Meet Information
21th (Almost Annual) Manchester Relays: Saturday, March 26, 2016
Entries: Done on (Milesplit Online Meet Registration).
Deadline: Registration and Entry Fees: Saturday March 19th 2016.
Site Change: This years meet will be held at Clover Hill High School, do to construction issues at Manchester 's Track. Address: 13301 Kelly Green Lane, Midlothian,Va. 23112
Coaches Meeting: 8:15am
Running Events Start: 8:30am, Field events start: 9:00 am
Weather: We will run this meet rain or shine!
Sanctioned: VHSL
Admission: $5.00 for everyone middle school age or older.
Entries and fees: Whole team or per relay
Fees are listed on the bottom of page (3)
Events: Varsity Division: (Grades 9-12)
Field events: Long Jump, High jump, Triple jump, Shot Put, Discus, No pole vault
Running events: 4x100, 2x200(Co-ed), 4x400, 4x800, 4x800(co-ed), 4x1600,
2x100/110 Hurdles, 2x300 Hurdles, Distance Medley and Sprint Medley.
J.V. Division: (Grades 9-10)
4x100, 4x400, Sprint Medley, 4x800
Middle School Division: (Grades 6-8) Compete against Middle Schools only.
4x100, 4x400, 4x800 (Middle School may enter A and B Relay teams)
An athlete can only compete in one division. Varsity only, J.V. only or Middle School only.
Entry limits: (1) Relay for Varsity Events, (Only Varsity Hurdles may enter an A and B team).
Middle schools may enter A and B teams
(3) Individuals per field event relay, varsity only.
-Top (2) field event marks added together count towards the results and awards.
Awards: Medals to the top (3) places in each event, NO TEAM SCORES
Timing: F.A.T.
Make check payable to: Manchester High School
Contact Info: Gene Bowen, Track Coach, Manchester High School
12601 Bailey Bridge Road
Midlothian, Va. 23112
Cell 804-240-5139
(w) 804-739-6275 ex. 5111 (h) 804-271-5230 (School Fax 804-739-6340)
E-mail address: Work:
E-mail address: Home:
More info. on page 2
Concessions: Provided. Complementary coffee and bagels for coaches.
Manchester Relay Tee Shirts: On sale @ the stadium
Trainer and first aid station provided by CJW Sports Medicine Center
Footwear: spikes or less may be used.
Equipment: Meet management will provide shots for competition. Schools use their own discus.
Starting blocks hurdle races, Varsity 4x100, and Co-Ed 4x200 only.
Blocks will not be allowed in any Middle school or JV races.
Uniform and jewelry rule: This will be enforced.
No electronic devices in the competition areas.
Field events: Each athlete will get (3) attempts in all field events. No finals.
High Jump: Only (2) attempts per height. (Depending on the size of the field)
Long and Triple Jump will use an open pit format.
Minimum Standards: Each athlete will have their first attempt measured. In order to get another measurement; they must meet the following minimum standards.
Event Boys Girls
Shot Put 35 25
Discus 80 60
Long Jump 17 13
Triple Jump 35 28
High Jump 52(start) 42 (start)
Bar will be raised 2 up to 6 for boys and 5 for girls, then raised 1 thereafter.
Manchester Relays Entry Form: Please Print Neatly (Boys) (Girls)
School______________________________ Coach _____________________________________
School Phone ( ) ___________________ Home Phone ( ) __________________________
School Address___________________________________________________________________
City___________________ State______ Zip________ E- Mail _____________________________
Running Relays: (Write Neatly) Varsity Time J.V. Time Middle School Time (A and B)
4x100 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x400 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x800 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x1600 __________
*2x100/110 Hurdle __________ *Print names of varsity 100/110 hurdlers
(May enter A and B teams, in Hurdle Races only A)___________________ ___________________
times added together, per hurdle team in results). B)___________________ ___________________
*2x300 Hurdle __________ *Print names of varsity 300 hurdlers
(May enter A and B teams, in Hurdle Races only A) ___________________ ___________________
times added together, per hurdle team in results). B)___________________ ___________________
Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) __________
Sprint Medley (4-2-2-8) __________ _______
4x200 (Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy) __________
4x800 (Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy) __________
Field Events Relays (Varsity Only) Print names of athletes you wish to enter. You may sub. on the day of the meet. All names must be on the Milestat roster to help out meet management. (Print Neatly Please)
Long Jump _____________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
Triple Jump_____________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
High Jump______________________, _______________________, ______________________(Height not needed)
Shot put ________________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
Discus _________________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
(No Pole Vault)
Entry Fees: (Check appropriate lines for teams entered and fill in total entry fee).
