Augusta County Invitational 2010

Augusta, VA

Augusta County Invitational 2010 vs Augusta Invitational 2009

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +108 245 137
Overall Average +28.80 22:51.20 22:22.40
1st-10th Place -50.10 17:28.40 18:18.50
1st-25th Place -49.44 18:00.36 18:49.80
1st-50th Place -46.86 18:36.84 19:23.70
1st-100th Place -1:07.11 19:43.96 20:51.07
Common Athletes -- -- 64
Ran Faster 32 48 16
Ran Season Best -8 56 64
Average Time -33.75 21:44.45 22:18.20
Median Time -1:06.00 21:41.00 22:47.00
Middle 80% Times -32.42 21:44.02 22:16.44
Top 10% Times -50.29 17:28.29 18:18.57
Top 25% Times -51.44 17:58.25 18:49.69
Top 50% Times -46.72 18:52.28 19:39.00
Bottom 50% Times -20.78 24:36.63 24:57.41
Bottom 25% Times -16.31 26:16.44 26:32.75
Bottom 10% Times -23.00 27:22.86 27:45.86
Average Difference -33.75 -- --
Median Difference -17.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -31.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference -43.57 -- --
Top 50% Difference -46.63 -- --
Top 25% Difference -39.88 -- --
Top 50% Difference -46.63 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -20.88 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -12.44 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -34.00 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Dalton Byerly Staunton High School -1:09.00 16:50.00 17:59.00
Zack Kearney Staunton High School -1:28.00 17:08.00 18:36.00
Dillon Sowers Staunton High School -7.00 17:11.00 17:18.00
Matt Persinger Bath County -54.00 17:37.00 18:31.00
Nate Martin Parry McCluer -1:33.00 17:49.00 19:22.00
Kenneth Cash Riverheads -1:04.00 17:50.00 18:54.00
Scott Toombs Riverheads -2:45.00 17:53.00 20:38.00
Christopher Ciszek Waynesboro -23.00 18:05.00 18:28.00
Brynton Kolb Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -31.00 18:06.00 18:37.00
Charles Pruitt Fort Defiance -33.00 18:08.00 18:41.00
Donnie Sobanko Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -51.00 18:10.00 19:01.00
Caleb Stewart Fort Defiance -25.00 18:16.00 18:41.00
Price Gillock Staunton High School -1:19.00 18:24.00 19:43.00
Aaron Hobbs Bath County -1:12.00 18:40.00 19:52.00
Stephen Good Wilson Memorial -1:13.00 18:41.00 19:54.00
Jared Lohr Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -24.00 18:44.00 19:08.00
Eric Chandler Waynesboro -44.00 18:51.00 19:35.00
Brett Sundean Waynesboro -45.00 18:57.00 19:42.00
Dillon Harner Buffalo Gap -1:25.00 19:03.00 20:28.00
Damon Brogan Staunton High School -49.00 19:04.00 19:53.00
Jeremiah Hines Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -1:47.00 19:10.00 20:57.00
Alston Corbin Riverheads -20.00 19:11.00 19:31.00
Brandon Jones Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) +4.00 19:17.00 19:13.00
Hunter Michael Buffalo Gap -1:03.00 19:13.00 20:16.00
Chris Beard Parry McCluer -16.00 19:24.00 19:40.00
Josh Conyers Wilson Memorial -13.00 19:48.00 20:01.00
Travis Sims Waynesboro -9.00 19:56.00 20:05.00
Preston Williams Wilson Memorial +1:31.00 21:30.00 19:59.00
Dominick Puzio Wilson Memorial -5.00 20:06.00 20:11.00
Dillon Ryder Bath County -1:33.00 20:08.00 21:41.00
Adam Marsh Riverheads -21.00 21:05.00 21:26.00
Allison Alexander Fort Defiance -1:13.00 21:38.00 22:51.00
Katie Barnes Wilson Memorial -1:06.00 21:41.00 22:47.00
Jill Jackson Riverheads -1:00.00 22:06.00 23:06.00
Elizabeth Barnes Wilson Memorial -1:08.00 22:15.00 23:23.00
Faith Lucas Fort Defiance -1:27.00 22:18.00 23:45.00
Shelby Hudson Parry McCluer -1:26.00 22:22.00 23:48.00
Sarah Conyers Wilson Memorial -1:31.00 22:25.00 23:56.00
Claire Brooks Waynesboro -21.00 22:30.00 22:51.00
Emily Boward Wilson Memorial -17.00 22:33.00 22:50.00
Kelly Sheridan Buffalo Gap +24.00 23:11.00 22:47.00
Lauren Sheridan Buffalo Gap -1:52.00 22:48.00 24:40.00
Morgan Holbert Stuarts Draft +4.00 22:54.00 22:50.00
Grace Sheridan Buffalo Gap +59.00 24:15.00 23:16.00
Emily Chetlin Wilson Memorial +10.00 23:27.00 23:17.00
Carrington Pasco Bath County +2:14.00 25:41.00 23:27.00
Caroline Perkins Stuarts Draft +3:15.00 26:47.00 23:32.00
Micaela Escudero Waynesboro -8.00 23:33.00 23:41.00
Ashley Eikenhorst Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -1:17.00 24:10.00 25:27.00
Skylar Wimer Stuarts Draft +53.00 25:26.00 24:33.00
Mandy Mller Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) +4.00 24:41.00 24:37.00
Kayleigh Roy Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) -1:48.00 24:46.00 26:34.00
Hannah Robertson Bath County -2:38.00 24:58.00 27:36.00
Katelin Hatfield Staunton High School -1:13.00 25:04.00 26:17.00
Holly Sayre Buffalo Gap -1:35.00 25:12.00 26:47.00
Rachel Coffin Riverheads +38.00 25:53.00 25:15.00
Scarlette Harris Waynesboro +2:48.00 28:31.00 25:43.00
Amber Simmons Fort Defiance +8.00 25:54.00 25:46.00
Ashley Feaganes Riverheads -2:09.00 25:49.00 27:58.00
Alex Nelson Riverheads -56.00 25:56.00 26:52.00
Bethany Spencer Waynesboro +54.00 27:03.00 26:09.00
Bethany Sager Stonewall Jackson (Quicksburg) +17.00 26:46.00 26:29.00
Hannah Mcneal Buffalo Gap +16.00 27:40.00 27:24.00
Laura Haney Bath County -2:13.00 28:57.00 31:10.00