32 Mason, Maurice            12 Manchester H           53.06      56.92   2 
 33 Stewart, Alex              9 Cosby                             57.07   7 
 34 Hough, Tim                11 Varina                 58.58      57.28   5 
 35 Kennedy, Noah              9 Veritas Scho         1:00.96      57.62   6 
 36 Dearing, Paul              9 Mills Godwin           57.78      58.46   5 
 37 Nelson, Josh              12 Deep Run             1:00.65      59.63   6 
 38 Beckett, Bryce            10 Cosby                           1:01.83   8 
 39 Rowe, Thomas              10 Lee-Davis            1:08.04    1:01.88   6 
 40 Wheeler, Bryan            11 Trinity Epis         1:00.84    1:02.01   6 
 41 Elias, James               9 Elijah House         1:08.75    1:03.85   6 
 42 Geigling, Cade             9 Cosby                           1:04.25   7 
 43 Ruffin, Ocasio            10 Monacan High                    1:05.91   7 
 44 Shen, Oscar               10 Veritas Scho                    1:07.27   8 
 45 Stengel, Aidan             9 Veritas Scho         1:12.51    1:07.56   7 
 46 Peters, Micah              9 Elijah House                    1:14.51   7 
Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Washington, Tenae         12 Varina                 44.21      44.90   1 
  2 Greenwald, Ainsley        12 Thomas Dale            46.63      47.59   1 
  3 Richie, Zanelle           10 Thomas Dale            51.74      48.67   2 
  4 Ablack*, Ananda           11 Manchester H           47.70      48.99   1 
  5 Kelly, Victoria           12 Deep Run               50.59      50.78   1 
  6 Thelen, Rachel            11 James River            51.00      50.82   2 
  7 Daniluk*, Katie           10 Midlothian H           50.05      51.02   1 
  8 Mayfield, Deja            11 Thomas Dale            52.77      51.32   2 
  9 Matthews, Tania           10 James River            51.00      51.57   1 
 10 Drummond, Eryn            12 Manchester H           48.94      52.00   1 
 11 Whitehead, India          11 Manchester H           51.29      52.34   2 
 12 Mangum, Maya              11 Thomas Dale            52.24      53.27   2 
 13 Batten, Kaitlyn           10 Manchester H           53.59      53.39   2 
 14 Fedora, Christiana        10 Mills Godwin           56.00      54.65   3 
 15 Kontos*, Emily            12 Deep Run               52.56      54.92   2 
 16 Riggan *, Kelly           11 Glen Allen H           54.64      55.25   3 
 17 Stith, Auana              10 Glen Allen H           54.83      57.26   3 
 18 Pettus, Julia              9 Trinity Epis           59.32      57.50   3 
 19 Carter*, Clare            12 Deep Run               53.11      58.09   2 
 20 Feilds, Deshonna           8 Elijah House                    1:08.20   4 
 21 Jennings, Victoria         9 Cosby                           1:12.10   4 
 22 Ferguson, Skylyn          12 Huguenot             1:10.08    1:17.30   4 
 23 Bowen, Anna               11 Monacan High         1:03.04    1:26.80   4 
 -- Reid, Asyah               10 Varina                 54.93         FS   3 
Event 26  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Ludwig, Simon             12 Midlothian H           40.83      40.80   1 
  2 Schlarman, Justin         10 Glen Allen H           41.83      41.27   1 
  3 Kobrinetz*, Hunter        12 Deep Run               41.17      42.67   1 
  4 Jackson, Isaiah           10 Cosby                  43.60      43.31   1 
  5 Lazaro, Abdul             11 Thomas Dale            43.47      43.32   1 
  6 Gamble, Janaeki           12 Thomas Dale            45.11      43.43   2 
  7 Franklin, Sam             11 Lee-Davis              42.74      44.37   1 
  8 Dusenbury, Conner          9 James River            46.00      44.46   2 
  9 Acosta, Ben               11 James River            43.72      44.95   1 
 10 Frantel, Dj               12 James River            44.84      45.37   2 
 11 Wood, Cameron             11 Lee-Davis              45.62      45.40   2 
 12 Howard, William           11 Trinity Epis           43.60      45.49   1 
 13 Nedrick, Monte            12 Huguenot               47.48      46.06   3 
 14 Kersey, Jaquan            12 Huguenot               49.72      46.54   3 
 15 Daubenspeck, Nick         12 Manchester H           50.90      47.00   4 
 16 Claytor, Roland           11 Varina                            47.00   5 
 17 Houston, Christopher       9 Clover Hill            51.98      47.80   4 
 18 Babekr, Salih             11 Mills Godwin           46.18      47.84   2 
 19 Kinney, Braedon            9 Lee-Davis              52.13      47.85   4 
 20 Mayfield, Tony             9 Thomas Dale            47.51      48.82   3 
