Jerome Loy Invitational 2025

Forest, VA

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

WHERE: Jefferson Forest High School

Meet Fees 

$300 per school (both teams) or $150 for a single gender. Team with under 10 athletes $15 per athlete. 

Entry Information: Unlimited entries per event/school.

Pole Vault

Girls starting height 6'0 

Boys starting height 7'0


Girls starting height 4'0 + 2' until 5'4 then 1' 

Boys starting height 5'4 + 2' until 6'4 then 1'

Awards: ALL events 1-3 get medals. PLEASE pick up your medals at the awards table. Medals WILL NOT be mailed out if left. Sanctioning: This meet is sanctioned by VHSL. 

Jerome Loy is Ambassador of the meet 

Payments: Make checks payable to Jefferson Forest High School Track and Field for in-person. Mail checks/money orders to: Jefferson Forest High School Attn: Ebony Foster Track & Field 1 Cavalier circle  Forest, VA 24551. Please contact Coach Ebony Foster 336-558-1572 for any questions or concerns.

Admission: $10.00 per person. Children 6 years and under admitted free. Purchase tickets online- go fans

Meet Facilities: Freshly painted  8-lane rubberized track, jumping pits, shot and discus areas, high jump area, pole vault pit area.

Rules: Only athletes competing in an event and their coaches are allowed in the designated coaches box in the infield. Please help us keep the facility clean by cleaning up your teams area when you leave.

ConcessionThere will be a variety of food trucks and a concession stand  that will be open throughout the meet. Coaches and meet workers will be given a meal bands.

10:00 am- Coaches Meeting

Boys Discus followed by Girls Discus 

Boys Pole Vault followed by Girls Pole Vault

Girls Shot followed by Boys Shot

*** We will run DUAL jumping pits***

Boys Long Jump followed by Boys Triple Jump

Girls Long Jump followed by Girls Triple Jump11:00 am 

Girls High Jump followed by Boys High Jump 

Rolling schedule after Hall of Fame Induction which will take 20-30 minutes.

Girls followed by Boys

10:00 AMCoaches Meeting/ Field events immediately after
10:45Singing of National Anthem
114x800 Relay
Girls- 100m HH (F)Boys-110m HH (F)
Girls- 100m dash(f) Boys- 100m
1600m Run
Hall of Fame Induction
4x100m Relay
4x100m (Throwers relay)
3200m Run
4x400m Relay