Group AAA State Indoor Championships Race Videos & Photos

A gallery of champions from the 2012 VHSL Group AAA State Indoor Championships and links to photo and video coverage of each event. A total of 5,948 photos by Ryan Kelly are now posted along with race video clips by Ron Bayton of every section and heat for every running event this past weekend. Field events videos still to be added (by Tuesday at the latest). Oscar Smith junior Michael Cherry was the only double event champion in the boys' meet with his sprint victories in the 500 and 300 meter dash, while Cosby senior Megan Moye (1600 & 3200 meters) and South County junior Felecia Majors (pole vault & long jump) both a pair of state titles for girls.


Girls Team Champions
Cosby High School


                    Women - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Cosby                       54        2) Western Branch             50   
    3) Nansemond River             40        4) Landstown                  37   
    5) South County                31        6) Phoebus                    28   
    6) Lake Braddock               28        8) Bethel                     22   
    9) Ocean Lakes                 21       10) Mountain View              20   


Boys Team Champions
Western Branch High School - Chesapeake, VA


                    Men - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Western Branch              48        2) Grassfield                 34   
    3) Westfield                   27        4) Annandale                  22   
    5) Oakton                      21        6) Oscar Smith                20   
    6) First Colonial              20        8) Bethel                     19   
    9) J.R. Tucker High School     18       10) Colonial Forge             17   


Girls 55 Meter Dash
Carolyn Brown (Phoebus) US #5 6.96

Photos: Finals - Prelims
Videos: Finals - Prelims



Girls 55 Meter Dash
Nat'l Record: @  6.68  1996        Alisha Latimer, Colorada Springs, CO        
Nat'l Record: @  6.68  1998        Angela Williams, Chino, CA                  
AAA meet rec: #  6.92  2/25/2011   KEILAH TYSON, Western Bran                  
BWSP facilit: $  6.87  1/7/2011    Keilah Tyson, Western Branch                
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  H# Points
  1 Brown, Carolyn             9 Phoebus                 7.07       6.96   2  10   
  2 Taylor, Taranisha         12 Western Bran            7.06       6.97   2   8   
  3 Saunders, Shakeela        12 Nansemond Ri            7.12       7.07   2   6   
  4 Peter, Carina             12 Herndon                 7.14       7.13   2   5   
  5 Anderson, Asonya          10 Heritage (Ne            7.17       7.17   1   4   
  6 McClain, Mia              11 Nansemond Ri            7.25       7.18   1   3   
  7 Molton, Shyra             12 Patrick Henr            7.17       7.22   2   2   
  8 Morton, Meshala           10 Mountain Vie            7.19       7.23   1   1   


Boys 55 Meter Dash
Mustaqeem William (Forest Park) US #8 6.37

Photos: Finals - Prelims
Videos: Finals - Prelims

Boys 55 Meter Dash
Nat'l Record: @  6.14  2008        D'Angelo Cherry, Jonesboro, GA              
AAA meet rec: #  6.24  1986        ANDRE CASON, GREEN RUN                      
BWSP facilit: $  6.26  2/28/2009   James Taylor, Nansemond River               
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  H# Points
  1 Williams, Mustaqeem       10 Forest Park             6.37       6.37   2  10   
  2 Lowe, Vincent             10 Grassfield              6.46       6.43   2   8   
  3 Marriner, Josh            12 Western Bran            6.43       6.46   2   6   
        4 Raymond, Ayo              11 James W. Rob            6.50       6.48   1   5    6.476
        5 Thomas-Brown, Michael     11 Mount Vernon            6.49      J6.48   2   4    6.479
  6 Burke, Justin             12 First Coloni            6.42       6.49   2   3   
  7 Proctor, Rashawn          12 Bethel                  6.50       6.50   1   2   
 8 Glover, Mondryl           10 Western Bran            6.46       6.52   2   1  


Girls 300 Meter Dash
Tanisha Greene (Landstown) US #8 38.98

Videos: Sections 1-2 - Sections 3-4 - Section 5


Event 25  Girls 300 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Greene, Tanisha           12 Landstown                38.98   5  10   
  2 Ewing, Jessica            12 Tallwood                 39.20   5   8   
  3 Walker, Breanna           12 Osbourn Park             39.77   4   6   
  4 Brown, Carolyn             9 Phoebus                  40.04   5   5   
  5 Allen, Mary               12 John Marshall            40.18   4   4   
  6 Saunders, Shakeela        12 Nansemond River          40.55   5   3   
  7 McCant, Genamarie         12 James W. Robinson        40.57   5   2   
  8 Cuffee, Anise             12 Bethel                   40.72   5   1   


