Meet Information
Races will start at 4:30 with the mixed middle school 3k, followed by the mixed varsity 5K as soon afterwards as the timer, Run Roanoke, is ready.
To keep numbers within state guidelines as much as possible, and to facilitate distancing and COVID-19 safety, the following measures will be taken:
We should be under 100 runners so we do not believe any spectator restrictions are necessary. Please follow all other protocols.
Set up your team tents a10 or more feet apart from each other.
The race is being chip timed by Run Roanoke, so there is no group of adults working the finish, no chute to clog, and no reason to stop. When runners finish they need to walk as quickly as possible away from the finish to their team tent.
The most crowded spot at a XC race is the finish line. For on thing, everyone is already wearing masks. In addition, do not breach the flagging that will be set along the finish straight and space as much as possible on either side.
COVID SCREENING - Use the form attached to pre-screen all your athletes and coaches before you leave. CHA will screen spectators and visitors at the parking area.//