VHSL Group 4A State Indoor T&F Championships 2020

Lynchburg, VA

Boys Triple Jump

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Licensed to Blue Ridge Timing - Contractor License 
         State 3A - 4A Indoor Championships 2020 - 3/2/2020 to 3/3/2020          
                           Indoor State  Championships                           
                     Liberty University Indoor Track Complex                     
Event 48  Boys Triple Jump State 4A
    National: N 52-07.50  1988        Keith Holley (Virginia)                    
        Meet: M 46-11.25  2015        Dontae Mauck, Handley                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Wray, Sean                11 Courtland             44-10.25   10             
  2 Lamb, Antonio             12 Churchland            44-09.50    8             
  3 Haywood, Isaac            12 Louisa Count          44-06.50    6             
  4 Washington, David         12 Jamestown             44-05.75    5             
  5 Hayes, Tyrone             11 Dinwiddie             44-03.50    4             
  6 Epps, Nile                11 Hampton               42-11.25    3             
  7 Foster, Qua'Tarius        10 E.C. Glass            41-04.50    2             
  8 Agard, Eldon              12 Sherando              41-01.00    1             
  9 Newsom, Douglas           11 Orange County         40-06.25                  
 10 Beaver, Donald            11 Culpeper County       40-05.25                  
 11 Owens, Logan              12 James Wood H          40-02.50                  
 12 Booker, Daveon            12 Salem (Roanoke)       40-02.00                  
 13 Davis, KJ                 12 Grafton High School   39-01.25                  
 14 Hill-Lewis, Armonte       10 Pulaski County        38-06.25                  
                    Men - State 4A - Team Rankings - 1 Events Scored             
    1) Courtland                   10        2) Churchland                  8    
    3) Louisa County High School    6        4) Jamestown                   5    
    5) Dinwiddie                    4        6) Hampton                     3    
    7) E.C. Glass                   2        8) Sherando                    1