 21 Jones, Andrew             12 Manchester H           49.25      48.90   3 
 22 Carrington, Malik          9 Clover Hill            49.52      49.50   3 
 23 Christensen, Andrew        9 Mills Godwin           51.00      50.73   4 
 24 Williams, Taj             10 Manchester H           50.50      50.88   4 
 25 Muhammed, Antonio          9 Elijah House                      51.86   5 
 26 Taylor, Dexter             9 Thomas Dale            49.68      53.42   3 
 27 Mills, Brandon            10 Monacan High                      53.77   5 
 -- Fahim, Jean                9 Mills Godwin           53.00         FS   5 
 -- Peters, Micah              9 Elijah House                        DNF   5 
Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Ferguson*, Ashlyn         10 Midlothian H         2:24.23    2:23.06   1 
  2 Robinson, Claire          12 Clover Hill          2:25.64    2:24.04   1 
  3 Northcutt, Rachel          9 Cosby                2:19.64    2:25.02   1 
  4 Shearon *, Logan          12 Atlee                2:32.84    2:25.57   1 
  5 Enz*, Xiomara             11 Deep Run             2:24.00    2:26.73   1 
  6 Jaromin*, Gabby           12 Manchester H         2:29.48    2:27.98   1 
  7 Burleson, Ashley           9 Cosby                2:36.31    2:29.13   2 
  8 Rangel-Ribeiro, Natacha   12 James River          2:34.13    2:30.41   2 
  9 Puleo, Grace               9 Clover Hill          2:40.00    2:32.42   2 
 10 Rudd, Riley                9 Glen Allen H         2:40.00    2:32.72   2 
 11 White, Gracie              8 Collegiate           2:42.00    2:33.41   2 
 12 Brownell*, Lexi           12 Glen Allen H         2:39.34    2:33.69   2 
 13 Anderson, Whitney         10 Lee-Davis            2:39.19    2:36.74   2 
 14 Novak, Emily               9 Cosby                2:40.67    2:37.39   2 
 15 Noble, Anne Heaton         8 Saint Cather         2:40.47    2:38.08   2 
 16 Wheeler, Molly            10 Mills Godwin         2:50.00    2:39.44   3 
 17 Kenny, Lauren             11 Deep Run             2:42.00    2:39.90   2 
 18 Roseberry, Madalyn        10 Thomas Dale          2:30.35    2:40.35   1 
 19 Kastelein, Ellie          10 Veritas Scho         2:32.79    2:40.48   1 
 20 Embe*, Kimberly           10 Monacan High         2:36.06    2:40.60   2 
 21 McEntire, Abigail          8 Veritas Scho                    2:41.28   3 
 22 Johri, Mohini              9 Collegiate           2:51.25    2:42.49   3 
 23 Nordt, Oriana             11 Trinity Epis         2:52.41    2:43.65   3 
 24 Ringberg, Abby             9 Glen Allen H         2:49.30    2:44.34   3 
 25 Flores, Olivia            11 Manchester H         2:47.06    2:44.66   2 
 26 Puleo, Emily              11 Clover Hill          2:44.67    2:45.61   2 
 27 Chase, Becca               9 Monacan High         2:55.81    2:46.59   3 
 28 Kerns, Julia              11 Veritas Scho         2:52.68    2:48.86   3 
 29 Smith, Kiana               9 Thomas Dale          3:11.03    2:53.35   3 
 30 Harik, Caroline           12 Mills Godwin         2:32.46    2:58.13   1 
 31 Smith, Jasmin              9 James River          3:00.00    3:00.42   3 
 32 Lane, Breanna              9 Varina                          3:04.34   3 
 33 Puente, Madison            6 Elijah House         3:12.91    3:05.01   3 
Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Mosavel-Lo*, Bashir       11 Deep Run             1:56.39    1:57.40   1 
  2 Hammer, Kyle              12 James River          1:58.39    1:58.84   1 
  3 Fountain, Jordan          12 Varina               2:03.41    1:59.70   1 
  4 Randall, Dalton           12 Clover Hill          2:02.51    2:00.20   1 
  5 Hankerson*, Jeremiah      11 Lee-Davis            2:02.81    2:01.02   1 
  6 Dehetre *, Jake           11 Atlee                2:03.63    2:01.24   1 
  7 Waite, Adam               10 Cosby                2:13.52    2:02.46   2 
  8 Mosca*, Tony              12 Deep Run             2:03.09    2:02.94   1 
  9 Mann*, Collin             12 Lee-Davis            2:05.91    2:03.55   1 
 10 Brown, Mason              11 Manchester H         2:05.22    2:04.07   1 
 11 Davis *, Thomas           12 Glen Allen H         2:03.30    2:04.65   1 
 12 Glasgow, Matt             12 Thomas Dale          2:08.00    2:05.22   2 
 13 Williams *, Eddie         11 Glen Allen H         2:04.00    2:06.29   1 
 14 Martin*, Nathaniel        12 Lee-Davis            2:11.14    2:07.91   2 
 15 Fountain, Corey           11 Varina               2:11.91    2:08.99   2 
 16 Giles*, Carter            12 Deep Run             2:01.05    2:09.10   1 
