Licensed to Maggie L. Walker Governors School
Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 2/15/03 07:13 PM
2003 Capital District Indoor Championships - 2/14/03 to 2/15/03
Arthur Ashe Center
Event 1 Girls Long Jump
Meet Record: # 18-11 2000 Caroline Harvey, Atlee
17-08.00 STAT
16-03.75 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 17-00.50 17-03.00 REG 10
2 Mara Winters * 12 Henrico High Sch 16-04.75 16-08.50 REG 8
3 Tamika Burrell 10 Varina High Scho 15-03.00 16-05.75 REG 6
4 Ebonique Royster John F. Kennedy 16-01.00 16-04.00 REG 4
5 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 16-04.00 15-10.75 2
6 Whitney Gordon Highland Springs 15-07.00 15-08.75 1
7 Dana Harvey 9 Atlee High Schoo 14-02.25 14-08.25
8 Jonecia Gates John F. Kennedy 14-11.00 14-03.00
9 Tiara Jefferson-Jo 10 Henrico High Sch 13-08.50 14-00.00
10 Shannon Arnette Highland Springs 13-01.00 13-10.25
11 Brittany Witcher 10 Atlee High Schoo 12-04.25 12-09.00
-- Charlotte Perry 10 Atlee High Schoo 13-01.50 FOUL
-- Mateena Williams John F. Kennedy 14-11.00 FOUL
Event 2 Boys Long Jump
Meet Record: # 22-09.25 2000 Kevin Watson, Henrico
22-00.50 STAT
20-10.50 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Andre Ford 12 Atlee High Schoo 19-10.75 20-03.50 10
2 Bryan Jones 11 Atlee High Schoo 20-04.50 20-00.00 8
3 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 19-05.00 19-11.25 6
4 Antonio Williams Highland Springs 19-04.50 19-03.25 4
5 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 19-08.00 19-00.75 2
6 Ray Williams 12 Varina High Scho 19-07.00 18-09.00 1
7 Darryl Williams 11 Varina High Scho 18-07.00 18-05.25
8 Brandon Argo 12 Henrico High Sch 18-02.50 18-02.00
9 Jay Robinson 10 Atlee High Schoo 17-11.50 17-09.00
10 Derek Mosby Highland Springs 20-04.50 17-07.00
11 Deonte Tyler 10 John F. Kennedy 18-11.00 15-10.25
Event 3 Girls Triple Jump
Meet Record: # 38-00.25 1994 Niki Webster, Henrico
35-09.00 STAT
33-08.50 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 35-08.00 35-09.50 STAT 10
2 Mara Winters * 12 Henrico High Sch 32-03.50 34-08.75 REG 8
3 Ebonique Royster John F. Kennedy 34-08.00 33-04.50 6
4 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 33-06.00 33-03.75 4
5 Stephanie Conyers 11 Varina High Scho 30-05.50 30-10.50 2
6 Chateece Chappelle Highland Springs 30-02.25 30-05.50 1
7 Jonecia Gates John F. Kennedy 30-03.00 29-07.00
8 Jessica Battle * 10 Varina High Scho 29-01.00 29-00.00
9 Charlotte Perry 10 Atlee High Schoo 28-04.50 28-02.25
10 Brittany Witcher 10 Atlee High Schoo 29-00.50 27-08.00
11 Dana Harvey 9 Atlee High Schoo 29-03.50 26-08.25
-- Whitney Gordon Highland Springs 36-05.00 FOUL
Event 4 Boys Triple Jump
Meet Record: # 46-00.25 1990 Ryan Harris, Highland Springs
45-00.75 STAT
42-05.50 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Bryan Jones 11 Atlee High Schoo 45-03.00 43-08.50 REG 10
2 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 42-04.00 42-10.25 REG 8
3 Andre Ford 12 Atlee High Schoo 42-05.75 40-03.50 6
4 Dana Cleaborn 12 Atlee High Schoo 38-03.50 40-00.00 4
5 Greg Carter 12 Atlee High Schoo 39-05.00 39-10.50 2
6 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 41-02.00 38-08.00 1
