The VA Showcase 2021

Virginia Beach, VA

z- Boys Dash Final En Route

Licensed to Blue Ridge Timing - Contractor License 
                 2021 VA Showcase - 1/17/2021                  
                 Virginia Beach Sports Center                  
Event 6  Boys 60 Meter Dash HS Division
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Onwuzurike, Udodi            Prime Time P              6.72
  2 Robinson Jr, Terrell         Run U Xpress              6.78
  3 Colbert, Laurenz             Blazin Athletics          6.82
  4 Harbor, Nyckoles             Archbishop C              6.85
  5 Schurr, Gavin                Unattached                6.87
  6 Hornsby, Khalid              Blazin Athletics          7.00
  7 Smith, Rahkeem               Eyt Spartans              7.03

Event 6  Boys 50 Meter Dash HS Division
    Name                    Year School                  Finals
  1 Robinson Jr, Terrell         Run U Xpress              5.80
  2 Onwuzurike, Udodi            Prime Time P              5.81
  3 Schurr, Gavin                Unattached                5.90
  4 Colbert, Laurenz             Blazin Athletics          5.91
  5 Harbor, Nyckoles             Archbishop C              5.92
  6 Hornsby, Khalid              Blazin Athletics          6.00
  7 Smith, Rahkeem               Eyt Spartans              6.06