 17 Higgins*, Ronan           11 Mills Godwin         2:10.00    2:09.19   2 
 18 Cottrell, Gregg           11 Midlothian H         2:18.90    2:09.31   2 
 19 Thomas, Armond            11 Clover Hill          2:10.21    2:09.32   2 
 20 Donovan, Connor           12 Manchester H         2:08.48    2:10.30   2 
 21 Ibrahim, Ali               9 Glen Allen H         2:15.20    2:11.68   2 
 22 Mathes*, Ryan             11 Manchester H         2:11.38    2:12.90   2 
 23 Taylor, Kenneth           12 Varina               2:13.00    2:14.09   2 
 24 Beckwith, B.J.            10 Midlothian H         2:20.00    2:15.45   3 
 25 Ruby *, Spencer           12 Atlee                2:10.91    2:15.69   2 
 25 Harik, Michael            10 Mills Godwin         2:10.35    2:15.69   2 
 27 Kennedy, Noah              9 Veritas Scho         2:21.58    2:17.40   3 
 28 Maldonado, Zach           10 Monacan High         2:23.25    2:17.62   3 
 29 Hazelrigg, Brandon        11 Midlothian H         2:17.34    2:17.69   2 
 30 Yeatts, Ethan              9 James River          2:22.00    2:19.09   3 
 31 Zhang, Eric               11 Mills Godwin         2:17.00    2:21.62   2 
 32 Poling, Noah              11 Trinity Epis         2:28.00    2:25.86   3 
 33 Joyner, Tayetron          10 Monacan High                    2:28.20   3 
 34 Hamilton, Jack             9 James River          2:25.00    2:28.53   3 
 35 Bush, Alex                 9 Trinity Epis         2:40.34    2:29.46   3 
 36 Cox, Christian            10 Monacan High         2:32.09    2:32.22   3 
 37 Gould, James               9 Trinity Epis         2:40.92    2:32.75   3 
 38 Towley, Fredrick          11 Huguenot                        2:38.07   3 
 39 Shen, Oscar               10 Veritas Scho         2:45.44    2:43.39   3 
 40 Peters, Micah              9 Elijah House         3:03.86    3:18.44   3 
 41 Delacruz, Jaycee           9 Elijah House         3:07.31    3:29.04   3 
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Wilson, Britton            9 Mills Godwin           26.03      25.14   1 
  2 Pitchford*, Mallory       12 James River            25.77      25.28   1 
  3 Wynter, Hanna             10 Manchester H           25.58      25.37   1 
  4 Groomes, Gevana           10 James River            25.81      25.44   1 
  5 Prosise, Taylor           11 Clover Hill            25.70      25.85   1 
  6 Giles, Asia               10 Thomas Dale            25.54      26.03   1 
  7 Barnes, Bahiyyah           9 Cosby                  26.24      26.12   1 
  8 Coston, Premiere          12 Thomas Dale            26.85      26.63   2 
  9 Mulholland, Lauren         9 Glen Allen H           28.26      26.86   4 
 10 Davis, Kamryn             11 Thomas Dale            26.94      27.05   2 
 11 Burt*, Kaylah             12 Manchester H           26.23      27.15   1 
 12 Greene, Rebekah           11 Mills Godwin           27.51      27.17   3 
 13 Holloway *, Kat           12 Glen Allen H           27.16      27.26   2 
 14 Smith, Tatiana             9 Varina                 27.00      27.47   2 
 15 Graf, Gabbi                9 Cosby                             27.48   6 
 16 Hooker, Kacee             10 Cosby                  27.97      27.67   3 
 17 Alexander, Saja           11 Mills Godwin           27.98      27.75   3 
 18 Channer, Jailah            8 Saint Cather           28.27      27.76   4 
 19 Scott*, Carleen           11 Manchester H           27.19      27.77   2 
 20 Kelly, Victoria           12 Deep Run               28.73      27.93   4 
 21 Alcorta, Caroline         12 James River            27.00      27.99   2 
 22 Bullen, Sarah             12 Mills Godwin           28.44      28.23   4 
 23 Becton, Danaje            11 Huguenot                          28.41   6 
 24 Wall, Kiarra              11 Monacan High           29.29      28.49   4 
 25 Accilien, Niahlie          9 Clover Hill            29.28      28.56   4 
 26 Sanger, Victoria          12 James River            28.00      28.65   3 
 27 Moton, Bre'kiya           10 Huguenot               30.68      28.82   5 
 28 White, Symone             11 Lee-Davis              27.34      28.99   3 
 29 Horner, Reny              10 Saint Cather           29.55      29.00   4 
 30 Horsley, Margaret         12 Saint Cather           29.44      29.67   4 
 31 Joyner, Tyanne             9 Monacan High                      29.87   7 
 32 James, Jasmine            12 Lee-Davis              28.21      29.90   3 
 33 White, Dakah               9 Varina                 30.74      30.00   5 
 34 Kontos*, Emily            12 Deep Run               30.14      30.21   5 
