Shenandoah District Championship 2021

Waynesboro, VA

Athlete Entries

Men's 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:42.40 Staunton High School
Relay Team A 1:44.43 Riverheads
Relay Team A 1:44.86 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 1:49.40 Stuarts Draft
Relay Team A 1:49.93 Waynesboro
Relay Team A 1:50.50 Wilson Memorial
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Men's 1000 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Corbin, Ramsey 2:37.74 Fort Defiance
Shifflett, Nathan 2:48.22 Fort Defiance
Abshire, Jesse 2:48.50 Buffalo Gap
Moyers, Ashton 2:49.00 Fort Defiance
Kelly, Clay 2:49.07 Riverheads
Einselen, Ivan 3:07.23 Staunton High School
Humphries, Dakota 3:13.20 Buffalo Gap
Majano, Jordan 3:20.00h Waynesboro
Cypher, Luke 3:30.00h Riverheads
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Men's 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kelly, Clay 4:46.70 Riverheads
Mason, Luken 4:53.40 Fort Defiance
Smoker, Nate 5:08.99 Fort Defiance
Whitcomb, Sam 5:16.05 Waynesboro
Callo, Leorenzo 5:16.12 Stuarts Draft
Knick, Alexander 5:19.32 Wilson Memorial
Cormier, William 5:20.68 Staunton High School
Spire, Eli 5:32.57 Fort Defiance
Izzillo, Ian 5:43.69 Fort Defiance
Correa, Angelo 5:53.50 Wilson Memorial
Adkins, Blaine 5:57.79 Buffalo Gap
Melvin, Henry 6:00.12 Staunton High School
Allen, Ben 6:06.07 Stuarts Draft
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Men's 300 Meter Dash 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hostetter, Matthew Stuarts Draft
Callo, Leorenzo Stuarts Draft
Bosserman, Ryan 37.77 Staunton High School
Ball, Anthony 38.44 Waynesboro
Apgar, Brendan 38.50 Staunton High School
Claytor, Riley 38.95 Fort Defiance
Poulson, Ben 39.34 Staunton High School
Cox, Cy 39.35 Riverheads
Perry, Logan 39.42 Stuarts Draft
Knick, Alexander 39.89 Wilson Memorial
Furr, Zack 40.13 Stuarts Draft
Harrell, Job 40.69 Staunton High School
Miller, Mitchell 40.74 Wilson Memorial
Eavers, Wyatt 40.84 Riverheads
Lawhorne, Mason 41.21 Waynesboro
Miller, Malaki 41.23 Waynesboro
Paynter, Austin 41.24h Fort Defiance
Weeks, Brendan 41.59 Wilson Memorial
Clifton, Cain 42.64 Fort Defiance
Vaughn, Elias 44.13 Waynesboro
Cash, Brogin 47.39 Fort Defiance
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Men's 3200 Meter Run 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cromer, Ben 10:40.60 Buffalo Gap
Smoker, Nate 11:12.59 Fort Defiance
Spire, Eli 12:06.56 Fort Defiance
Mitchell, Connor 12:22.76 Fort Defiance
Locke, Clayton 14:33.10 Fort Defiance
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Men's 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:49.57 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 4:10.16 Staunton High School
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Men's 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 8:51.48 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 9:53.49 Buffalo Gap
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Men's 500 Meter Dash 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Cross, Blake 1:12.21 Buffalo Gap
Tindall, Sam 1:12.62 Fort Defiance
Ball, Anthony 1:12.63 Waynesboro
Michael, Michael 1:13.75 Staunton High School
Shutt, Zechariah 1:13.87 Staunton High School
Moyers, Ashton 1:15.63 Fort Defiance
Gaona Maldonado, Tristan 1:16.10 Waynesboro
Knick, Alexander 1:18.58 Wilson Memorial
Majano, Jordan 1:21.40 Waynesboro
Cypher, Luke 1:24.74 Riverheads
Vaughn, Elias 1:27.15 Waynesboro
Correa, Christian 1:27.36 Fort Defiance
Schulz, Jacob 1:28.88 Fort Defiance
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Men's 55 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Richardson, Andrew Buffalo Gap
Bosserman, Ryan 6.56 Staunton High School
Apgar, Brendan 6.70 Staunton High School
Miller, Aidan 6.82 Riverheads
Perry, Logan 7.11 Stuarts Draft
Burton, Cole 7.11 Riverheads
Furr, Zack 7.13 Stuarts Draft
Smiley, Noah 7.19 Riverheads
Eavers, Wyatt 7.29 Riverheads
Apgar, Tristan 7.35 Staunton High School
Lawhorne, Mason 7.37 Waynesboro
Harrell, Job 7.38 Staunton High School
Weeks, Brendan 7.38 Wilson Memorial
Clifton, Cain 7.57 Fort Defiance
Miller, Mitchell 7.62 Wilson Memorial
