JF Seminole Quad #1 2024

Forest, VA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thomas, Tyrique Jefferson Forest
Fernandez, Jonathan Jefferson Forest
Barnett, Gabriel Jefferson Forest
Shobayo, Samuel Jefferson Forest
Tucker, Dre'Quan Brookville High School
Coleman, Xander Jefferson Forest
Tankersley, Luke Jefferson Forest
Williams-Parks, Tymir Heritage (Lynchburg)
Walkes, Amari Jefferson Forest
Wood, Brice Jefferson Forest
Harris, Jaiden Jefferson Forest
Anthony, Yeaveon Brookville High School
Marr, Brylan Jefferson Forest
Martin, Micah Jefferson Forest
Nguyen, Nathan Jefferson Forest
Carter , Harrison Jefferson Forest
Williams, Andrew Jefferson Forest
Williams, Dameen Jefferson Forest
Everhart, Jeremiah Jefferson Forest
Berkley, Nathane Brookville High School
Pyle, Nate Jefferson Forest
Moore, Dallen Jefferson Forest
Cofer, Triztan Jefferson Forest
Blake, Raekwan Jefferson Forest
Thompson, Kaidon Jefferson Forest
Sherard, Elijah 10.89 Rustburg
Flemming, Jamier 11.10 Rustburg
Taylor, Kaydon 11.42 Rustburg
Christolin, Pharrell 11.46 Brookville High School
Dixon, Ashton 11.50 Rustburg
Brown, Khalil 11.80 Rustburg
Tucker, Trenton 11.81 Brookville High School
Witcher, Keyshaun 11.90 Brookville High School
Jackson, Jermaine 11.94 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Howard, Vada 11.95 Brookville High School
Winstead, Ja'vohn 11.97 Brookville High School
Coley, Zachariah 11.99 Brookville High School
Spradley, Amari 12.02 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Rosser, Marquavian 12.05 Rustburg
Cooks, Taishaun 12.05 Brookville High School
Tanner, Gavin 12.12 Jefferson Forest
Harris-Colmore, Jayden 12.19 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Thane, Samuel 12.34 Jefferson Forest
Barksdale, Mehki 12.38 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Grant, Caleb 12.42 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pannel, Eric 12.44 Rustburg
Baez-Chilton, Jullian 12.47 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Johnson, Luke 12.48 Jefferson Forest
Mosley, Ta'navyion 12.72 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Jones, Camran 12.84 Jefferson Forest
Driskill, Hunter 13.16 Brookville High School
Bright, Shane 13.64 Jefferson Forest
Thomas, Juliun 13.69 Jefferson Forest
Jones, Jaelynn 13.70 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Rosser, Cytavius 13.79 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Fisher, Micah 13.85 Brookville High School
Pettigrew, Juan 13.97 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Trent-Monroe, Brennan 14.18 Brookville High School
Fus, Kooper 14.23 Brookville High School
Parrish, Benjamin 14.35 Brookville High School
Tune, Ayden 14.45 Brookville High School
Angrisanio, Zachary 15.18 Brookville High School
Massie-Williams, Noah 16.73 Brookville High School
Carter, Ayden 17.09 Brookville High School
Shirkey, Tanner 17.15 Brookville High School
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rosado, Xavier 16.94 Jefferson Forest
Harris, Harold 17.75 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Nwakor, Mobu 18.19 Jefferson Forest
Morgan, Rashaun 18.50 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Matthewson, Blake 20.20 Rustburg
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Prater, Carlton Brookville High School
Gaylor, Luke 4:35.11 Jefferson Forest
Davis, Brayden 4:40 Jefferson Forest
Laneve, Jake 4:44.72 Jefferson Forest
Johnson, Andrew 4:48.05 Jefferson Forest
Milhorn, Jeremiah 4:50 Jefferson Forest
Hiss, David 4:52.20 Jefferson Forest
Jothi, Aran 4:57.03 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Quinones-Partain, Griffin 5:01.12 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Parson, Styder 5:08.64 Rustburg
Williams, Mason 5:15 Jefferson Forest
Wells, Noah 5:16.22 Rustburg
Corre, Kevin 5:16.63 Rustburg
Stanley, Sam 5:25.69 Brookville High School
Merryman, Chase 5:26.10 Rustburg
Wooten, Wesley 5:29.71 Rustburg
Thornes, Mason 5:30 Jefferson Forest
Morris, Keegan 5:30 Jefferson Forest
Anderson, Samuel 5:30 Jefferson Forest
Langdon, Chase 5:44.78 Brookville High School
Marple, Isaac 6:06.88 Rustburg
Caputo, Cavallo 6:27.46 Brookville High School
Wang, Jacob 7:30.01 Brookville High School
Miller, Jahmir 7:39.78 Brookville High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tucker, Dre'Quan Brookville High School
Coleman, Xander Jefferson Forest
Everhart, Jeremiah Jefferson Forest
Lee, Jaren Jefferson Forest
Williams, Andrew Jefferson Forest
Fernandez, Jonathan Jefferson Forest
Marr, Brylan Jefferson Forest
Tankersley, Luke Jefferson Forest
Hipp, Aidan Jefferson Forest
Pyle, Nate Jefferson Forest
Berkley, Nathane Brookville High School
Wood, Brice Jefferson Forest
Shobayo, Samuel Jefferson Forest
Barnett, Gabriel Jefferson Forest
Thomas, Tyrique Jefferson Forest
Martin, Micah Jefferson Forest
Carter, Ayden Brookville High School
Blake, Raekwan Jefferson Forest
Harris, Jaiden Jefferson Forest
Kuminski, Jacob Jefferson Forest
Williams-Parks, Tymir Heritage (Lynchburg)
Walkes, Amari Jefferson Forest
Khan, Mohammad Jefferson Forest
Carter , Harrison Jefferson Forest
Nguyen, Nathan Jefferson Forest
Sherard, Elijah 21.39 Rustburg
Taylor, Kaydon 22.45 Rustburg
Flemming, Jamier 23.26 Rustburg
Jackson, Jermaine 23.72 Heritage (Lynchburg)
McCarty, Counaj 23.92 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Petcher, Landon 23.92 Brookville High School
Hunter, Jaiden 24.08 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Spradley, Amari 24.12 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Dixon, Ashton 24.18 Rustburg
Dunn, Alex 24.19 Rustburg
Mosley, Ta'navyion 24.41 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Harris-Colmore, Jayden 24.53 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pinn, Jakeb 24.59 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Poindexter, Kamron 24.65 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Tanner, Gavin 24.88 Jefferson Forest
Coley, Zachariah 24.92 Brookville High School
Gile, Parker 24.99 Rustburg
Thornton, Amonte 25.10 Rustburg
Adkins, Trent 25.22 Jefferson Forest
Grant, Caleb 25.33 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Winstead, Ja'vohn 25.45 Brookville High School
Thane, Samuel 25.63 Jefferson Forest
Johnson, Luke 25.66 Jefferson Forest
Baez-Chilton, Jullian 25.66 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pannell, Eric 26.13 Rustburg
Rosser, Cytavius 26.21 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Jones, Camran 26.36 Jefferson Forest
Anthony, Yeaveon 26.67 Brookville High School
Prater, Carlton 26.82 Brookville High School
Pettigrew, Juan 26.88 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Palhatiya, Abhi 27.89 Jefferson Forest
Driskill, Hunter 28.13 Brookville High School
Fisher, Micah 29.60 Brookville High School
Parrish, Benjamin 29.68 Brookville High School
Fus, Kooper 30.16 Brookville High School
Trent-Monroe, Brennan 30.39 Brookville High School
Tune, Ayden 31.42 Brookville High School
Angrisanio, Zachary 31.60 Brookville High School
Shirkey, Tanner 35.79 Brookville High School
Massie-Williams, Noah 36.54 Brookville High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pyle, Nate Jefferson Forest
Lee, Jaren Jefferson Forest
Dunn, Alex 44.82 Rustburg
Rowlett, Dylan 45.14 Brookville High School
Thornton, Amonte 45.34 Rustburg
Rosado, Xavier 45.78 Jefferson Forest
Matthewson, Blake 46.25 Rustburg
Harris, Harold 47.00 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Morgan, Rashaun 48.00 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Brown, Khalil 48.43 Rustburg
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Quinones-Partain, Griffin Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hall, Braeden 12:08.84 Rustburg
Hudson, Aiden 12:36.21 Rustburg
Woosley, Wesley 12:49.17 Rustburg
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Arney, Jack Jefferson Forest
Neal, Logan Brookville High School
Palhatiya, Abhi Jefferson Forest
Lee, Jaren Jefferson Forest
Khan, Mohammad Jefferson Forest
Mitchell, Damien 1:06.78 Rustburg
Eubank, Ray 1:11.89 Brookville High School
Liberty, Logan 52.14 Rustburg
Petcher, Landon 53.04 Brookville High School
Sherard, Elijah 53.06 Rustburg
Hunter, Jaiden 54.72 Heritage (Lynchburg)
McCarty, Counaj 55.33 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Christolin, Pharrell 55.58 Brookville High School
Rowlett, Dylan 56.03 Brookville High School
Abatecola, Benjamin 56.84 Brookville High School
Gile, Parker 57.00 Rustburg
Adkins, Trent 57.24 Jefferson Forest
Jackson, Jermaine 57.86 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Poindexter, Kamron 58.11 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Smith, Nicholas 59.40 Brookville High School
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Forest
Relay Team B Jefferson Forest
Relay Team A Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team B Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team A 44.60 Rustburg
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Forest
Relay Team A Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team A 3:39.32 Rustburg
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 2 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Forest
Relay Team A 8:57.04 Rustburg
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Neal, Logan Brookville High School
Jothi, Aran 2:05.09 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Abatecola, Benjamin 2:09.07 Brookville High School
Hiss, David 2:09.98 Jefferson Forest
Milhorn, Jeremiah 2:10 Jefferson Forest
Davis, Brayden 2:10 Jefferson Forest
Laneve, Jake 2:11.75 Jefferson Forest
Parson, Styder 2:17.10 Rustburg
Wells, Noah 2:17.90 Rustburg
Hall, Braeden 2:18.71 Rustburg
Anderson, Samuel 2:20 Jefferson Forest
Williams, Mason 2:20 Jefferson Forest
Morris, Keegan 2:20.00h Jefferson Forest
Merryman, Chase 2:27.66 Rustburg
Smith, Nicholas 2:27.98 Brookville High School
Thornes, Mason 2:30 Jefferson Forest
Stanley, Sam 2:33.86 Brookville High School
Corre, Kevin 2:39.79 Rustburg
Langdon, Chase 2:39.88 Brookville High School
Caputo, Cavallo 2:44.97 Brookville High School
Hubbard, Clinton 2:49.50 Rustburg
Marple, Isaac 2:52.47 Rustburg
Wang, Jacob 3:25.08 Brookville High School
Eubank, Ray 3:33.35 Brookville High School
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HS Boys Discus Throw 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Xavier 141-9 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Rosser, Marquavian 128-6 Rustburg
Huseonica, Brayden 127-7.5 Brookville High School
Burani, Riccardo 120-10 Rustburg
Calkins, Luke 105-0 Jefferson Forest
Coulson, Josh 104-7 Jefferson Forest
Boyte, Clayton 104-5 Rustburg
Wooding, Jaiden 94-6 Brookville High School
Thomas, Juliun 88-1 Jefferson Forest
Barksdale, Mehki 84-10.5 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Coleman, Zahmier 82-8 Rustburg
Thompson, Aedan 80-5 Brookville High School
Osborne, Eryck 78-9 Brookville High School
Waters, Spencer 76-7 Brookville High School
Jones, Jaelynn 75-0 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pannell, Jaylan 68-0 Brookville High School
McGuire, Sammy 66-2 Rustburg
Maybery, Mark 64-10 E.C. Glass
Thompson, Xavier 64-3 Rustburg
Bessette, Ian 51-10 Brookville High School
Riley, Daniel 44-9 Brookville High School
DeNuzzio, Conner Jefferson Forest
Cofer, Triztan Jefferson Forest
Dannecker, Ben Jefferson Forest
Gentry, Gallier Jefferson Forest
Holt, Cashion Jefferson Forest
Kuminski, Jacob Jefferson Forest
LoPiccolo, Francesco Jefferson Forest
Mandell, Ethan Jefferson Forest
Baez-Chilton, Jullian Heritage (Lynchburg)
Goode, Cameron Heritage (Lynchburg)
Jackson, Damarious Heritage (Lynchburg)
Scott, Brad Heritage (Lynchburg)
Payne, Karnelle Heritage (Lynchburg)
Moss, Travon Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lagula, Joel Jefferson Forest
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nwakor, Mobu 6-2.75 Jefferson Forest
Lee, Jaren 6-2 Jefferson Forest
Hipp, Aidan 6-2 Jefferson Forest
Thornton, Amonte 6-2 Rustburg
Witcher, Keyshaun 6-0 Brookville High School
Brown, Khalil 6-0 Rustburg
Dunn, Alex 5-6 Rustburg
Williams, Dameen Jefferson Forest
Thompson, Kaidon Jefferson Forest
Anthony, Yeaveon Brookville High School
Sherard, Elijah Rustburg
Spradley, Amari Heritage (Lynchburg)
McCarty, Counaj Heritage (Lynchburg)
Harris, Harold Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pyle, Nate Jefferson Forest
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HS Boys Long Jump 31 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nwakor, Mobu 21-11 Jefferson Forest
Jackson, Walter 21-2 Rustburg
Thornton, Amonte 20-10 Rustburg
Cooks, Taishaun 20-4 Brookville High School
Rosser, Marshawn 20-1 Rustburg
Brown, Khalil 19-9.5 Rustburg
Howard, Vada 19-4 Brookville High School
Lee, Jaren 19-3.75 Jefferson Forest
Jackson, Jermaine 19-3 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Tucker, Trenton 18-6 Brookville High School
Thane, Samuel 17-10 Jefferson Forest
Pannel, Eric 17-2.25 Rustburg
Jones, Jaelynn 14-9 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Carter , Harrison Jefferson Forest
Coleman, Xander Jefferson Forest
Wood, Brice Jefferson Forest
Harris, Jaiden Jefferson Forest
Martin, Micah Jefferson Forest
Pyle, Nate Jefferson Forest
Thomas, Tyrique Jefferson Forest
Grant, Caleb Heritage (Lynchburg)
Harris, Harold Heritage (Lynchburg)
Harris-Colmore, Jayden Heritage (Lynchburg)
McCarty, Counaj Heritage (Lynchburg)
Morgan, Rashaun Heritage (Lynchburg)
Mosley, Ta'navyion Heritage (Lynchburg)
Spradley, Amari Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hipp, Aidan Jefferson Forest
Alexis, Salomon Jefferson Forest
Williams, Dameen Jefferson Forest
Witcher, Keyshaun Brookville High School
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HS Boys Pole Vault 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Smith, Nicholas 10-6 Brookville High School
Bright, Shane 8-6 Jefferson Forest
Pinn, Jakeb Heritage (Lynchburg)
McCarty, Counaj Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hunter, Jaiden Heritage (Lynchburg)
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HS Boys Shot Put 36 entries

Athlete Seed Team
White, Xavier 42-9 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Burani, Riccardo 42-5 Rustburg
Rosser, Marquavian 39-10 Rustburg
Barksdale, Mehki 39-7 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Calkins, Luke 39-4 Jefferson Forest
Huseonica, Brayden 39-0 Brookville High School
Wooding, Jaiden 36-2 Brookville High School
Thompson, Xavier 34-5 Rustburg
Coulson, Josh 33-11 Jefferson Forest
Boyte, Clayton 33-9 Rustburg
Pannell, Jaylan 30-11 Brookville High School
Thompson, Aedan 29-9 Brookville High School
Waters, Spencer 29-8 Brookville High School
Coleman, Zahmier 29-4 Rustburg
Jones, Jaelynn 29-3 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Thomas, Juliun 28-0.5 Jefferson Forest
Osborne, Eryck 28-0 Brookville High School
McGuire, Sammy 25-8 Rustburg
Bessette, Ian 24-4 Brookville High School
Riley, Daniel 18-0 Brookville High School
Janney , Cayden Jefferson Forest
Cofer, Triztan Jefferson Forest
Dannecker, Ben Jefferson Forest
DeNuzzio, Conner Jefferson Forest
Gentry, Gallier Jefferson Forest
Holt, Cashion Jefferson Forest
LoPiccolo, Francesco Jefferson Forest
Mandell, Ethan Jefferson Forest
Kuminski, Jacob Jefferson Forest
Baez-Chilton, Jullian Heritage (Lynchburg)
Scott, Brad Heritage (Lynchburg)
Payne, Karnelle Heritage (Lynchburg)
Moss, Travon Heritage (Lynchburg)
Jackson, Damarious Heritage (Lynchburg)
Goode, Cameron Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lagula, Joel Jefferson Forest
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HS Boys Triple Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nwakor, Mobu 47-6.75 Jefferson Forest
Thornton, Amonte 43-4.5 Rustburg
Cooks, Taishaun 42-6.25 Brookville High School
Jackson, Walter 42-4 Rustburg
Dunn, Alex 40-5 Rustburg
Brown, Khalil 39-5 Rustburg
Jackson, Jermaine 39-0 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Thane, Samuel 37-8 Jefferson Forest
Thompson, Kaidon Jefferson Forest
Harris, Harold Heritage (Lynchburg)
Grant, Caleb Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hipp, Aidan Jefferson Forest
Williams, Dameen Jefferson Forest
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 66 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dews, Madison Jefferson Forest
Elakkad, Aisha Jefferson Forest
Crouch, Ava Jefferson Forest
Jackson, Dizani Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lea, Arieona Jefferson Forest
Merritt, Vasia Brookville High School
Hamlett, Makaylah Jefferson Forest
Patel, Kavya Jefferson Forest
Reynolds, Ramielle Jefferson Forest
Smith, Kimora Jefferson Forest
Hicks, Sydney Jefferson Forest
Presley, Amaya Jefferson Forest
Whitaker, Alayna Jefferson Forest
Baldwin, Lillie Jefferson Forest
Evans, Mia Brookville High School
Baber, Eden Jefferson Forest
Scott, Sienna Brookville High School
Khan, Amina Jefferson Forest
Tucker, Kaelen 12.50 Brookville High School
Davis, Amani 13.26 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Rosser, Lena 13.49 Rustburg
Morgan, Tahahna 13.53 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Burks, Yhana 13.56 Rustburg
Franklin, Elizabeth 13.67 Rustburg
Simmons, Britney 13.72 Brookville High School
Ruhland, McKayla 14.10 Brookville High School
Zegarelli, Madisyn 14.15 Jefferson Forest
Crews, Jametra 14.33 Brookville High School
Shelton, Sevrah 14.36 Brookville High School
Wyatt, Tiana 14.44 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Crance, Jacey 14.47 Rustburg
Elam, Ahmya 14.56 Rustburg
Foster, Abigail 14.57 Brookville High School
Jenkins, Barbra 14.65 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Harsley, Deziyia 14.66 Brookville High School
Shelton, Sariah 14.68 Brookville High School
Gafford, Carson 14.75 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Fisher, Jada 14.76 Brookville High School
Jones, Makayla 14.81 Jefferson Forest
Charlton, Sha'moni 14.83 Rustburg
Alexander, Syrenity 14.89 Brookville High School
Roach, Layla 14.90 Rustburg
Coppens, Shaylin 14.93 Brookville High School
Adams, Alma 15.19 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Alexander, Trynity 15.25 Brookville High School
Pannell, Lyric 15.41 Brookville High School
Proffitt, Kara 15.41 Brookville High School
Crawford, Adasia 15.45 Rustburg
Aragon, Sierra 15.49 Jefferson Forest
Dunn, Kayla 15.50 Rustburg
Berkley, Ryann 15.52 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Nowlin, Najah 15.64 Brookville High School
Hazelwood, Emma 15.65 Brookville High School
Johns, Katlyn 15.93 Brookville High School