Boys 300 Meter Dash
Michael Cherry (Oscar Smith) US #4 34.08

Videos: Sections 1-2 - Sections 3-4 - Section 5



Boys 300 Meter Dash
Nat'l Record: @ 33.19  1986        William Reed, Philadelphia, PA              
AAA meet rec: # 33.79  1993        ANTHONY WHEELER, KECOUGHTAN                 
BWSP facilit: $ 34.07  2/28/2009   James Taylor, Nansemond River               
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Cherry, Michael           11 Oscar Smith            34.76      34.08   5  10   
  2 Burke, Justin             12 First Coloni           34.56      34.67   5   8   
  3 Smith, Damian             12 Green Run              34.32      35.06   5   6   
  4 Green, Kyle               12 Nansemond Ri           35.50      35.42   4   5   
  5 Long, Aron                12 Stonewall Ja           34.65      35.55   5   4   
  6 Moore, Kempton            12 John Marshall          35.90      35.70   3   3   
  7 Hines, Romero             11 I.C. Norcom            35.18      35.78   5   2   
  8 Cherry, Devante           12 Western Bran           35.65      35.94   4   1   


Girls 500 Meter Dash
Maya Moore (Bethel) US #8 1:15.76

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5



Event 21  Girls 500 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Moore, Maya               12 Bethel                 1:15.76   5  10   
  2 Majors, Felecia           11 South County           1:15.85   5   8   
  3 McCant, Genamarie         12 James W. Robinson      1:15.88   5   6   
  4 Moseley*, Alexandria      10 Cosby                  1:16.31   5   5   
  5 Allen, Mary               12 John Marshall          1:16.52   4   4   
  6 Tito *, Claire            12 J.R. Tucker            1:16.70   4   3   
  7 Lee, Javette              12 Western Branch         1:16.85   5   2   
  8 Hill, Virginia            12 Battlefield            1:17.00   5   1   


Boys 500 Meter Dash
Michael Cherry (Oscar Smith) US #4 1:04.20

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5


Boys 500 Meter Dash
Nat'l Record: @ 1:02.40  1984        Mike Greene, Dorchester, MA               
AAA meet rec: # 1:03.01  1988        KERRY WOODEN, WARWICK                     
BWSP facilit: $ 1:03.69  2/11/2009   Taylor Sykes, Great Bridge                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Cherry, Michael           11 Oscar Smith          1:04.44    1:04.20   5  10   
  2 Robinson, Byron           11 Western Bran         1:05.81    1:05.96   5   8   
  3 Kiley, Nathan             11 Westfield            1:05.97    1:05.97   5   6   
  4 Crabbe, Justin            12 Stafford             1:06.15    1:06.16   5   5   
  5 Woods, Deshawn            11 Norview              1:06.58    1:06.64   4   4   
  6 Flemming, Derrian         12 Bethel               1:07.26    1:06.65   3   3   
  7 Brown, Josh               12 Ocean Lakes          1:06.62    1:06.68   4   2   
 8 Jones, Corey              11 Western Bran         1:06.77    1:06.82   4   1  


Girls 1000 Meter Run
Kimberley Ficenec (Mountain View) US #7 2:51.46

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Event 23  Girls 1000 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ficenec, Kimberley        12 Mountain View          2:51.46   10   
  2 Morton, Shannon           12 Indian River           2:52.67    8   
  3 Evans*, Skylar            12 Midlothian             2:54.64    6   
  4 Johnston*, Marie          11 Midlothian             2:55.17    5   
  5 Underwood, Sarah Jane     12 West Potomac           2:56.49    4   
  6 Schaedel, Sydney          10 T.C. Williams          2:58.39    3   
  7 Bethune, Olivia           10 Ocean Lakes            3:00.32    2   
 8 Thornhill*, Sarah         11 Douglas Freeman        3:00.69    1  


Boys 1000 Meter Run
Ahmed Bile (Annandale) US #3 2:26.44

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2



Boys 1000 Meter Run
Nat'l Record: @ 2:22.28  2009        Robby Andrews, Manalapan, NJ              
AAA meet rec: # 2:23.68  3/2/2001    ALAN WEBB, SOUTH LAKES                    
BWSP facilit: $ 2:29.68  2/21/2009   Bobby Peavey, Kellam                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bile, Ahmed               12 Annandale            2:26.36    2:26.44$  10   
  2 Wolfe, Nicholas           12 Mountain Vie         2:33.34    2:32.65    8   
  3 McNamee, Michael          12 Oakton               2:29.05    2:33.00    6   
  4 Carmichael *, Griffin     11 Atlee                2:32.69    2:33.61    5   
  5 Worsley, Marquis          12 Norview              2:35.82    2:34.08    4   
  6 Midkiff, Alex             10 Grassfield           2:35.99    2:34.26    3   
  7 Negron*, Thomas           11 Cosby                2:36.04    2:34.31    2   
8 Hinton, Brandon           12 Stafford             2:35.66    2:34.64    1


