Richmond, VA
Timing/Results Lampert Timing

Boys 400 Meter Dash Division I

VISAA Track & Field Championship - 5/21/2021 to 5/22/2021           
                            Sports Backers Stadium                             
Boys 400 Meter Dash Division I
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Robinson, River           12 Woodberry Fo             48.98   3  10   
  2 Williams, Joshua          11 Episcopal                49.14   3   8   
  3 Edmonds, Darryl           11 Benedictine              49.85   3   6   
  4 Dipboye, Gabe             11 Trinity Epis             50.65   3   5   
  5 Ellehuus, Magnus             St. Stephen'             51.36   3   4   
  6 Holley, Malik             12 Woodberry Fo             51.57   3   3   
  7 Royal, Colin              12 Saint Christ             52.60   3   2   
  8 Mathes, Ty                 9 Trinity Epis             53.06   2   1   
  9 Wolsenholme, Joey         12 Saint John P             53.09   2 
 10 Gould, Dunning            10 Collegiate               53.50   3 
 11 Parker, Angelo            11 Collegiate               54.33   2 
 12 O'Donnell, Nick           10 Bishop O'Con             54.39   1 
 13 Lavine, David             12 Fork Union               55.12   2 
 14 Griffith, Zahir            9 Norfolk Acad             55.16   2 
 15 Lee, Cameron              10 Bishop O'Con             55.53   1 
 16 Griswold, Cole             9 The Potomac              55.65   1 
 17 McCurdy, Patrick          11 Saint John P             55.81   1 
 18 Natale, Peter             11 Saint Christ             55.95   1 
 19 Shelton, Malik            10 The Potomac              56.03   2 
 20 Jaramillo, Nate           10 Blue Ridge S             56.32   1 
 21 Watson, Brandon           10 Collegiate               56.48   1 
             Women - Division I - Team Rankings - 12 Events Scored
    1) Collegiate                 132        2) Saint Catherine's          96   
    3) Paul VI Catholic            55        4) Norfolk Academy            39   
    5) Catholic High School        30        6) The Potomac School         23   
    7) Episcopal                   18        8) Flint Hill School          16   
    8) Bishop O'Connell            16       10) Trinity Episcopal School   14   
   11) St. Gertrude                10       12) Bishop Ireton               5   
   12) Saint John Paul the Great    5       14) St. Anne's-Belfield Schoo   2   
              Men - Division I - Team Rankings - 9 Events Scored
    1) Woodberry Forest            91        2) Saint Christopher`s        51   
    3) Collegiate                  50        4) Fork Union                 39   
    5) Blue Ridge School           26        6) Saint John Paul the Great  18   
    7) Benedictine                 16        8) Norfolk Academy            12   
    8) Trinity Episcopal School    12       10) St. Stephen's and St. Agn  11   
   11) The Potomac School          10       12) Episcopal                   8   
   13) Paul VI Catholic             6       14) Catholic High School        1