7 Jamar Myrick 11 Varina High Scho 37-11.00 38-03.50
8 Derrick Robinson 11 Varina High Scho 37-04.00 38-00.50
9 Deonte Tyler 10 John F. Kennedy 38-11.00 34-10.75
Event 5 Girls High Jump
Meet Record: # 5-02 2002 S. Pettes, M. Pettes, Harvey, Armstrong, Atl
5-02.00 STAT
4-10.00 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Anna Bushkar 11 Atlee High Schoo 5-00.00 5-02.00#STAT 10
2 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 5-03.00 5-01.00 REG 8
3 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 5-02.00 4-10.00 REG 6
4 Jessica Battle * 10 Varina High Scho 4-08.00 4-08.00 4
5 Monet Harrison Highland Springs 4-06.00 J4-08.00 2
6 Janelle Liddelow Highland Springs 4-08.00 4-06.00 0.5
6 Anne Sprinkel 11 Atlee High Schoo 4-08.00 4-06.00 0.5
8 Ebonique Royster John F. Kennedy 4-06.00 J4-06.00
8 Jonecia Gates John F. Kennedy 4-04.00 J4-06.00
Event 6 Boys High Jump
Meet Record: # 6-05 1995 J. Hogan, D. McLean, H. Springs, Arm -1997
6-04.00 STAT
5-10.00 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Davion Lambert 12 Varina High Scho 5-08.00 6-06.00#STAT 10
2 Jeremiah Hargrove 12 John F. Kennedy 5-10.00 6-02.00 REG 8
3 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 6-06.00 6-00.00 REG 6
4 Jehan Keitt 12 Armstrong High S 5-08.00 5-08.00 4
5 Joey Mazzei 9 Atlee High Schoo 5-06.00 5-06.00 2
6 Jamar Myrick 11 Varina High Scho 5-10.00 J5-06.00 1
7 Jay Robinson 10 Atlee High Schoo 5-08.00 5-04.00
8 Louis Velazquez 10 John F. Kennedy 5-06.00 5-02.00
8 Troy Franklin 12 John F. Kennedy 5-06.00 5-02.00
8 Harvell Mabry 12 John F. Kennedy 6-00.00 5-02.00
Event 7 Girls Shot Put
Meet Record: # 39-05.25 1995 Lakeisha Mose, John F. Kennedy
37-02.25 STAT
30-10.25 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Whitney Gordon Highland Springs 40-07.00 40-04.50#STAT 10
2 Tracy Tyler 12 Lee-Davis High S 38-00.25 37-01.50 REG 8
3 Kathy Howard 9 Lee-Davis High S 38-08.00 36-10.00 REG 6
4 Chenell Roane 11 Varina High Scho 31-01.00 31-00.50 REG 4
5 Farrah James 10 Lee-Davis High S 25-11.75 28-00.00 2
6 Demetrice Turnage 11 Varina High Scho 21-06.50 26-00.25 1
7 Reginia Brown 11 Varina High Scho 24-00.50 25-02.75
8 Christina Harrison 10 Henrico High Sch 29-00.00 23-08.50
9 Jessica Baker 10 Atlee High Schoo 25-06.00 23-02.50
10 Ebonique Royster John F. Kennedy 25-00.00 22-07.25
11 Bianca Monroe Highland Springs 21-08.75 21-04.50
12 Tara Waggie John F. Kennedy 19-00.00 18-00.00
Event 8 Boys Shot Put
Meet Record: # 51-08 1992 Lacey Thompson, Armstrong
51-02.00 STAT
43-08.75 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Matt Miller 12 Atlee High Schoo 48-05.00 48-10.50 REG 10
2 Kemper Marable * 12 Lee-Davis High S 47-08.00 44-11.00 REG 8
3 Shawn Tuthill 12 Atlee High Schoo 44-04.00 43-08.00 6
4 Ricardo Mickins 12 Armstrong High S 37-11.00 41-05.00 4
5 Alton Crawley 11 Varina High Scho 42-07.00 40-09.00 2
6 Thomas Hughes 9 Henrico High Sch 36-11.00 39-07.50 1
7 Deonte Tyler 10 John F. Kennedy 44-08.00 38-02.00
8 Lamar Early Highland Springs 38-00.00 37-06.50
9 David Pope 11 John F. Kennedy 41-00.00 36-11.00
10 Garry Fife 12 John F. Kennedy 39-03.00 35-06.00
11 Jeff Mohn 10 Lee-Davis High S 37-09.00 35-03.00
12 Ryan Anderson Highland Springs 32-00.00 34-11.00
