Bay Rivers District Dual Quad/Tri Meet 2011

Yorktown, VA

Meet Information

Registration help:

This Meet is a regular season Quad meet for Poquoson, Warhill, Bruton, and Jamestown High Schools Only.

This Meet is also a regular season Tri meet for York, Grafton, and Tabb High Schools only.

Coaches, please enter your athletes as you normally would. Both Meets will be scored separately, although all athletes compete together. Regional Qualifying times/distances can be met at this seven team meet.

For any additional information, please contact Jamestown High School Head Coach Howard Townsend @ (757) 234-1559 or Tabb High School Head Coach George Coulter (757) 218-8404

Coaches Meeting will be at 3:00 pm. Meet starts promptly at 3:15 pm. Entry restrictions include: 7 athletes per gender per Individual event and "A", "B", and "C" Relay Teams.

Registration closes Monday April 11, 2011 @ 11:59 pm.
Coaches and Parents, please have SCHOLARSHIP SEEKING ATHLETES use this link: