Battlefield District Outdoor Meet (Chancellor) 2024

Fredericksburg, VA

Athlete Entries

HS Boys 100 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Carie, Jeremie Chancellor
Rivers, Anaias James Monroe
Cauley, Jahmir Courtland
Amoyaw, Alex Spotsylvania
Minor, Zion Courtland
Grice, Brennan Spotsylvania
Morgan, Owen Courtland
Peyton, Nycere Chancellor
Popoola, Alli-Harasim Courtland
Hartley, Leland 11.25 Caroline High School
Darby, Peyton 11.38 James Monroe
Cunningham, Cash 11.40h King George
Battle, Simeon 11.60h King George
Moss, A'Mari 11.75 King George
Myles-Mills, John 11.82 James Monroe
Wright, Kevin 11.87 Chancellor
Washington, Jordan 12.10h King George
Bastidas, Dayton 12.34 Caroline High School
Melvin, Andre 12.36 Spotsylvania
Wright, Daniel 12.36 Chancellor
Coleman, Draedyn 12.70 Caroline High School
Childs, Zashawn 13.12 James Monroe
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HS Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foxx, Josiah Spotsylvania
Toliver, Gerald Caroline High School
Green, Jaylen Chancellor
Duinlap, Daijon Chancellor
Patel, Ishaan 16.54 Courtland
Walker, Kylin 21.06 Chancellor
Hurte, Dontee' 21.22 Caroline High School
Bufford, Kenan 21.65 Caroline High School
Price, Aden 22.45 Spotsylvania
Rigmaiden, Zack 23.35 Courtland
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HS Boys 1600 Meter Run 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hill, Justin Caroline High School
Lynn, Phillip 5:06.36 James Monroe
Wallace, Jayden 5:09.72 Spotsylvania
Bronz, James 5:10.69 Spotsylvania
Jimenez, Wyatt 5:10.89 Chancellor
Hayner, Dylan 5:14.96 Chancellor
Wingeart, Timithy 5:20.65 King George
Valasko, Jackson 5:20.74 Spotsylvania
Creamer, Chase 5:22.90 Chancellor
Marchetti, Mason 5:25.04 Courtland
Grizzle, Ethan 5:31.84 Chancellor
Sambrook, Evan 5:31.86 King George
Greenberg, Josh 5:37.70 Courtland
Leitch, James 5:39.60 Caroline High School
Henson, Luke 5:40.95 Courtland
Martin, Bradley 5:41.20 Caroline High School
Tritt, Elijah 5:43.41 King George
Gambill, Jonathan 5:54.85 Spotsylvania
Ruffin, Marcus 5:56.06 Caroline High School
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HS Boys 200 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dupree, Kavon Chancellor
Miller, Aaden Spotsylvania
Cunningham, Jaylen James Monroe
Toliver, Gerald Caroline High School
Cauley, Jahmir Courtland
Esa Kamara, Jaylen Chancellor
Amoyaw, Alex Spotsylvania
Whitaker, Kayden Courtland
Grice, Brennan Spotsylvania
Edwards, Daijon Courtland
Newton, Nate Chancellor
Melvin, Andre Spotsylvania
Cybulski, Jack Courtland
Wolken, Kamron 23.06 James Monroe
Hartley, Leland 23.24 Caroline High School
Darby, Peyton 23.81 James Monroe
Myles-Mills, John 23.91 James Monroe
Bastidas, Dayton 24.44 Caroline High School
Wright, Daniel 24.90 Chancellor
Cunningham, Cash 25.10h King George
Lynch, Nathaniel 25.40h King George
Moss, Ej 26.12 King George
Pryor, Spencer 26.30h King George
Coleman, Draedyn 26.61 Caroline High School
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HS Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Spratt, Tavian Spotsylvania
Toliver, Gerald Caroline High School
Duinlap, Daijon Chancellor
Jah, Kassim Spotsylvania
Payne, Darion Courtland
Morris, Rashawn 40.07 Caroline High School
Patel, Ishaan 42.46 Courtland
Inzana, Aiden 46.02 King George
Bufford, Kenan 49.46 Caroline High School