I. Whole Team Fees
Middle School Team _____ $50 (Boys) _____ $50 (Girls)
J.V. Team _____ $40 (Boys) _____ $40 (Girls)
Varsity Team _____ $120 (Boys) _____ $120 (Girls)
Total entry fee $_____ Boys $_____ Girls
*Varsity boys and girls teams, including J.V. and Middle School = $ 350.00
*Varsity boys and girls teams, including J.V. = $ 300.00
Varsity boys and girls teams = $ 240.00
(J.V. only) Boys and Girls teams = $ 80.00
(Middle School only) Boys and Girls teams = $ 100.00
II. Partial Team Fees: You may enter at a cost of $ 30.00 per field relay and $30.00 per running relay
Number of total relays entered _____ x $30.00 = $_____ Total Fee Paid
Manchester Relays: Schedule of Events (Rolling time schedule)
9:00 am: Varsity Field Events
Varsity Only: (3) Attempts- No finals
Boys long jump, followed by boys triple jump (Open pit format)
Girls long jump, followed by girls triple jump (Open pit format)
Girls high jump, followed by boys high jump
Girls shot, followed by boys shot
Boys discus, followed by girls discus
8:30 am: M. S. and J.V. Running Events (Teams must check in with clerk in the infield)
4 x 800 Middle School Girls
4 x 800 Middle School Boys
4 x 800 J.V. Girls
4 x 800 J.V. Boys
4 x 100 Middle School Girls
4 x 100 Middle School Boys
4 x 100 J.V. Girls
4 x 100 J.V. Boys
Sprint Medley J.V. Girls (4-2-2-8)
Sprint Medley J.V. Boys (4-2-2-8)
4 x 400 Middle School Girls
4 x 400 Middle School Boys
4 x 400 J.V. Girls
4 x 400 J.V. Boys
Officials Break/ Lunch
12:30 PM Varsity Running Events: 4 x 1600 Girls
4 x 1600 Boys
Sprint Medley Girls (4-2-2-8)
Sprint Medley Boys (4-2-2-8)
2 x 100 Hurdles Girls*
2 x 110 Hurdles Boys*
4 x 800 Girls
4 x 800 Boys
4 x 100 Girls*
4 x 100 Boys*
4 x 200 Co-ed (Girl-boy-girl-boy)* (4 turn stagger run in lanes)
4 x 800 Co-ed (Girl-boy-girl-boy)
2 x 300 Hurdles Girls*
2 x 300 Hurdles Boys*
Distance Medley Girls (12-4-8-16)
Distance Medley Boys (12-4-8-16)
4 x 400 Girls (3 turn stagger)*
4 x 400 Boys (3 turn stagger)*
Meet usually concludes by 5:00pm
*Only events where starting blocks are permitted, these will be provided.
Entries: Done on (Milesplit Online Meet Registration).
Deadline: Registration and Entry Fees: Saturday March 19th 2016.
Site Change: This years meet will be held at Clover Hill High School, do to construction issues at Manchester 's Track. Address: 13301 Kelly Green Lane, Midlothian,Va. 23112
Coaches Meeting: 8:15am
Running Events Start: 8:30am, Field events start: 9:00 am
Weather: We will run this meet rain or shine!
Sanctioned: VHSL
Admission: $5.00 for everyone middle school age or older.
Entries and fees: Whole team or per relay
Fees are listed on the bottom of page (3)
Events: Varsity Division: (Grades 9-12)
Field events: Long Jump, High jump, Triple jump, Shot Put, Discus, No pole vault
Running events: 4x100, 2x200(Co-ed), 4x400, 4x800, 4x800(co-ed), 4x1600,
2x100/110 Hurdles, 2x300 Hurdles, Distance Medley and Sprint Medley.
J.V. Division: (Grades 9-10)
4x100, 4x400, Sprint Medley, 4x800
Middle School Division: (Grades 6-8) Compete against Middle Schools only.
4x100, 4x400, 4x800 (Middle School may enter A and B Relay teams)
An athlete can only compete in one division. Varsity only, J.V. only or Middle School only.
Entry limits: (1) Relay for Varsity Events, (Only Varsity Hurdles may enter an A and B team).
Middle schools may enter A and B teams
(3) Individuals per field event relay, varsity only.
-Top (2) field event marks added together count towards the results and awards.
Awards: Medals to the top (3) places in each event, NO TEAM SCORES
Timing: F.A.T.
Make check payable to: Manchester High School
Contact Info: Gene Bowen, Track Coach, Manchester High School
12601 Bailey Bridge Road
Midlothian, Va. 23112
Cell 804-240-5139
(w) 804-739-6275 ex. 5111 (h) 804-271-5230 (School Fax 804-739-6340)
E-mail address: Work:
E-mail address: Home:
More info. on page 2
Concessions: Provided. Complementary coffee and bagels for coaches.
Manchester Relay Tee Shirts: On sale @ the stadium
Trainer and first aid station provided by CJW Sports Medicine Center
Footwear: spikes or less may be used.
Equipment: Meet management will provide shots for competition. Schools use their own discus.
Starting blocks hurdle races, Varsity 4x100, and Co-Ed 4x200 only.
Blocks will not be allowed in any Middle school or JV races.
Uniform and jewelry rule: This will be enforced.
