Quantico XC Meet 2024

Quantico, VA
Timing/Results Blue Ridge Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 5000 Meter Run 116 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Christensen, Levi Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Raber, Jack Spire
Moser, Kaleb Spire
Garlock, Sawyer Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Highfill, Asher Spire
Cako, Laerti Veritas Collegiate Academy
Robinson, Luis Spire
Willmoth, Carter Quantico
Smialek, Jonah Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Moore, Ajay Spire
Argaurer, James Spire
Messmer, Isaiah Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Gunlock, John Veritas Collegiate Academy
Renteria, Jack Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Morrison, Evan Quantico
VanHorn, Connen Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Navarro, Matteo Spire
Pattay, William Quantico
Khan, Ayaan Fredericksburg Academy
Bair, Jude Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Peterson, Herbert Fredericksburg Academy
Jemmott, Jordan Christ Chapel Academy
Burkhalter, Francis Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Argauer, Patrick 16:49.80 Spire
Harrington, Noah 17:19.57 Spire
Faunce, John 17:33.60 Spire
Palmer, Jordan 17:36.60 Spire
DeMato, Michael 17:47.08 Randolph-Macon Academy
Hodges, Jonathan 17:54.10 Spire
Long, Isaac 17:59.30 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Moser, Isaac 18:11.25 Spire
Stec, Andrew 18:11.43 Fredericksburg Academy
Law, Jonathan 18:11.50 Spire
Trout, Alex 18:23.53 Fredericksburg Academy
Graham, Jake 18:40.03 Randolph-Macon Academy
Hince, Brian 18:47.70 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Brawner, Daniel 18:52.60 Quantico
Ripley, Jameson 18:54.03 Fredericksburg Academy
Sauvager, Cole 19:15.03 Randolph-Macon Academy
Stuart, Cam 19:32.71 Fredericksburg Academy
Arauz, Benjamin 19:40.00 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Greiner, Matthew 19:43.40 Spire
Gifford, Cooper 19:47.00 Spire
Swift, Elias 19:48.70 Spire
Whitman, Zach 19:51.79 Randolph-Macon Academy
Bong, Jaewon 19:54.24 Randolph-Macon Academy
Escobar Garcia, Wilbert 19:55.66 Randolph-Macon Academy
Strickland, Blaine 19:56.00 Spire
Blashford, Levi 20:00.40 Fredericksburg Academy
Wilson, Preston 20:02.01 Fredericksburg Academy
Law, Christopher 20:14.00 Spire
DePoorter, Christopher 20:42.10 Spire
Bono, Ever 20:54.11 Highland School
Horne, Max 20:57.10 Spire
Zhao, Chris 21:21.20 Highland School
Peugh, Silas 21:28.40 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Harrington, Joseph 21:34.00 Spire
Wright, Calum 21:39.76 Highland School
Arauz, Jeremiah 21:52.20 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Egee, Edwin 22:12.90 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Yoder, Anthony 22:14.39 Randolph-Macon Academy
Martinez, Elijah 22:17.00 Spire
Kang, Isaac 22:18.00 Randolph-Macon Academy
Sutton, Mychal 22:19.87 Fredericksburg Academy
Brown, Joshua 22:20.30 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Rill, Logan 22:20.38 Highland School
Raines, Tristan 22:21.40 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Garcia, Isaac 22:22.29 Quantico
Lewis, Jamaar 22:29.00 Christ Chapel Academy
Maynard, Ben 22:40.90 Fredericksburg Academy
Wheeler, Gavin 22:48.83 Fredericksburg Academy
Newton, Gavin 22:59.30 Christ Chapel Academy
Roan, John 23:07.11 Randolph-Macon Academy
Truong, Jonathan 23:09.00 Spire
Cochrane, Noah 23:09.00 Spire
Truong, Joseph 23:11.00 Spire
Santillo, Alex 23:23.27 Fredericksburg Academy
Anderson, Soren 23:43.73 Randolph-Macon Academy
Parker, Christian 23:45.40 Christ Chapel Academy
Giacco, Chris 24:07.00 Spire
Huber, Alex 24:32.00 Christ Chapel Academy
Lora-Peña, Isaiah 24:34.16 Randolph-Macon Academy
Taylor, Grant 24:51.82 Highland School
Highfill, John 25:22.00 Spire
Galindo, Josiah 25:28.94 Christ Chapel Academy
Rock, Aidan 25:44.79 Quantico
Light, Raleigh 25:48.72 Fredericksburg Academy
Mackey, Ryan 25:50.40 Fredericksburg Academy
Moss, Rawlings 25:53.34 Fredericksburg Academy
Straker, Benjamin 26:04.20 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Robinson, Tristan 26:21.28 Christ Chapel Academy
Brown, Gabriel 26:30.20 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Murray, William 26:43.52 Fredericksburg Academy
Conerly, Chance 26:52.98 Fredericksburg Academy
Speciale, Nicholas 26:53.39 Christ Chapel Academy
Moore, Maddox 26:59.37 Fredericksburg Academy
Gage, Gavin 27:12.94 Quantico
VanDyke, Max 27:37.39 Randolph-Macon Academy
Rodewald, Jet 27:39.64 Randolph-Macon Academy