13 Charlie Upshaw * Lee-Davis High S 31-07.00 33-04.00
14 Kory Mickle 11 Varina High Scho 29-10.00 31-01.00
15 Andrew Moon 10 John F. Kennedy 38-00.00 26-11.00
Event 9 Girls Pole Vault
Meet Record: # 10-06 2002 Kira Barcus, Atlee
9-09.00 STAT
7-06.00 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Mallory Wakefield 12 Atlee High Schoo 8-06.00 8-06.00 REG 10
2 Kathryn Moran * 12 Henrico High Sch 8-00.00 8-00.00 REG 8
Event 10 Boys Pole Vault
Meet Record: # 14-01 2001 Val Osipenko, Atlee
13-00.00 STAT
10-06.00 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Matt Sandridge 11 Atlee High Schoo 11-06.00 12-00.00 REG 10
2 Eric Sandridge 11 Atlee High Schoo 10-00.00 10-06.00 REG 8
3 Chris Dowhan 12 Atlee High Schoo 10-06.00 9-00.00 6
Event 11 Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 10:22.9h 1996 , Lee-Davis
N. Thomas, A. Crescenzo, R. Thomas, B. Bashton
9:51.94 STAT
10:56.24 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 Lee-Davis High School 'A' 10:28.26 10:44.53 REG 10
1) Emily Sledd * 11 2) Tiffany Harmon 9
3) Rachel Bauer * 10 4) Amanda Febish * 10
2 John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 11:30.24 10:59.85 8
1) Ebonique Royster 2) Tia Miles
3) Jonecia Gates 4) Tara Waggie
3 Atlee High School 'A' 10:28.23 11:04.35 6
1) Megan Russell 12 2) Chelsea Goss 10
3) Lindsey Murph 12 4) Elizabeth Seidita 11
Event 12 Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 8:32.05 2002 , Lee-Davis
D. Cancro, B. Crider, R. Fletcher, S. Mohn
8:13.54 STAT
8:53.94 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 Lee-Davis High School 'A' 8:16.90 8:32.30 REG 10
1) Daniel Cancro * 12 2) Ned Upshaw * 11
3) Ryan Webb * 9 4) Steven Mohn * 12
2 Atlee High School 'A' 8:20.35 8:33.20 REG 8
1) Chris White 11 2) Andrew Tucker 11
3) Steven Baker 12 4) Alex Fuqua 12
3 Henrico High School 'A' 9:23.71 9:23.15 6
1) Paul Winters 12 2) Dale Smallwood 12
3) Ryan Thompson 12 4) Randall Taylor * 11
4 Highland Springs High School 'A' 9:36.30 9:51.35 4
1) Dwayne Jordan 2) Tony Harrell
3) Ian Smith 4) Marcus Brown
5 John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 10:36.24 10:30.22 2
1) Louis Velazquez 10 2) Carlton Lee 10
3) Deonte Tyler 10 4) Garry Fife 12
Event 13 Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: # 8.0h 1992 Kim Townes, Highland Springs
8.74 STAT
9.54 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 8.44 8.87 REG 10
2 Jessica Battle * 10 Varina High Scho 9.36 9.13 REG 8
3 Mara Winters * 12 Henrico High Sch 9.43 9.27 REG 6
4 Ashley Heizer 11 Atlee High Schoo 9.88 9.93 4
5 Stephanie Conyers 11 Varina High Scho 10.08 10.10 2
6 Anne Sprinkel 11 Atlee High Schoo 10.04 10.20 1
Event 14 Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: # 7.49 2001 Kevin Watson, Henrico
7.94 STAT
8.24 REG
Name Year School Seed Prelims H#
1 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 7.64 7.83QSTAT 2
2 Bryan Jones 11 Atlee High Schoo 8.35 8.14QREG 1
3 Derrick Robinson 11 Varina High Scho 8.76 8.58Q 1
4 Bobby Sperlazza 10 Atlee High Schoo 9.16 9.03Q 2
5 Antonio Williams Highland Springs 8.79 9.30q 2
6 Jamar Myrick 11 Varina High Scho 9.89 9.31q 1
7 Derrick Schribner Highland Springs 10.19 9.68 1
8 Dwayne Jordan Highland Springs 10.46 10.06 2