Girls 1600 Meter Run
Megan Moye (Cosby) 4:53.42

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Event 19  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Moye *, Megan             12 Cosby                  4:53.42   10   
  2 Ficenec, Kimberley        12 Mountain View          4:59.15    8   
  3 Bethune, Olivia           10 Ocean Lakes            5:00.24    6   
  4 Christen, Hannah          10 Lake Braddock          5:01.53    5   
  5 Alcorta, Caroline         10 West Springfield       5:02.20    4   
  6 Dougherty, Hailey         10 Oakton                 5:04.99    3   
  7 Morales, Frances          10 Colonial Forge         5:05.18    2   
  8 Debrito, Emily            12 North Stafford         5:07.67    1   


Boys 1600 Meter Run
Logan Miller (Chantilly) 4:15.48

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Boys 1600 Meter Run
AAA meet rec: # 4:09.31  2/28/2009   BOBBY PEAVEY, KELLAM                      
BWSP facilit: $ 4:09.31  2/28/2009   Bobby Peavey, Kellam                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Miller, Logan             11 Chantilly            4:21.90    4:15.48   10   
  2 Coulter, Brent            12 Landstown            4:20.40    4:16.64    8   
  3 McNamee, Michael          12 Oakton               4:15.78    4:16.82    6   
  4 Pennesi, David            12 Colonial For         4:17.70    4:18.25    5   
  5 Thomas, Ryan              10 Albemarle            4:19.19    4:18.60    4   
  6 Colson, Louis             10 Thomas Ediso         4:21.50    4:19.15    3   
  7 Bohmke, Greg              12 Stafford             4:20.07    4:20.88    2   
8 Petruncio, Gregory        12 Oakton               4:20.69    4:21.37    1


Girls 3200 Meter Run
Megan Moye (Cosby) US #5 10:25.06

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Event 27  Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Moye *, Megan             12 Cosby                 10:25.06   10   
  2 Chase, Sophie             11 Lake Braddock         10:29.66    8   
  3 Batzel, Audrey            12 Ocean Lakes           10:44.12    6   
  4 Klimkiewicz, Allie         9 Oakton                10:44.41    5   
  5 Christen, Hannah          10 Lake Braddock         10:50.79    4   
  6 Park, Nicole              10 Ocean Lakes           10:51.89    3   
  7 Kolonich, Bailey          10 Robert E. Lee         10:54.60    2   
  8 Amend, Isabel             12 Washington-Lee        10:56.24    1   


Boys 3200 Meter Run
Adam Visokay (Albemarle) 9:15.37

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Boys 3200 Meter Run
AAA meet rec: # 8:59.57  3/1/2002    MATT KEALLY, OCEAN LAKES                  
BWSP facilit: $ 9:09.01  2/28/2009   Thomas Porter, Mountain  View             
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Visokay, Adam             12 Albemarle            9:21.53    9:15.37   10   
  2 Schwartzer, Matthew       12 Princess Ann         9:22.27    9:19.88    8   
  3 Calkins*, Ronnie          11 Douglas Free         9:20.54    9:20.09    6   
  4 O'Loughlin, Brian         12 Colonial For         9:33.43    9:20.10    5   
  5 Tuck, Nick                12 Lake Braddoc         9:25.07    9:21.84    4   
  6 McGorty, Sean             11 Chantilly            9:23.24    9:25.66    3   
  7 Gates, Paul               12 W.T. Woodson         9:19.16    9:28.59    2   
 8 Hall *, Nathaniel         10 Atlee                9:37.99    9:28.66    1 


Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
Taranisha Taylor (Western Branch) 7.95 (US #3 7.94 prelims)

Videos: Finals - Prelims


Event 11  Girls 55 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Taylor, Taranisha         12 Western Branch            7.95   2  10   
  2 Ellick, Tiffany           12 Western Branch            7.97   1   8   
  3 Ray, Chantel              10 Hampton                   7.99   2   6   
  4 Smith, Heather            11 Great Bridge              8.20   2   5   
  5 Vaughan, Jazmine          12 Phoebus                   8.22   2   4   
  6 Lott, Leah                11 Landstown                 8.23   2   3   
  7 Mcfadgen, Hali            11 C.D. Hylton               8.34   2   2   
  8 Boddie, Vamonie           12 Phoebus                   8.37   1   1   


Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
Trey Holloway (Grassfield) US #8 7.32