Hurte, Dontee' 49.76 Caroline High School
Asamoah, Edric 50.29 Spotsylvania
Green, Jaylen 50.74 Chancellor
Price, Aden 54.02 Spotsylvania
Rigmaiden, Zack 55.23 Courtland
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HS Boys 3200 Meter Run 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ruffin, Marcus Caroline High School
Creamer, Chase Chancellor
Armknecht, Kristopher Courtland
Wright , Jackson Chancellor
Bruere, Xander Spotsylvania
Kysere, Adrian Chancellor
Clarke, Isaac 10:57.20 King George
Wallace, Jayden 11:03.48 Spotsylvania
Osegueda, Carlos 11:04.52 Chancellor
Wingeart, Timithy 11:14.86 King George
White, Arren 11:41.07 Courtland
Cox, Samuel 12:11.59 Spotsylvania
Laserna, Grayson 12:19.60 Spotsylvania
Martin, Bradley 12:31.58 Caroline High School
Reyes-Palma, Chris 12:48.56 Courtland
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HS Boys 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Betancourt, Isaiah Chancellor
Kinchen, Isaiah Courtland
Ellis, Uziah Spotsylvania
Brooks, Jamari James Monroe
Scott, Thomas Courtland
Woodson, Chandler Courtland
Newton, Nate Chancellor
Addura, Ammon Courtland
Lynch, Nathaniel 1:01.20h King George
Snoke, Jayden 1:02.03 Spotsylvania
Crombie, Sam 1:02.38 King George
Inzana, Kaleb 1:04.27 King George
Dunn, Dakarai 1:04.50h King George
Perrin, Nathaniel 1:07.01 James Monroe
Wolken, Kamron 49.67 James Monroe
Morris, Rashawn 50.46 Caroline High School
Griffith, Ta'Shaun 52.60h Caroline High School
Terrell, Tavare 54.12 Caroline High School
Booth, Aiden 54.73 Spotsylvania
Camilo, Jaydon 55.93 Chancellor
Esa Kamara, Jaylen 56.11 Chancellor
Duke, Arthur 56.80 Caroline High School
Jah, Kassim 59.02 Spotsylvania
Allen, Naciem 59.90 James Monroe
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HS Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A 43.42 King George
Relay Team B 43.42 King George
Relay Team A 45.02 Caroline High School
Relay Team A 45.24 James Monroe
Relay Team A 45.38 Chancellor
Relay Team B 45.38 Chancellor
Relay Team A 46.18 Spotsylvania
Relay Team B 47.02 Caroline High School
Relay Team B 50.57 James Monroe
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HS Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Chancellor
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A 3:34.92 Caroline High School
Relay Team B 3:39:32. Caroline High School
Relay Team A 3:55.27 King George
Relay Team B 4:00.47 Spotsylvania
Relay Team A 4:00.47 Spotsylvania
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HS Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A 9:21.44 Spotsylvania
Relay Team B 9:21.44 Spotsylvania
Relay Team A 9:32.87 Caroline High School
Relay Team A 9:35.28 King George
Relay Team A 9:43.34 Chancellor
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HS Boys 800 Meter Run 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Whiting, Chase Caroline High School
Condiff, Charlie Spotsylvania
Griffith, Ta'Shaun 2:04.51 Caroline High School
Demps, Tony 2:05.66 Courtland
Bair, Aidan 2:07.93 Spotsylvania
Bautista, Kevin 2:10.36 Courtland
Rash, Brayden 2:10.37 King George
Jimenez, Wyatt 2:11.27 Chancellor
Lunn, Will 2:15.04 Caroline High School
Funches, Christian 2:15.68 Courtland
Sargent, El'Ghyn 2:17.78 Chancellor
Poole, Colton 2:19.76 Courtland
Lynn, Phillip 2:21.72 James Monroe
Martin, Dorian 2:25.26 Caroline High School