9 Phillip Smith 10 Atlee High Schoo 10.47 10.23 2
Event 14 Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
Meet Record: # 7.49 2001 Kevin Watson, Henrico
7.94 STAT
8.24 REG
Name Year School Prelims Finals Points
1 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 7.83 7.89 STAT 10
2 Bryan Jones 11 Atlee High Schoo 8.14 8.16 REG 8
3 Derrick Robinson 11 Varina High Scho 8.58 8.43 6
4 Bobby Sperlazza 10 Atlee High Schoo 9.03 9.10 4
5 Jamar Myrick 11 Varina High Scho 9.31 9.26 2
-- Antonio Williams Highland Springs 9.30 DQ
7 Derrick Schribner Highland Springs 9.68
8 Dwayne Jordan Highland Springs 10.06
9 Phillip Smith 10 Atlee High Schoo 10.23
Event 15 Girls 55 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 6.9h 1996 P. Mose, C. Harvey, JFK, Atlee-1999
7.54 STAT
7.84 REG
Name Year School Seed Prelims H#
1 Shannon Hill John F. Kennedy 7.38 7.47QSTAT 3
2 Whitney Gordon Highland Springs 7.54 7.61QREG 1
3 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 7.74 7.74QREG 2
4 Ashley Mitchell 12 Henrico High Sch 8.11 7.74qREG 3
5 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 7.64 7.79qREG 1
6 Tamika Burrell 10 Varina High Scho 7.98 7.84qREG 2
7 Dana Harvey 9 Atlee High Schoo 8.00 7.85q 1
8 Allison Harvey 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.99 7.86 1
9 Jessica Rose 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.90 7.97 3
10 Shannon Arnette Highland Springs 8.15 8.11 3
11 Tiara Jefferson-Jones 10 Henrico High Sch 8.37 8.15 1
12 Caronda Bond John F. Kennedy 8.04 8.31 2
13 Jessica Battle * 10 Varina High Scho 8.35 8.33 2
14 Oneika McShine Highland Springs 8.40 8.46 1
15 Stephanie Conyers * 11 Varina High Scho 8.53 8.50 2
16 Michelle Richardson 9 Henrico High Sch 9.14 8.94 3
Event 15 Girls 55 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 6.9h 1996 P. Mose, C. Harvey, JFK, Atlee-1999
7.54 STAT
7.84 REG
Name Year School Prelims Finals Points
1 Shannon Hill John F. Kennedy 7.47 7.45 STAT 10
2 Whitney Gordon Highland Springs 7.61 7.58 REG 8
3 Ashley Mitchell 12 Henrico High Sch 7.74 7.81 REG 6
4 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 7.74 7.82 REG 4
5 Tamika Burrell 10 Varina High Scho 7.84 7.85 2
6 Dana Harvey 9 Atlee High Schoo 7.85 7.88 1
7 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 7.79 8.02
8 Allison Harvey 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.86
9 Jessica Rose 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.97
10 Shannon Arnette Highland Springs 8.11
11 Tiara Jefferson-Jo 10 Henrico High Sch 8.15
12 Caronda Bond John F. Kennedy 8.31
13 Jessica Battle * 10 Varina High Scho 8.33
14 Oneika McShine Highland Springs 8.46
15 Stephanie Conyers 11 Varina High Scho 8.50
16 Michelle Richardso 9 Henrico High Sch 8.94
Event 16 Boys 55 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 6.1h 1994 Ben Singleton, John F. Kennedy
6.64 STAT
6.94 REG
Name Year School Seed Prelims H#
1 Jackie Deshazo 12 Atlee High Schoo 6.62 6.59QSTAT 2
2 Jehan Keitt 12 Armstrong High S 6.54 6.64QSTAT 3
3 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 6.54 6.69QREG 4
4 Ray Williams 12 Varina High Scho 6.73 6.71QREG 1
5 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 6.64 6.74qREG 1