Saenz-Briones, Brayan 7.64 Waynesboro
Christian, Hunter 7.70 Stuarts Draft
Gaona Maldonado, Tristan 7.81 Waynesboro
Cash, Brogin 8.20 Fort Defiance
Clark, Aiden 8.27 Stuarts Draft
Johnson, Evan 8.50 Waynesboro
Mongold, Lukas 8.58 Wilson Memorial
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Men's 55 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Claytor, Riley 10.01 Fort Defiance
Palacios, Caleb 10.36 Waynesboro
Hearn, Aiden 9.16 Riverheads
Apgar, Brendan 9.33 Staunton High School
Paynter, Austin 9.40 Fort Defiance
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Men's High Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lawhorne, Mason 5-10.5 Waynesboro
Watkins, Jayden 5-10 Stuarts Draft
Bosserman, Ryan 5-9 Staunton High School
Apgar, Brendan 5-8 Staunton High School
Hearn, Aiden 5-6 Riverheads
Darby, Walker 4-10 Staunton High School
Burton, Cole 4-10 Riverheads
Miller, Aidan 4-10 Riverheads
Correa, Angelo 4-6 Wilson Memorial
HochSteller, Eli 4-6 Wilson Memorial
Harrell, Job 4-4 Staunton High School
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Men's Long Jump 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bosserman, Ryan 20-2.25 Staunton High School
Apgar, Brendan 19-10.25 Staunton High School
Paynter, Austin 18-2.25 Fort Defiance
Miller, Aidan 17-5 Riverheads
Hearn, Aiden 17-4 Riverheads
Whitcomb, Sam 16-6 Waynesboro
Weeks, Brendan 16-4 Wilson Memorial
Perry, Logan 16-1 Stuarts Draft
Majano, Jordan 16-1 Waynesboro
Callo, Leorenzo 15-10 Stuarts Draft
Burton, Cole 15-9.5 Riverheads
Darby, Walker 15-4 Staunton High School
Harrell, Job 15-3 Staunton High School
Johnson, Evan 15-2 Waynesboro
Correa, Angelo 14-5 Wilson Memorial
HochSteller, Eli 13-4 Wilson Memorial
Clark, Aiden Stuarts Draft
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Men's Shotput 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Watkins, Jayden 43-4.5 Stuarts Draft
Smiley, Noah 39-10 Riverheads
Knight, Kayden 38-4 Stuarts Draft
Trumbo, Elijah 33-11 Buffalo Gap
Showalter, Parker 33-7 Wilson Memorial
Christian, Hunter 32-8 Stuarts Draft
Cash, Brodie 32-8 Fort Defiance
Truslow, Austin 30-3 Fort Defiance
Hearn, Aiden 29-6 Riverheads
Zurita Estrada, Brian 28-9 Waynesboro
Kerrigan, Jaden 28-3 Waynesboro
Mongold, Lukas 22-8 Wilson Memorial
Valles, David 20-4 Waynesboro
Richardson, Andrew Buffalo Gap
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Men's Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Apgar, Brendan 41-10.25 Staunton High School
Bosserman, Ryan 40-1 Staunton High School
Paynter, Austin 37-3.5 Fort Defiance
Miller, Aidan 37-2.5 Riverheads
Darby, Walker 34-5 Staunton High School
Burton, Cole Riverheads
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Women's 1000 Meter Run 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sheets, Allison 3:25.63 Fort Defiance
Dana, Eliza 3:27.51 Wilson Memorial
Moffett, Sarah 3:32.08 Fort Defiance
Lane, Abby 3:43.22 Fort Defiance
Franklin, Quinn 3:44.81 Wilson Memorial
Riddle, Emma 3:45.08 Fort Defiance
Back, Kelsey 4:02.39 Riverheads
Simmons, Adaria 4:05.00 Waynesboro
Quick, Kylie 4:35.00 Wilson Memorial
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Women's 1600 Meter Run 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dana, Eliza 5:49.28 Wilson Memorial
Riddle, Abigail 5:52.84 Fort Defiance
Neff, Trinity 6:07.57 Fort Defiance
Lang, Bethany 6:10.84 Fort Defiance
Franklin, Quinn 6:25.68 Wilson Memorial
Back, Kelsey 6:32.87 Riverheads
Johnson, Gwynn 8:39.28 Fort Defiance
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Women's 300 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Summer 44.43 Riverheads
Schwaner, Aurora 44.45 Staunton High School
Shank, Rylee 46.32 Fort Defiance
Kovesi, Olivia 47.51 Buffalo Gap
Stevens, Michelle 48.01 Fort Defiance
Redifer, Jasmine 48.52 Waynesboro
Jones, Mary 48.69 Staunton High School
Niculescu, Gabby 48.97 Fort Defiance
Perry, Zoe 49.71 Stuarts Draft
Brodeur, Isabelle 49.80 Waynesboro
Baucom, Rachel 51.37 Wilson Memorial
Robinson, Melody 52.32 Waynesboro
Thelk, Francesca 53.86 Staunton High School
Quick, Kiernan 54.39 Wilson Memorial
Santiago, Christina 55.99 Stuarts Draft