Bergermann, Carson 2:25.53 Chancellor
Clarke, Isaac 2:28.06 King George
Scott, Jason 2:29.78 Chancellor
Maxwell, Logan 2:34.14 Spotsylvania
Sambrook, Evan 2:36.94 King George
Robinson, Jayden 3:18.97 James Monroe
Asare, James 5:06.17 James Monroe
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HS Boys Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Joacin, Vladmir 129-9 Caroline High School
Joseph, Seth 119-6 Courtland
Ford, Malikai 108-1 Chancellor
Lee, Keondre 105-8 Chancellor
Cratty, Caden 104-0 King George
Lewchanin, Jamey 101-10 Chancellor
McFee, Noel 99-3 James Monroe
Asare, Andrews 98-4 James Monroe
Herndon, Tyler 91-5 Courtland
Puller, Cameron 90-9 Spotsylvania
Laurore, Mickens 79-5.5 James Monroe
Lumpkin, Charles 77-5 Caroline High School
Duah, Emmaunal 75-8 Spotsylvania
Childs, Amarjay 74-3 Caroline High School
Dunn, Grant 71-1 King George
Jones, Bryce 66-10.5 James Monroe
Reynolds, Wesley 64-1 Caroline High School
Nicoletti, Ethan King George
Mathena, Ethan Spotsylvania
Smith, Daniel Spotsylvania
Green, Noah Chancellor
Edwards, Jaiden Courtland
Thompson, Aidan Courtland
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HS Boys High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Morris, Rashawn 6-4 Caroline High School
Terrell, Tavare 6-0 Caroline High School
Taylor, Derrick 5-6 King George
Terrell, Tayshon 5-4 Caroline High School
Duke, Arthur 5-0 Caroline High School
Jones, Christon King George
Jones, Ashton King George
Hughes, Gabe James Monroe
Ferebee, Christian James Monroe
Foxx, Josiah Spotsylvania
Asamoah, Edric Spotsylvania
Jah, Kassim Spotsylvania
Newton, Nate Chancellor
Walker, Kylin Chancellor
Popoola, Alli-Harasim Courtland
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HS Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Melvin, Andre 19-10.7 Spotsylvania
Kornegay, Grant 19-5 James Monroe
Terrell, Tavare 18-11.75 Caroline High School
Washington-Donald, Chazz 18-11.5 Chancellor
Johnson, Cameron 18-6.75 Caroline High School
Grice, Brennan 18-5 Spotsylvania
Allen, Naciem 18-0 James Monroe
Esa Kamara, Jaylen 17-10 Chancellor
Moss, Ej 17-8 King George
Coleman, Draedyn 17-4.5 Caroline High School
Bennett, Jermaine 16-11 Courtland
Terrell, Tayshon 16-9 Caroline High School
Ferebee, Christian 15-6 James Monroe
Jones, Christon King George
Jones, Ashton King George
Peyton, Nycere Chancellor
Dupree, Kavon Chancellor
Miller, Aaden Spotsylvania
Price, Aden Spotsylvania
Edwards, Daijon Courtland
Whitaker, Kayden Courtland
Payne, Darion Courtland
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HS Boys Shot Put 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson, Aidan 44-8 Courtland
Joacin, Vladmir 44-7 Caroline High School
Laurore, Mickens 40-9 James Monroe
Jones, Bryce 40-4 James Monroe
Lee, Keondre 38-11 Chancellor
Cratty, Caden 38-10 King George
McFee, Noel 38-8.5 James Monroe
Ford, Malikai 38-7.25 Chancellor
Lumpkin, Charles 38-0 Caroline High School
Joseph, Seth 36-2.5 Courtland
Bufford, Kenan 34-7.5 Caroline High School
Dunn, Grant 34-5.5 King George
Asare, Andrews 34-5.5 James Monroe
Duah, Emmaunal 34-2 Spotsylvania
Puller, Cameron 33-8.5 Spotsylvania
Mathena, Ethan 32-10.5 Spotsylvania
Rivera, Jason 32-5 Chancellor
Nicoletti, Ethan 30-8.5 King George
Green, Noah 30-7.5 Chancellor
Childs, Amarjay 29-2 Caroline High School
Mills, Chase Spotsylvania
Edwards, Jaiden Courtland
