Meet Information

Registration help:

Entries are due by Monday May 23th @ 3:00 pm.

Running event scratches are due Thursday May 26th @ 1:00 pm. Field event scratches may be made Saturday morning at the coaches meeting.

Any questions, please contact Ken Keister at
*Also, Qualifying Forms need to be sent to the above e-mail address or mailed to 50 Dalton Dr., Radford VA 24141.

Only Qualifying Athletes Either in District Meet Or Region Qualifying Meet
Entries must be either top six in the District Meet and top 3 in relays or a region Qualifying time from a meet with at least 4 teams. If entry times are hand times, they must be converted. It must be rounded up to the highest tenth then add 0.24 seconds to convert to FAT. Example: 11.21 = 11.3 + 0.24 = 11.54 FAT.