Meet Information

Region C Qualifying Marks(Boys/Girls)
Shot Put - 44-07.5 / 31-10
Discus - 129-10 / 98-02
Long Jump- 19-07 / 15-01.50
Triple Jump- 39-02.5 / 31-05.25
High Jump- 5' 9 / 4' 9
100/110 Hurdles- 16.93 / 18.15
100 -11.74 / 13.52
1600 -4:52.46 / 5:52.38
4 X 100 Relay -46.25 / 53.64
400 -54.22 / 1:05.96
300 Hurdles -44.70 / 52.95
800 -2:10.73 / 2:36.93
200 -24.09 / 28.37
3200 -10:55.85/ 13:22.83
4 X 400 Relay -3:40.85 / 4:29.20

Please be sure that entries are a qualifying time(Qualifying times and marks are those that result from the respective district meet or a qualifying mark [those that meet the Regional or State Standards) from a previous Regional or State qualifying meet) time, distance, or height. Any known scratches in running events must be sent to Ken Keister,, by Thursday, May 21 by 1:00 pm.

Region and State Entry forms, from a qualifying meet, must also be faxed to Ken Keister at 540-731-4427 with a time or mark that is better than one recorded at the district meet.