Tharp, James Courtland
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HS Boys Triple Jump 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Gavin 42-5.5 Caroline High School
Kornegay, Grant 41-11.75 James Monroe
Johnson, Cameron 41-10.25 Caroline High School
Terrell, Tavare 36-6 Caroline High School
Coleman, Draedyn 34-4.5 Caroline High School
Heim, Brady 31-10 King George
Moss, A'Mari King George
Pryor, Spencer King George
Wright, Justin Chancellor
Dupree, Kavon Chancellor
Prouty, DiAngelo Courtland
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HS Girls 100 Meter Dash 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Asare, Jerrin James Monroe
Carter, Elena Courtland
Kelley, Elissa Chancellor
Smith, Julia Courtland
Josephs, Brianna King George
Zahneigh, Aleen-Nevie Courtland
Brown, Epiphany James Monroe
Castro, Lauren 12.64 Courtland
Swain, Fine' 12.68 James Monroe
Jones, Kennedy 13.20 Caroline High School
Reynolds, Lauren 13.35 King George
Setterlund, Dalilah 13.39 Chancellor
Coleman, Alysha 13.41 Caroline High School
Peters, Ava 13.54 King George
Robinson, Alexia 13.65 James Monroe
Ridley, Jordan 13.75 Chancellor
Wilson, Sophia 14.21 Spotsylvania
Kyere, Bernice 14.31 Chancellor
Diggs, Lily 14.45 Spotsylvania
Glasco, Gizelle 15.30 Caroline High School
Ricardo, Sanali 15.31 King George
Smith, Shelby 15.40 Caroline High School
Mercer, Jailyn 15.92 Spotsylvania
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HS Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Yeregy, Ginny King George
Muhammad, Aamiria Spotsylvania
Veney, Kayla 16.70 Caroline High School
Thomas, Asdrelle 18.96 Courtland
Jackson, Aja 19.23 James Monroe
Salman, Suzanna 20.11 Chancellor
Fairlie, Kendall 20.29 King George
Goodall, Aldreyah 20.30 Caroline High School
Smith, Ava 20.65 Caroline High School
Ruffner, Jayla 21.28 Caroline High School
D'Angelo, Chloe 21.65 King George
Persinger, Lexi 22.52 Spotsylvania
Byrd, Jayda 23.30 Chancellor
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HS Girls 1600 Meter Run 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Haga, Brelyn King George
Karvelas, Nikoletta Courtland
Gallagher, Ellen 5:39.87 Chancellor
Sale, Danica 5:41.04 Caroline High School
Muntean, Emily 6:08.11 Chancellor
Perkins, Isabella 6:22.46 King George
Page, Ruth Louise 6:28.00h King George
Al Hamdy, Hannah 6:33.63 Chancellor
Lam, Anna 7:33.33 Courtland
Kuykendall, Nora 7:41.17 James Monroe
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HS Girls 200 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Gibson, Jezania Courtland
Kyere, Bernice Chancellor
McCormick, Sequioa Courtland
Moody, Makenzie Chancellor
Ricardo, Sanali King George
Kelley, Elissa Chancellor
Diggs, Lily Spotsylvania
Andrade, Aubrey Courtland
Smith, Shariya Chancellor
Castro, Lauren 26.30 Courtland
Todd, Rylin 26.56 King George
Swain, Fine' 26.80 James Monroe
Baker, Aaliyah 27.26 Caroline High School
Jones, Harmony 27.30 James Monroe
Jones, Kennedy 27.79 Caroline High School
Herndon, Makia 28.66 Caroline High School
Teri, Alivia 29.53 James Monroe
Bhatti, Aliyah 30.43 King George
Wilson, Sophia 30.72 Spotsylvania
Downum, Olivia 30.82 King George
Bailey, Sol-Marie 31.62 James Monroe
Glasco, Gizelle 34.44 Caroline High School
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HS Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Hooks, Zoie Courtland