6 Reggie Brown Highland Springs 6.73 6.76qREG 2
7 Harvell Mabry 12 John F. Kennedy 6.74 6.86qREG 3
8 Larry Williams Highland Springs 6.76 6.87 REG 3
9 Marcus Fowler 9 John F. Kennedy 6.74 6.89 REG 4
10 Martin Southerland Highland Springs 6.78 6.99 2
11 Ricardo Mickins 12 Armstrong High S 7.14 7.00 4
12 Darryl Williams 11 Varina High Scho 6.93 7.01 1
13 Timothy James 11 Armstrong High S 6.84 7.05 1
14 Shaun Weaver * 12 Lee-Davis High S 7.15 7.09 4
15 Andre Ford 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.12 7.12 2
16 Brandon Argo 12 Henrico High Sch 7.21 7.17 3
17 Sean Smalls 10 Armstrong High S 7.14 7.21 3
18 Thomas Hughes 9 Henrico High Sch 7.94 7.29 2
19 Ryan Carson * 9 Lee-Davis High S 7.72 7.75 1
20 David Horne 9 Varina High Scho 7.77 7.81 1
Event 16 Boys 55 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 6.1h 1994 Ben Singleton, John F. Kennedy
6.64 STAT
6.94 REG
Name Year School Prelims Finals Points
1 Jehan Keitt 12 Armstrong High S 6.64 6.57 STAT 10
2 Jackie Deshazo 12 Atlee High Schoo 6.59 6.58 STAT 8
3 Michael Drake 12 John F. Kennedy 6.69 6.60 STAT 6
4 Ray Williams 12 Varina High Scho 6.71 6.70 REG 4
5 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 6.74 6.80 REG 2
6 Harvell Mabry 12 John F. Kennedy 6.86 6.81 REG 1
7 Reggie Brown Highland Springs 6.76 6.84 REG
8 Larry Williams Highland Springs 6.87
9 Marcus Fowler 9 John F. Kennedy 6.89
10 Martin Southerland Highland Springs 6.99
11 Ricardo Mickins 12 Armstrong High S 7.00
12 Darryl Williams 11 Varina High Scho 7.01
13 Timothy James 11 Armstrong High S 7.05
14 Shaun Weaver * 12 Lee-Davis High S 7.09
15 Andre Ford 12 Atlee High Schoo 7.12
16 Brandon Argo 12 Henrico High Sch 7.17
17 Sean Smalls 10 Armstrong High S 7.21
18 Thomas Hughes 9 Henrico High Sch 7.29
19 Ryan Carson * 9 Lee-Davis High S 7.75
20 David Horne 9 Varina High Scho 7.81
Event 17 Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 1:48.7h 1997 , John F. Kennedy
P. Mose, N. Joyner, A. Vaughan, S. Greenwood
1:47.84 STAT
1:56.44 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 1:51.34 1:55.13 REG 10
1) Shannon Hill 2) Brittanie Williams
3) Mateena Williams 4) Ebonique Royster
2 Varina High School 'A' 1:56.59 1:55.69 REG 8
1) Brittany Burstion 11 2) Sharmane Duren * 11
3) Nikki Stevenson 12 4) Jennifer Gray * 11
3 Atlee High School 'A' 1:51.71 1:55.73 REG 6
1) Anna Bushkar 11 2) Allison Harvey 12
3) Jessica Rose 12 4) Jenna Clarke 12
4 Highland Springs High School 'A' 1:52.69 1:55.93 REG 4
1) Whitney Gordon 2) Chateece Chappelle
3) Monet Harrison 4) Janelle Liddelow
5 Lee-Davis High School 'A' 1:59.22 2:05.33 2
1) Emily Souleret * 11 2) Kelly Sweaney * 10
3) Jennifer Milby * 11 4) Carrie Souleret * 9
Event 18 Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 1:37.17 2001 , Atlee
B. Ford, B. Northern, N. Robinson, S. Bryan
1:33.34 STAT
1:41.04 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 Varina High School 'A' 1:34.53 1:42.09 10
1) Jamar Myrick 11 2) Damond Allen
3) Darryl Williams 11 4) Derrick Robinson 11
2 Armstrong High School 'A' 1:35.64 1:42.36 8
1) Jehan Keitt 12 2) Timothy James 11
3) Sean Smalls 10 4) Ricardo Mickins 12
-- John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 1:32.94 DQ
-- Atlee High School 'A' 1:31.62 DQ
-- Highland Springs High School 'A' 1:32.92 DQ
Event 19 Girls 1600 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 5:16.4h 1996 Jennifer Meador, Atlee
5:17.04 STAT
5:43.44 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Alicia Kemmler 11 Atlee High Schoo 5:43.15 5:41.05 REG 10
2 Kelly Payne 11 Atlee High Schoo 5:39.96 5:46.22 8
3 Rebecca McDowell 9 Atlee High Schoo 6:07.76 6:04.80 6
4 Nici Thomas 11 Atlee High Schoo 5:40.74 6:06.57 4
5 Rachel Bauer * 10 Lee-Davis High S 5:52.71 6:12.41 2
6 Anastasia Balachov 10 Varina High Scho 6:36.51 6:33.67 1
Event 20 Boys 1600 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 4:29.9h 1989 Andre Williams, Armstrong
4:26.34 STAT
4:46.84 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Daniel Williams 11 Atlee High Schoo 4:33.14 4:41.56 REG 10
2 Chris Clarke 12 Atlee High Schoo 4:39.96 4:42.69 REG 8
3 Steven Mohn * 12 Lee-Davis High S 4:32.13 4:43.99 REG 6
4 Tyler Carter * 10 Lee-Davis High S 4:44.51 4:50.32 4
5 Alex Fuqua 12 Atlee High Schoo 4:39.32 4:50.40 2
6 Tommy Roberts 11 Atlee High Schoo 4:47.43 4:52.57 1
7 Nathan Souleret * 12 Lee-Davis High S 4:54.27 4:57.71
8 Ryan Webb * 9 Lee-Davis High S 4:58.67 4:59.21
9 Troy Franklin 12 John F. Kennedy 5:25.24 5:19.33
10 Tony Harrell Highland Springs 5:25.73 5:22.99
Event 21 Girls 500 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 1:18.3h 1997 Promise Mose, John F. Kennedy
1:18.44 STAT
1:25.44 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Anna Bushkar 11 Atlee High Schoo 1:22.02 1:22.71 REG 2 10
2 Chateece Chappelle Highland Springs 1:23.06 1:22.74 REG 2 8
3 Nikki Stevenson 12 Varina High Scho 1:26.25 1:25.25 REG 2 6
4 Sharmane Duren * 11 Varina High Scho 1:24.84 1:25.81 2 4
5 Ebonique Royster John F. Kennedy 1:25.90 1:29.82 2 2
6 Jonecia Gates John F. Kennedy 1:28.14 1:30.57 1 1
7 Tara Waggie John F. Kennedy 1:29.24 1:31.17 1
8 Shakeela Brown 12 Varina High Scho 1:33.69 1:35.75 1
-- Ashley Heizer 11 Atlee High Schoo 1:29.14 DQ 1
-- Janelle Liddelow Highland Springs 1:24.73 DQ 2
Event 22 Boys 500 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 1:08.2h 1999 Robert Fulton, John F. Kennedy
1:06.94 STAT
1:11.74 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Anthony Easter 12 Atlee High Schoo 1:06.17 1:09.64 REG 3 10
2 Ryan Thompson 12 Henrico High Sch 1:11.09 1:10.18 REG 3 8
3 Anshea Cuffee 12 Varina High Scho 1:10.79 1:10.21 REG 3 6
4 Lamont Folsom Highland Springs 1:11.69 1:11.37 REG 3 4
5 Paul Winters 12 Henrico High Sch 1:09.72 1:11.38 REG 3 2
6 Cordell Waddey 10 Varina High Scho 1:14.09 1:14.19 2 1
7 Damond Allen Varina High Scho 1:14.16 1:15.39 2
8 Jim Coningsby 11 Atlee High Schoo 1:11.62 1:15.42 3
9 Mark Guinan 12 Atlee High Schoo 1:14.87 1:16.03 1
10 Bobby Sperlazza 10 Atlee High Schoo 1:13.76 1:17.32 2
11 Daryl Bouiseau * 11 Lee-Davis High S 1:17.69 1:17.36 1
12 Mandre Patterson 12 John F. Kennedy 1:18.24 1:18.96 1
13 Derek Mosby Highland Springs 1:13.17 1:20.16 2
14 Carlton Lee 10 John F. Kennedy 1:16.24 1:21.56 1
Event 23 Girls 1000 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 3:05.1h 1997 Jennifer Meador, Atlee
3:05.24 STAT