Egee, Jack 28:39.40 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Decker, Dathan 28:55.42 Quantico
Highfill, William 29:02.00 Spire
Norville, Landen 29:06.03 Quantico
Mora, Jayden 29:17.88 Christ Chapel Academy
McDermott, Jackson 29:50.44 Fredericksburg Academy
Norman, Joshua 30:25.34 Fredericksburg Academy
Austin, Beckett 30:34.92 Fredericksburg Academy
Dodson, Zach 31:04.91 Randolph-Macon Academy
Torres, Braeden 31:45.73 Fredericksburg Academy
Harrison, Khamari 33:06.41 Quantico
Esper, Liam 33:22.38 Quantico
Hughes, Dylan 33:55.18 Highland School
Newman, Miles 35:26.75 Fredericksburg Academy
Fortner, Isaac 35:49.61 Fredericksburg Academy
Stern, Jake 36:22.13 Highland School
Grimsley, Aiden 42:37.62 Quantico
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Girls 5000 Meter Run 82 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Marcos, Andrea Foxcroft School
Gifford, Rori Spire
Fegley, Cam Foxcroft School
Krause, Miriam Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Meadows, Lila Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Farnsworth, Mya Quantico
Pinkley, Alex Spire
Sabol, Ellen Highland School
Pisarnwiriyakul, Alice Foxcroft School
Burkhalter, Clare Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Graves, Riley Foxcroft School
Renteria, Rachel Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Joplin-Lovelace, D'Arcy Christ Chapel Academy
Sombat, Chyn Foxcroft School
Beyers, Bella Foxcroft School
Garman, Penelope Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Torres Ramirez, Victoria Quantico
Pinkley, Makinsley Spire
Chanda, Priya Fredericksburg Academy
Johnson, Morgan Christ Chapel Academy
Highfill, Gwenevere Spire
Cymrot, Ellie 19:59.50 Fredericksburg Academy
Harrington, Lily 20:08.88 Spire
McCormick, Natalie 20:11.40 Spire
McCormick, Annie 20:12.80 Spire
Horne, Isabelle 21:06.00 Spire
Greiner, Hannah 21:30.30 Spire
Moser, Sarah 22:28.60 Spire
Joens, Gabby 22:32.80 Fredericksburg Academy
Vactor, Iman 22:33.18 Randolph-Macon Academy
Faunce, Lydia 22:37.59 Spire
Robinson, Kerri Elizabeth 23:25.20 Spire
Hodges, Catherine 23:28.00 Spire
Gaskins, Zaria 23:58.30 Christ Chapel Academy
Killebrew, Ella 24:08.65 Randolph-Macon Academy
Cymrot, Maple 24:15.50 Fredericksburg Academy
Williams, Kallie 24:24.19 Quantico
Weck, Caroline 24:31.30 Foxcroft School
Jia, Odelia 24:35.37 Randolph-Macon Academy
Glotfelty, Ana 24:36.99 Randolph-Macon Academy
Swift, Camila 25:04.20 Spire
Merchant, Bee 25:31.19 Highland School
Rudy, Ava 25:33.70 Foxcroft School
Dolan, Reilly 25:40.79 Christ Chapel Academy
O'Kray, Guadalupe 25:48.10 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Burkhalter, Maria 26:28.60 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Geurkink, Celia 26:36.20 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Bowman, Lilian 26:49.52 Fredericksburg Academy
Burkhalter, Anne 27:21.70 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Rivera, Ari 27:26.65 Fredericksburg Academy
Meadows, Olivia 28:02.00 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Lopez, Raquel 28:17.49 Foxcroft School
Cunningham, Gabrielle 28:34.46 Christ Chapel Academy
Torres Ramirez, Marisela 29:04.68 Quantico
Long, Juliet 29:28.40 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Van Horn, Eva 29:50.90 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Nogy, Helena 30:09.85 Fredericksburg Academy
Whitehead, Sara 30:31.45 Randolph-Macon Academy
Green, Genia 30:54.55 Foxcroft School
Kibali, Subira 31:19.54 Foxcroft School
Freehling, Abby 31:27.50 Fredericksburg Academy
Garlock, Willow 32:16.00 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Dellaccio, Chiara 32:35.74 Foxcroft School
Jones, Zaida 32:40.50 Christ Chapel Academy
Tamarapu, Ria 33:14.01 Fredericksburg Academy
Schariest, Evangelina 33:41.40 Quantico
Messmer, Jessica 33:43.30 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Meyer, Grace 34:06.16 Fredericksburg Academy
Phillips, Hannah 34:06.64 Fredericksburg Academy
Magee, Madelyn 34:13.01 Quantico
Garman, Gracie 34:25.90 Northern Virginia Homeschool Ath
Thompson, Winnie 34:44.07 Fredericksburg Academy
Schmidt, Harper 34:50.03 Fredericksburg Academy
Brant, Sophia 35:20.20 Highland School
Bailey, Daniela 36:20.00 Christ Chapel Academy
Wood, Madison 37:01.54 Quantico
Newman, Lucy 37:41.63 Fredericksburg Academy
Salazar, Cynthia 37:43.24 Quantico
Hickey, Solana 38:45.51 Foxcroft School
Studdard, Trinity 40:34.05 Fredericksburg Academy
Nogy, Tati 42:49.53 Fredericksburg Academy
Toure, Aisha 44:02.91 Foxcroft School
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