Videos: Finals - Prelims


Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
 39" height
Nat'l Record: @  7.05  2009        Wayne Davis III, Raliegh, NC                
AAA meet rec: #  7.16  1999        RICKY HARRIS, CENTERVILLE                   
BWSP facilit: $  7.20  1/31/2009   Wayne Davis III, Southeast Raleigh (NC)     
    Name                    Year School               Prelims     Finals  H# Points
  1 Holloway, Trey            12 Grassfield              7.55       7.32   2  10   
  2 Simmons *, Nick           12 J.R. Tucker             7.64       7.52   2   8   
  3 Burris, Jamal             12 Western Bran            7.68       7.58   2   6   
  4 Phillips, Travis          11 Patrick Henr            7.70       7.59   2   5   
  5 Thomas, Henri             12 Western Bran            7.87       7.64   1   4   
        6 Crawford, Christopher     12 Western Bran            7.69       7.65   2   3    7.641
        7 Pollard, Leon             12 Highland Spr            7.75      J7.65   1   2    7.649
8 Burke, Shepley            12 Dinwiddie               7.78       7.74   1   1 


Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
Western Branch 1:42.31
(Javette Lee, Shamia Lassiter, Tiffany Ellick, Jamesha Richard)

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3


Event 17  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Western Branch  'A'                                 1:42.31   3  10   
     1) Lee, Javette 12                 2) Lassiter, Shamia 12            
     3) Ellick, Tiffany 12              4) Richard, Jamesha 12            
  2 Landstown  'A'                                      1:43.26   3   8   
     1) Lott, Leah 11                   2) Taliaferro, Briana 10          
     3) Casmir, Stephany 12             4) Greene, Tanisha 12             
  3 Cosby  'A'                                          1:43.46   3   6   
     1) Moseley*, Alexandria 10         2) Smith, De'Nisha 11             
     3) D'Orazio*, Gina 11              4) Novak*, Molly 10               
  4 Phoebus  'A'                                        1:43.71   3   5   
     1) Brown, Carolyn 9                2) Boddie, Vamonie 12             
     3) Pierce, Katia 10                4) Washington, Twanika 9          
  5 Osbourn Park  'A'                                   1:44.03   3   4   
     1) Hairston, Kiana 10              2) Simmons, Kalyn 12              
     3) Banks, Jordan 10                4) Walker, Breanna 12             
  6 Nansemond River  'A'                                1:44.34   2   3   
     1) McClain, Mia 11                 2) Rashid, Malika 12              
     3) Patterson, Markelle 12          4) Middleton, Kieaira 11          
  7 Bethel  'A'                                         1:44.38   3   2   
     1) Cuffee, Anise 12                2) Savoy, Haley 10                
     3) Moore, Maya 12                  4) Greenle, Ashley 9              
  8 John Marshall  'A'                                  1:44.47   2   1   
     1) Allen, Mary 12                  2) Taylor, Breanna 12             
     3) Addison, Mikaela 9              4) Ross, Jasmine 9                


Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
Western Branch 1:30.16
(Mondryl Glover, Devante Cherry, Josh Marriner, Byron Robinson

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4 - Section 5


Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
 3 turn stagger
Nat'l Record: @ 1:26.09  2005        Long Beach Poly, Long Beach, CA           
                         Green, Joseph, Patterson, Nellum                  
AAA meet rec: # 1:29.70  3/1/2002    DEEP CREEK, DEEP CREEK                    
                         D. HYMAN, J.HYMAN, A. CAREY, D. FLOOD             
BWSP facilit: $ 1:30.09  2/5/2011    Wakefield, Wakefield                      
                         J. Covington, Brown, A. Covington, White          
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Western Branch  'A'                               1:29.97    1:30.16   5  10   
     1) Glover, Mondryl 10              2) Cherry, Devante 12             
     3) Marriner, Josh 12               4) Robinson, Byron 11             
  2 Bethel  'A'                                       1:31.20    1:30.32   5   8   
     1) Proctor, Rashawn 12             2) Mcbride, Dominique 12          
     3) Flemming, Derrian 12            4) Cheseman, Kebari 12            
  3 Granby  'A'                                       1:33.07    1:32.01   2   6   
     1) Wise, Tyree 10                  2) Godfrey, Rodney 12             
     3) Fulford, Sidney 11              4) Harris, Lawrence 11            
  4 Grassfield  'A'                                   1:32.89    1:32.02   2   5   
     1) Holloway, Trey 12               2) Lowe, Vincent 10               
     3) Harper, Isaiah 10               4) Copeland Jr., Calvin 11        
  5 Annandale  'A'                                    1:31.14    1:32.06   5   4   
     1) Ellison, Alex 11                2) Van Balen, Dylan 12            
     3) Manlan, Walter 12               4) Andoh, Roland 12               
  6 I.C. Norcom  'A'                                  1:32.67    1:32.07   3   3   
     1) Hines, Romero 11                2) Morris, Taquan 11              
     3) Wallace, Brehyon 12             4) Powell, Joe 12                 
  7 Cosby  'A'                                        1:32.97    1:32.27   2   2   
     1) Laury*, Brandyn 12              2) Moore*, Julius 12              
     3) Tilghman, Kenny 11              4) Cahoon*, Cody 12               
  8 Colonial Forge  'A'                               1:31.28    1:32.57   5   1   
     1) Cappetta, Ricky 12              2) Reed, Lonnie 12                
3) Ezeagwu, David 10               4) Reed, Pete 12  


Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
Cosby US #6 3:53.36
(De'Nisha Smith, Gina D'Orazio, Molly Novak, Alexandria Moseley)

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3 - Section 4


Event 29  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Cosby  'A'                                          3:53.36   4  10   
     1) Smith, De'Nisha 11              2) D'Orazio*, Gina 11             
     3) Novak*, Molly 10                4) Moseley*, Alexandria 10        
  2 Bethel  'A'                                         3:53.63   4   8   
     1) Cuffee, Anise 12                2) Savoy, Haley 10                
     3) Greenle, Ashley 9               4) Moore, Maya 12                 
  3 Nansemond River  'A'                                3:57.43   3   6   
     1) McClain, Mia 11                 2) Patterson, Markelle 12         
     3) Middleton, Kieaira 11           4) Saunders, Shakeela 12          
  4 Indian River  'A'                                   3:59.04   4   5   
     1) Morton, Shannon 12              2) White, Ebony 10                
     3) Cuffee, Desiree 12              4) Wright, Andrea 11              
  5 Western Branch  'A'                                 3:59.91   4   4   
     1) Lee, Javette 12                 2) Warrior, Chaunise 9            
     3) Ellick, Tiffany 12              4) Taylor, Taranisha 12           
  6 Landstown  'A'                                      4:01.26   4   3   
     1) Lott, Leah 11                   2) Taliaferro, Briana 10          
     3) Casmir, Stephany 12             4) Greene, Tanisha 12             
  7 South County  'A'                                   4:02.19   3   2   
     1) Majors, Felecia 11              2) Dubuisson, Widney 10           
     3) Rountree, Kierra 11             4) Majors, EnNijah 10             
  8 Mountain View  'A'                                  4:02.36   4   1   
     1) Hubert, Bailee 12               2) Westerholm, Jenny 12           
     3) Morton, Meshala 10              4) Ficenec, Kimberley 12          


Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Westfield 3:23.76
(Max Chambers, Troy Sevachko, Nathan Kiley, Tyrone Walker)

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2 - Section 3


Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
 2 turn stagger
Nat'l Record: @ 3:13.06  2009        New Bern, New Bern, NC                    
                         Hendrix, Green, Sparks, Hendrix                   
AAA meet rec: # 3:19.69  1995        HAMPTON, HAMPTON                          
                         J.WARD, C.RICKS, T. HENRY, J. YAROROUGH           
BWSP facilit: $ 3:23.52  2/5/2011    Wakefield, Wakefield                      
                         Riddleberger, Brown, Covington, Baker             
    School                                               Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1 Westfield  'A'                                    3:25.67    3:23.76   3  10   
     1) Chambers, Max 11                2) Sevachko, Troy 11              
     3) Kiley, Nathan 11                4) Walker, Tyrone 12              
  2 Annandale  'A'                                    3:25.85    3:24.71   3   8   
     1) Manlan, Walter 12               2) Andoh, Roland 12               
     3) Chavez, Austin 11               4) Bile, Ahmed 12                 
  3 Bethel  'A'                                       3:27.46    3:25.80   3   6   
     1) Mcbride, Dominique 12           2) Brown, William 12              
     3) Flemming, Derrian 12            4) Cheseman, Kebari 12            
  4 Hampton  'A'                                      3:26.26    3:26.27   3   5   
     1) Hale, Roscoe 11                 2) Pressley, Trey 11              
     3) Ellis, Abdul 9                  4) Green, Darius 11               
  5 South Lakes  'A'                                  3:26.65    3:27.63   3   4   
     1) Angara, Ian 12                  2) Gilmore, Corey 12              
     3) Grundahl, Jacob 12              4) Drain, Armando 12              
  6 Norview  'A'                                      3:29.44    3:28.81   1   3   
     1) Woods, Deshawn 11               2) Worsley, Marquis 12            
     3) Weeks, Treshawn 12              4) Weaver, Darius 12              
  7 Centreville  'A'                                  3:28.36    3:28.89   2   2   
     1) Martin, Brett 12                2) Williams, Texas 12             
     3) Wright, Michael 11              4) Heiner, Chase 10               
  8 Ocean Lakes  'A'                                  3:28.25    3:29.13   2   1   
     1) Colona, Devante 12              2) Richardson, Tony 11            
3) Davis, Racheed 11               4) Brown, Josh 12    


Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
Cosby US #11 9:16.65
(Jayden Metzger, Alaina Redd, Elena Wirz, Megan Moye)

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Event 15  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cosby  'A'                                          9:16.65   10   
     1) Metzger*, Jayden 11             2) Redd, Alaina 12             
     3) Wirz*, Elena 11                 4) Moye *, Megan 12            
  2 West Potomac  'A'                                   9:19.37    8   
     1) Lescher, Dale 12                2) Underwood, Sarah Jane 12    
     3) Boyle, Colleen 12               4) Price, Lauren 11            
  3 Lake Braddock  'A'                                  9:22.10    6   
     1) Christen, Hannah 10             2) Chase, Sophie 11            
     3) Robinson, Ally 9                4) Roche, Katie 10             
  4 Midlothian  'A'                                     9:22.15    5   
     1) Dickerson*, Kara 11             2) Babashak, Alice 9           
     3) Johnston*, Marie 11             4) Evans*, Skylar 12           
  5 Ocean Lakes  'A'                                    9:22.75    4   
     1) Jackson, Erica 9                2) Derrick, Sarah 9            
     3) Bethune, Olivia 10              4) Batzel, Audrey 12           
  6 Oakton  'A'                                         9:25.42    3   
     1) Klimkiewicz, Allie 9            2) Dougherty, Hailey 10        
     3) Carrigan, Kristi 11             4) Stewart, Briana 11          
  7 West Springfield  'A'                               9:26.19    2   
     1) McEntire, Alexis 12             2) Alcorta, Caroline 10        
     3) Wittich, Maddie 11              4) Falk, Erin 11               
  8 Forest Park  'A'                                    9:33.34    1   
     1) Young, Natalie 12               2) Bodmer, Allyson 11          
     3) Bullard, Erin 12                4) Krumholz, Brianna 12


Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Westfield US #8 7:53.75
(Max Chambers, Jeffrey Edmondson, Nathan Kiley, Tyrone Walker)

Videos: Section 1 - Section 2


Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
Nat'l Record: @ 7:36.99  2009        Albermarle, Charlottesville, VA           
                         Vrhovac, Noble, Bradley, Kostelac                 
AAA meet rec: # 7:44.70  2/27/2009   ALBERMARLE, ALBERMARLE                    
                         G Bradley, Z Vrhovac, L Noble, A Kostelac         
BWSP facilit: $ 7:44.70  2/28/2009   Albermarle, Albemarle                     
                         Bradley, Nobel, Kostelac, Vrhovac                 
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Westfield  'A'                                    8:04.19    7:53.75   10   
     1) Chambers, Max 11                2) Edmondson, Jeffrey 11          
     3) Kiley, Nathan 11                4) Walker, Tyrone 12              
  2 Oakton  'A'                                       8:05.10    7:54.51    8   
     1) Lopez-gomez, Oliver 11          2) Petruncio, Gregory 12          
     3) Sprague, Christopher 11         4) McNamee, Michael 12            
  3 Colonial Forge  'A'                               8:01.08    7:56.38    6   
     1) O'Loughlin, Brian 12            2) Dabney, Corey 12               
     3) Cappetta, Ricky 12              4) Pennesi, David 12              
  4 Atlee  'A'                                        8:06.97    7:57.40    5   
     1) Hall *, Nathaniel 10            2) Jacob *, Chad 11               
     3) Hunt *, Brandon 12              4) Carmichael *, Griffin 11       
  5 Stafford  'A'                                     8:02.40    7:59.98    4   
     1) Bohmke, Greg 12                 2) Lysher, Luke 10                
     3) Macleod, Ian 11                 4) Hinton, Brandon 12             
  6 Churchland  'A'                                   8:06.79    8:00.69    3   
     1) Cherry, Donald 11               2) Booker, Devon 12               
     3) James, Deandre 12               4) Orgnon, Chris 12               
  7 Thomas Edison  'A'                                8:10.87    8:04.14    2   
     1) Knopp, Michael 12               2) Colson, Louis 10               
     3) Yirdaw, Eyasu 11                4) Sheppard, Shamaal 11           
  8 Mountain View  'A'                                8:08.66    8:05.43    1   
     1) Sorensen, Ben 11                2) Bukovich, Alex 9               
3) Amezquita, Jesus 12             4) Wolfe, Nicholas 12


Girls Pole Vault
Felecia Majors (South County) 12'0"



