The nation's top two fastest 1000 meter times were produced in both boys and girls races on Saturday at the CNU High School Showcase in Newport News including a great race to finish between Cody Snyder of Lee-Davis (2:31.77) and Blake Theroux of Western Branch (2:32.13). More to come from CNU including race videos, photo galleries, and a full meet summary. Complete results are posted. (Photo by Ryan Kelly)
CNU Showcase Day 2: US #1 & #2's produced in both 1000 races
Jan 9, 2010
13 US Top 10 Performances on Friday at CNU
Jan 8, 2010
There was a total of 13 US top 10 performances on the first day of events at the CNU High School held Friday at the Freeman Center's Vince Brown Track in Newport News. The Midlothian girls 4x800 meter relay had the leading performance of the evening with their US #2 and state best time of 9:36.64. Despite nearly missing the race with a late arrival and no time for a warm-up, Midlothian senior Kathleen Lautzenheiser motored a 2:17 split on anchor leg for the Lady Trojans.
CNU Showcase Performance List & Time Schedule
Jan 3, 2010
Performance list for the 2010 CNU High School Showcase to be held Friday and Saturday, January 8th and 9th at the Freeman Center in Newport News.