No electronic devices in the competition areas.
Field events: Each athlete will get (3) attempts in all field events. No finals.
High Jump: Only (2) attempts per height. (Depending on the size of the field)
Long and Triple Jump will use an open pit format.
Minimum Standards: Each athlete will have their first attempt measured. In order to get another measurement; they must meet the following minimum standards.
Event Boys Girls
Shot Put 35 25
Discus 80 60
Long Jump 17 13
Triple Jump 35 28
High Jump 52(start) 42 (start)
Bar will be raised 2 up to 6 for boys and 5 for girls, then raised 1 thereafter.
Manchester Relays Entry Form: Please Print Neatly (Boys) (Girls)
School______________________________ Coach _____________________________________
School Phone ( ) ___________________ Home Phone ( ) __________________________
School Address___________________________________________________________________
City___________________ State______ Zip________ E- Mail _____________________________
Running Relays: (Write Neatly) Varsity Time J.V. Time Middle School Time (A and B)
4x100 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x400 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x800 __________ _______ __________ _________
4x1600 __________
*2x100/110 Hurdle __________ *Print names of varsity 100/110 hurdlers
(May enter A and B teams, in Hurdle Races only A)___________________ ___________________
times added together, per hurdle team in results). B)___________________ ___________________
*2x300 Hurdle __________ *Print names of varsity 300 hurdlers
(May enter A and B teams, in Hurdle Races only A) ___________________ ___________________
times added together, per hurdle team in results). B)___________________ ___________________
Distance Medley (12-4-8-16) __________
Sprint Medley (4-2-2-8) __________ _______
4x200 (Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy) __________
4x800 (Girl-Boy-Girl-Boy) __________
Field Events Relays (Varsity Only) Print names of athletes you wish to enter. You may sub. on the day of the meet. All names must be on the Milestat roster to help out meet management. (Print Neatly Please)
Long Jump _____________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
Triple Jump_____________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
High Jump______________________, _______________________, ______________________(Height not needed)
Shot put ________________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
Discus _________________________, _______________________, ______________________(Distance not needed)
(No Pole Vault)
Entry Fees: (Check appropriate lines for teams entered and fill in total entry fee).
I. Whole Team Fees
Middle School Team _____ $50 (Boys) _____ $50 (Girls)
J.V. Team _____ $40 (Boys) _____ $40 (Girls)
Varsity Team _____ $120 (Boys) _____ $120 (Girls)
Total entry fee $_____ Boys $_____ Girls
* Discounted Maximum Whole team Fees:
*Varsity boys and girls teams, including J.V. and Middle School = $ 350.00
*Varsity boys and girls teams, including J.V. = $ 300.00
Varsity boys and girls teams = $ 240.00
(J.V. only) Boys and Girls teams = $ 80.00
(Middle School only) Boys and Girls teams = $ 100.00
II. Partial Team Fees: You may enter at a cost of $ 30.00 per field relay and $30.00 per running relay
Number of total relays entered _____ x $30.00 = $_____ Total Fee Paid
Manchester Relays: Schedule of Events (Rolling time schedule)
9:00 am: Varsity Field Events
Varsity Only: (3) Attempts- No finals
Boys long jump, followed by boys triple jump (Open pit format)
Girls long jump, followed by girls triple jump (Open pit format)
Girls high jump, followed by boys high jump
Girls shot, followed by boys shot
Boys discus, followed by girls discus
8:30 am: M. S. and J.V. Running Events (Teams must check in with clerk in the infield)
4 x 800 Middle School Girls
4 x 800 Middle School Boys
4 x 800 J.V. Girls
4 x 800 J.V. Boys
4 x 100 Middle School Girls
4 x 100 Middle School Boys
4 x 100 J.V. Girls
4 x 100 J.V. Boys
Sprint Medley J.V. Girls (4-2-2-8)
Sprint Medley J.V. Boys (4-2-2-8)
4 x 400 Middle School Girls
4 x 400 Middle School Boys
4 x 400 J.V. Girls
4 x 400 J.V. Boys
Officials Break/ Lunch
12:30 PM Varsity Running Events: 4 x 1600 Girls
4 x 1600 Boys
Sprint Medley Girls (4-2-2-8)
Sprint Medley Boys (4-2-2-8)
2 x 100 Hurdles Girls*
2 x 110 Hurdles Boys*
4 x 800 Girls
4 x 800 Boys
4 x 100 Girls*
4 x 100 Boys*
4 x 200 Co-ed (Girl-boy-girl-boy)* (4 turn stagger run in lanes)
4 x 800 Co-ed (Girl-boy-girl-boy)
2 x 300 Hurdles Girls*
2 x 300 Hurdles Boys*
Distance Medley Girls (12-4-8-16)
Distance Medley Boys (12-4-8-16)
4 x 400 Girls (3 turn stagger)*
4 x 400 Boys (3 turn stagger)*
Meet usually concludes by 5:00pm
*Only events where starting blocks are permitted, these will be provided.