 35 Dummars, Trinity          10 Clover Hill            33.50      30.30   6 
 36 Blakney, Tajera            9 Cosby                  31.31      30.37   6 
 37 Parker, Jayla              9 Varina                            31.05   6 
 38 Winterling, Claire        10 Deep Run               32.16      31.64   6 
 39 Ladiner, Rachel            9 Midlothian H           31.00      31.97   5 
 40 Pierre-Louis, Katherine    9 Veritas Scho                      32.65   7 
 41 Sample, Janelle            8 Elijah House                      36.07   7 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Gilliam, Christian        11 Lee-Davis              22.74      22.80   1 
  2 McKnight, Jabari          12 Clover Hill            23.53      22.97   1 
  3 Mengel, Nick              10 Deep Run               24.63      23.00   3 
  4 Lawrence, Najee           12 Glen Allen H           24.23      23.01   2 
  5 Shulleeta, Justin         10 Mills Godwin           23.99      23.04   2 
  6 Hunter, Will              11 Collegiate             23.41      23.09   1 
  7 Jordan, J.J.              12 Lee-Davis              24.54      23.25   3 
  8 Thrower, Dylan            12 Manchester H           23.34      23.27   1 
  9 Richardson, Stephen       10 Varina                 24.94      23.32   3 
 10 Nuffer, Kye               12 Manchester H           23.34      23.39   1 
 11 Seaton, Garrett           11 Monacan High                      23.46   6 
 12 Semme, Livens             10 Huguenot                          23.47   7 
 13 Beatty, Brian             11 Glen Allen H           23.99      23.52   2 
 14 Kelly, Terrell            12 Mills Godwin           24.08      23.56   2 
 15 Green, Noah               11 Monacan High           24.34      23.62   3 
 16 Rosenfelder, Camden       11 Mills Godwin           23.89      23.68   1 
 17 Weatherilt, Isaac         11 James River            25.01      23.79   4 
 18 Wyatt, Bradley            10 Deep Run               24.28      23.85   2 
 19 Shibley, David            10 James River            24.19      23.86   2 
 20 Wilson, Caleb             10 James River            23.53      24.08   1 
 21 Couch, Jared              11 Clover Hill            25.01      24.14   4 
 22 Burgess, Cristoff         11 Huguenot                          24.29   7 
 23 Evans, Sebastian          10 Thomas Dale            24.62      24.33   3 
 24 Bridy, Korey              10 Monacan High           25.47      24.40   5 
 25 Worden, Stephen           10 Veritas Scho           27.09      24.41   6 
 26 Mallory, Denzel           11 Varina                            24.45   8 
 27 Mongeon, Frankie          11 Mills Godwin           25.32      24.52   4 
 28 Brown, Aaron                 Midlothian H           26.00      24.69   5 
 29 Kobrinetz*, Hunter        12 Deep Run               24.45      24.71   3 
 30 Westbrook, Rondell        10 James River            24.97      24.77   4 
 31 Griner, Mario             12 Varina                 24.34      24.87   3 
 32 Stewart, Alex              9 Cosby                             25.13   7 
 33 Seay, Tommy               11 Lee-Davis              27.02      25.32   5 
 34 Pierce, Immanuelle         9 Midlothian H           26.33      25.34   5 
 35 Fields, Kisheb            10 Clover Hill                       25.49   7 
 36 Hurd, Jay                  9 Midlothian H           26.30      25.74   5 
 37 Brady, Cameron             9 Cosby                             26.04   8 
 38 Cassidy, Chris            11 Midlothian H           26.50      26.33   5 
 39 Watson, Sam                8 Veritas Scho                      26.35   6 
 40 Rowe, Zane                11 Lee-Davis              26.62      26.44   5 
 41 Farris, Matt               9 Veritas Scho                      26.57   6 
 42 Lee, Jonah                11 Clover Hill                       26.66   7 
 43 Mendoza, Arturo           10 Monacan High                      26.70   6 
 44 Beckett, Bryce            10 Cosby                             27.25   7 
 45 Wierschem, Pierce          9 Cosby                             27.44   8 
 46 Brown, Tevin              11 Elijah House           29.87      29.40   6 
Event 31  Girls 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Fagan *, Rebecca          11 Glen Allen H        11:16.21   11:15.04   1 
  2 Snow, Lily                 9 Deep Run            11:34.75   11:21.26   1 
  3 Kwaschyn*, Melanie        11 Deep Run            11:45.79   11:39.80   1 
  4 Johnson, Eva              10 Midlothian H        11:53.00   11:42.68   1 
  5 Lupica*, Johanna          10 Mills Godwin        11:57.64   11:52.58   1 
  6 Hudson, Maggie            11 James River         11:44.79   12:01.05   1 
