Meet Information
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Conference 3 Outdoor Track & Field Championships
Hosted by Cosby High School
May 20
2017 Conference 3 Outdoor Track & Field Meet
To: Principals, Activities Directors, Boys and Girls Outdoor Track Coaches.
From: Michael Swartz, RAA Conference 3 Outdoor Track Director
Subject: 2017 Conference 3 Indoor Championships
When: May 20 at Cosby High School
Site: Cosby High School Stadium 14300 Fox Club Pkwy Midlothian, VA 23112
Cost: $7.00 (VHSCA/VHSL Coaches Pass, VIAAA & VHSL Principals Pass, VHSL Honored guest passes will be accepted. District And Faculty Passes WILL NOT Be Accepted. Spectators enter at ticket booth Athletes admitted free at the gate to the left of the ticket booths. Athletes must be in uniform to enter free.
Schedule: Attached
Awards: Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Team champion and runner-up champion plates.
MVP ballots & coach of the year will be provided and must be returned following the conclusion of the 4x400m relays.
Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Entry Limitations: Each school may submit three (3) entries for each individual event. You may enter a maximum of six (6) athletes as long as all have met the conference meet qualifying standards for that event. Each school is allowed only one (1) relay team per relay event. NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED THAT HAS NOT COMPETED IN THEIR EVENT OR AN EVENT THAT QUALIFIES FOR THEIR EVENT IN A BONAFIDE MEET DURING THE CURRENT OUTDOOR SEASON.
Entries Due: Enter athletes at under Conference 3 Meet by Wednesday, May 16, 2017 @ 11:59 P.M.
Equipment: Meet management will furnish starting blocks. All other equipment will be team or personal.
Electronic Devices: VHSL rules apply. No electronic devices in competition areas
Facilities: 400 Meter, 8 lane, all-weather track. Concrete shot and discus throwing surfaces.
all-weather surfaces on LJ/TJ ,and HJ surface. All-weather spikes of
1/4 or less and flats may be used on the all-weather surfaces. Locker rooms are NOT
available. Athletes should come dressed to compete. Restrooms will be open in the stadium.
Scratches: Coaches Meeting on Thursday, May 18, 6:00 p.m. in the Cosby High School commons.
Declaration Rule: All entries confirmed at the coaches meeting on Thursday, May 18 will be confirmed as entered and will count against the athletes maximum allowable events whether they contest them or not.
Uniforms: The uniform rule will be enforced.
Regional Entries: Top six in each event advance to Regionals or anyone that meets region qualifying standards during the season.
Meet Management: Hurdle Crew - Cosby
Girls Triple/Long Jump Clover Hill
Boys/Girls High Jump Manchester
Boys/Girls Shot- Franklin County
Boys/Girls Discus Thomas Dale
Boys Triple/Long Jump- James River
Boys/Girls Pole Vault- Franklin County
Team Camps: Teams may set up camps outside of the fence around the track or in the bleachers.
3200 M: Coaches with athletes in this race must be at the finish line to count laps
Milestat Entry Instructions for Conference 3 Track Meet
Online Entry Reminders:
Conference 3 Outdoor Track & Field Championships
Hosted by Cosby High School
May 20
2017 Conference 3 Outdoor Track & Field Meet
To: Principals, Activities Directors, Boys and Girls Outdoor Track Coaches.
From: Michael Swartz, RAA Conference 3 Outdoor Track Director
Subject: 2017 Conference 3 Indoor Championships
When: May 20 at Cosby High School
Site: Cosby High School Stadium 14300 Fox Club Pkwy Midlothian, VA 23112
Cost: $7.00 (VHSCA/VHSL Coaches Pass, VIAAA & VHSL Principals Pass, VHSL Honored guest passes will be accepted. District And Faculty Passes WILL NOT Be Accepted. Spectators enter at ticket booth Athletes admitted free at the gate to the left of the ticket booths. Athletes must be in uniform to enter free.
Schedule: Attached
Awards: Medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Team champion and runner-up champion plates.
MVP ballots & coach of the year will be provided and must be returned following the conclusion of the 4x400m relays.
Scoring: 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Entry Limitations: Each school may submit three (3) entries for each individual event. You may enter a maximum of six (6) athletes as long as all have met the conference meet qualifying standards for that event. Each school is allowed only one (1) relay team per relay event. NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED THAT HAS NOT COMPETED IN THEIR EVENT OR AN EVENT THAT QUALIFIES FOR THEIR EVENT IN A BONAFIDE MEET DURING THE CURRENT OUTDOOR SEASON.
Entries Due: Enter athletes at under Conference 3 Meet by Wednesday, May 16, 2017 @ 11:59 P.M.
Equipment: Meet management will furnish starting blocks. All other equipment will be team or personal.
Electronic Devices: VHSL rules apply. No electronic devices in competition areas
Facilities: 400 Meter, 8 lane, all-weather track. Concrete shot and discus throwing surfaces.
all-weather surfaces on LJ/TJ ,and HJ surface. All-weather spikes of
1/4 or less and flats may be used on the all-weather surfaces. Locker rooms are NOT
available. Athletes should come dressed to compete. Restrooms will be open in the stadium.
Scratches: Coaches Meeting on Thursday, May 18, 6:00 p.m. in the Cosby High School commons.
Declaration Rule: All entries confirmed at the coaches meeting on Thursday, May 18 will be confirmed as entered and will count against the athletes maximum allowable events whether they contest them or not.
Uniforms: The uniform rule will be enforced.
Regional Entries: Top six in each event advance to Regionals or anyone that meets region qualifying standards during the season.
Meet Management: Hurdle Crew - Cosby
Girls Triple/Long Jump Clover Hill
Boys/Girls High Jump Manchester
Boys/Girls Shot- Franklin County
Boys/Girls Discus Thomas Dale
Boys Triple/Long Jump- James River
Boys/Girls Pole Vault- Franklin County
Team Camps: Teams may set up camps outside of the fence around the track or in the bleachers.
3200 M: Coaches with athletes in this race must be at the finish line to count laps
Milestat Entry Instructions for Conference 3 Track Meet
Online Entry Reminders:
* Edit your roster on your team pages to make sure the graduation years and name spelling of your athletes are correct. Also check for any duplicates that need to be merged.
* Can select up to 8 relay legs in entry system when entering relays. Make sure you select all possible legs as your relay will be disqualified if you run an athlete as leg who was not entered as part of the meet roster in the entry system.
* To update an athlete's seed time from a superior late regular season meet performance after initially entering them with an earlier season performance, simply deselect their entry in that event and then re-select them. Their new performance should be generated as a seed time.