Event 3  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Majors, Felecia           11 South County          12-00.00   10   
  2 Hinton, Ashley            10 Stafford              11-00.00    8   
  3 meeks, jaqueline          10 First Colonial       J11-00.00    6   
  4 Fasana, Rachel            10 Lake Braddock         10-00.00    5   
  5 Schaedel, Sydney          10 T.C. Williams          9-06.00    4   
  6 Radke, Kelsey             11 Princess Anne         J9-06.00    3   
  7 Russell, Casey            11 Albemarle             J9-06.00    2   
  8 Myles, Te'Shaibrah        11 Kings Fork             9-00.00    1   


Boys Pole Vault
Brad Johnson (Kellam) 15'3"



Boys Pole Vault
 Starting Height 11'-6"
Nat'l Record: @ 17-09.25  2011        Andrew Irwin, Mt. Ida, AK                
AAA meet rec: #    17-00  3/3/2006    MICHAEL MORRISON, GREAT BRIDGE           
BWSP facilit: $    16-00  2/25/2011   Chris Pillow, Atlee                      
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Brad             12 Kellam              15-00.00   15-03.00   10   
  2 Besougloff, Logan         11 Langley             14-06.00   14-06.00    8   
  3 Daugherty, Sean           12 Lake Braddoc        13-06.00   14-00.00    6   
  4 Campbell *, Zach          11 Douglas Free        13-09.00  J14-00.00    5   
  5 Miller, Austin            12 Herndon             14-06.00  J14-00.00    4   
  6 Chewning*, Trip           11 Mills Godwin        13-06.00   13-06.00    3   
  7 Rydel *, Trey             12 Atlee               13-03.00  J13-06.00    2   
8 Seneff, Coy               11 Franklin Cou        14-00.00  J13-06.00    1


Girls High Jump
Brianna Hayes (Matoaca) US #7 5'8"



Event 1  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hayes*, Brianna           10 Matoaca High School    5-08.00   10   
  2 Lacey, Chenera            11 Cox High School        5-06.00    8   
  3 Feyerabend, Carly          9 Atlee                  5-04.00    6   
  4 Wagner, Evan              11 Gloucester            J5-04.00    5   
  5 Johnson, Elizabeth        11 Douglas Freeman       J5-04.00    4   
  6 Brown, Carolyn             9 Phoebus               J5-04.00    3   
  7 Majors, Felecia           11 South County           5-02.00    1   
  7 Holloway, Sherhae         12 Highland Springs       5-02.00    1   
  7 Kassie, Loryn             12 Thomas Dale            5-02.00    1   


Boys High Jump
Nick Simmons (J.R. Tucker) US #3 6'10"



Boys High Jump
 Starting Height 6'-1"
 Five "alive" format
Nat'l Record: @ 7-05.25  2004        Scott Sellers, Katy, TX                   
AAA meet rec: # 7-00.25  3/1/2002    KEITH MOFFATT, MENCHVILLE                 
BWSP facilit: $    6-10  2/21/2009   Justin Hunter, Ocean Lakes                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Simmons *, Nick           12 J.R. Tucker          6-08.00    6-10.00$  10   
  2 Jones, Rashaan            11 South Lakes          7-00.00    6-09.00    8   
  3 Lee, Kahron               12 T.C. William         6-04.00    6-06.00    6   
  4 Jones, Avion              12 First Coloni         6-04.00    6-05.00    5   
  5 Crisp, Larry              12 Green Run            6-05.00    6-03.00    3   
  5 Dunbar, Steven            10 Tallwood             6-08.00    6-03.00    3   
  5 Bennett, Dre              12 Atlee                6-03.00    6-03.00    3   
  8 Poindexter, Eric          12 Warwick              6-04.00   J6-03.00    0.33
  8 Roberts, Brandon          12 Nansemond Ri         6-06.00   J6-03.00    0.33
  8 Hardiman, Jordan          11 Lakeland             6-04.00   J6-03.00    0.33


Girls Long Jump
Felecia Majors (South County) US #13 19'1.50"



Event 9  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Majors, Felecia           11 South County          19-01.50   10   
  2 Saunders, Shakeela        12 Nansemond River       18-11.50    8   
  3 Greene, Tanisha           12 Landstown             18-06.00    6   
  4 Hale, Danielle            10 South Lakes           18-05.50    5   
  5 Taliaferro, Briana        10 Landstown             18-01.00    4   
  6 Peter, Carina             12 Herndon               18-00.50    3   
  7 Ellick, Tiffany           12 Western Branch        17-07.00    2   
  8 Thomas, Jayme             10 Bethel               J17-07.00    1   


Boys Long Jump
Jamarian Bates (Matoaca) US #2 23'11.25"