  7 Burnett*, Stephanie       11 Monacan High        11:42.12   12:03.33   1 
  8 Potter, Rachael            9 Glen Allen H        12:15.00   12:13.12   1 
  9 Ward, Grace                9 Cosby                          12:28.32   2 
 10 Noble, Anne Heaton         8 Saint Cather        12:44.73   12:40.26   1 
 11 Goggins, Caroline         12 Collegiate          12:48.15   12:58.05   2 
 12 Flores, Olivia            11 Manchester H        13:35.74   13:02.31   2 
 13 Kerns, Sophia             10 Veritas Scho        13:31.22   13:07.71   2 
 14 Wein*, Lily               10 Mills Godwin        13:26.48   13:17.27   2 
 15 Arruda *, Emily           10 Glen Allen H        12:59.00   13:21.78   2 
 16 Hopkins, Haley            10 Midlothian H        13:28.69   13:22.51   2 
 17 Caplice, Anna              8 Saint Cather        13:32.55   13:33.96   2 
 18 Taylor, Ashton             9 Mills Godwin        14:30.00   14:02.61   2 
 19 Sager, Charly             12 Clover Hill                    14:42.91   2 
 20 Coward, Lillian           11 Veritas Scho                   15:22.41   2 
Event 32  Boys 3200 Meter Run Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Randall, Dalton           12 Clover Hill          9:23.88    9:20.33   1 
  2 Shugart, Cole             12 Trinity Epis         9:46.97    9:42.96   1 
  3 Carrico*, Michael         12 Glen Allen H         9:53.20    9:51.27   1 
  4 Etka*, Max                 9 Midlothian H        10:10.24    9:59.80   1 
  5 Levet*, Zachary           10 Deep Run             9:58.30    9:59.91   1 
  6 Evers, Jr., David         11 James River         10:12.18   10:04.04   1 
  7 Hazelton, John            12 Collegiate          10:14.22   10:06.61   1 
  8 Jean, Steven              12 Trinity Epis        10:22.00   10:13.56   1 
  9 Morgan*, Austin           12 Lee-Davis           10:44.05   10:17.21   1 
 10 Russo *, Patrick          11 Glen Allen H        10:07.48   10:17.47   1 
 11 Robb, Clay                10 Midlothian H        10:24.37   10:27.68   1 
 12 Brooksbank, Chase          9 Deep Run            10:38.19   10:29.54   1 
 13 Hester, Noah               9 James River         11:00.43   10:32.02   2 
 14 McAndrew*, Cole           10 Lee-Davis           11:02.16   10:32.19   2 
 15 Johnson, Aaron             9 James River         10:45.00   10:34.56   1 
 16 Hodge, Austin             11 Deep Run            10:49.12   10:37.34   2 
 17 Mathes*, Ryan             11 Manchester H        10:29.74   10:44.53   1 
 18 Olsen, Luke                9 Cosby               10:56.34   10:52.11   2 
 19 Nedwick, Kellan           10 Midlothian H        11:11.86   10:56.99   2 
 20 Young*, Zachary           11 Manchester H        11:40.47   10:58.40   2 
 21 Evans, Casey               9 Clover Hill         11:12.76   10:58.98   2 
 22 Harik, Michael            10 Mills Godwin        10:29.00   11:00.12   1 
 23 Quimbayo-Cipric, Miguel    9 Cosby               10:50.54   11:00.73   2 
 24 Wood, Will                12 Mills Godwin        11:12.55   11:09.78   2 
 25 Pokrifka, Shane           10 Cosby               11:51.19   11:16.01   2 
 26 McKinney *, Justin        12 Glen Allen H        11:55.62   11:41.66   2 
 27 Cook-Henderson, James     12 Varina              12:11.02   11:43.64   2 
 28 Philhower, Aaron           9 Mills Godwin        12:11.58   11:46.39   2 
 29 Montante*, Joe            11 Monacan High                   11:53.11   2 
 30 Lucia*, Andrew            10 Lee-Davis           12:45.24   12:00.37   2 
 31 Sager, Sam                 9 Clover Hill                    12:07.86   2 
 32 Johnson, Micheal           9 Varina                         12:22.45   2 
 33 Miller, Michael            9 Thomas Dale                    12:55.92   2 
Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 James River (Midlothian)  'A'                     4:13.00    4:07.53   1 
  2 Manchester High School  'A'                       4:26.67    4:11.24   1 
  3 Saint Catherine's  'A'                            4:20.84    4:15.71   1 
  4 Thomas Dale  'A'                                  4:16.24    4:16.77   1 
  5 Varina  'A'                                       4:17.82    4:20.70   1 
  6 Mills Godwin  'A'                                 4:51.60    4:30.42   2 
  7 Glen Allen High School  'A'                       4:32.23    4:44.64   1 
  8 Manchester High School  'B'                       4:59.00   x4:50.59   2 
  9 Elijah House Academy  'A'                         5:30.98    5:09.19   2 
 10 James River (Midlothian)  'B'                     5:00.00   x5:15.28   2 
 -- Cosby  'A'                                                        DQ   2  out of exchange zone