Payne, Kezia 16.12 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Brune, Sadie 16.31 Brookville High School
Kim, Emily 16.51 Brookville High School
Bennett, Isabella 16.90 Brookville High School
Gentry, Harmony 16.93 Brookville High School
Jennings, Kennedi 17.54 Brookville High School
Williams, Kaylee 17.88 Brookville High School
Daye, Ja'kasia 17.98 Brookville High School
Ordonez, Esmeralda 18.49 Brookville High School
Noname, Jakaida 19.94 Brookville High School
Mahamta, Atreyi 20.21 Brookville High School
Mutuku, Malea 21.11 Brookville High School
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Pillow, Alyssa 16.79 Rustburg
Organ, Adrianna 18.94 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Earsing, Jamie 19.23 Rustburg
Perry, Keira 19.43 Brookville High School
Shelton, Sevrah 19.71 Brookville High School
Huffman, Nevaeh 19.75 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Marshall, Shayla 20.98 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Coleman, Nevaeh 21.12 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lane, Kaithan 21.25 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Steelman, Sabiha 21.33 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Mourning, Ma'kala 21.55 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Riddle, Reagan 22.02 Rustburg
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bingham, Melissa Heritage (Lynchburg)
Justice, IIana Rustburg
Ring, Lillie 5:44.57 Brookville High School
Carwile, Carly 5:55.51 Rustburg
Maggiora, Megan 5:59.81 Rustburg
Hart, Miranda 6:00.10 Brookville High School
Duncan , McKenzie 6:15 Jefferson Forest
Milhorn, Erika 6:15 Jefferson Forest
Keith, Chloe 6:15 Jefferson Forest
Rosser, Sage 6:29.23 Rustburg
Brendle, Ryan 6:41.66 Rustburg
Chambers, Narissa 6:50.86 Brookville High School
Faria, Sera 6:54.86 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hunter, Kaiylyn 7:07.30 Rustburg
Prater, Emma 9:16.56 Brookville High School
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 65 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Reynolds, Ramielle Jefferson Forest
Khan, Amina Jefferson Forest
Dews, Madison Jefferson Forest
Elakkad, Aisha Jefferson Forest
Okuley, Mikayla Brookville High School
Whitaker, Alayna Jefferson Forest
Lea, Arieona Jefferson Forest
Noname, Jakaida Brookville High School
Hicks, Sydney Jefferson Forest
Patel, Kavya Jefferson Forest
Smith, Kimora Jefferson Forest
Nowlin, Najah Brookville High School
Baber, Eden Jefferson Forest
Presley, Amaya Jefferson Forest
Baldwin, Lillie Jefferson Forest
Ordonez, Esmeralda Brookville High School
Davis, Amani 28.12 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Booker, Imani 28.16 Brookville High School
Rosser, Lena 28.25 Rustburg
Burks, Yhana 28.45 Rustburg
Morgan, Tahahna 28.49 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Franklin, Elizabeth 28.64 Rustburg
Waller, Paris 28.73 Brookville High School
Hall, Taylor 28.79 Rustburg
Braxton, Alexis 28.84 Rustburg
Burks, Alexus 29.03 Rustburg
Zegarelli, Madisyn 29.59 Jefferson Forest
Wyatt, Tiana 30.11 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Fisher, Jada 30.32 Brookville High School
Crance, Jacey 30.36 Rustburg
Johnson, Carmen 30.63 Brookville High School
Jenkins, Barbra 30.88 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Charlton, Sha'moni 30.93 Rustburg
Roach, Layla 31.00 Rustburg
Gafford, Carson 31.11 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Stinnett, Audrey 31.18 Jefferson Forest
Coppens, Shaylin 31.19 Brookville High School
Bennet, Audrey 31.26 Rustburg
Jones, Makayla 31.29 Jefferson Forest
Shelton, Sevrah 31.39 Brookville High School
Adams, Alma 31.84 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Alexander, Syrenity 31.93 Brookville High School