Jackson, Aja James Monroe
Byrd, Jayda Chancellor
Foxx, Adrianna Courtland
Fairlie, Kendall 1:00.95 King George
Thomas, Asdrelle 1:01.54 Courtland
Hickman, Morgan 1:02.03 Caroline High School
Few, London 1:04.82 Caroline High School
Ruffner, Jayla 1:07.71 Caroline High School
Veney, Kayla 48.76 Caroline High School
Lewis, Saniya 53.81 Spotsylvania
D'Angelo, Chloe 54.66 King George
Muhammad, Aamiria 55.82 Spotsylvania
Salman, Suzanna 56.08 Chancellor
Halpin, Reagan 56.29 Courtland
Yeregy, Ginny 56.91 King George
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HS Girls 3200 Meter Run 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Seabolt, Hannah Chancellor
Cox, Anna 15:29.38 King George
Haga, Brelyn 15:59.16 King George
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HS Girls 400 Meter Dash 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dryer, Aniyah Chancellor
Byrd, Jayda Chancellor
Walker, Madison Spotsylvania
Henson, Lily Courtland
Moody, Makenzie Chancellor
Zahneigh, Aleen-Nevie Courtland
Rash, Callista 1:00.12 King George
Weiderhold, Anna 1:03.00 Spotsylvania
Baker, Aaliyah 1:04.40h Caroline High School
Wilkerson, Alivia 1:06.51 King George
Johnson, Lilyanna 1:08.13 Caroline High School
Wilkins, Kaia 1:08.36 James Monroe
Dunston, Brianna 1:10.02 Courtland
Bolden, Ariya 1:10.32 Caroline High School
Wright, Jaslene 1:10.82 Spotsylvania
Brown, Epiphany 1:11.73 James Monroe
Bailey, Sol-Marie 1:12.86 James Monroe
Cole, Kajayah 1:13.30 Chancellor
Asare, Jerrin 1:25.40 James Monroe
Terrell, Tinyia 59.52 Caroline High School
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HS Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A 51.52 Caroline High School
Relay Team A 51.90 James Monroe
Relay Team A 52.92 King George
Relay Team B 55.52 Caroline High School
Relay Team A 56.28 Chancellor
Relay Team A 56.34 Spotsylvania
Relay Team B 57.01 James Monroe
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HS Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Chancellor
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team A 4:23.00 Caroline High School
Relay Team B 4:45.00 Caroline High School
Relay Team A 4:46.17 Spotsylvania
Relay Team A 5:02.33 King George
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HS Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Courtland
Relay Team A Spotsylvania
Relay Team B Courtland
Relay Team A 11:54.17 Chancellor
Relay Team A 12:24.99 King George
Relay Team A 13.00h Caroline High School
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HS Girls 800 Meter Run 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Raynor, Jordyn Courtland
Murillo, Jacqueline King George
Paterson, Vivian King George
Nelson, Allison 2:25.32 Spotsylvania
Stevens, Paige 2:27.56 Courtland
Sale, Danica 2:31.56 Caroline High School
Herbolsheimer, Breana 2:33.87 King George
Gallagher, Ellen 2:34.96 Chancellor
Muntean, Emily 2:48.03 Chancellor
Al Hamdy, Hannah 2:51.38 Chancellor
Miller, Kelli 2:51.83 Courtland
Walker, Madison 2:54.12 Spotsylvania
Shick, Blaire 2:55.17 Courtland
Wilkins, Kaia 3:08.79 James Monroe
Butler, Saniyah 3:24.48 Caroline High School
Kuykendall, Nora 3:35.52 James Monroe
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HS Girls Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Forehand, Riley 102-9 Caroline High School
Pendleton, Michelle 99-1 Courtland