 -- Deep Run  'A'                                     4:40.55         DQ   1  stepped out of excha
Event 34  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Varsity
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H#
  1 James River (Midlothian)  'A'                     3:37.73    3:29.90   1 
  2 Manchester High School  'A'                       3:35.92    3:30.70   1 
  3 Varina  'A'                                       3:41.34    3:30.87   1 
  4 Deep Run  'A'                                     3:35.27    3:32.30   1 
  5 Glen Allen High School  'A'                       3:32.15    3:34.62   1 
  6 Manchester High School  'B'                       3:40.00   x3:40.16   1 
  7 Mills Godwin  'A'                                            3:41.53   3 
  8 Varina  'B'                                       4:41.34   x3:46.17   2 
  9 Deep Run  'B'                                     4:02.00   x3:49.55   2 
 10 James River (Midlothian)  'B'                     3:54.00   x3:51.96   1 
 11 Monacan High School  'A'                          3:55.64    3:52.18   2 
 12 Cosby  'A'                                                   4:01.68   3 
 13 Glen Allen High School  'B'                                 x4:06.42   3 
 14 Elijah House Academy  'A'                                    4:22.21   2 
 -- Thomas Dale  'A'                                  3:31.74         DQ   1  step out in exchange
Event 35  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Lewis, Zane               12 Trinity Epis           10.93      11.10q  7 
  2 Lawrence, Najee           12 Glen Allen H           11.46      11.21q  1 
  3 Wilson, Caleb             10 James River            11.24      11.23q  5 
  4 Harris, Braxton           11 Varina                 11.44      11.39q  3 
  5 Hunter, Will              11 Collegiate             11.95      11.39q  1 
  6 Nuffer, Kye               12 Manchester H           11.47      11.39q  2 
  7 Beatty, Brian             11 Glen Allen H           11.44      11.39q  2 
  8 Branch, Tarell            10 James River            11.75      11.40q  6 
  9 Thrower, Dylan            12 Manchester H           11.47      11.43   1 
 10 Davis, Jourdan            12 Varina                 11.14      11.54   6 
 11 Lomax, Jaylyn             10 Trinity Epis           11.92      11.62   2 
 12 Damon, Raymon             11 Varina                 11.24      11.65   4 
 13 Goode, Donavan            10 Trinity Epis           11.59      11.67   4 
 14 Thalhimer, Evan           11 Trinity Epis           11.60      11.68   5 
 15 Rosenfelder, Camden       11 Mills Godwin           12.52      11.75   1 
 16 Tofoi, Tailey              9 Huguenot                          11.76   6 
 17 Couch, Jared              11 Clover Hill            11.94      11.85   1 
 18 Kelly, Terrell            12 Mills Godwin           11.68      11.86   7 
 19 Hurd, Jay                  9 Midlothian H           12.60      11.88   1 
 20 Kobrinetz*, Hunter        12 Deep Run               11.97      11.89   2 
 21 Jones, Zach                9 Deep Run               12.40      11.92   4 
 22 Mengel, Nick              10 Deep Run               12.32      11.93   5 
 23 Brown, Donato             11 Lee-Davis              11.72      11.94   7 
 24 Wyatt, Bradley            10 Deep Run               11.98      11.95   3 
 25 Evans, Sebastian          10 Thomas Dale            11.57      11.97   3 
 26 Corbin, Nicholas          11 Lee-Davis              11.84      11.97   5 
 27 Noble, William            11 James River            12.30      12.01   6 
 28 Elkins, Todd               9 Monacan High                      12.12   3 
 29 Myrick, Tray              11 Monacan High           12.62      12.14   2 
 30 Lantz, Logan              10 Glen Allen H           12.70      12.23   4 
 31 Sparrow, Ty'Keem           9 Monacan High                      12.31   3 
 32 Karabatek, Zaed            9 Collegiate             12.12      12.34   7 
 33 Brown, Aaron                 Midlothian H           12.50      12.35   2 
 34 Mongeon, Frankie          11 Mills Godwin           12.22      12.53   7 
 35 Penn, Jordan              12 Manchester H           12.42      12.53   3 
 36 Brady, Cameron             9 Cosby                             12.67   2 
 37 Fields, Kisheb            10 Clover Hill            13.01      12.83   7 
 38 Rowe, Zane                11 Lee-Davis              12.04      12.95   5 
 39 Farris, Matt               9 Veritas Scho                      13.00   1 
 40 Chijioke, Prosper          9 Cosby                             13.01   7 
 41 Moses, Tu-Weh              9 Mills Godwin           13.09      13.02   7 
