River Ridge District #3 2020

Blacksburg, VA

Meet Information

This meet is for the River Ridge District:  Blacksburg, Cave Spring, Christiansburg, Hidden Valley, Patrick Henry (Roanoke), Pulaski County, Salem

Competition will begin at 5:00pm.  Campus will be closed until 3:45pm.  Please arrive no earlier than this time!


10 athletes can race Varsity which will go off in 2 waves.  5 per school in each Varsity wave, assigned fast to slow.  No more than 20 athletes per wave with 2 meters of separation between each athlete on the start line. The waves will start 30 seconds apart.

JV is unlimited entries. No more than 20 athletes per wave will be assigned.

All Boys Varsity and JV will start first, followed by Girls Varsity and JV starting 10 minutes after the last Boys JV wave.

Example: There are 2 waves of Boys Varsity and 2 waves of Boys JV starting at 5:00pm.

5:00:00 - Boys Varsity Wave 1
5:00:30 - Boys Varsity Wave 2
5:01:00 - Boys JV Wave 1
5:01:30 - Boys JV Wave 2
5:11:30 - Girls Varsity Wave 1

The XC course is largely unchanged from usual, except the middle mile will be run in the reverse direction to keep athletes on the right at all times, due to wave starts.

COVID Mitigation Plan

All coaches, athletes, officials, and spectators will be temperature-checked upon arrival and given a wristband.  Each athlete is allowed a maximum of 2 spectators, and spectators will be checked against the list when they arrive.  Coaches must submit the spectator list no later than 9:00pm on Tuesday, March 23rd.

The High School building is off limits!


$5.00 admission per person

You are allowed anywhere on the course after you have checked in.  EXCEPT you will not be allowed in the Start/Finish field above the track.  This area is for Athletes, Coaches, and Officials only.

To enter the campus from Prices Fork Road, turn onto Blumenthal Byway.  This is the road between the Middle School entrance and the High School entrance (Bruin Lane).  Spectators will be directed to park in the Student Parking Lot.


Available at the Concession Stand at the Stadium between the High School and Middle School buildings.  These are large facilities.  There will also be 2 Port-a-Potties available for athletes who are about to compete next to the Start Line.


We will have a photographer on site and plan to record video on the course at various points.  Video and Photos will be uploaded to MileStat.com.