3:20.24 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Tiffany Brooks 12 Henrico High Sch 3:19.43 3:18.29 REG 10
2 Emily Sledd * 11 Lee-Davis High S 3:22.48 3:21.69 8
3 Megan Russell 12 Atlee High Schoo 3:26.28 3:28.90 6
4 Tiffany Harmon 9 Lee-Davis High S 3:31.85 3:28.91 4
5 Amanda Febish * 10 Lee-Davis High S 3:18.11 3:31.87 2
6 Chelsea Goss 10 Atlee High Schoo 3:29.70 3:33.70 1
7 Caronda Bond John F. Kennedy 3:52.24 3:56.79
Event 24 Boys 1000 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 2:37.5h 1997 Joseph Reid, Highland Springs
2:36.44 STAT
2:46.54 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Ned Upshaw * 11 Lee-Davis High S 2:41.18 2:45.02 REG 10
2 Daniel Cancro * 12 Lee-Davis High S 2:40.11 2:47.69 8
3 Steven Baker 12 Atlee High Schoo 2:49.56 2:49.23 6
4 Dale Smallwood 12 Henrico High Sch 2:54.01 2:51.56 4
5 Daniel Williams 11 Atlee High Schoo 2:42.60 2:53.56 2
6 Alex Fuqua 12 Atlee High Schoo 2:42.26 2:59.74 1
7 Kyle Bailey 11 Atlee High Schoo 2:59.80 3:00.67
8 Randall Taylor * 11 Henrico High Sch 3:14.05 3:06.84
9 Jeremy Harris-McDo 10 Lee-Davis High S 2:55.65 3:08.71
10 Ian Smith Highland Springs 3:13.44 3:20.76
Event 25 Girls 300 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 42.3h 1992 Townes, Mose-1995, H. Springs, Kennedy
41.54 STAT
45.04 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Shannon Hill John F. Kennedy 42.64 44.34 REG 3 10
2 Jenna Clarke 12 Atlee High Schoo 43.87 44.44 REG 3 8
3 Ashley Mitchell 12 Henrico High Sch 43.52 44.48 REG 3 6
4 Brittany Burstion 11 Varina High Scho 44.35 45.28 3 4
5 Emily Souleret * 11 Lee-Davis High S 44.05 45.58 3 2
6 Dana Harvey 9 Atlee High Schoo 44.25 46.02 3 1
7 Malaika Pettes 12 Armstrong High S 44.84 46.13 2
8 Jennifer Gray * 11 Varina High Scho 48.00 46.42 1
9 Lauren Augus 11 Atlee High Schoo 47.94 46.62 1
10 Mara Winters * 12 Henrico High Sch 46.59 46.93 2
11 Monet Harrison Highland Springs 47.82 47.68 1
12 Brittanie Williams John F. Kennedy 46.54 50.03 2
13 Tamika Burrell 10 Varina High Scho 50.32 52.46 1
14 Mateena Williams John F. Kennedy 46.74 52.57 2
15 Carrie Souleret * 9 Lee-Davis High S 51.19 52.96 1
16 Michon Pittman John F. Kennedy 47.24 56.13 1
Event 26 Boys 300 Meter Dash
Meet Record: # 36.43 2001 Brian Ford, Atlee
35.94 STAT
38.94 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals H# Points
1 Jackie Deshazo 12 Atlee High Schoo 35.87 36.96 REG 4 10
2 Ray Williams 12 Varina High Scho 35.34 37.00 REG 4 8
3 Anthony Easter 12 Atlee High Schoo 36.34 37.06 REG 4 6
4 Montrell Brooks 11 John F. Kennedy 36.74 37.45 REG 3 4
5 Matt Griffis 11 Atlee High Schoo 37.62 38.55 REG 3 2
6 Larry Williams Highland Springs 36.43 39.03 4 1
7 Jehan Keitt 12 Armstrong High S 38.54 39.22 2
8 Harvell Mabry 12 John F. Kennedy 39.14 39.59 2
9 Martin Southerland Highland Springs 38.11 40.29 2
10 Jamar Myrick 11 Varina High Scho 40.67 40.68 1
11 Shaun Weaver * 12 Lee-Davis High S 38.48 40.99 2
12 Ricardo Mickins 12 Armstrong High S 39.24 41.51 1
13 Demetreus Holomon 9 Henrico High Sch 40.97 41.84 1
Event 27 Girls 3200 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 11:31.7h 1996 Jennifer Meador, Atlee
11:26.84 STAT
12:33.84 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Kelly Payne 11 Atlee High Schoo 11:59.49 12:19.29 REG 10
