Colgan Invitational 2025

Manassas, VA
Timing/Results Stafford Timing
Registration Closes in 35 days

Meet Information

Online Registration Instructions

Meet Fees $180 / Gender or $280 / School

Payments Make checks payable to Colgan High School c/o Track and Field
Additional Notes You have a total of 36 individual entries per boys and girls. You can enter athletes in all events or load a specific event. Only 1 Relay team per school per Relay. Remember you only get 36 individual entries per gender.
Coaches Meeting at 3:30PM
Field Events at 4:00PM -
Pole Vault
Boys Shot Put and Girls Discus followed by Girls Shot Put and Boys Discus
Boys High Jump followed by Girls High Jump
Girls and boys Long Jump followed by Triple Jump
Rolling schedule: 
Running Events: Girls followed by Boys
4:30PM 4x800 relay
100H Girls
110 Hurdles
4 X 100 Relay
300M Hurdles
4 X 400 Relay
"Survivor" Race