 42 Cassidy, Chris            11 Midlothian H           13.00      13.06   6 
 43 Kitrell, Fernando         11 Elijah House           13.14      13.17   6 
 44 Muhammed, Antonio          9 Elijah House                      13.18   4 
 45 Moseley, D'Monte'          9 Cosby                             13.39   2 
 46 Elias, James               9 Elijah House           14.02      13.50   4 
 47 Mitchell, Elijha           9 Elijah House           13.56      13.51   5 
 48 Wierschem, Pierce          9 Cosby                             13.63   5 
Event 35  Boys 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Lewis, Zane               12 Trinity Epis           11.10      10.80  
  2 Wilson, Caleb             10 James River            11.23      11.01  
  3 Lawrence, Najee           12 Glen Allen H           11.21      11.14  
  4 Branch, Tarell            10 James River            11.40      11.23  
  5 Hunter, Will              11 Collegiate             11.39      11.34  
  6 Beatty, Brian             11 Glen Allen H           11.39      11.35  
  7 Nuffer, Kye               12 Manchester H           11.39      11.38  
  8 Harris, Braxton           11 Varina                 11.39      11.51  
Event 36  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School                  Seed    Prelims  H#
  1 Pitchford*, Mallory       12 James River            11.98      12.30q  8 
  2 Wynter, Hanna             10 Manchester H           12.42      12.51q  6 
  3 Prosise, Taylor           11 Clover Hill            12.40      12.52q  7 
  4 Giles, Asia               10 Thomas Dale            12.57      12.72q  4 
  5 Coston, Premiere          12 Thomas Dale            13.24      12.88q  7 
  6 Davis, Kamryn             11 Thomas Dale            12.85      12.97q  2 
  7 Burt*, Kaylah             12 Manchester H           12.44      13.00q  5 
  8 Holloway *, Kat           12 Glen Allen H           13.01      13.02q  5 
  9 Matthews, Tania           10 James River            13.49      13.11   6 
 10 Jackson, Trinity          10 Cosby                             13.19   3 
 11 Greene, Rebekah           11 Mills Godwin           12.91      13.25   1 
 12 Smith, Tatiana             9 Varina                 13.40      13.31   8 
 13 Alexander, Saja           11 Mills Godwin           13.95      13.41   1 
 14 Hill-Jones *, Kayla       11 Glen Allen H           12.85      13.41   3 
 15 Mance, Tolliver            9 Trinity Epis           13.65      13.43   4 
 16 Bullen, Sarah             12 Mills Godwin           13.25      13.44   8 
 17 James, Jasmine            12 Lee-Davis              12.94      13.57   2 
 18 Jemmott, Amaya            11 Thomas Dale            13.14      13.57   6 
 19 Jones, Kirsten            11 Trinity Epis           13.97      13.69   2 
 20 Manning, Akilah            9 Cosby                             13.73   5 
 21 Drummond, Eryn            12 Manchester H           12.97      13.75   4 
 22 Woods, Charlotte          12 Trinity Epis           13.79      13.82   1 
 23 Wall, Kiarra              11 Monacan High           13.62      13.84   5 
 24 Pryor*, Shalaya           11 Manchester H           12.90      13.84   1 
 25 Horner, Reny              10 Saint Cather           14.60      13.85   4 
 26 Williams, Morgan           9 Trinity Epis           14.06      13.87   5 
 27 Jennings, Victoria         9 Cosby                             13.92   2 
 28 Accilien, Niahlie          9 Clover Hill            15.19      13.99   4 
 29 Waligora, Cassia          11 Mills Godwin           14.02      14.00   4 
 30 Becker, Arielle            9 Deep Run               14.26      14.17   8 
 31 Davis, Nyema              11 James River            14.24      14.21   6 
 32 Ruzich, Shea               8 Veritas Scho                      14.25   1 
 33 Horsley, Margaret         12 Saint Cather           14.59      14.35   5 
 34 Singleton, Mejia          10 Huguenot               14.45      14.51   7 
 35 McCoy-Armstead, Brittany  11 Elijah House           14.99      14.58   1 
 36 Dummars, Trinity          10 Clover Hill            14.58      14.61   6 
 37 Prera, Kiara               9 James River            14.00      14.82   3 
 38 Lee, Shelbi               10 Clover Hill            15.97      14.89   8 
 39 Blakney, Tajera            9 Cosby                             14.95   4 
 40 Day, Danae                10 Varina                 15.34      15.08   5 
 41 Mitchell, Ferarri          9 Elijah House           15.81      15.45   6 
 42 Murray, Alexis             9 Deep Run               16.21      15.72   8 
 43 Mason, Alasia             10 Varina                 15.94      15.82   7 