Boys Long Jump
 Top 9 advance to finals
Nat'l Record: @ 26-06.50  1989        Dion Bentley, Pittsburgh, PA             
AAA meet rec: # 25-08.25  1997        MIKE NEWELL, POTOMAC                     
BWSP facilit: $    24-08  2/3/2009    James Taylor, Nansemond  River           
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bates*, Jamarian          12 Matoaca High        23-08.75   23-11.25   10   
  2 Crawford, Christopher     12 Western Bran        23-03.50   22-10.50    8   
  3 Thomas, Joshua            12 Churchland          23-09.50   22-09.00    6   
  4 Moore, Rafael             11 Tallwood            23-06.25   22-06.00    5   
  5 Peterson, Anaquan         12 Lakeland            23-02.25   22-01.50    4   
  6 Burnett, Dezmund          12 Freedom             22-06.00   21-11.00    3   
  7 Hines, Romero             11 I.C. Norcom         22-05.00   21-10.50    2   
 8 Thomas-Brown, Michael     11 Mount Vernon        21-03.75   21-10.00    1 


Girls Triple Jump
Shakeela Saunders (Nansemond River) US #5 40'3.50"



Event 7  Girls Triple Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Saunders, Shakeela        12 Nansemond River       40-03.50   10   
  2 Peter, Carina             12 Herndon               39-07.75    8   
  3 Williams, Anna            11 Thomas Edison         39-04.50    6   
  4 Jones*, Janae             12 Clover Hill           38-08.00    5   
  5 Ellick, Tiffany           12 Western Branch        38-04.25    4   
  6 Lott, Leah                11 Landstown             37-01.75    3   
  7 Parks, Milan               9 Western Branch        37-01.00    2   
  8 Brown, Kristina           12 Thomas Edison         36-11.50    1   


Boys Triple Jump
Anaquan Peterson (Lakeland) US #19 47'5.50"



Boys Triple Jump
 Top 9 advance to finals
Nat'l Record: @ 52-07.50  1988        Keith Holley, Virginia Beach, VA         
AAA meet rec: #    50-09  1983        ROGER BENNETT, GAR-FIELD                 
BWSP facilit: $    50-01  2/28/2009   David Wilson, GW-Danville                
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Peterson, Anaquan         12 Lakeland            47-06.00   47-05.50   10   
  2 Hairston, Kwaneal         12 George Washi        43-01.00   46-06.25    8   
  3 Davis, Racheed            11 Ocean Lakes         46-01.00   46-00.50    6   
  4 Rogers, Christian         11 Manchester          46-10.75   45-08.00    5   
  5 evans, jabari             12 First Coloni        44-10.25   45-07.50    4   
  6 Jenkins, Tyrone           12 West Potomac        46-04.00   45-05.50    3   
  7 Prince, David             11 Patrick Henr        45-10.75   45-03.00    2   
8 Little, Justin            12 Westfield           45-01.00   44-10.00    1


Girls Shot Put
Kiara Howell (Grassfield) US #7 46'1.25"



Event 5  Girls Shot Put 4 KG
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Howell, Kiara             12 Grassfield            46-01.25   10   
  2 Onyekwere, Chioma         12 James W. Robinson     41-07.25    8   
  3 Smith, Asia               12 Highland Springs      41-01.50    6   
  4 Campbell, Ashlyn          10 Patrick Henr          38-06.50    5   
  5 Williams, Shania          10 Patrick Henr          38-03.75    4   
  6 Edwards*, Logan           12 Cosby                 37-09.75    3   
  7 Crennel, Shanese          11 William Fleming       37-08.25    2   
  8 Rashid, Zakiya             9 Nansemond River       36-09.25    1   


Boys Shot Put
Taylor Frenia (Kempsville) US #9 59'7.50"



Boys Shot Put 12 LB
 Top 9 advance to finals
Nat'l Record: @ 77-02.75  2011        Ryan Crouser, Gresham, OR                
AAA meet rec: #    68-00  2/25/2011   ISAIAH SIMMONS, Woodbridge               
BWSP facilit: $    68-00  2/25/2011   Isaiah Simmons, Woodbridge               
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Frenia, Taylor            12 Kempsville          61-03.25   59-07.50   10   
  2 Johnson, Austin           12 Grassfield          58-07.00   57-06.50    8   
  3 Anderson, Jonathan        12 T.C. William        52-03.75   53-01.00    6   
  4 Cozens *, Paul            12 Douglas Free        53-04.00   52-01.50    5   
  5 Butler, Troy              12 Hickory             51-09.00   51-08.00    4   
  6 Stoner*, Ian              11 Deep Run            50-10.50   51-06.00    3   
  7 Davis, Jaga               11 Landstown           50-04.50   50-08.25    2   
8 Anderson, Jordan          12 Tallwood            54-05.00   50-02.25    1