2 Alicia Kemmler 11 Atlee High Schoo 12:30.86 12:49.86 8
3 Nici Thomas 11 Atlee High Schoo 12:11.14 12:50.58 6
4 Tia Miles John F. Kennedy 13:26.54 13:04.17 4
5 Abbey Baker 10 Atlee High Schoo 13:26.14 14:13.00 2
Event 28 Boys 3200 Meter Run
Meet Record: # 9:42.2h 1989 Andre Williams, Armstrong
9:45.24 STAT
10:26.04 REG
Name Year School Seed Finals Points
1 Chris Clarke 12 Atlee High Schoo 9:55.72 10:08.96 REG 10
2 Andrew Tucker 11 Atlee High Schoo 10:12.57 10:18.41 REG 8
3 Tommy Roberts 11 Atlee High Schoo 10:22.43 10:33.52 6
4 Tyler Carter * 10 Lee-Davis High S 10:18.37 10:45.07 4
5 Tyler Howe 11 Atlee High Schoo 10:48.12 11:00.85 2
6 Nathan Souleret * 12 Lee-Davis High S 10:43.62 11:16.36 1
7 Chris Keck 11 Atlee High Schoo 11:45.14 11:36.98
8 Taylor Wilson 11 Atlee High Schoo 11:33.40 11:52.70
Event 29 Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 4:17.54 2002 , Varina
S. Kersey, N. Stevenson, S. Duren, T. King
4:06.94 STAT
4:28.84 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 Atlee High School 'A' 4:16.34 4:23.02 REG 10
1) Anna Bushkar 11 2) Ashley Heizer 11
3) Lauren Augus 11 4) Jenna Clarke 12
2 Highland Springs High School 'A' 4:16.72 4:24.56 REG 8
1) Chateece Chappelle 2) Monet Harrison
3) Whitney Gordon 4) Janelle Liddelow
3 Varina High School 'A' 4:19.07 4:26.89 REG 6
1) Brittany Burstion 11 2) Sharmane Duren * 11
3) Nikki Stevenson 12 4) Jennifer Gray * 11
4 Lee-Davis High School 'A' 4:34.34 4:40.71 4
1) Emily Sledd * 11 2) Emily Souleret * 11
3) Amanda Febish * 10 4) Tiffany Harmon 9
5 John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 4:28.24 4:47.18 2
1) Jonecia Gates 2) Tara Waggie
3) Caronda Bond 4) Bernadette Forche
Event 30 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet Record: # 3:36.8h 1993 , Highland Springs
R. Bradford, C. Coates, D. Gaines, J. Smith
3:28.24 STAT
3:46.44 REG
School Seed Finals Points
1 Varina High School 'A' 3:32.84 3:38.56 REG 10
1) Ray Williams 12 2) Cordell Waddey 10
3) Anshea Cuffee 12 4) Damond Allen
2 Henrico High School 'A' 3:43.24 3:44.86 REG 8
1) Dale Smallwood 12 2) Paul Winters 12
3) Ryan Thompson 12 4) Brandon Argo 12
3 Lee-Davis High School 'A' 3:37.27 3:46.17 REG 6
1) Daniel Cancro * 12 2) John Rollins * 12
3) Shaun Weaver * 12 4) Ned Upshaw * 11
4 Atlee High School 'A' 3:26.34 3:49.14 4
1) Mark Guinan 12 2) Daniel Williams 11
3) Steven Baker 12 4) Matt Griffis 11
5 Highland Springs High School 'A' 3:33.98 3:50.97 2
1) Lamont Folsom 2) Marcus Brown
3) Martin Southerland 4) Antonio Williams
6 John F. Kennedy High School 'A' 3:49.24 3:59.15 1
1) Troy Franklin 12 2) Louis Velazquez 10
3) Carlton Lee 10 4) Akai Dupree 12
Women - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
1) Atlee High School 128.50 2) John F. Kennedy High Scho 69
3) Varina High School 58 4) Henrico High School 52
5) Lee-Davis High School 50 6) Highland Springs High Sch 42.50
7) Armstrong High School 42
Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
1) Atlee High School 198 2) Varina High School 61
3) Lee-Davis High School 57 3) John F. Kennedy High Scho 57
5) Henrico High School 29 6) Armstrong High School 26
7) Highland Springs High Scho 15