Pike, Rachel 90-10 Courtland
Elliot, Amery 86-0 Spotsylvania
Knerr, Evelyn 82-9 Courtland
Johnson, Lilyanna 79-9 Caroline High School
Pendleton, Kennedy 77-4 Courtland
Tompkins, Alaiya 68-5 Caroline High School
Hayes, Layanna 68-4 Caroline High School
Taylor, Laila 66-1 James Monroe
Bowman, Paige 63-9 King George
Hodsden, Elizabeth 53-7 King George
Johnson, Jimiya 47-4 James Monroe
Watson, Casey 43-5 King George
Williams, Lauren James Monroe
Carpenter, Kylee King George
Miles, London James Monroe
Jeffery, Makayla Spotsylvania
Jenkins, Nihjaia Spotsylvania
Cooper, Kamari Spotsylvania
Parker, Talijahe Chancellor
Dryer, Aniyah Chancellor
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HS Girls High Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Castro, Lauren 4-11 Courtland
Baker, Aaliyah 4-8 Caroline High School
Bailey, Sol-Marie 4-6 James Monroe
Herndon, Makia 4-6 Caroline High School
Bell, Winnie 4-6 Spotsylvania
Salman, Suzanna 4-4 Chancellor
Muhammad, Aamiria 4-4 Spotsylvania
Robinson, Alexia 4-2 James Monroe
Stifler, Aliana Chancellor
Shick, Blaire Courtland
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HS Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jones, Harmony 18-2 James Monroe
Herndon, Makia 16-4.25 Caroline High School
Baker, Aaliyah 16-0.25 Caroline High School
Reynolds, Lauren 16-0 King George
Downum, Olivia 15-11 King George
Foxx, Adrianna 15-5.25 Courtland
Robinson, Alexia 15-2 James Monroe
Lewis, Saniya 14-11.5 Spotsylvania
Hayes, Layanna 14-5.5 Caroline High School
Jackson, Aja 14-3 James Monroe
Salman, Suzanna 13-9.5 Chancellor
Setterlund, Dalilah 13-8 Chancellor
Josephs, Brianna 13-6 King George
Bhatti, Aliyah 13-1 King George
Ridley, Jordan 12-9.5 Chancellor
Johnson, Lilyanna 12-0.5 Caroline High School
Hill, Janiyah 11-2 Chancellor
Persinger, Lexi 9-10 Spotsylvania
Swain, Fine' James Monroe
Clipper, Heaven Spotsylvania
Andrade, Aubrey Courtland
McCormick, Sequioa Courtland
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HS Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bradner, Tamia 38-4.75 Courtland
Pendleton, Michelle 36-2 Courtland
Johnson, Lilyanna 34-8 Caroline High School
Dyer, Shantey 32-6 Spotsylvania
Tompkins, Alaiya 31-3.5 Caroline High School
Pike, Rachel 30-10 Courtland
Pendleton, Kennedy 30-6.5 Courtland
Carpenter, Kylee 29-9.5 King George
Elliot, Amery 27-10.75 Spotsylvania
Beazley, Jessica 27-1 Caroline High School
Hodsden, Elizabeth 27-0.75 King George
Johnson, Jimiya 26-2 James Monroe
Watson, Casey 24-10.5 King George
Bowman, Paige 22-4 King George
Shepherd, Kayla 22-2.25 James Monroe
Jenkins, Nihjaia 21-11 Spotsylvania
Parker, Talijahe 18-10 Chancellor
Butler, Kaliyah 18-3.25 Caroline High School
Sutherland, Aris 17-11.5 Spotsylvania
Williams, Lauren James Monroe
Taylor, Laila James Monroe
Dryer, Aniyah Chancellor
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HS Girls Triple Jump 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lane, DaNae 35-1.5 King George
Downum, Olivia 35-0 King George
Herndon, Makia 32-8.5 Caroline High School
Wilkerson, Alivia 30-6 King George
Bolden, Ariya 30-4.5 Caroline High School
Hayes, Layanna 29-7.75 Caroline High School
Halpin, Reagan 29-6 Courtland
Johnson, Lilyanna 26-9 Caroline High School
Hooks, Zoie 26-7 Courtland
Foxx, Adrianna Courtland
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