Alexander, Trynity 32.02 Brookville High School
Brune, Sadie 32.49 Brookville High School
Perry, Keira 32.68 Brookville High School
Pannell, Lyric 32.70 Brookville High School
Dunn, Kayla 32.99 Rustburg
Aragon, Sierra 33.11 Jefferson Forest
Berkley, Ryann 33.50 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Elam, Ahmya 33.67 Rustburg
Crawford, Adasia 33.67 Rustburg
Jackson, Dizani 34.52 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hazelwood, Emma 34.75 Brookville High School
Payne, Kezia 34.89 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Kim, Emily 35.24 Brookville High School
Bennett, Isabella 36.16 Brookville High School
Merritt, Vasia 38.04 Brookville High School
Daye, Ja'kasia 38.21 Brookville High School
Scott, Sienna 38.48 Brookville High School
Gentry, Harmony 38.52 Brookville High School
Williams, Kaylee 39.42 Brookville High School
Jennings, Kennedi 39.76 Brookville High School
Mutuku, Malea 40.11 Brookville High School
Evans, Mia 41.90 Brookville High School
Mahamta, Atreyi 44.93 Brookville High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Riddle, Reagan 1:01.45 Rustburg
Marshall, Shayla 1:01.88 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lane, Kaithan 1:03.77 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Steelman, Sabiha 1:03.98 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Coleman, Nevaeh 1:04.45 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Mourning, Ma'kala 1:05.66 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Pillow, Alyssa 49.15 Rustburg
Earsing, Jamie 52.42 Rustburg
Organ, Adrianna 58.40 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Huffman, Nevaeh 59.05 Heritage (Lynchburg)
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crawford, Jamisen Rustburg
Daye, Ja'kasia Brookville High School
Burks, Alexus 1:04.81 Rustburg
Hall, Taylor 1:04.96 Rustburg
Braxton, Alexis 1:05.36 Rustburg
Judy, Emily 1:07.34 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Bennet, Audrey 1:08.17 Rustburg
Waller, Paris 1:10.51 Brookville High School
Ring, Lillie 1:13.81 Brookville High School
Bowles, Jocelyn 1:16.35 Brookville High School
Hamilton, Emily 1:17.45 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Perry, Keira 1:18.71 Brookville High School
Fisher, Jada 1:23.65 Brookville High School
Bennett, Isabella 1:25.00 Brookville High School
Brune, Sadie 1:25.88 Brookville High School
Kim, Emily 1:28.21 Brookville High School
Coppens, Shaylin 1:29.78 Brookville High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Forest
Relay Team A Brookville High School
Relay Team B Jefferson Forest
Relay Team C 1:01.00 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team A 53.06 Rustburg
Relay Team A 54.00 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team B 58.00 Heritage (Lynchburg)
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Jefferson Forest
Relay Team A Heritage (Lynchburg)
Relay Team A 4:27.67 Rustburg
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 1 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 11:26.77 Rustburg
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Justice, IIana Rustburg
Cawthorne, Cindy 2:38.91 Rustburg
Maggiora, Megan 2:43.90 Rustburg
Duncan , McKenzie 2:45 Jefferson Forest
Grooms, Kathryn 2:45 Jefferson Forest
Keith, Chloe 2:45 Jefferson Forest
Shelton, Noelle 2:45 Jefferson Forest
Dronso, Kaylee 2:45.00h Jefferson Forest
Wagner, Ella 2:45.00h Jefferson Forest
Milhorn, Erika 2:45.00h Jefferson Forest
Rosser, Sage 2:51.12 Rustburg
Carwile, Carly 2:51.53 Rustburg
Faria, Sera 2:54.81 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Brendle, Ryan 3:05.86 Rustburg
Chambers, Narissa 3:11.15 Brookville High School