Clark, Sophia 56.00 Stuarts Draft
Meraz-Luna, Celeste 57.73 Wilson Memorial
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Women's 3200 Meter Run 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lang, Bethany 12:48.65 Fort Defiance
Riddle, Abigail 12:51.64 Fort Defiance
Mowery, Mikalah 14:32.93 Staunton High School
Moffett, Sarah 14:38.09 Fort Defiance
Back, Sierra 14:50.75 Riverheads
Gutterman, Rose 16:20.00 Staunton High School
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Women's 4x200 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 2:03.24 Fort Defiance
Relay Team A 2:05.69 Waynesboro
Relay Team A 2:06.34 Staunton High School
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Women's 4x400 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:41.81 Staunton High School
Relay Team A 4:48.83 Fort Defiance
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Women's 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:43.53 Fort Defiance
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Women's 500 Meter Dash 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Summer 1:21.79 Riverheads
Stogdale, Delaney 1:24.75 Fort Defiance
Yurish, Olivia 1:27.13 Staunton High School
Redifer, Jasmine 1:29.81 Waynesboro
Staley, Emma 1:34.54 Fort Defiance
Simmons, Adaria 1:45.57 Waynesboro
Robinson, Melody 1:47.10 Waynesboro
Quick, Kylie 1:47.11 Wilson Memorial
Majano, Naydelin 2:19.70 Waynesboro
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Women's 55 Meter Dash 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Schwaner, Aurora 7.67 Staunton High School
Freeman, Caeleigh 7.80 Stuarts Draft
Parr, Kriston 7.82 Staunton High School
Richey, Jackie 7.86 Buffalo Gap
Shank, Rylee 8.04 Fort Defiance
Brodeur, Isabelle 8.19 Waynesboro
Fields, Ta'Nia 8.57 Staunton High School
Baucom, Rachel 8.72 Wilson Memorial
Quick, Kiernan 8.73 Wilson Memorial
Perry, Zoe 8.75 Stuarts Draft
Clark, Sophia 8.86 Stuarts Draft
Santiago, Christina 9.14 Stuarts Draft
Meraz-Luna, Celeste 9.22 Wilson Memorial
Correa, Maiya 9.29 Wilson Memorial
Harrington, Emma 9.50 Staunton High School
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Women's 55 Meter Hurdles 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Correa, Maiya 10.01 Wilson Memorial
Niculescu, Gabby 10.39 Fort Defiance
Candelier, Alexandra 10.43 Waynesboro
Parr, Kriston 10.45 Staunton High School
Martinez, Veronica 10.64 Fort Defiance
Brodeur, Isabelle 11.64h Waynesboro
Santiago, Christina 12.16 Stuarts Draft
Freeman, Caeleigh 9.40 Stuarts Draft
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Women's High Jump 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Summer 4-10 Riverheads
Wood, Leah 4-6 Stuarts Draft
Freeman, Caeleigh 4-6 Stuarts Draft
Martinez, Veronica 4-4 Fort Defiance
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Women's Long Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wallace, Summer 16-0 Riverheads
Schwaner, Aurora 15-9 Staunton High School
Wood, Leah 14-4 Stuarts Draft
Parr, Kriston 14-1.5 Staunton High School
Yurish, Olivia 13-6 Staunton High School
Freeman, Caeleigh 13-6 Stuarts Draft
Fields, Ta'Nia 13-1 Staunton High School
Santiago, Christina 12-7 Stuarts Draft
Neff, Trinity 12-6 Fort Defiance
Stevens, Michelle 12-1 Fort Defiance
Perry, Zoe 11-9.5 Stuarts Draft
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Women's Shotput 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Baucom, Rachel 30-1 Wilson Memorial
Freeman, Caeleigh 29-0 Stuarts Draft
Fix, Sidney 23-11 Staunton High School
Shank, Rylee 23-2.5 Fort Defiance
Stevens, Michelle 23-0 Fort Defiance
Schwaner, Aurora 20-6 Staunton High School
Perry, Zoe 20-5 Stuarts Draft
Jones, Mary 20-3 Staunton High School
Hitt, Autumn 16-9 Fort Defiance
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Women's Triple Jump 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Wood, Leah 32-11 Stuarts Draft
Parr, Kriston 29-10 Staunton High School
Martinez, Veronica 29-7.5 Fort Defiance
Schwaner, Aurora 29-4.5 Staunton High School
Stevens, Michelle 29-3 Fort Defiance
Perry, Zoe 25-4 Stuarts Draft
Clark, Sophia Stuarts Draft
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