 44 Grace, Hanna              10 Lee-Davis              15.05      15.88   3 
 45 Dunaway, Paris            10 Varina                 17.50      17.44   6 
Event 36  Girls 100 Meter Dash Varsity
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals 
  1 Pitchford*, Mallory       12 James River            12.30      12.25  
  2 Wynter, Hanna             10 Manchester H           12.51      12.46  
  3 Prosise, Taylor           11 Clover Hill            12.52      12.50  
  4 Giles, Asia               10 Thomas Dale            12.72      12.59  
  5 Burt*, Kaylah             12 Manchester H           13.00      12.69  
  6 Coston, Premiere          12 Thomas Dale            12.88      12.86  
  7 Davis, Kamryn             11 Thomas Dale            12.97      12.87  
  8 Holloway *, Kat           12 Glen Allen H           13.02      13.05  
Event 37  Girls 100 Meter Dash Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Channer, Jailah            8 Saint Cather           13.71      13.51   1 
  2 Shannon, Willa             8 Saint Cather           13.67      13.92   1 
  3 Kerkam, Chandler           8 Saint Cather           14.37      14.22   1 
  4 Pearson, Breonna           6 Elijah House                      15.45   2 
  5 Puente, Madison            6 Elijah House                      15.50   1 
  6 Sample, Janelle            8 Elijah House           15.48      15.59   1 
  7 Ward, Lea                  7 Veritas Scho                      16.33   1 
  8 Bradley, Jadyn             7 Elijah House                      16.52   1 
  9 Gilman, Berkeley           7 Veritas Scho                      16.87   2 
 10 O'Flynn, Lana              6 Veritas Scho                      17.25   2 
 11 Saadatmand, Isabelle       6 Veritas Scho                      19.69   1 
Event 38  Boys 100 Meter Dash Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Simmons, Will              8 Veritas Scho                      15.96  
  2 Lagos, William             7 Veritas Scho                      16.26  
Event 41  Girls 1600 Meter Run Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Worden, Lydia              7 Veritas Scho                    6:03.51  
  2 Gilman, Reagan             6 Veritas Scho                    6:18.22  
  3 Carpenter, Sydney          8 Tomahawk Cre         6:10.07    6:21.61  
  4 O'Connell, Ryan            6 Tomahawk Cre         6:46.00    6:40.65  
  5 Holland, Bronte            7 Veritas Scho                    7:17.45  
Event 42  Boys 1600 Meter Run Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Voraritskul, Ethan         7 Veritas Scho         5:53.37    5:43.51  
  2 Felty, Sam                 7 Veritas Scho                    5:51.41  
  3 Matlak, Isaac              8 Veritas Scho         5:32.44    6:27.86  
  4 Redding, Eli               7 Veritas Scho                    7:06.48  
  5 Matlak, Sam                6 Veritas Scho                    7:37.47  
Event 47  Girls 400 Meter Run Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H#
  1 Hood, Sophie               8 Saint Cather                    1:06.09   2 
  2 Worden, Lydia              7 Veritas Scho                    1:06.75   1 
  3 Brooks, Amari              7 Tomahawk Cre                    1:10.59   2 
  4 O'Connell, Kylee           8 Tomahawk Cre                    1:11.81   2 
  5 Puente, Madison            6 Elijah House                    1:14.20   2 
  6 Gilman, Reagan             6 Veritas Scho                    1:16.45   1 
  7 Gilman, Berkeley           7 Veritas Scho                    1:20.20   1 
  8 Ward, Lea                  7 Veritas Scho                    1:20.45   1 
  9 O'Flynn, Lana              6 Veritas Scho                    1:22.60   2 
 10 Bradley, Jadyn             7 Elijah House                    1:22.81   1 
 11 Holland, Bronte            7 Veritas Scho                    1:30.05   1 
 12 Pearson, Breonna           6 Elijah House                    1:34.26   2 
 13 Saadatmand, Isabelle       6 Veritas Scho                    1:44.83   1 
Event 48  Boys 400 Meter Run Middle School
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals 
  1 Felty, Sam                 7 Veritas Scho                    1:03.22  
  2 Voraritskul, Ethan         7 Veritas Scho                    1:08.07  
  3 Simmons, Will              8 Veritas Scho                    1:14.40  
  4 Lagos, William             7 Veritas Scho                    1:17.91  
  5 Matlak, Isaac              8 Veritas Scho                    1:22.73  
  6 Matlak, Sam                6 Veritas Scho                    1:26.66  
  7 Redding, Eli               7 Veritas Scho                    1:31.00