Asics Elite Invitational 2008

Lynchburg, VA


Dorrell 9:16, Collins 4:17, Ricks 6.37 at Asics Elite MileSplit Staff Dec 15, 2007

There were quite a few elite performanes at the Asics Elite Invitational held at Liberty University's Tolsma Track Center in Lynchburg on Saturday, December 25th. Blacksburg senior Peter Dorrell, likely highly motivated from coming up just short of making it to Foot Locker Nationals this cross country, has steamrolled through the month of December in indoor. Dorrell followed up his 4:19 1600 meter opener last weekend at Liberty with a 9:16 3200 meter performance this weekend on the same track. Both are early season national leading performances in the two distance events, but his 1600 meter time was topped this weekend by Logan Collins of Orange County who blitzed a personal best time of 4:17 at the Asics Elite Invite. The best in the Eastern Region are already rolling in December as Keith Ricks of King's Fork matched Torry Womack's 6.37 clocking at CNU on Friday night with a 6.37 win himself at Liberty on Saturday. Full meet summary...Asics Elite Invite Complete Results 

Asics Elite Invitational Performance List Dec 11, 2007

Performance list for the first annual Asics Elite Invitational to be held on Saturday, December 15th at Liberty University's Tolsma Track Center in Lynchburg, Virginia.Asics Elite Invitational Performance List