Bingham, Melissa 3:13.32 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Bowles, Jocelyn 3:15.75 Brookville High School
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HS Girls Discus Throw 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Ceasha 88-7 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Allen, Taytum 86-5 Jefferson Forest
Green, Laney 83-2 Brookville High School
jones, Tylia 80-8 Rustburg
Oquendo, Anna 73-6 Jefferson Forest
Johnson, Na'kayla 71-5 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Dawkins, A'Zaria 60-2 Jefferson Forest
Clark, Taylor 56-2 Rustburg
Torrence, Summer 45-0 Rustburg
Yuille, Andrea 40-7 Rustburg
Manuelito, Summer 34-8 Brookville High School
Mitchell, Uriel Brookville High School
Davis, Amani Heritage (Lynchburg)
Revell, Makhia Heritage (Lynchburg)
Brown, Dekiya Heritage (Lynchburg)
Crouch, Ava Jefferson Forest
Glickstein, Corine Jefferson Forest
Torres, Maria Jefferson Forest
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HS Girls High Jump 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Crews, Jametra 4-6 Brookville High School
Long, Kaitlyn 4-4 Jefferson Forest
Organ, Adrianna Heritage (Lynchburg)
Crawford, Adasia Rustburg
Morgan, Tahahna Heritage (Lynchburg)
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HS Girls Long Jump 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Elizabeth 16-0 Rustburg
Huffman, Nevaeh 15-2 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Bowles, Jocelyn 15-2 Brookville High School
Organ, Adrianna 15-0 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hall, Taylor 14-11.5 Rustburg
Pillow, Alyssa 14-11.5 Rustburg
Ruhland, McKayla 14-9.25 Brookville High School
Harsley, Deziyia 13-9.5 Brookville High School
Roach, Layla 13-6 Rustburg
Johns, Katlyn 12-7.5 Brookville High School
Coleman, Nevaeh Heritage (Lynchburg)
Lane, Kaithan Heritage (Lynchburg)
Marshall, Shayla Heritage (Lynchburg)
Morgan, Tahahna Heritage (Lynchburg)
Mourning, Ma'kala Heritage (Lynchburg)
Zegarelli, Madisyn Jefferson Forest
Smith, Kimora Jefferson Forest
Presley, Amaya Jefferson Forest
Lea, Arieona Jefferson Forest
Elakkad, Aisha Jefferson Forest
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HS Girls Pole Vault 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Okuley, Mikayla 10-6 Brookville High School
Stinnett, Audrey 8-0 Jefferson Forest
Proffitt, Kara 6-6 Brookville High School
Berkley, Ryann Heritage (Lynchburg)
Hamilton, Emily Heritage (Lynchburg)
Judy, Emily Heritage (Lynchburg)
Loucks, Emily Jefferson Forest
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HS Girls Shot Put 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dawkins, A'Zaria 34-1 Jefferson Forest
Revell, Makhia 33-4 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Johnson, Ceasha 32-0 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Allen, Taytum 30-9 Jefferson Forest
Johnson, Na'kayla 30-7.5 Heritage (Lynchburg)
jones, Tylia 29-9 Rustburg
Clark, Taylor 22-11 Rustburg
Oquendo, Anna 22-8 Jefferson Forest
Yuille, Andrea 19-6 Rustburg
Manuelito, Summer 16-6 Brookville High School
Torrence, Summer 15-4 Rustburg
Mitchell, Uriel Brookville High School
Brown, Dekiya Heritage (Lynchburg)
Davis, Amani Heritage (Lynchburg)
Torres, Maria Jefferson Forest
Glickstein, Corine Jefferson Forest
Crouch, Ava Jefferson Forest
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HS Girls Triple Jump 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franklin, Elizabeth 32-3 Rustburg
Organ, Adrianna 31-10 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Rosser, Lena 30-4.5 Rustburg
Harsley, Deziyia 30-1.5 Brookville High School
Huffman, Nevaeh 30-0 Heritage (Lynchburg)
Ruhland, McKayla Brookville High School
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